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Updated March 13, 2014 - 12:27 AM EDT
White House Withholds Torture Docs From Senate
  CIA Emails Reveal Tension Over Terrorism Probe
Most Americans Oppose Sanctions on Russia
  Ukraine President Won't Intervene in Crimea, But Obama Will
  Senate Panel Seeks to Impose 'Tough Sanctions' on Russia
  Militia Squeezes Out Ukraine's Remaining Links to Crimea
  Belarus: Russia to Send More Planes in Response to NATO Drills
Israel Vows 'No Restraint,' Pounds Gaza Strip
  Jordan Parliament: Expel Israeli Envoy or We'll Topple Govt
Senators Lament 'Lost Interest' in Afghan War
  US Commander: Victory Means Afghan 'Democracy' Survives
  Release of Afghan Prisoners Exposes Root of Rift With US
  UN: US Drone Strikes Down in Pakistan, But Soaring in Afghanistan
NSA Prepares Malware for 'Millions' of Computers
  NSA Has Been Hijacking the Botnets of Other Hackers
  Utah Senate Passes Bill to Ban Warrantless Data, 28-0
US Drone Strike Kills 3 in Yemen
At Gitmo, Obama Tortures Too
47 Killed, 33 Wounded in Ongoing Iraq Attacks
The Ukraine, the War Party and the Pentagon's Swamp of Waste  by David Stockman
The Blurred Line Between Cops and Soldiers  by Lucy Steigerwald
The Feinstein Syndrome: 'Fourth Amendment for Me, Not for Thee'  by Norman Solomon
A Rivalry of Government Hackers  by Andrew P. Napolitano
Push for New Cold War Seems to Stall  by Scott McConnell
The Business of America Is Giving Countries Like Ukraine the Business  by JP Sottile

More Viewpoints

The US War on Words
Secretive Pentagon Think Tank Knows No Bounds
Lockerbie: Al Jazeera Documentary Claims Iran Link
Pentagon Officials: We Need More Base Closures
Chambliss Breaks With Feinstein on CIA Allegations
Iranian Coffee Lovers Flock to New Wave of Cafes
Spying on Everyone
Volunteers in Metadata Study Called Gun Stores, Strip Clubs, and More
Rep. Ruppersberger Proposes Replacing NSA Bulk Collection With Phone Company Alerts
Web Inventor Tim Berners-Lee Calls for Digital 'Magna Carta'
The War at Home
US May Lose Clout at IMF Due to Refusal to OK Reform: Lew
GAO Says Border Technology Plan May Be $700-Million Waste
Female TSA Agents Being Held Back From Promotions
Pakistani Army to Follow Civilian Govt's Policy in Fight Against Terror
Pakistan Peace Talks Committee Restructured
Army: Avalanche Kills 4 Soldiers in North Pakistan
Russia Can't Thwart Afghan War Drawdown, US Commander Says
Afghan Group Says It Killed Swedish Journalist
Canadian Military Involvement in Afghanistan Formally Ends
US Hits 'Provocative' China Move on Philippine Ships
South Korea Spy Chief Takes Heat in Forged Spy Case
Egypt 'Destroys 1,370 Gaza Smuggling Tunnels', Says Army
Egypt Says Two Brotherhood Members Arrested in the Gulf
American Journalist's Personal Essay: Behind Bars in Egypt
Ousted Libyan PM Flees Country After Tanker Escapes Rebel-Held Port
Libya Leader Orders Rebels to End Oil Terminal Blockade
US Rebukes Sudan Over Darfur Violence, Wants More From Troops
UN: 100,000 Have Fled Darfur Fighting in 6 Weeks
El Salvador
Salvadoran Military Stays Out of Election Dispute
Ukraine's Interim Leader Seeks Aid in Washington
Deal on Ukraine Elusive on Hill
Obama Gives Ukraine Full Backing as Stand-Off Hardens
G7 Warns Russia on 'Annexing' Crimea
Air Links Are Severed as Russia Tightens Its Grip on Crimean Peninsula
Crimea's Tatars Brace for Russian Annexation
Russia Editor Fired in Ukraine Row
Kiev Rabbi Plays Down Neo-Nazi Threat From Ukrainian Nationalists
Japan Calls for Russia to Open Crimea Talks With Ukraine
Kerry: Trust Between Israel, Palestinians at All-Time Low
Israel Ends Ultra-Orthodox Military Service Exemptions
Israel's Apology for an All-Too-Common-Death: It's Different When It's Jordan
Israeli FM Calls for Full Conquest of Gaza
47 Killed, 33 Wounded in Ongoing Iraq Attacks
UAE Summons Iraq Envoy Over 'Terrorism' Claim
Sunni Tribal Leaders Say Fight for Fallujah Is Part of a Revolution
Middle East
Iran and Russia Discuss New Nuclear Deal
Syria's Assad Signs New Visa Law for Arabs
Tens of Thousands Mourn Turkey Protest Teen's Death
UN: Claim of Captive Saudi Princesses Received
US Military
Navy Disqualifies 151 Sailors After Sex Assault Review
Debate Over Military Sexual Assaults Far From Over
Air Force to Eliminate Nearly 500 Aircraft
3 Shot Dead During Unrest in Central Venezuela
Venezuelan Capital Square Becomes Battleground Nightly
Read more

Justin Raimondo
What Color is Ukraine's 'Color Revolution'?

Ivan Eland
Putin's Ultimate Solution for Ukraine May Be the Best

Kelley B. Vlahos
Brother Karzai Leaves Election, Joins Another Ticket

Philip Giraldi
Selling a Mossad Book

Nebojsa Malic
Ukraine, Bosnia on Pyres of Empire

David R. Henderson
Rand’s Stand

Ran HaCohen
Purim and Genocidal Phantasies

Charles V. Peña
Cyberwar for Me but Not for Thee

Additional Contributors
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