
Why do the French hate Americans?
A short film about cultural differences between French and Americans....
published: 19 May 2013
author: anafilms
Why do the French hate Americans?
Why do the French hate Americans?
A short film about cultural differences between French and Americans.- published: 19 May 2013
- views: 1083
- author: anafilms

StereoTypes Paris - Do the French Get a Bad Rap?
Why do people perpetuate stereotypes about French culture? Why are the French sometimes co...
published: 23 Mar 2013
author: iamOTHER
StereoTypes Paris - Do the French Get a Bad Rap?
StereoTypes Paris - Do the French Get a Bad Rap?
Why do people perpetuate stereotypes about French culture? Why are the French sometimes construed as being rude, arrogant, unclean, and anti-American? Stereo...- published: 23 Mar 2013
- views: 52369
- author: iamOTHER

StereoTypes Paris - French African vs. African American?
What's it like to be a black person in France? What's the immigrant experience for people ...
published: 17 Mar 2013
StereoTypes Paris - French African vs. African American?
StereoTypes Paris - French African vs. African American?
What's it like to be a black person in France? What's the immigrant experience for people of African descent? StereoTypes host Ryan Hall hits the streets of Paris to find out. Watch more StereoTypes here: http://bit.ly/O0jE79 Subscribe to i am OTHER on YouTube to stay updated on our releases: http://bit.ly/IAO_subscribe Videos, news and more: http://www.iamOTHER.com Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/iamOTHER Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/i_am_OTHER i am OTHER: Executive Producer - Pharrell Williams General Manager - Caron Veazey Creative Director - Mimi Valdés Executive Producer - Robin Frank Associate Producer - Bethany Gould Assistant Producer - Alexandra DePersia Digital Marketing - Aviva Yael i am OTHER Motion Graphics by Syndrome- published: 17 Mar 2013
- views: 210270

Travel Paris: People Watching at a Cafe
Sonia Gil sits at a cafe in Paris to see Parisians going about their life. See new travel ...
published: 19 Oct 2011
author: soniastravels
Travel Paris: People Watching at a Cafe
Travel Paris: People Watching at a Cafe
Sonia Gil sits at a cafe in Paris to see Parisians going about their life. See new travel adventures w/Sonia every Thursday: http://bit.ly/SoniasTravelsYT Pe...- published: 19 Oct 2011
- views: 65842
- author: soniastravels

Shit French People in London say
Shit French People in London Say - Les Français de Londres sont parfois un peu lost in tra...
published: 07 Jun 2012
author: MeardStreetProd
Shit French People in London say
Shit French People in London say
Shit French People in London Say - Les Français de Londres sont parfois un peu lost in translation Merci à Berty Claire Emilie Fabienne Julie Ray Guest star ...- published: 07 Jun 2012
- views: 46063
- author: MeardStreetProd

Can French People Speak English ? (The Accent TAG)
http://www.BonjourLovelies.com Les réseaux sociaux : Twitter : https://twitter.com/Bonjour...
published: 01 Mar 2013
author: Anaelle BonjourLovelies
Can French People Speak English ? (The Accent TAG)
Can French People Speak English ? (The Accent TAG)
http://www.BonjourLovelies.com Les réseaux sociaux : Twitter : https://twitter.com/BonjourLovelies Instagram : @BonjourLovelies Facebook : http://www.faceboo...- published: 01 Mar 2013
- views: 21307
- author: Anaelle BonjourLovelies

Are French people nice? Yes!
Are French people nice to tourists? I just arrived in Paris and asked a French girl for di...
published: 10 May 2011
author: FabulousLivingCoach
Are French people nice? Yes!
Are French people nice? Yes!
Are French people nice to tourists? I just arrived in Paris and asked a French girl for directions to Notre Dame from Rue St. Michel. French people have a re...- published: 10 May 2011
- views: 94354
- author: FabulousLivingCoach

Stereotypes on French people part 1
stereotypes on french people in in american movies....
published: 09 May 2008
author: Landryzefrenchy
Stereotypes on French people part 1
Stereotypes on French people part 1
stereotypes on french people in in american movies.- published: 09 May 2008
- views: 100705
- author: Landryzefrenchy

WWYD? - Rude & Annoying Redneck Americans Harassing French People In Paris!
Great news everyone! The show is coming back in 2014!! my guess is it won't be until near ...
published: 12 Jan 2014
WWYD? - Rude & Annoying Redneck Americans Harassing French People In Paris!
WWYD? - Rude & Annoying Redneck Americans Harassing French People In Paris!
Great news everyone! The show is coming back in 2014!! my guess is it won't be until near the end of spring shows since they need time to do the scenarios and edit etc.....or maybe perhaps even in april or may but they are taking suggestions now on their facebook page! head over there and suggest your scenario now!! They are actually listening!! but don't make it stupid cause that never works. https://www.facebook.com/wwyd I'm slowly re-uploading the old scenarios now.. but it won't be all at once. maybe several on today but a few the next etc...until it's all back to normal :( In this scenario we witness a couple of stereotypical hillbilly americans spending their vacation abroad in a foreign country..France to be exact and they bring their rude, crude and annoying behaviour with them to the french people...but how will these people react to their outgoing personality?- published: 12 Jan 2014
- views: 460

Ethnic Cleansing Of French People by Muslims
Translation Courtesy of vladtepesblog report made on 07 féb 2013 broadcast on france 2 htt...
published: 16 Feb 2013
author: DontBendOverForAllah
Ethnic Cleansing Of French People by Muslims
Ethnic Cleansing Of French People by Muslims
Translation Courtesy of vladtepesblog report made on 07 féb 2013 broadcast on france 2 http://vladtepesblog.com/?p=59465 The following news report from Frenc...- published: 16 Feb 2013
- views: 2020
- author: DontBendOverForAllah

Describing People in French
This video presents basic French words and phrases used to describe people. It covers frie...
published: 24 May 2011
author: Kylie Hicken
Describing People in French
Describing People in French
This video presents basic French words and phrases used to describe people. It covers friends, some family vocabulary, and students. Adjectives include basic...- published: 24 May 2011
- views: 8767
- author: Kylie Hicken

Jo Koy - French People
Jo Koy: Dont Make Him Angry....
published: 21 Feb 2013
author: D1RTM3RCH4NT
Jo Koy - French People
Jo Koy - French People
Jo Koy: Dont Make Him Angry.- published: 21 Feb 2013
- views: 57282
- author: D1RTM3RCH4NT

Vlog 112: French People Trying to Speak English
Overall, I think that they did very well for not having a native English speaker with whom...
published: 10 Oct 2013
Vlog 112: French People Trying to Speak English
Vlog 112: French People Trying to Speak English
Overall, I think that they did very well for not having a native English speaker with whom to practice on a daily basis. Just by listening to music and watching television, along with their schooling they were able to comprehend the basics. My level of comprehension and speaking of the French language is about the same as their level of comprehension and speaking of the English language. Looking at it afterward, I think that I answered their question to me about "college" wrong. College in France is middle school for us, so I was supposed to tell them the middle school that I went to when i was their age and not my current university. Their question was "dans quel collège tu étudiais (l'imparfait - a french past tense)" and I answered "j'étudie (present tense) à bordeaux 3." The correct answer is "J'étudiais à Steven Decatur Middle School." Comment, like and subscribe!- published: 10 Oct 2013
- views: 368

Do You Hear The People Sings - French version - Miserables
Un Pays , une Terre , une Nation , et une Histoire qui n'a pas besoin d'être légendaire po...
published: 24 Apr 2010
author: ROME59
Do You Hear The People Sings - French version - Miserables
Do You Hear The People Sings - French version - Miserables
Un Pays , une Terre , une Nation , et une Histoire qui n'a pas besoin d'être légendaire pour être glorieuse !- published: 24 Apr 2010
- views: 158756
- author: ROME59
Vimeo results:

Le Mont, La Pluie et La Nuit: The beauty of Le Mont St Michel
2013 regrade with FILM CONVERT
10% off code bloom or via this link gopb.co/filmconvert
published: 24 Dec 2011
author: Philip Bloom
Le Mont, La Pluie et La Nuit: The beauty of Le Mont St Michel
2013 regrade with FILM CONVERT
10% off code bloom or via this link gopb.co/filmconvert
Shot on a PRE-PRODUCTION Canon C300 and Canon DSLRs for timelapse. Read more on my review page here: http://philipbloom.net/?p=16444
Remember this is a web compressed and graded image. Do not judge image final image quality from this. Download the mp4 as it will be better...
Filmed at Le Mont St Michel in Normadie, France on two freezing cold miserable days!
Music by Claude Debussy, Nuages from Nocturne
Huge thanks to James Miller and Sarah Estela for their help on this and to all the lovely French people who came along too!

72h in Naples, '09
Find us at http://menilmonde.com
Follow us http://twitter.com/menilmonde
French tr...
published: 04 Jul 2009
author: Claire&Max;
72h in Naples, '09
Find us at http://menilmonde.com
Follow us http://twitter.com/menilmonde
French trip of 72 hours in Naples (Italia).
You can see Pompei, Capri Island and 2 french people very crazy.
It's in 3'41.
72 heures à Naples, à faire les fous à Pompei et Capri.
Le jacuzzi sur le toit de l'hôtel était la cerise sur le gâteau!
Ca se passe en 3'41.
Zou, enjoyez!!
Music by Lilicub - Voyage en Italie

Don't fuck with french people
Image Stanislas Liban
Modèle Jessie Inchauspe
T-Shirt Chez Michel Clothing
Music Bigfoot ...
published: 22 Oct 2012
Don't fuck with french people
Image Stanislas Liban
Modèle Jessie Inchauspe
T-Shirt Chez Michel Clothing
Music Bigfoot beats

Griffin Post Chamonix POV
Some pow, some air, and a lot of french people...
published: 01 Apr 2010
author: griffin post
Griffin Post Chamonix POV
Some pow, some air, and a lot of french people
Youtube results:

What to do when French people respond in English when you try to practise your French
What to do when French people respond in English when you try to practise your French...
published: 04 Jul 2013
What to do when French people respond in English when you try to practise your French
What to do when French people respond in English when you try to practise your French
What to do when French people respond in English when you try to practise your French- published: 04 Jul 2013
- views: 1

Shit French People Say - American Parigot
Robert, the French Parigot, brings you typical french expressions. Robert, l'American Pari...
published: 29 Jan 2012
author: French Fried TV
Shit French People Say - American Parigot
Shit French People Say - American Parigot
Robert, the French Parigot, brings you typical french expressions. Robert, l'American Parigot, vous révèle ses expressions françaises préférées. Aimez Robert...- published: 29 Jan 2012
- views: 115280
- author: French Fried TV

Funny Video - What do French people think about American Politics - Bush Parody
This is my first youtube video, and the first time I use the annotation tools. Hope it's n...
published: 14 Jul 2011
author: ethaneveraldo
Funny Video - What do French people think about American Politics - Bush Parody
Funny Video - What do French people think about American Politics - Bush Parody
This is my first youtube video, and the first time I use the annotation tools. Hope it's not too bad and that you enjoy the video! =] I translated it myself.- published: 14 Jul 2011
- views: 10889
- author: ethaneveraldo

Speak english in french! Funny!!
Asking for english people in France! Haha funny!...
published: 05 May 2007
author: inkivistor
Speak english in french! Funny!!
Speak english in french! Funny!!
Asking for english people in France! Haha funny!- published: 05 May 2007
- views: 360051
- author: inkivistor