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What is the Baha'i Faith?
Baha'is in Iran
Iran president on Baha'is at UN press conference
stuff baha'is say
BBC Persian Screening - The Baha'is of Iran
Bahais in My Backyard - Part 1 of Full Interview
Afghan Religious TV Personality Defends Iranian Baha'is
Baha'is in Iran — Бахаи в Иране (2010 г.)
20/20 TV show on the persecution of Iran Baha'is originally aired in 1983
Persecution - Dedicated to the Baha'is in Iran


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What is the Baha'i Faith?
  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:54
  • Updated: 17 Aug 2013

What is the Baha'i Faith?

What is Baha'i? Various Baha'is explain Baha'i teachings & history.
  • published: 19 Feb 2007
  • views: 77456
  • author: joel smith is the Baha'i Faith?
Baha'is in Iran
  • Order:
  • Duration: 26:27
  • Updated: 15 Aug 2013

Baha'is in Iran

A Documentary by BBC's Kasra Naji on Bahai's in Iran in Persian with English subtitles. مستند بهائی‌ها در ایران - مستندی از کسری ناجی و بی بی سی فارسی با زیر...
  • published: 08 Jan 2013
  • views: 4393
  • author: Kasra Naji'is in Iran
Iran president on Baha'is at UN press conference
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:31
  • Updated: 29 Jul 2013

Iran president on Baha'is at UN press conference

At a UN press conference on Tuesday, September 25, 2007, the president of Iran skirted a question from a Voice of America reporter who asked how the governme... president on Baha'is at UN press conference
stuff baha'is say
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:51
  • Updated: 07 Aug 2013

stuff baha'is say

a parody of stuff [insert race and stereotype] say. baha'i humor at its best. Directed by Laheeb Quddusi, Written by Ashkon Ataee, Laheeb Quddusi, Taeed Qudd...
  • published: 25 Feb 2012
  • views: 23687
  • author: quddusi baha'is say
BBC Persian Screening - The Baha'is of Iran
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:23:17
  • Updated: 10 Aug 2013

BBC Persian Screening - The Baha'is of Iran

28/06/2011 - The Q&A; session following the Screening The films producers; Kasra Naji, Special Correspondent BBC Persian and Rozita Riazati, producer for Worl... Persian Screening - The Baha'is of Iran
Bahais in My Backyard - Part 1 of Full Interview
  • Order:
  • Duration: 56:09
  • Updated: 12 Apr 2013

Bahais in My Backyard - Part 1 of Full Interview

Baha'is in My Backyard - Full Interview with Belfilms, Israel. 2.4 hours. Given the US Federal Court decisions ruling three times against the Haifan Baha'i d... in My Backyard - Part 1 of Full Interview
Afghan Religious TV Personality Defends Iranian Baha'is
  • Order:
  • Duration: 31:15
  • Updated: 18 Dec 2013

Afghan Religious TV Personality Defends Iranian Baha'is

شخصیت مذهبی افغانستان در دفاع از حقوق بهائیان ایران Afghan religious TV personality defends Iranian Baha'is basic human rights & speaks on minority rights from an Islamic perspective. A program of Mr. Mahmood Waseeq (Tafahoom/Bargasht) on Zarin TV.
  • published: 18 Dec 2013
  • views: 1962 Religious TV Personality Defends Iranian Baha'is
Baha'is in Iran — Бахаи в Иране (2010 г.)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 26:27
  • Updated: 24 Oct 2013

Baha'is in Iran — Бахаи в Иране (2010 г.)

Документальный фильм о Вере Бахаи и гонениях, которым подвергаются Бахаи в Иране в настоящее время. Фильм снят в 2010 году. A Documentary by BBC's Kasra Naji on Bahai's in Iran in Persian with English subtitles. مستند بهائی‌ها در ایران - مستندی از کسری ناجی و بی بی سی فارسی با زیر نویس انگلیسی.
  • published: 24 Oct 2013
  • views: 19'is in Iran — Бахаи в Иране (2010 г.)
20/20 TV show on the persecution of Iran Baha'is originally aired in 1983
  • Order:
  • Duration: 16:23
  • Updated: 15 Aug 2013

20/20 TV show on the persecution of Iran Baha'is originally aired in 1983

20/20 TV show on the persecution of Iran Baha'is originally aired in 1983. Ramna Mahmoudi (she prefers the name Mona) is one of the Baha'is interviewed in th...
  • published: 20 Jul 2012
  • views: 3650
  • author: joel smith TV show on the persecution of Iran Baha'is originally aired in 1983
Persecution - Dedicated to the Baha'is in Iran
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:06
  • Updated: 23 Jul 2013

Persecution - Dedicated to the Baha'is in Iran

My grandparents were imprisoned for being Bahais and on many occasions were pressured to recant their faith. My great uncle was tortured, blinded in one eye,... - Dedicated to the Baha'is in Iran
  • Order:
  • Duration: 32:05
  • Updated: 18 Aug 2013


There's over 5 million Baha'is in 200 countries. Imagine a religion started in the 19th century that tries to combine many religions & then say it has the on...
  • published: 06 Mar 2013
  • views: 2431
  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:45
  • Updated: 09 Aug 2013


The Iranian government's long term strategy to destroy the Bahá'í community without bringing undue international attention was cruelly outlined in a secret 2...
  • published: 27 Jun 2006
  • views: 79522
  • author: papi joon BAHAIS QUESTION?
Bahais in My Backyard - trailer
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:06
  • Updated: 18 Jun 2013

Bahais in My Backyard - trailer

Documentary, 54 min. A Belfilms Production Directed by Naama Pyritz & Asaf Shafir World peace, no less, is what the Bahai faith wants - a widespread and myst...
  • published: 25 Apr 2010
  • views: 2658
  • author: BelfilmsLTD in My Backyard - trailer
Bahais In Iran
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:01
  • Updated: 28 Jun 2013

Bahais In Iran

Bahais are denied access to higher education in Iran, based on belief. This is religious discrimination, and this injustice is still happening.
  • published: 20 May 2013
  • views: 125
  • author: TheSeaQuill In Iran
  • What is the Baha'i Faith?
    What is the Baha'i Faith?
  • Baha'is in Iran
    Baha'is in Iran
  • Iran president on Baha'is at UN press conference
    Iran president on Baha'is at UN press conference
  • stuff baha'is say
    stuff baha'is say
  • BBC Persian Screening - The Baha'is of Iran
    BBC Persian Screening - The Baha'is of Iran
  • Bahais in My Backyard - Part 1 of Full Interview
    Bahais in My Backyard - Part 1 of Full Interview
  • Afghan Religious TV Personality Defends Iranian Baha'is
    Afghan Religious TV Personality Defends Iranian Baha'is
  • Baha'is in Iran — Бахаи в Иране (2010 г.)
    Baha'is in Iran — Бахаи в Иране (2010 г.)
  • 20/20 TV show on the persecution of Iran Baha'is originally aired in 1983
    20/20 TV show on the persecution of Iran Baha'is originally aired in 1983
  • Persecution - Dedicated to the Baha'is in Iran
    Persecution - Dedicated to the Baha'is in Iran
  • Bahais in My Backyard - trailer
    Bahais in My Backyard - trailer
  • Bahais In Iran
    Bahais In Iran

What is the Baha'i Faith?

What is Baha'i? Various Baha'is explain Baha'i teachings & history.
  • published: 19 Feb 2007
  • views: 77456
  • author: joel smith

What is the Baha'i Faith?
What is Baha'i? Var­i­ous Baha'is ex­plain Baha'i teach­ings & his­to­ry....
pub­lished: 19 Feb 2007
au­thor: joel smith
Baha'is in Iran
A Doc­u­men­tary by BBC's Kasra Naji on Bahai's in Iran in Per­sian with En­glish sub­ti­tles. مس...
pub­lished: 08 Jan 2013
au­thor: Kasra Naji
Iran pres­i­dent on Baha'is at UN press con­fer­ence
At a UN press con­fer­ence on Tues­day, Septem­ber 25, 2007, the pres­i­dent of Iran skirt­ed a q...
pub­lished: 27 Sep 2007
stuff baha'is say
a par­o­dy of stuff [in­sert race and stereo­type] say. baha'i humor at its best. Di­rect­ed by ...
pub­lished: 25 Feb 2012
au­thor: qud­dusi
BBC Per­sian Screen­ing - The Baha'is of Iran
28/06/2011 - The Q&A; ses­sion fol­low­ing the Screen­ing The films pro­duc­ers; Kasra Naji, Spec...
pub­lished: 01 Aug 2012
Ba­hais in My Back­yard - Part 1 of Full In­ter­view
Baha'is in My Back­yard - Full In­ter­view with Belfilms, Is­rael. 2.4 hours. Given the US Fed...
pub­lished: 24 May 2012
Afghan Re­li­gious TV Per­son­al­i­ty De­fends Ira­ni­an Baha'is
شخصیت مذهبی افغانستان در دفاع از حقوق بهائیان ایران Afghan re­li­gious TV per­son­al­i­ty defen...
pub­lished: 18 Dec 2013
Baha'is in Iran — Бахаи в Иране (2010 г.)
Документальный фильм о Вере Бахаи и гонениях, которым подвергаются Бахаи в Иране в настоящ...
pub­lished: 24 Oct 2013
20/20 TV show on the per­se­cu­tion of Iran Baha'is orig­i­nal­ly aired in 1983
20/20 TV show on the per­se­cu­tion of Iran Baha'is orig­i­nal­ly aired in 1983. Ramna Mah­mou­di ...
pub­lished: 20 Jul 2012
au­thor: joel smith
Per­se­cu­tion - Ded­i­cat­ed to the Baha'is in Iran
My grand­par­ents were im­pris­oned for being Ba­hais and on many oc­ca­sions were pres­sured to r...
pub­lished: 11 Jul 2009
There's over 5 mil­lion Baha'is in 200 coun­tries. Imag­ine a re­li­gion start­ed in the 19th ce...
pub­lished: 06 Mar 2013
au­thor: CAn­swer­sTV
The Ira­ni­an gov­ern­ment's long term strat­e­gy to de­stroy the Bahá'í com­mu­ni­ty with­out brin­gi...
pub­lished: 27 Jun 2006
au­thor: papi joon
Ba­hais in My Back­yard - trail­er
Doc­u­men­tary, 54 min. A Belfilms Pro­duc­tion Di­rect­ed by Naama Pyritz & Asaf Shafir World pe...
pub­lished: 25 Apr 2010
au­thor: Belfilm­sLTD
Ba­hais In Iran
Ba­hais are de­nied ac­cess to high­er ed­u­ca­tion in Iran, based on be­lief. This is re­li­gious d...
pub­lished: 20 May 2013
au­thor: The­SeaQuill
Youtube results:
Ah­madine­jad on Ba­hais
Ira­ni­an Pres­i­dent Mah­moud Ah­madine­jad an­swers ques­tions hand­ed in by au­di­ence at the end o...
pub­lished: 25 Sep 2007
au­thor: shir­in­hedaa
Per­se­cu­tion of Baha'is in Iran "Crime of the Cen­tu­ry"
Per­se­cu­tion of Baha'is in Iran "A new crime of the cen­tu­ry". Con­gress­man Kirk speaks on th...
pub­lished: 03 Aug 2008
au­thor: us­ba­hais
Pueblo Gi­tano : Los 10 man­damien­tos y los 10 Pre­cep­tos Ba­hais de los Gi­tanos - Doc­u­men­to en español
Bahá'ís :Una Co­mu­nidad Mundi­al Fun­da­da hace un siglo y medio, la Fe Bahá'í es hoy en día u...
pub­lished: 07 Mar 2013
au­thor: Sol Lewit
H.​Res.134 sup­port­ing the Baha'is of Iran, Dec 31, 2012
The "fis­cal cliff" bill was not the only vote Congress made yes­ter­day. A truly bi­par­ti­san ...
pub­lished: 03 Jan 2013
au­thor: mper­ry9
photo: AP / The Seattle Times, Lindsey Wasson, Pool
A demolished house sits in the mud on Highway 530, Sunday, March 23, 2014 the day after a giant landslide occurred near Oso, Wash.
Edit Yahoo Daily News
23 Mar 2014
ARLINGTON, Wash ... Because of the quicksand-like mud, authorities said it was too dangerous to send rescuers into the stricken area. Searchers instead flew over the one-square-mile mudslide in helicopters, looking for signs of life ... View gallery ... One neighborhood "is not there anymore," Hots said ... "There is a full scale, 100 percent aggressive rescue going on right now," said Inslee, who proclaimed a state of emergency....(size: 5.5Kb)
photo: AP / Ng Han Guan
A relative of a Chinese passenger aboard the Malaysia Airlines MH370, cries after being told the latest update in Beijing, China, Monday, March 24, 2014. A new analysis of satellite data indicates the missing Malaysia Airlines plane crashed into a remote corner of the Indian Ocean, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak said Monday. The news is a major breakthrough in the unprecedented two-week struggle to find out what happened to Flight 370, which disappeared shortly after takeoff from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 239 passengers and crew aboard on March 8.
Edit Longview News Journal
24 Mar 2014
The news is a major breakthrough in the unprecedented two-week struggle to find out what happened to Flight 370, which disappeared shortly after takeoff from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 239 passengers and crew aboard on March 8 ... "It is therefore with deep sadness and regret that I must inform you that, according to this new data, Flight MH370 ended in the southern Indian Ocean."....(size: 3.6Kb)
photo: AP / Manu Fernandez
Real Madrid's Cristiano Ronaldo, from Portugal, left scores against FC Barcelona's Mascherano during a Spanish La Liga soccer match a at the Camp Nou stadium in Barcelona, Spain, Saturday, April 21, 2012.
Edit The Independent
22 Mar 2014
Messi is currently third in the all-time league scoring charts with 233. Telmo Zarra leads the way with 252 and Ronaldo is currently only 14th on the list, although he didn’t start playing in Spain until he was 24 ... Iniesta will play a similar role for the Catalans, with his similar stats of two goals and six assists this term not exactly catching the eye but Barca’s experienced No.8 is the man that sets the tone for his side....(size: 9.6Kb)
photo: US Navy / MCS2 Eric A. Pastor
A Sailor assigned to Patrol Squadron (VP) 46 prepares to launch a P-3C Orion before its mission to assist in search and rescue operations for Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, 17 March, 2014.
Edit Sued Deutsche
22 Mar 2014
Mit Flugzeugen und Schiffen suchen die Einsatzkräfte im Indischen Ozean nach Wrackteilen der verschwundenen Boeing 777-200. Die Mission ist alles andere als einfach - was nicht nur daran liegt, dass der Suchkorridor Tausende Kilometer vom Festland entfernt ist. Würden Sie als Notfallpsychologe denn versuchen, den Angehörigen Hoffnung zu machen?. Auf keinen Fall ... Da brauchen sie eigentlich noch keinen Psychologen ... zur Startseite ... 22 ... ....(size: 5.9Kb)
photo: US Navy / MCS2 Eric A. Pastor
Naval Aircrewman Operator 1st Class Robert Pillars, an acoustic systems operator attached to Patrol Squadron (VP) 16, searches the water for debris on a P-8A Poseidon during a mission to assist in search and rescue operations for Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 March 20, 2014.
Edit Khaleej Times
24 Mar 2014
The move was taken to ensure that black box detection can start “as quickly as possible” after confirmed debris is found, it said. The 30-day signal from the black box is due to fail in less than two weeks ... “We have to remember that Air France 447 took two years to find and this is a more challenging region where the environment is much, much harsher....(size: 5.4Kb)

Edit Seattle Post
23 Mar 2014
The event, which will be held on the evening of Tuesday, March 25, is entitled “Enlightening Youth in the Pursuit of Universal Peace and Coexistence,” and features two prominent speakers ... Radhika Nanwani, B.D.S., former Medical Officer of the Dental Department of Punjab Association, will discuss the Baha’i contribution to universal peace and harmony ... “Our vision is that the earth is but one country and mankind its citizens....(size: 2.7Kb)
Edit San Francisco Chronicle
23 Mar 2014
The event, which will be held on the evening of Tuesday, March 25, is entitled “Enlightening Youth in the Pursuit of Universal Peace and Coexistence,” and features two prominent speakers ... Radhika Nanwani, B.D.S., former Medical Officer of the Dental Department of Punjab Association, will discuss the Baha’i contribution to universal peace and harmony ... “Our vision is that the earth is but one country and mankind its citizens....(size: 2.7Kb)
Edit Asia Times
21 Mar 2014
The vast majority, he said, were from ethnic minorities such as Kurds, Baloch and Baha'is ... Diane Ala'i, of the Baha'i International Community, an international NGO representing members of the Baha'i faith, says the persecution of Baha'is is engrained in the constitution that recognizes only three religious minorities - Christians, Jews and Zoroastrian ... Today 136 Baha'is are in prison only because they are Baha'is....(size: 6.9Kb)
Edit Sun Star
21 Mar 2014
KINAHANGLAN ang kaigmat aron makabawos sa mga nalingaw og pahipi sa ilang pamikat. Kapoy gyod kaayo kon pabiling matanggong sa puol nga pagpiyong. Tan-awa ra, pananglitan, kanang nahago sa duwa nga tago-tago. Asa pangitaon ang mga kanahan aron sila masakpan?. Maningkamot gyod bisan pa’g mangapkap sa kangit­ngit ... Makapalutaw sa pangagpas, makalupad sa pang­lantaw ... Kapugngan pa’y baha, apan nungka ang paghigayon sa patigayon....(size: 2.5Kb)
Edit The Examiner
21 Mar 2014
The detailed report finds Iran has continued to imprison Christians for their faith and designated house churches and evangelical Christians as "threats to national security.” At least 49 Christians were among 307 religious minorities being held in Iranian jails as of January 2014, noted the UN, which also blasted the regime for its hostility to Jews, Bahais, Zoroastrians and Dervish Muslims, the UN report stated....(size: 5.0Kb)
Edit Sun Star
20 Mar 2014
Felomina sa lungsod sa Kapalong ... Mga barangay nga apektado mao ang Sta ... Ang ahensiya nakatala og 3,248 ka pamilya nga apektado sa baha ... Si Davao del Norte Governor Rodolfo Del Rosario sayong miaktibar sa Incident Command System aron makaresponde sa kalamidad sama sa baha. Subay niini, ang Rapid Damage Needs Assessment team gitahasan na sab nga subayon, ug ipahibawo ang danyos sa baha ... ....(size: 2.0Kb)
Edit Fox News
20 Mar 2014
The detailed report finds Iran has continued to imprison Christians for their faith and designated house churches and evangelical Christians as "threats to national security.” At least 49 Christians were among 307 religious minorities being held in Iranian jails as of January 2014, noted the UN, which also blasted the regime for its hostility to Jews, Bahais, Zoroastrians and Dervish Muslims, the UN report stated....(size: 6.0Kb)
Edit PR Newswire
19 Mar 2014
Unlike Christian, Jews and Zoroastrians, Baha'is are not protected under Iran's constitution, and therefore have "no rights of any sort." Manocha noted that Iranian courts often rule that people who attack Baha'is "are not liable, because Baha'is are unprotected infidels." ... In choosing this path, Manocha said, the Baha'is have so far avoided "providing the authorities with a pretext for a full-scale, genocidal assault."....(size: 3.1Kb)
Edit noodls
19 Mar 2014
The Faith Direct initiative was organised by the council and Wandsworth Multi Faith-Group and brought together speakers from local Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Baha'i, Humanist and Buddhist communities ... Rouse (Balham Baptist Church) Shanta Chellappoo and Naz Knight (Baha'i), Sara Passmore (British Humanist Association) and Imam Gangat (Balham Mosque and Al-Risalah Education Trust)....(size: 3.0Kb)
Edit The Washington Post
19 Mar 2014
The ritual is part of the buildup to the Persian New Year, known as Naw-Ruz, which begins Thursday (March 20) ... The holiday marking the vernal equinox is steeped in springtime symbols of rebirth and renewal ... in what is present-day Iran ... While mostly a secular holiday, Naw-Ruz has managed to encourage pluralism in Iran, which is overwhelmingly Shiite but also includes Christians, Bahais, Zoroastrians and others....(size: 5.3Kb)
Edit Stockhouse
19 Mar 2014
Their platform, based solely on the selling of the Company at any price, is reckless and weakens the Company's hand in negotiations with counterparties. It is illustrative of how little experience and value discipline Kerrisdale and its team possess, and how removed they are from considering what is in the best interest of all stockholders....(size: 6.2Kb)
Edit noodls
19 Mar 2014
Their platform, based solely on the selling of the Company at any price, is reckless and weakens the Company's hand in negotiations with counterparties. It is illustrative of how little experience and value discipline Kerrisdale and its team possess, and how removed they are from considering what is in the best interest of all stockholders ... The issuer is solely responsible for the accuracy of the information contained therein....(size: 6.8Kb)
Edit Sun Sentinel
18 Mar 2014
Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Baha'is ... Topics have ranged from perspectives on violence to efforts at peace ... ....(size: 0.6Kb)

The Bahá'í Faith (play /bəˈh/) is a monotheistic religion founded by Bahá'u'lláh in 19th-century Persia, emphasizing the spiritual unity of all humankind. There are an estimated five to six million Bahá'ís around the world in more than 200 countries and territories.

In the Bahá'í Faith, religious history is seen to have unfolded through a series of divine messengers, each of whom established a religion that was suited to the needs of the time and the capacity of the people. These messengers have included Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad - as well as figures from extra-Abrahamic traditions such as Zoroaster, Krishna, and the Buddha. For Baha'is, the most recent messengers are the Báb and Bahá'u'lláh. In Bahá'í belief, each consecutive messenger prophesied of messengers to follow, and Bahá'u'lláh's life and teachings fulfilled the end-time promises of previous scriptures. Humanity is understood to be in a process of collective evolution, and the need of the present time is for the gradual establishment of peace, justice and unity on a global scale.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -á'í_Faith

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