13 March 2014

After White House meeting with Ukrainian prime minister
Obama issues new threats against Russia

By Chris Marsden, 13 March 2014

The US has effectively taken operational control of the military activities of Ukraine’s neighbours.

More on the crisis in Ukraine »

Conflicting accounts of vanished Malaysia Airline Flight 370

By Peter Symonds, 13 March 2014

The lack of clarity is compounded by the competing interests at stake—including those of Malaysia Airlines, Boeing and the various governments involved.

At least three dead in Manhattan explosion blamed on gas leak

By Fred Mazelis, 13 March 2014

Ten people are still missing and 60 were injured in the massive explosion, which destroyed two apartment buildings. There are signs that aging infrastructure is to blame.

Obama peddles private health care to young people in web interview

By Andre Damon, 13 March 2014

President Barack Obama appeared in an episode of the comedy interview web series Between Two Ferns with Zach Galifianakis Tuesday in an effort to salvage the pro-corporate Obamacare program.

More on Obamacare »

Greek students face prosecution for protests

By Katerina Selin, 13 March 2014

Students in Greece protesting for the right to an education are facing prosecution and possible imprisonment.

Spanish government abolishes prosecutions under universal jurisdiction laws

By Alejandro López, 13 March 2014

As the result of a new Spanish law, dozens of investigations will be dropped into crimes against humanity, war crimes, genocide and torture.

Japanese government seeks to whitewash crimes against “comfort women”

By Ben McGrath, 13 March 2014

The Abe government has suggested it will revise the 1993 apology for the women and girls forced into sexual slavery by the Japanese military in the 1930s and 1940s.

Quebec: PQ welcomes right-wing billionaire as star candidate

By Laurent Lafrance, 13 March 2014

The emergence of the CEO who has served as the spokesman for the most voracious sections of big business as the champion of Quebec independence underscores the reactionary class character of the indépendantiste movement.

Republican wins special election in Florida

By Matthew MacEgan, 13 March 2014

Republican David Jolly narrowly defeated Democrat Alex Sink, due in part to Sink’s support for the Affordable Care Act and the Obama administration.

New in Russian

Украина, Соединенные Штаты и международное право

Джозеф Кишор, 13 марта 2014 г.

Планы крымских властей провести в воскресенье референдум о статусе полуострова стали мишенью для усиленных нападок со стороны администрации Обамы и ее европейских союзников на Россию. В регион направляются дополнительные военные силы, а различные правительства объявляют о новых антироссийских санкциях.

New in Portuguese

A mídia estadunidense intensifica propaganda ofensiva sobre a questão ucrania

Por Joseph Kishore e David North, 16 de março de 2014

Em coincidência com o golpe de direita na Ucrânia, organizado pelos Estados Unidos e pela União Europeia, a mídia americana tem assacado uma torrente inflamatória e belicosa direcionada contra a Rússia.

New in French

Qu’est-ce qui se cache derrière le bellicisme des médias allemands?

Par Peter Schwarz, 13 mars 2014

Deux semaines après que le président ukrainien Viktor Ianoukovitch a été chassé du pouvoir par des bandes fascistes armées, les médias allemands soutiennent quasi à l’unanimité le cap de la confrontation adopté par Berlin et Washington à l’égard de la Russie.

Ce que l’Union européenne avait dit en 2012 à propos de ses actuels alliés fascistes en Ukraine.

Par Alex Lantier, 13 mars 2014

Depuis le coup d’Etat survenu le mois dernier à Kiev, les médias américains et européens ont dénoncé les informations émanant de Russie et du reste du monde à propos de la présence et de l’activité des fascistes au sein du nouveau régime ukrainien soutenu par l’Occident.

Les syndicats français signent le “Pacte de responsabilité” du Parti socialiste

Par Kumaran Ira, 13 mars 2014

Les syndicats français collaborent avec le président Hollande pour imposer un programme d'austérité qui intensifie les attaques contre le niveau de vie des travailleurs.

Les quinze ans du WSWS: 1998-2013
Année passée en revue : 2009
Pourquoi je lis le WSWS: Courrier des lecteurs

New in German

Bundesregierung droht Russland mit neuen Sanktionen

Von Alex Lantier und Johannes Stern, 13. März 2014

Die Bundesregierung droht in der Ukraine-Krise mit einer Verschärfung der Strafmaßnahmen gegen Russland.

Ukraine: Oligarchen wieder am Ruder

Von Julie Hyland, 13. März 2014

Die Zusammensetzung der neu eingesetzten ukrainischen Regierung widerlegt drastisch die Behauptung, in dem Land habe eine “demokratische Revolution” stattgefunden.

Antisemitismus und Russische Revolution (1)

Von Clara Weiss, 13. März 2014

Eine historische Studie von Ulrich Herbeck beleuchtet die Geschichte des Antisemitismus in Russland vom Zarenreich bis zum Ende des Bürgerkriegs 1922.

Snowden: “Milliarden Unschuldige wurden rechtswidrig ausspioniert”

Von Robert Stevens, 13. März 2014

Am Freitag machte der ehemalige NSA-Mitarbeiter vor dem Bürgerrechtsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments eine vielsagende Aussage, der Guardian hat sie bisher jedoch nicht einmal erwähnt.

Griechenland: 21 Schüler unter Anklage

Von Katerina Selin, 13. März 2014

Im April müssen sich in Griechenland 21 Schüler wegen Teilnahme an einer Schulbesetzung vor Gericht verantworten.

Oskar-Preisverleihung 2014: Das Leben hier, die Filmindustrie dort

Von David Walsh, 13. März 2014

Die Oscar-Verleihung in Hollywood war eine weitere entsetzlich schwache Vorstellung der amerikanischen Filmindustrie, die kaum einen Reiz hatte, und keine Spuren oder Erkenntnisse hinterließ.

Veranstaltungen des Mehring Verlags auf der Leipziger Buchmesse
Europa im Krieg

Von unserem Korrespondenten, 12. März 2014

Der Mehring Verlag stellt am Samstag um 13:00 Uhr auf der Leipziger Buchmesse Trotzkis „Europa im Krieg“ vor und lädt um 16:30 Uhr zu einer Diskussion über die Kriegsgefahr in der Ukraine ein.

Other Languages


The CIA, the Senate and the breakdown of American democracy

13 March 2014

The public clash between the Senate and the CIA reflects the effective collapse of democratic forms of governance in the United States.

Earlier Perspectives »


David North to speak at the New School in NYC
The Unfinished Twentieth Century: The Philosophy and Politics of Historical Falsification

18 February 2014

At this public meeting, WSWS International Editorial Board Chairman David North will examine the philosophical premises and political impulses that find expression in the falsification of the history of the “unfinished” twentieth century. In particular, he will focus on disturbing tendencies in historiography in Germany, where leading historians are relativizing and legitimizing the crimes of Hitler’s Third Reich.

Crisis in Ukraine

What is behind the warmongering of the German media?

By Peter Schwarz, 12 March 2014

Ukraine, the United States and international law

By Joseph Kishore, 11 March 2014

More on the crisis in Ukraine »

The Bankruptcy of Detroit

Detroit emergency manager examines privatizing the water department

By James Brewer, 13 March 2014

Orr is exerting pressure to have a plan in place by the time of the bankruptcy hearing with the city’s creditors next month.

Reports to the Workers Inquiry
The rape of Detroit: Deindustrialization, financialization and parasitism

By Barry Grey, 28 February 2014

More on the bankruptcy of Detroit »

Socialist Equality Party

Mehring Books and SEP (Germany) hold two meetings at Leipzig Book Fair

13 March 2014

On March 15, Mehring Books will showcase Leon Trotsky’s work, Europe at War. Mehring Books and the German SEP are also sponsoring a second meeting on the relevance of Trotsky’s work to the danger of war and the crisis in Ukraine.

UK public meetings
Ukraine: The danger of fascism and war

SEP (Canada) meeting to oppose PQ’s chauvinist Charter, unite workers on socialist program

Socialist Equality Party public meeting in Melbourne
A global political strategy to defend car industry jobs


Senate Intelligence head accuses CIA of undermining US “constitutional framework”

By Barry Grey, 12 March 2014

Arts Review

Alain Resnais (1922-2014), a major figure in postwar filmmaking

By David Walsh, 12 March 2014

NSA Spying and the Defense of Edward Snowden

Snowden denounces global mass surveillance at SXSW festival

By Thomas Gaist and Barry Grey, 11 March 2014

More on NSA spying and the defense of Edward Snowden »


WSWS publishes interviews with children of the Left Opposition

By Fred Williams and Clara Weiss, 25 February 2014

The World Socialist Web Site is publishing interviews with three children of Soviet Left Oppositionists—Tatiana Smilga, Zorya Serebryakova and Yuri Primakov—and with Tatiana Isaeva, granddaughter of the outstanding Marxist literary critic, Alexander Voronsky.

In Defence of Leon Trotsky

Berlin IYSSE protests Professor Jörg Baberowski’s suppression of democratic discussion at Humboldt University

22 February 2014

25 years ago: Testimony reveals Reagan ordered illegal Contra aid be kept secret

On March 10, 1989, former National Security Adviser Robert C. McFarlane testified that President Ronald Reagan authorized the solicitation of illegal financial support for the right-wing Contra guerrilla war against Nicaragua.

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50 years ago: US military increases aid to South Vietnamese puppet regime

A top-level US delegation led by Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Maxwell Taylor and CIA director John McCone visited Saigon this week in 1964 to assess the military situation and bolster the position of the puppet military government of South Vietnam.

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75 years ago: Nazi Germany invades Czechoslovakia

With severe inflationary economic pressures forcing the pace of territorial expansion, the German Nazi regime invaded Czechoslovakia on March 15, 1939.

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100 years ago: Serbia and Turkey sign Treaty of Constantinople

On March 14, 1914, senior diplomatic representatives of Serbia and Turkey signed the Treaty of Constantinople, affirming the Treaty of London of May 1913.

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