Earth's Most Endangered Small Wild Cats
This is a brief compilation video, including some of earth's most endangered small wild ca...
published: 23 Apr 2012
author: SHIBweb
Earth's Most Endangered Small Wild Cats
Earth's Most Endangered Small Wild Cats
This is a brief compilation video, including some of earth's most endangered small wild cats: the clouded leopard, the sand cat, the fishing cat, Pallas's ca...- published: 23 Apr 2012
- views: 6932
- author: SHIBweb
Iriomote cat sighting
It was next to the road..and it was just a coincidence!! One of the most endangered wild c...
published: 20 Jul 2010
author: Yamanekoman
Iriomote cat sighting
Iriomote cat sighting
It was next to the road..and it was just a coincidence!! One of the most endangered wild cat species on Earth!! Around 100 individuals are thought to exist o...- published: 20 Jul 2010
- views: 6191
- author: Yamanekoman
Iriomote cat conservation
Please help the Iriomote cat!! Please call the Ministry of the Environment or send them an...
published: 04 Sep 2010
author: Yamanekoman
Iriomote cat conservation
Iriomote cat conservation
Please help the Iriomote cat!! Please call the Ministry of the Environment or send them an email (Tel.:03-3581-3351 https://www.env.go.jp/en/moemail/ ) reque...- published: 04 Sep 2010
- views: 2583
- author: Yamanekoman
イリオモテヤマネコ Iriomote wild cat
西表島の野生動物保護センターのモニターです This is one of the protected wild animal'Iriomote wild cat'. They ar...
published: 01 Mar 2008
author: Monica A
イリオモテヤマネコ Iriomote wild cat
イリオモテヤマネコ Iriomote wild cat
西表島の野生動物保護センターのモニターです This is one of the protected wild animal'Iriomote wild cat'. They are only about 100 in the world (they only live in Iriomote Island, J...- published: 01 Mar 2008
- views: 38501
- author: Monica A
Azumanga - Killer Cat!
Everybody rushes over to Chiyo's house after Tomo voices concerns that Sakaki's Iriomote C...
published: 30 Jul 2008
author: cortexiphan
Azumanga - Killer Cat!
Azumanga - Killer Cat!
Everybody rushes over to Chiyo's house after Tomo voices concerns that Sakaki's Iriomote Cat might eat Tadakichi-san. XD (Hope you guys understood that!)- published: 30 Jul 2008
- views: 25152
- author: cortexiphan
Iriomote Island Base "Save the Iriomote Cat 's Life"
published: 30 Oct 2013
Iriomote Island Base "Save the Iriomote Cat 's Life"
Iriomote Island Base "Save the Iriomote Cat 's Life"
イリオモテヤマネコの交通事故防止啓発動画 イリオモテヤマネコは、現在西表島に100頭前後生息していると推定されている野生のネコです。日本では特別天然記念物に指定され、絶滅危惧IA類(環境省レッドリスト:現存種の中でもっとも絶滅の恐れが高い)なっています。 そんな状況の中、交通事故により毎年平均して2~3頭のイリオモテヤマネコが犠牲となっています。2013年に至っては10月末時点ですでに6件の交通事故が発生し、5頭の死亡が確認されています(1頭は怪我したまま山へ逃げる)。 今年になって西表島が変わったことは・・・観光客の増加です。2013年3月に新石垣空港が開港し、この夏以降顕著な観光客増加が起こり、西表島は昼夜を問わずレンタカーがウロウロしています。 去年までは、西表島の夜の道を走る車はほとんどいない環境でした(島の生活はそれで自然とのバランスがある程度とれていました。)が、今年は夜間のレンタカーの走行が目立ちます。"やまねこ探し"か何なのかわかりませんが、レベルの低い観光は一刻も早くやめてください。 夜はレンタカーで外出しない!昼間も車の運転は法定速度以下厳守! 様々な意見があるとは思いますが、西表島の住人として、またネイチャーガイドとして、そしてかつて生物学者を志した人間として、今何も声をあげないのはヤマネコを車でひき逃げするのと同じ罪だと思い、保護活動に力を注いでいく決意です。 西表島ベース 所長 兼 俺の西表、山だ屋 代表 YAMADA KEIZO http://orenoirimote.com- published: 30 Oct 2013
- views: 7
Iriomote cat excrement search and cow encounter!
Me and my friend Lucas, while going after the trail of the ever elusive Iriomote cat, pass...
published: 22 Dec 2010
author: Yamanekoman
Iriomote cat excrement search and cow encounter!
Iriomote cat excrement search and cow encounter!
Me and my friend Lucas, while going after the trail of the ever elusive Iriomote cat, passed by a cow pen. The owner or the kid´s owner was feeding his cows....- published: 22 Dec 2010
- views: 425
- author: Yamanekoman
Mr. Litchfield and the Iriomote Cat
Mr. Litchfield and the Iriomote Cat....
published: 02 Apr 2011
author: biconditionals
Mr. Litchfield and the Iriomote Cat
Mr. Litchfield and the Iriomote Cat
Mr. Litchfield and the Iriomote Cat.- published: 02 Apr 2011
- views: 115
- author: biconditionals
The Iriomote Wildcat
This is yet another science video. YouTube AudioSwap didn't have My Sweetheart so I used U...
published: 23 Feb 2010
author: ichigo1847
The Iriomote Wildcat
The Iriomote Wildcat
This is yet another science video. YouTube AudioSwap didn't have My Sweetheart so I used Unchained Melody.- published: 23 Feb 2010
- views: 1508
- author: ichigo1847
In search of the Iriomote Yamaneko
Searching for the indigenous wild cat on Japan's southern-most island chain, the Yaeyama's...
published: 17 Feb 2008
author: jerryinjapan
In search of the Iriomote Yamaneko
In search of the Iriomote Yamaneko
Searching for the indigenous wild cat on Japan's southern-most island chain, the Yaeyama's.- published: 17 Feb 2008
- views: 2502
- author: jerryinjapan
Iriomotes wild Cat Ryuji
published: 27 Jul 2012
author: Tabineko Iriomote
Iriomotes wild Cat Ryuji
Small Wild Cats (Felis).
Music is Mirotic by TVXQ. - Small Wild Cats (Felis genus) is one of 4 Modern Cat Genus, Fe...
published: 05 Jul 2013
author: Tam Duong
Small Wild Cats (Felis).
Small Wild Cats (Felis).
Music is Mirotic by TVXQ. - Small Wild Cats (Felis genus) is one of 4 Modern Cat Genus, Felis genus had many cat species is the best, they're all small wil...- published: 05 Jul 2013
- views: 226
- author: Tam Duong
Youtube results:
Terere en Iriomote
Simulando un programa televiso japones les convide a varios estudiantes universitarios un ...
published: 11 Oct 2009
Terere en Iriomote
Terere en Iriomote
Simulando un programa televiso japones les convide a varios estudiantes universitarios un sobro (o mas) del Terere!!!!!!!!!!!!- published: 11 Oct 2009
- views: 148