s skippy the bush kangaroo

skippy the bush kangaroo

Monday, March 10, 2014

moody monday

choice for sex workers on phoenix: church or jail

the north dakota oil town with the highest rents in the country

basking in a republican paradise

imf debunks myth: taxing rich nit bad for the economy

posted by skippy at 12:41 AM | 0 comments

Sunday, March 09, 2014

environmental news stories sunday

for those stories you might not hear on the right leaning, climate change denying sunday morning talking head shows.

farmers sign statewide petition for fracking moratorium - santa maria times

drought hastens end of a region's hydropower era. the yearslong drought in central texas could eventually snuff out a renewable power source that fueled the region’s early growth: hydropower - texas tribune

senate dems to stage climate all-nighter. at least 28 senate democrats are pulling an all-nighter on monday to wake up "stubborn" climate change deniers in congress. with substantial climate change legislation all but dead in congress, the senators just want to get to a point where lawmakers can agree that climate change is a scientific fact - the hill

drought raises fears s.j. river could run dry. a water district official in south san joaquin county is sounding the alarm that the county's namesake river could run dry this summer all the way to the edge of the delta - stockton record

california drought: orange county expands 'toilet to tap' water recycling. one way state officials hope to make california better able to withstand the drought is to stock underground drinking water supplies with recycled wastewater - kpcc

california researchers embark on "kelp watch 2014". cal berkeley scientists are participating in a first of its kind study to test kelp for contamination from radioactive ocean water from the damaged fukushima power plant - bay area nbc

dredging up the truth. newly uncovered documents reveal that as early as the 1960s -- decades before the government ordered GE to undertake the river dredging that is scheduled to resume this spring -- company officials were warned of the potential serious health threats of polychlorinated biphenyls - albany times union

tap water taste weird? thank road salt and nj's snowy winter. the state transportation department has used more than 460,000 tons of salt — nearly an 80 percent increase over last winter — enough to season a large order of mcdonald’s french fries for every new jerseyan every day for nearly 368 years - newark star ledger

surviving beijing's pollution while pregnant: 'i feel like a lab-rat.' the risks of high pollution levels for pregnant women are potentially significant. a number of international studies have indicated risks to children whose mothers are exposed to high levels of pollutants at pregnancy, include low birth weight and long-term impacts on intelligence. - the guardian

wendell berry: a strong voice for local farming. for six decades, writer wendell berry has spoken out in defense of local agriculture, rural communities, and the importance of caring for the land. in an interview with yale environment 360, he talks about his kentucky farm, his activism, and why he remains hopeful for the future. - yale 360

and now...a moment of eco zen

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posted by Cookie Jill at 2:44 PM | 0 comments

sunday morning pancakes

millenials leaving religion due to anti-gay teachings

how i lost my father to fox news

nasa discovers 700 new planets and some may have life

military rape victims screwed again bi congress

posted by skippy at 10:31 AM | 0 comments

Saturday, March 08, 2014

saturday night special

democrats need a theme for 2014

florida gun show may be canceled because george zimmerman has been invited

take the quiz: walker or christie

over at lawyers, guns & money, we are enjoying the eric loomis series dead horses in american history
posted by skippy at 3:33 AM | 1 comments

Friday, March 07, 2014

rip bartcop

incredibly sad news, our friend monkeyfister let us know that the incredible bart of bartcop has passed away.

bartcop was one of the original blogs to populate blogtopia, and was kind enough to link to us many times.

apparently bart had pneumonia, and succumbed earlier this week.  he leaves a widow that might need help with future bills, so if you ever enjoyed his work on his blog, you may want to consider going over there and making a donation.

there are far too many bloggers being listed in our rest in peace dept. on our sidebar (we had just finished saying goodbye to paddy of political carnival).  this is a sad day in blogtopia.

rest in peace, bartcop.

addendum:  here's more from susie madrake at crooks & liars, brad friedman at the brad blog, and john cole at balloon juice.

double addendum:  and rude pundit
posted by skippy at 7:46 PM | 3 comments

good mourning, black friday

tea party candidate mocks gunshot victims on facebook

is lysistrata the answer to the gop?

"post-racial america" is a dangerous lie

gun fail

posted by skippy at 5:14 AM | 1 comments

Thursday, March 06, 2014

any given thursday

you need to work at least 67 hours to afford rent on minimum wage

the nra discovers teenagers shouldn't have guns

scientists observe biggest meteor ever impact on the moon

couple finds $10 million in rare gold coins while on a walk
posted by skippy at 6:53 AM | 0 comments

Wednesday, March 05, 2014

wednesday like a river

having a gun in the house does not make a woman safer

barkhad abdi, capt. phillips co-star, is broke

florida judge rules it's illegal to unhook from the city's water system

and rip experimental avant-garde opera composer robert ashley

posted by skippy at 4:44 AM | 0 comments

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

drunk on a tuesday

 we don't have freedom if we don't have free time

what does it mean for feminism if feminism becomes trendy

physicist boyfriend proposes to physicist girlfriend with academic paper

are your mardi gras beads killing you?
posted by skippy at 4:44 AM | 1 comments

Monday, March 03, 2014

monday's rain

7 foods experts said were bad for us that turned out to be good

27% of flight attendants experienced sexual harassment in the past year

most economically thriving u.s. cities have the greatest income inequality

georgia men used facebook to plot against the government
posted by skippy at 1:45 AM | 0 comments

Sunday, March 02, 2014

happy birthday, dr. seuss

“a person's a person, no matter how small.” (horton hears a who)

 (and did you know that mr. geisel was, well, a bit "subversive?")


posted by Cookie Jill at 9:45 AM | 1 comments

do you eat ethically?

just asking...


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posted by Cookie Jill at 8:46 AM | 0 comments

environmental news stories sunday

for those pesky little stories you probably didn't hear on the blah blah blah talking head shows this morning. oh, and no...the storms hitting california did not "fix" the drought.

l.a. moves forward with fracking ban. facing complaints from south l.a. residents living near oil fields, the los angeles city council moved Friday to place a moratorium on fracking and other drilling methods, a move opposed by oil companies - los angeles daily news

los angeles city council takes step toward fracking ban. the l.a. city council on friday moved toward banning hydraulic fracturing, acidizing and other controversial methods of coaxing oil and gas from wells, agreeing to draft new rules that would prohibit "well stimulation" until adequate environmental safeguards are adopted by state and federal governments. - latte times

u.s farmer warns illawarra of fracking danger. where john fenton comes from, simply turning on a shower faucet can have deadly consequences. on sunday, he told his story to the stop csg illawarra meeting and urged the community to continue fighting to protect the drinking water catchment from the effects of fracking. - illawarra mercury

in “the sixth extinction,” elizabeth kolbert reports from the frontlines of a dying world - grist

court rules off-the-grid living is illegal - off the grid news

climate change fight in the balance at u.s. supreme court. while the public sleeps through an unusually rough winter, the fight against climate change -- or the fight against excessive regulation, depending on the point of view -- is being waged at the u.s. supreme court in a landmark case involving greenhouse gases. - upi

apple ceo: climate hange deniers should their money out of apple stock - think progress

senator expresses concerns about nuclear-waste tanks. most of the youngest and sturdiest of the giant tanks that the energy department uses to store high-level radioactive waste at its hanford nuclear reservation in washington state show some of the same construction problems as a tank that began leaking in late 2012, according to documents released by senator ron wyden of oregon, whose state is across the columbia River from the site - nytimes

pig poop powers north carolina farm. in the heart of north carolina’s bucolic wine country, east of the great smoky mountains, lies loyd ray farms – a factory farm that turns pig poop into energy. loyd ray farms is the first to tap a new energy market created under north carolina’s unique renewable energy law, which took effect in 2012 - discover (reg. req.)

“yoga mat” chemical found In nearly 500 foods - environmental working group

epa deals blow to alaska copper mine citing need to protect salmon. u.s. environmental regulators moved on friday to block development of the pebble mine in alaska — potentially one of the largest copper projects in the world — citing the possibility of "irreversible harm" to the state's valuable salmon fisheries - al jazeera

kauai: groups seek to intervene in gmo suit. four organizations that support kauai county's new ordinance pertaining to pesticide use and cultivation of genetically modified crops are seeking to intervene in a federal lawsuit that aims to block its implementation. - honolulu star advisor (reg. req.)

maui residents want to let voters decide on gmo ban - honolulu civil beat

democracy or corporatocracy? the choice is ours. - the ecologist

reuters' climate coverage continues to decline under "skeptic" editor - media matters

when santa barbarian waves go rogue...


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posted by Cookie Jill at 8:29 AM | 0 comments


i have an electric car and solar panels on my roof so i have zero interest in killing people for their oil.

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posted by George at 3:45 AM | 1 comments

sunday morning l.a.

it turns out friends with benefits aren't so bad

exxon ceo sues to stop fracking near his ranch

13-year-old charged with a felony for hitting a cop with a snowball

apple sez climate deniers should not buy their stock

posted by skippy at 1:35 AM | 1 comments

Saturday, March 01, 2014

saturday night shoot out

johns hopkins study finds that background checks save lives

dems' chances in 2014 better than you think

bing censors chinese language searches here in the u.s. as well as in china

what's so weird about a conservative atheist?

posted by skippy at 4:10 AM | 0 comments

Friday, February 28, 2014

get 'em out by friday

'justified' actor turns out to be a conservative asshole

5 reasons the 1% don't want unemployment to decrease

working single mothers are disproportionately poor

larry summers thinks we should raise taxes in the rich
posted by skippy at 6:44 AM | 0 comments

Thursday, February 27, 2014

another late thursday

white folks in red states are the biggest food stamp moochers

meet the man silicon valley ceos turn to when they want to screw their workers

"religious freedom" used to chip away at gay rights

 the do's and don'ts of buying legal marijuana
posted by skippy at 1:55 AM | 0 comments

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

rip paco

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posted by Cookie Jill at 8:46 PM | 0 comments

wednesday jam

gop answer to obamacare would strip 1 million of their healthcare

why are the 1% whining so much?

missouri study calls for stricter gun-licensing laws

comcast-time warner doesn't pass the smell test

posted by skippy at 1:55 AM | 0 comments

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

cold shower tuesday

gun homicides increased 25% after missouri repealed background checks

is san francisco becoming less liberal?

hidden credit card fees: the banking industry's biggest cash cow

5 ways society punishes women for their sexuality
posted by skippy at 5:52 PM | 0 comments

Monday, February 24, 2014

monday sweetheart

the gop: modernists v. fabulists

in states with medical cannibis, the suicide rate has dropped

racist oklahoma restaurant gets fake yelp reviews for best gay bar

where has all the money gone

posted by skippy at 1:14 AM | 0 comments

Sunday, February 23, 2014

sunday mornin' coming down

the richest 20 americans aren't makers - they're takers

mcdonald's fires employee for paying for firefighters

photos surface showing the late andrew breitbart and james o'keefe hanging out with white nationalists

here's a free thermin app for your ipad
posted by skippy at 3:33 AM | 0 comments

Saturday, February 22, 2014

saturday night riot

angry mob chase george zimmerman out of miami

9 ways wendy davis can have it all

breitbart editor can't do math

shopping cart accidents increase to 66 per day
posted by skippy at 5:19 AM | 0 comments

Friday, February 21, 2014

friday's child

colorado lawmaker leaves loaded weapon in the state capital

the mobsters of wall street

women get less paid leave than men

21 things you can't do while black
posted by skippy at 4:44 AM | 0 comments

Thursday, February 20, 2014

thursday's child

sir david attenborough: "enough with the creationists!"

how big pharma turned male aging into a disease

facebook mentioned in a third of divorce proceedings

pet turtle survives being locked in a store room  for 30 years
posted by skippy at 5:00 AM | 2 comments

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

wednesday girl

the house of reps lacks the political will, not the votes

wal-mart's labor practices backfires on them

it's not pro-life, it's pro-birth

judge orders fast-food workers fired for striking must get their jobs back 
posted by skippy at 7:52 AM | 0 comments

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

church on tuesday

free a duck, go to jail

the ap findings on us military sexual assaults in japan

ross douthat is an idiot

for the first time in almost 90 years nobody saw the loch ness monster
posted by skippy at 5:31 AM | 0 comments

Monday, February 17, 2014

forget whats in your wallet....

be worried about who's at your doorstep.
credit card issuer capital one isn't shy about getting into customers' faces. the company recently sent a contract update to cardholders that makes clear it can drop by any time it pleases.

the update specifies that "we may contact you in any manner we choose" and that such contacts can include calls, emails, texts, faxes or a "personal visit."
as if that weren't creepy enough, cap one says these visits can be "at your home and at your place of employment."

the police need a court order to pull off something like that. but cap one says it has the right to get up close and personal anytime, anywhere. - latte times


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posted by Cookie Jill at 7:08 PM | 0 comments

monday rain

macgruff the crime dog actor sentenced to 16 years for drugs, weapons

the moral case for a minimum wage

the gop's health crisis

here's a travel agency for stuffed animals

posted by skippy at 12:35 AM | 1 comments

Sunday, February 16, 2014


someone at nbc olympics really should have "googled" the flags of the u.s. and russia.

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posted by Cookie Jill at 1:11 PM | 0 comments

environmental news story sunday

for those pesky little stories that you might not have heard on the blah blah blah shows this morning.

california drought: why is there no mandatory water rationing? fourteen months into a historic drought, with reservoirs running low and the sierra snowpack 27 percent of normal, a growing number of californians are wondering: why isn't everyone being forced to ration? - san jose mercury

california farms are slow to adopt water-saving technology. For more than four decades official reports have cautioned that california could suffer long droughts and that population growth was outstripping storage capacity. yet despite repeated warnings, any California farming communities are ill-prepared for a parched future that seems to have arrived. - newsweek

wavier jet stream 'may drive weather shift.' new research suggests that the main system that helps determine the weather over northern europe and north america may be changing. The study shows that the so-called jet stream has increasingly taken a longer, meandering path - bbc

ed miliband: climate change a 'national security issue.' climate change is now an issue of national security with extreme weather threatening homes, livelihoods and businesses, ed miliband has warned - bbc

plugging south africa’s post-apartheid leaks. south africa is the 30th driest country in the world, yet it is one of the fastest-growing water consumers. according to the national treasury’s 2012 budget review, demand for the scarce resource is increasing so rapidly that it is set to outstrip supply as early as 2030. - inter press service

an activist who coauthored a report cataloging the appalling environmental damage wreaked by 0lympic construction will spend the next three years in a Russian penal colony. - grist

the san jose mercury news reports that solar energy is helping to meet california’s power needs amid a drought that has caused hydroelectric supplies to shrivel: - grist

researchers at the university of illinois have found that these used plastic shopping bags can be converted into a compatible drop-in diesel fuel, along with a host of other petroleum products, potentially recovering a large percentage of the initial manufacturing inputs. - treehugger

fracking's water use sets up fight with cities and farmers. the growth in oil and gas production has been a major bright spot in the u.s. economy, but we need to think about energy solutions that increase, rather than deplete, water resources. - des moines register

no one will declare the water safe in west virginia. it’s been a little over a month since a chemical spill in west virginia left thousands of residents in the charleston area without water to bathe, drink, or cook with. "no one will declare the water safe," says don tate, who owns and operates a chain of supermarkets in the region. - marketplace

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posted by Cookie Jill at 11:00 AM | 0 comments

sunday morning call

don't pity the billionaire

white, conservative men dominate sunday talk shows

mitch mcconnell wrestles the monster he helped make

world's oldest bird hatches a baby
posted by skippy at 6:20 AM | 0 comments

Saturday, February 15, 2014

saturday night party (read my lips)

are monarch butterflies disappearing?

judge bans man from the internet

26 children or teens have died in florida stand your ground vases

i can't believe it's not kristallnacht!

posted by skippy at 4:46 AM | 0 comments

Friday, February 14, 2014

friday's angels

where to eat in restaurants that support a living wage

missouri and pennsylvania are the next fronts in the war on public unions

the rwnj's hate that michelle obama wore a ballgown

metal band skinny puppy invoices the u.s. government for using their music at guantanamo
posted by skippy at 4:46 AM | 1 comments

Thursday, February 13, 2014

thursday nite goddess

outsourcing probation: a profitable industry

birth control pills should be sold over the counter

half of the nation's uninsured live in just 116 counties

la times goes easy on suspects with a badge when reporting rape cases
posted by skippy at 7:39 AM | 0 comments

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

rip sid caesar

sid caesar, the brilliant comic genius who paved the way for every generation of sketch comedian since the 50's, died at age 91.  latimes:

two-time emmy award-winning performer during his tv heyday in the `50s, caesar has been hailed as “one of the great tv clowns,” “one of television’s most inventive performers” and “a genius at making people laugh.”

“television had its share of comedy geniuses,” times television critic howard rosenberg wrote in 1994. “yet arguably none has been as uniquely gifted and inventive as caesar. watching him perform, you just know light bulbs are popping continuously in his brain."
here's sid, along with "your show of shows" regulars imogene cocoa, carl reiner and howard morris sending up the iconic burt lancaster/deborah kerr classic, from here to eternity:

rest in peace, sid caesar.
posted by skippy at 3:34 PM | 3 comments

wednesday evenin' blues

greenland glacier hits record speed

it's elizabeth warren's party, barack obama is just living in it

the coming war over morality in america

buy union-made valentines day gifts

posted by skippy at 5:14 AM | 0 comments

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

rip shirley temple

she was one of the most beloved movie stars of all time
posted by skippy at 8:39 AM | 1 comments

c u next tuesday

pussy riot fires pussy riot

does lowering corporate tax rate create jobs? no

gm foods are attacking our lives on mutliple fronts

the first fish to be taken off the endangered species list
posted by skippy at 4:28 AM | 0 comments

Monday, February 10, 2014

monday night

the complete guide to the chemical spill in west virginia

4 shocking examples of economic inequality in america

tennessee has the fastest growing union membership in the country

the most dangerous city to be black is omaha, nebraska

posted by skippy at 6:26 AM | 0 comments

Sunday, February 09, 2014

sunday mornin'

globalization of police state calls for globalization of dissent and protest

new way to reign in the fat cats

50 reasons to fear the worst from fukushima

no, the 1% don't work harder

posted by skippy at 7:48 AM | 0 comments