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"Socialismo Libertário" magazine, No. 2, out now

category brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana | anarchist movement | link to pdf author Thursday February 13, 2014 23:50author by Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira - CAB Report this post to the editors

In January 2014, the Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira - CAB published the second issue of its magazine "Socialismo Libertário". Below is a listof the contents together with the editorial of the magazine and links to the articles on internet. The magazine can also be downloaded in PDF from here. [Português]


"Socialismo Libertário" magazine, No. 2, out now

In January 2014, the Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira - CAB published the second issue of its magazine "Socialismo Libertário". Below is a listof the contents together with the editorial of the magazine and links to the articles on internet. The magazine can also be downloaded in PDF from here.

"Socialismo Libertário", No. 2
Download the magazine in PDF here



This second issue of "Socialismo Libertário" magazine focuses on the theme of theory and ideology, which has for years been discussed in our current and which has recently been receiving great attention among the Brazilian Anarchist Coordination (CAB) organizations.

It is not, as might possibly seem the case, a matter of a purely abstract intellectual effort: this debate, despite dealing with some quite complex epistemological and theoretical-conceptual issues has, for us, very important practical implications. Through what we are now discussing, as the first text points out, we are seeking to forge the basis for answers to a range of basic questions. "What is anarchism ? What characterizes it as such historically? What is our link to the classical anarchists? Is anarchism a tool for theorizing about society, a polical practice whose objective is to transform it, or both? Should we use authors from outside anarchism in order to understand the society we live in? To what extent does our way of theorizing on society affect our ideology and vice versa? Does scientific socialism exist? In short, it is an old, complex debate, which greatly extrapolates the field of anarchism and aims to provide answers to our attempts to understand the society we live in and the best strategies to intervene in it, based on our principles and our general strategy, with a view to establishing a revolutionary process of transformation towards libertarian socialism."

The texts presented here are part of a more general process - which has been gathering ground more effectively since mid-2012, with the founding of the CAB - of establishing common ground and deepening our positions concerning the path we want to tread in the coming years, towards a nationwide organization.

2013 was an important one for struggles on a national scale, in which all our organizations were engaged. With the increase in mobilizations, anarchism also gained some prominence and, in one way or another, the CAB has reaped some good results from this process. We hope this edition of the magazine can contribute to this strengthening of especifista anarchism in the scenario of the struggles that are being waged in various places within society.

Long live the social revolution! Long live anarchism!
Towards a nationwide organization!

Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira

December 2013

Translation by FdCA - International Relations Office.

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