Aerial Hearing Test with a Spotted Seal (Tunu)
Tunu, a young male spotted seal (Phoca largha), participates in a signal detection task at...
published: 01 Jan 2013
author: PinnipedLab
Aerial Hearing Test with a Spotted Seal (Tunu)
Aerial Hearing Test with a Spotted Seal (Tunu)
Tunu, a young male spotted seal (Phoca largha), participates in a signal detection task at 1600 Hz in our noise-attenuating, aerial hearing chamber. This typ...- published: 01 Jan 2013
- views: 2670
- author: PinnipedLab
Underwater Hearing Test with a Spotted Seal (Amak)
One of our resident spotted seals, Amak, performs an underwater hearing test at 800 Hz in ...
published: 01 Jan 2013
author: PinnipedLab
Underwater Hearing Test with a Spotted Seal (Amak)
Underwater Hearing Test with a Spotted Seal (Amak)
One of our resident spotted seals, Amak, performs an underwater hearing test at 800 Hz in quiet conditions. Amak is helping us to collect the first documente...- published: 01 Jan 2013
- views: 1472
- author: PinnipedLab
The exercise of the wind instrument.Spotted Seal.ゴマフアザラシの楽器を吹く練習。
The exercise of the wind instrument.Spotted Seal.ゴマフアザラシの楽器を吹く練習。 Shinagawa aquarium.しながわ水...
published: 08 Sep 2012
author: shijimaitazawa
The exercise of the wind instrument.Spotted Seal.ゴマフアザラシの楽器を吹く練習。
The exercise of the wind instrument.Spotted Seal.ゴマフアザラシの楽器を吹く練習。
The exercise of the wind instrument.Spotted Seal.ゴマフアザラシの楽器を吹く練習。 Shinagawa aquarium.しながわ水族館。 ネットのしじま(いたざわしじま公式blog) http://kuzukago.exblog.jp/ どうぶつの赤ちゃん htt...- published: 08 Sep 2012
- views: 39
- author: shijimaitazawa
Masked Underwater Hearing Test with a Spotted Seal (Amak)
Amak, a young male spotted seal (Phoca largha), undergoes a masked underwater hearing test...
published: 01 Jan 2013
author: PinnipedLab
Masked Underwater Hearing Test with a Spotted Seal (Amak)
Masked Underwater Hearing Test with a Spotted Seal (Amak)
Amak, a young male spotted seal (Phoca largha), undergoes a masked underwater hearing test at 400 Hz. This type of testing allows us to explore how increasin...- published: 01 Jan 2013
- views: 1721
- author: PinnipedLab
서울 동물원 -점박이 물범 Spotted Seal
서울 동물원 -점박이 물범 Spotted Seal
- 동물원설명
우리나라에서는 서해안 백령도 에서 볼수 있어요
몸이 작은 점들이 불규칙적으로 많아 점박이 물...
published: 12 Nov 2013
서울 동물원 -점박이 물범 Spotted Seal
서울 동물원 -점박이 물범 Spotted Seal
서울 동물원 -점박이 물범 Spotted Seal - 동물원설명 우리나라에서는 서해안 백령도 에서 볼수 있어요 몸이 작은 점들이 불규칙적으로 많아 점박이 물범이라고 불러요 물범들은 뒷발을 앞으로 구부릴수 없어서 땅 위에서 움직일때는 앞발을 주로 이용해요. 천연기념물 331호 먹는것: 물고기 , 오징어,문어,갑각류 사는곳: 우리나라 서해 ~ 러시아 베링해까지의 연안 ...- published: 12 Nov 2013
- views: 68
Youtube results:
ゴマフアザラシのシズちゃん Shizu the Spotted Seal in Higashiyama zoo.
彼女は、名古屋の東山動物園の「シズ」ちゃんです。 去年の夏に、東山動物園に行ったときに録画したビデオです。 シズちゃんは、飼育員さんの合図で、ぐるぐる回ってたです。 彼女のつぶらな...
published: 22 Jan 2012
ゴマフアザラシのシズちゃん Shizu the Spotted Seal in Higashiyama zoo.
ゴマフアザラシのシズちゃん Shizu the Spotted Seal in Higashiyama zoo.
彼女は、名古屋の東山動物園の「シズ」ちゃんです。 去年の夏に、東山動物園に行ったときに録画したビデオです。 シズちゃんは、飼育員さんの合図で、ぐるぐる回ってたです。 彼女のつぶらな瞳は、とても可愛いです。 She is "Shizu" in "Higashiyama zoo" in Japan. I video-...- published: 22 Jan 2012
- views: 65
Webkinz Spotted Seal
Yep.... I told musicislife798about this webkin and since she got to put the peace puppy up...
published: 26 Jan 2010
author: penfrog
Webkinz Spotted Seal
Webkinz Spotted Seal
Yep.... I told musicislife798about this webkin and since she got to put the peace puppy up first i wanted to do this one...but she isnt in a good mood today ...- published: 26 Jan 2010
- views: 695
- author: penfrog