- published: 16 Aug 2017
- views: 884
Immanuel Mifsud (born September 12, 1967) is a writer of poetry and prose, born in Paola, Malta. He was for a time involved in research theatre. He wrote six collections of short stories, six poetry collections, and also children stories.
In 2014 he was appointed Member of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Malta.
1991: Stejjer ta' Nies Koroh (Stories of Ugly People)
1993: Il-Ktieb tas-Sibt Filgħaxija (The Book for Saturday Night)
1999: Il-Ktieb tal-Maħbubin Midruba (The Book of Maimed Lovers)
2002: L-Istejjer Strambi ta' Sara Sue Sammut (Sara Sue Sammut's Strange Stories)
2005: Kimika (Chemistry)
2006: Happy Weekend (in English)
2008: Stejjer li ma kellhomx jinkitbu (Stories that should never have been written)
2010: Fl-Isem tal-Missier (u tal-Iben) (In the Name of the Father (and of the Son))
2014: Jutta Heim
1998: Fid-Dar ta' Clara (At Clara's)
2001: Il-Ktieb tar-Riħ u l-Fjuri (The Book of the Wind and Flowers)
2004: Polska-Slovensko (bilingual, Maltese-English)
2005: km (bilingual, Maltese-English)
2005: Confidential Reports (in English)
2007: Poland Pictures (in English)
2013: Penelopi Tistenna (Penelope Waits)
Immanuel (Hebrew עִמָּנוּאֵל meaning, "God with us"; also romanized Emmanuel, Imanu'el) is a Hebrew name which appears in chapters 7 and 8 of the Book of Isaiah as part of a prophecy of God's protection from rival kings during the life of Jeshurun. He is wound into the book, among descriptions of historical events and the future. In Judaism the name עמנואל ("Immanuel") is not applied to the messiah, as is done in Christianity.
The Isaiah passage and the name "Emmanuel" are cited in the Gospel of Matthew and applied to the virgin conception and birth of Jesus as the Messiah.
F'dan il-programm, Saviour Balzan jiddiskuti l-esperjenzi, l-ideat u l-opinjonijiet tal-kittieb u għalliem fl-universita, Immanuel Mifsud
Sixteenth episode of 'Xi qrajt dan l-aħħar?' - a four minute interview with Maltese authors, publishers, lecturers, illustrators etc about a book they've recently read. Immanuel Mifsud speaks about 'A History of Violence' by Robert Muchembled and 'A Wartime Diary of a Maltese Boy' by Laurence Mizzi. Interviews led by Antonella Axisa, airs every Monday on TVM before the 8:00pm news and brought to you by the National Book Council MALTA
Din hija l-intervista li saret minn Immanuel Mifsud lil Maria Grech Ganado nhar l-24 ta' Frar 2016 ġewwa l-Junior College. L-attività kienet organizzata mid-Dipartiment tal-Malti, JC.
The final Maintenant event to take place at the Poetry Parnassus was housed in the clore ballroom in the Southbank centre on July Sunday 1st 2012, as part of the International Poetry Festival. Six poets from across Europe - Gerdur Kristny, Immanuel Mifsud, Agnes Lehoczky, Donatas Petrosius, Nigar Hasan Zadeh and Ilya Kaminsky, all featured in the Maintenant interview series - performed their work to close out this remarkable festival.
Kitba ta' Immanuel Mifsud Qari ta' Ray Calleja Minn "Kieku d-Dinja kienet Maltija" Kelma Kelma Nota Nota ta' Awwissu 2015 Ħajr lil TVM
F'dan il-programm, Saviour Balzan jiddiskut l-futur tal-Partit Nazzjonalista wara ir-riżultat elettorali, mal-prentatur Peppi Azzopardi, l-eks editur tas-sunday times Lawrence Grech, u l-opinjonisti Jes Salina u Godrfrey Grima
Immanuel Mifsud discussed his career and read from his work in an event cosponsored with the Embassy of the Republic of Malta and supported by the Arts Council of Malta in New York. Speaker Biography: Immanuel Mifsud, a poet and a writer born in Malta in 1967, is the recipient of a number of awards, including the Malta National Award for Prose (2002, 2015), the Malta National Award for Poetry (2015), and the European Union Prize for Literature (2011). For transcript and more information, visit http://www.loc.gov/today/cyberlc/feature_wdesc.php?rec=7801
Immanuel Mifsud talks to Saviour Balzan on Reporter
Biex niċċelebraw l-għaxar edizzjoni tal-Festival Mediterranju tal-Letteratura ta' Malta, Inizjamed tippreżenta l-qari ta' għoxrin awtur u awtriċi mill-aktar edizzjonijiet riċenti tal-festival. Il-Festival Mediterranju tal-Letteratura ta' Malta tal-2015 ser isir il-Ħamis 27, il-Ġimgħa 28 u s-Sibt 29 ta' Awwissu 2015 fil-Forti Sant'Iermu, Il-Belt Valletta fit-8:00pm. Id-dħul huwa b'xejn. Bil-kollaborazzjoni ta': | Literature Across Frontiers | Malta Arts Fund | Heritage Malta | Fondazzjoni Valletta 2018 | Arts Council Malta | Għaqda tal-Malti – Università | The Fortress Builders | Aġenzija Żgħażagħ | Malta Tourism Authority | Centre for Slovenian Literature | Slovenian Book Agency | Reel Festivals Mużika: Silta minn ''Hush Money'' ta' Jes Psaila mill-album Jes Psaila. Muntaġġ tal-filmati...
Kelliema: Albert Borg, Manwel Mifsud, Immanuel Mifsud, Clifford Jo Żahra, Michael Spagnol, Albert Gatt, interventi mill-udjenza.
Ktieb ta' Immanuel Mifsud Ġabra ta’ Għanjiet għal dawk l-iljieli meta t-trabi ma jorqdux
Sixteenth episode of 'Xi qrajt dan l-aħħar?' - a four minute interview with Maltese authors, publishers, lecturers, illustrators etc about a book they've recently read. Immanuel Mifsud speaks about 'A History of Violence' by Robert Muchembled and 'A Wartime Diary of a Maltese Boy' by Laurence Mizzi. Interviews led by Antonella Axisa, airs every Monday on TVM before the 8:00pm news and brought to you by the National Book Council MALTA
Din hija l-intervista li saret minn Immanuel Mifsud lil Maria Grech Ganado nhar l-24 ta' Frar 2016 ġewwa l-Junior College. L-attività kienet organizzata mid-Dipartiment tal-Malti, JC.
Immanuel Mifsud talks to Saviour Balzan on Reporter
Immanuel Mifsud discussed his career and read from his work in an event cosponsored with the Embassy of the Republic of Malta and supported by the Arts Council of Malta in New York. Speaker Biography: Immanuel Mifsud, a poet and a writer born in Malta in 1967, is the recipient of a number of awards, including the Malta National Award for Prose (2002, 2015), the Malta National Award for Poetry (2015), and the European Union Prize for Literature (2011). For transcript and more information, visit http://www.loc.gov/today/cyberlc/feature_wdesc.php?rec=7801
The final Maintenant event to take place at the Poetry Parnassus was housed in the clore ballroom in the Southbank centre on July Sunday 1st 2012, as part of the International Poetry Festival. Six poets from across Europe - Gerdur Kristny, Immanuel Mifsud, Agnes Lehoczky, Donatas Petrosius, Nigar Hasan Zadeh and Ilya Kaminsky, all featured in the Maintenant interview series - performed their work to close out this remarkable festival.
F'dan il-programm, Saviour Balzan jiddiskut l-kampanja elettorali 2017, mal-prentatur Karl Stagno Navarra, l-Content Editor tal-Malta Inedependent Pierre Portelli, l-Editur ta' l-Orizzont Josef Caruana u n-News Editor ta' Net TV Fabian Demicoli
RejectsTV in association with Viking Media interviewing Sakis from Rotting Christ http://www.rejects.com.mt http://www.vikingmedia.eu
F'dan il-programm, Saviour Balzan jiddiskuti l-Elezzjoni Ġenerali, t-temi u id-diskorsi ikkuluriti mal-kandidat Nazzjonalista Salvu Mallia. Fit-tieni parti tal-programm, Gorg Mallia u Carmen Sammut jiddiskutu l-impatt tal-midja u l-midja soċjali f'din l-elezzjoni
Pour être au plus prêt de votre équipe, abonnez-vous ! http://bit.ly/1gGJvT1 Les U19 de l’AS Monaco se sont imposés 1-2 face à Leverkusen. Ils terminent 2es de leur groupe et accèdent à la phase suivante de la Youth League. Inside vestiaire ! Bienvenue sur la chaîne officielle de l'AS Monaco. Pour votre plus grand bonheur, retrouvez chaque semaine plusieurs vidéos : inside, entraînement, interviews... Suivez-nous sur: Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1haLiLu Twitter: https://twitter.com/ASMFC_MONACO Instagram: http://instagram.com/asmonacofc_officiel Site: www.asmonacofc.mc
F'dan il-programm, Saviour Balzan jiddiskuti l-elezzjoni għal Deputat Mexxej tal-Partit Laburistam lat-tlett kandidati għall-istess elezzjoni - Il-Ministru Chris Fearne, il-Ministru Helena Dalli u l-Ministru Edward Scicluna
Maria Grech Ganado’s “Relazzjoni is presented by Lyanne Mifsud and Nicky Aquilina. Decadence is the main theme for this production, which is wonderfully captured by Mifsud and Aquilina in their visual interpretation of Grech Ganado’s poem. This idea of excessive indulgence is portrayed through scenes involving everyday life that come to a climax, driven by tone and temperament. The film follows a cyclic ideology, taking the viewer back to the starting point. This will be the fourth time that Valletta 2018 will be involved in the Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival. In collaboration with Inizjamed, Valletta 2018 offers the opportunity for artists to collaborate and create across a spectrum of different artistic disciplines and media with the element of poetry providing young artists n...
F'dan il-programm, Saviour Balzan jiddiskut l-futur tal-Partit Nazzjonalista wara ir-riżultat elettorali, mal-prentatur Peppi Azzopardi, l-eks editur tas-sunday times Lawrence Grech, u l-opinjonisti Jes Salina u Godrfrey Grima
First episode of 'Xi qrajt dan l-aħħar?' - a four minute interview with Maltese authors, publishers, lecturers, illustrators etc about a book they've recently read. Walid Nabhan speaks about 'La Bidu, La Tmiem' by Alfred Sant Interviews led by Antonella Axisa, airs every Monday on TVM before the 8:00pm news and brought to you by the National Book Council MALTA
Washington Post Fiction Editor Ron Charles conducts an in-depth interview with poet Edward Hirsch. For transcript, captions, and more information, visit http://www.loc.gov/today/cyberlc/feature_wdesc.php?rec=6341