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You can tell how good a newspaper is from the enemies it keeps. The Australian wrote a sneering dismissal of the new Saturday Paper, launched last weekend, and used its ultimate insult by comparing the new paper to Green Left Weekly, calling GLW “ignorant, moralistic and simplistic”.

This is from a paper whose editorial line doubts the existence of climate change, claims locking up refugees in offshore detention centres indefinitely is the more humane option and promotes a “user-pays” system in health care, education and welfare.

It attacks GLW, which it has previously named the “best known radical left newspaper in Australia”, because it campaigns for the opposite position on almost every issue. But if GLW was as... READ MORE

'Venezuela’s revolution has our solidarity still!'

March 5 marked one year since the death of Venezuelan president and revolutionary Hugo Chavez. An outspoken fighter for the oppressed in Venezuela and Latin America, the loss of Chavez is still felt keenly by socialists and anti-imperialists globally.

But the Bolivarian revolution that Chavez led is a mass movement of millions... READ MORE

Gender equality: Why aren’t we there yet?

March 8, 2014

In 21st century Australia we have not achieved gender equality. The wage gap between women and men is increasing, the number of women in poverty is growing, women’s reproductive rights are under attack, violence against women is on the increase, there is no marriage equality for LGBTIQ people and gender... READ MORE

Text of March 2014 Socialist Alliance broadsheet (download PDF here)

Tens of thousands of people gathered at vigils around Australia over the weekend of February 22 to 23 to protest the brutal killing of asylum seeker Reza Berati inside the... READ MORE

Socialist Alliance Victoria statement on the fire in the Hazelwood coal mine

1. Protect residents' health

The mine fire that has been burning since February 9 is an immediate and serious threat to the health of residents in Morwell and other towns in the vicinity of the Hazelwood mine.

Immediate health threats include:

Socialist Alliance statement February 19, 2014

Over the weekend of February 15-16, the socialist youth organisation Resistance merged into the Socialist Alliance of which it was previously an affiliate. Members of Socialist Alliance under 26 are now part of a new youth wing called “Resistance: Young Socialist Alliance”.

A transitional leadership of the new youth wing of... READ MORE

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by Dr. Radut