ADDIS ABABA — Ethiopia's capital Addis Ababa could fall within "months if not weeks", an Oromo group allied with Tigrayan rebels told AFP Wednesday, as the fighters advanced southwards ...The government has denied claims of TPLF territorial gains which, if confirmed, would represent a major strategic advance ... Image. Section. World Display Lead for.
The Pentagon announced on Thursday it had received approval for a potential sale of $650 million worth of air-to-air missiles to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia... .
TASHKENT -- Sergei grew up in Namangan, the eastern Uzbek city where Islamic traditions persisted despite decades of atheist Soviet rule ... "I never thought they'd be back." ... SEE ALSO. Uzbekistan Holds Talks With Taliban On Trade, Energy, RailwayProjects ....
The Lebanese judge leading investigations into last year's Beirut port blast was forced to stop work Thursday over a lawsuit filed by an ex-minister he had summoned for interrogation ... .
BUDAPEST -- A top official in Hungary's governing party has confirmed for the first time that the government had bought spyware that was allegedly used to monitor journalists, lawyers, businesspeople, and opposition figures in dozens of countries around the world ...Opposition lawmakers are demanding a probe into the use of Pegasus ... ....
A team of Italian archaeologists exploring ruins connected to the legendary Neo-Assyrian Empire have discovered an ancient industrial wine press. Dating to approximately 700 BC, the remains of the wine press were found at an archaeological site known as Khanis, which is in the Duhok governate in the Kurdistan region of northern Iraq... Top image ... .
China is investing in, and expanding, the number of its land, sea and air-based nuclear delivery platforms and constructing the infrastructure necessary to support this major expansion of its nuclear forces, it said on Wednesday in a Congressionally mandated report, amidst tense ...
Police forces in England and Wales have recorded the highest number of rapes and the second highest number of sexual offences in a 12-month period, figures show ... They included 17,285 between April and June – the highest quarterly figure ... He added ... Most Read ... .
AP-Yonhap ...National Security Bureau Director-General Chen Ming-tong did not say how he knew that such a move had been debated or why it would not happen during the next few years ... "Frankly speaking, they have internally debated this before," Chen said, referring to China but without elaborating or mentioning when such a discussion occurred ... (Reuters).