Aramaic - Syria
December 2008 In a remote village nestled in Syrias picturesque Oalamoun mountains, reside...
published: 15 Dec 2008
author: Journeyman Pictures
Aramaic - Syria
Aramaic - Syria
December 2008 In a remote village nestled in Syrias picturesque Oalamoun mountains, resides a small Aramaic community. It is one of the last and it is devote...- published: 15 Dec 2008
- views: 282866
- author: Journeyman Pictures
Aramaic - the most beautiful language in the world
Aramaic is the most beautiful language in the world and we Arameans can be proud. Aramaic,...
published: 12 May 2010
author: ArameansIraq
Aramaic - the most beautiful language in the world
Aramaic - the most beautiful language in the world
Aramaic is the most beautiful language in the world and we Arameans can be proud. Aramaic, one of the oldest language in the world, spoken by Jesus , Moses a...- published: 12 May 2010
- views: 58123
- author: ArameansIraq
The Lord's Prayer in Aramaic
Discover and learn the Lord's Prayer in it's original Aramaic version, the language that J...
published: 17 Jan 2013
author: wayofmastery
The Lord's Prayer in Aramaic
The Lord's Prayer in Aramaic
Discover and learn the Lord's Prayer in it's original Aramaic version, the language that Jeshua (Jesus) spoke. Aramaic is a language of vibration, and the pr...- published: 17 Jan 2013
- views: 4452
- author: wayofmastery
01 Aramaic Language Lessons and Grammar Course for the Palestinian Talmud Personal Pronouns
https://sites.google.com/site/medrashetshayyim/ This video is a Jewish Studies resource is...
published: 02 Jul 2013
author: Medrash EtsHaim
01 Aramaic Language Lessons and Grammar Course for the Palestinian Talmud Personal Pronouns
01 Aramaic Language Lessons and Grammar Course for the Palestinian Talmud Personal Pronouns
https://sites.google.com/site/medrashetshayyim/ This video is a Jewish Studies resource is provided to you free of charge from the Medrash Ets Haim and was c...- published: 02 Jul 2013
- views: 31
- author: Medrash EtsHaim
The Language Of Jesus: Hebrew or Aramaic?
As a Bible student, you have probably noticed that in some translations in Acts Paul is sa...
published: 16 May 2012
author: Doug Hamp
The Language Of Jesus: Hebrew or Aramaic?
The Language Of Jesus: Hebrew or Aramaic?
As a Bible student, you have probably noticed that in some translations in Acts Paul is said to have spoken Hebrew while speaking to the crowd in the Temple ...- published: 16 May 2012
- views: 6410
- author: Doug Hamp
The Passion of the Christ: Pharisees condemn Jesus (Aramaic)
From The Passion of the Christ....
published: 20 Sep 2009
author: deliandiver
The Passion of the Christ: Pharisees condemn Jesus (Aramaic)
The Passion of the Christ: Pharisees condemn Jesus (Aramaic)
From The Passion of the Christ.- published: 20 Sep 2009
- views: 18737
- author: deliandiver
The Universal Language
The first lecture in The Universal Language series looks at how a language may become a li...
published: 09 Jun 2011
author: DalarnaUniversity
The Universal Language
The Universal Language
The first lecture in The Universal Language series looks at how a language may become a lingua franca. Part 2: http://youtu.be/eFQlNNgZc8o Part 3: http://you...- published: 09 Jun 2011
- views: 15475
- author: DalarnaUniversity
The Aramaic languages, by Father Yakup Aydin
Image & sound France: Baptiste Etchegaray Image & sound Turkey: Jean-Claude Luyat Editing:...
published: 25 Apr 2011
author: SorosoroTV
The Aramaic languages, by Father Yakup Aydin
The Aramaic languages, by Father Yakup Aydin
Image & sound France: Baptiste Etchegaray Image & sound Turkey: Jean-Claude Luyat Editing: Caroline Laurent Learn more: http://www.sorosoro.org/en/the-aramai...- published: 25 Apr 2011
- views: 3351
- author: SorosoroTV
The Syro-Aramaic Reading of the Quran
From Wikipedia: Christoph Luxenberg is the pseudonym of the author of The Syro-Aramaic Rea...
published: 15 Nov 2009
author: AtheistMediaDotCom
The Syro-Aramaic Reading of the Quran
The Syro-Aramaic Reading of the Quran
From Wikipedia: Christoph Luxenberg is the pseudonym of the author of The Syro-Aramaic Reading of the Koran: A Contribution to the Decoding of the Language o...- published: 15 Nov 2009
- views: 31010
- author: AtheistMediaDotCom
Aramaic 'an endangered language'
The common language in the time of Jesus, Aramaic, is now so endangered the written versio...
published: 04 Apr 2010
author: theworldvideos1
Aramaic 'an endangered language'
Aramaic 'an endangered language'
The common language in the time of Jesus, Aramaic, is now so endangered the written version has become practically extinct. Now the only place left in the wo...- published: 04 Apr 2010
- views: 3855
- author: theworldvideos1
Syrian village clings to Aramaic language - 25 Dec 07
As Christians around the world mark the birth of Jesus Christ, for one Syrian village the ...
published: 25 Dec 2007
author: AlJazeeraEnglish
Syrian village clings to Aramaic language - 25 Dec 07
Syrian village clings to Aramaic language - 25 Dec 07
As Christians around the world mark the birth of Jesus Christ, for one Syrian village the day has a little extra significance. Maaloula is one of very few pl...- published: 25 Dec 2007
- views: 74443
- author: AlJazeeraEnglish
The Aramaic Language comes back to life "Close Captioned"
The Aramaic Language comes back to life To view subtitles, press the CC buttoen located at...
published: 11 Jun 2012
author: PNNEnglish
The Aramaic Language comes back to life "Close Captioned"
The Aramaic Language comes back to life "Close Captioned"
The Aramaic Language comes back to life To view subtitles, press the CC buttoen located at the lower end of the Youtube player.- published: 11 Jun 2012
- views: 4458
- author: PNNEnglish
aramaic bible translation by a native
Aramaic is my native language. Ancient Aramaic is the language of the Scriptures. It's tho...
published: 25 Mar 2012
author: aramaicbible
aramaic bible translation by a native
aramaic bible translation by a native
Aramaic is my native language. Ancient Aramaic is the language of the Scriptures. It's thousands of years old. I've had to learn how to pronounce this langua...- published: 25 Mar 2012
- views: 2784
- author: aramaicbible
Lord's Prayer in the Ancient Aramaic language
This is a recitation of the Lord's Prayer by the Bible translator Victor Alexander. it is ...
published: 22 Jul 2011
author: aramaicbible
Lord's Prayer in the Ancient Aramaic language
Lord's Prayer in the Ancient Aramaic language
This is a recitation of the Lord's Prayer by the Bible translator Victor Alexander. it is in the Galilean dialect, with transliteration and translation in En...- published: 22 Jul 2011
- views: 11303
- author: aramaicbible
Youtube results:
الكنيسة المسيحية الالكترونية تقدم سلسلة تعلم السريانية الدرس الاول.
تعليم اللغة السريانية الآرامية بالفيديو - الدرس الأول.
الكنيسة المسيحية الالكترونية على ا...
published: 04 Dec 2013
الكنيسة المسيحية الالكترونية تقدم سلسلة تعلم السريانية الدرس الاول.
الكنيسة المسيحية الالكترونية تقدم سلسلة تعلم السريانية الدرس الاول.
تعليم اللغة السريانية الآرامية بالفيديو - الدرس الأول. الكنيسة المسيحية الالكترونية على الفيس بوك، تقدم: دروس تعليم اللغة السريانية الآرامية من انتاجها، مع اللفظ بثلاثة لغات السريانية الآرامية، العربية والإنكليزية. Syriac Aramaic, Arabic and English الدرس الاول: الأحرف والحركات The Electronic Christian church on Facebook Presents series of Syriac Aramaic language education With pronunciation in three languages: Syriac Aramaic, Arabic and English The Letters and Accents =============== بصوت احد رهبان دير مار افرام السرياني بدمشق تصوير ومونتاج الربان انطونيوس لحدو =============== ملاحظة: انتجنا هذا العمل بحسب امكانيتنا المحدودة في الاخراج والتصوير لفائدة رواد كنيستنا المسيحية الالكترونية المحبين للغة السريانية التي تكلم بها الرب يسوع المسيح وامه القديسة مريم العذراء ورسلة الاطهار. ننتظر تعليقاتكم وملاحظاتكم لتطوير هذا العمل. صلواتكم. لمتابعتنا وللاطلاع على كل جديد زوروا موقعنا على الفيس بوك لإبداء أعجابكم: https://www.facebook.com/AlknystAlmsyhytAlalktrwnyt?ref=hl- published: 04 Dec 2013
- views: 280
لغة سريانية الدرس الرابع: الأحرف
سلسلة تعليم اللغة السريانية الآرامية الجزء 4
تابع درس الاحرف
الدرس ا...
published: 17 Dec 2013
لغة سريانية الدرس الرابع: الأحرف
لغة سريانية الدرس الرابع: الأحرف
سلسلة تعليم اللغة السريانية الآرامية الجزء 4 تابع درس الاحرف ================راجع: الدرس الثالث الضمائر https://www.facebook.com/AlknystAlmsyhytAlalktrwnyt/posts/624690990921582 الدرس الثاني تابع درس الاحرف https://www.facebook.com/AlknystAlmsyhytAlalktrwnyt/posts/622904977766850 الدرس الاول الأحرف والحركات https://www.facebook.com/AlknystAlmsyhytAlalktrwnyt/posts/621432351247446 ============= انتاج الكنيسة المسيحية الالكترونية على الفيس بوك للاطلاع وليصلك كل جديد اضف موقعنا عندك https://www.facebook.com/AlknystAlmsyhytAlalktrwnyt- published: 17 Dec 2013
- views: 61
تعلم اللغة السريانية الآرامية بالفيديو الجزء الثاني: الاحرف
تعلم اللغة السريانية الآرامية بواسطة الفيديو
الدرس الثاني: الأحرف السريانية
الكنيسة المس...
published: 08 Dec 2013
تعلم اللغة السريانية الآرامية بالفيديو الجزء الثاني: الاحرف
تعلم اللغة السريانية الآرامية بالفيديو الجزء الثاني: الاحرف
تعلم اللغة السريانية الآرامية بواسطة الفيديو الدرس الثاني: الأحرف السريانية الكنيسة المسيحية الالكترونية على الفيس بوك، تقدم: دروس تعليم اللغة السريانية الآرامية من انتاجها، مع اللفظ بثلاثة لغات السريانية الآرامية، العربية والإنكليزية. Syriac Aramaic, Arabic and English The Electronic Christian church on Facebook Presents series of Syriac Aramaic language education With pronunciation in three languages: Syriac Aramaic, Arabic and English The Letters part 2 - راجع الدرس الاول الاحرف والحركات: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkHsXYuR4WM&feature;=youtu.be لمتابعتنا وللاطلاع على كل جديد زوروا موقعنا على الفيس بوك لإبداء أعجابكم: https://www.facebook.com/AlknystAlmsyhytAlalktrwnyt?ref=hl- published: 08 Dec 2013
- views: 289
Syriac aramaic, the most beautifull language in the world...
Syriac aramaic, the most beautifull language in the world...made for the unity of all syri...
published: 15 Oct 2011
author: Ahridium777
Syriac aramaic, the most beautifull language in the world...
Syriac aramaic, the most beautifull language in the world...
Syriac aramaic, the most beautifull language in the world...made for the unity of all syriacs(Arameans,Assyrians,Chaldeans,Maronites..ecc)- published: 15 Oct 2011
- views: 17507
- author: Ahridium777