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Success stories

Success stories

If you've found a spark on RSVP, we'd love to hear it! Please send it to us and we'll feature it below.

ss lee anne

Thanks to RSVP I met the guy of my dreams

I sent this guy a kiss and a couple of hours later he replied with "I'm interested". I happened to be online at the time when he did reply, so I took the chance and sent him a chat request... Read more

ss peter and kelly taylor

We Knew we were meant to be from the first phone call!

Peter sent me a kiss in June 2012 and then the fun began! Read more

ss anita and mike pavey j

He is my best friend, partner in crime and work, my true love!

Saturday March 1st 2014 was my 10 year Wedding Anniversary to Mike. It started with a 'kiss' on RSVP... Read more

ss john stella

Now we are planning our wedding day

After a few phone calls we decided to met up and I knew right away that she was the one... Read more

ss jared and cathrine jp

Best thing that has ever happened to me!

When we met for the first time we just connected. Been happy in love ever since... Read more

ss mal

I sent her a kiss and she responded...

I decided to have a quick look at my matches for the day... and came across an amazing girl with the cutest smile.
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ss georgie and garry

He is my happily ever after story

I was skeptical at first but I am now a believer. I met him recently, but it seems like we have known each other our entire lives... Read more

ss tamara ross

We knew we were right for each other from the beginning!

We love each moment we spend together and can talk about things we have never told anybody else. Read more

ss angela paul

When we finally met 2 months later, it was love at first sight!

Although we lived in different states, our romance blossomed through hours of phone calls... Read more

ss tegan daimon

He had noticed I viewed his page and sent me a kiss... that is where it all began!

I was scurrying nervously through the crowd searching for his face - and at last, there he was with the smile I had fallen in love with... Read more


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