Report: iOS 8 Is All About Making Maps Better

Everybody knows what a disaster Apple Maps were at launch. To borrow one former Gizmodo writer's words, they were "an apocalyptic horror show." They have gotten better since the initial disaster, but it's no surprise to hear reports that the next version of iOS all about making Apple Maps even better. » 3/11/14 10:41am 35 minutes ago

Looking at Orange Light Is Like Drinking a Cup of Coffee

Light is an incredibly powerful force. Sure, it helps us see and gives us fast internet, but medical researchers keep stumbling upon new positive side-effects. A team of Belgian scientists, for instance, just discovered how a ten minute blast of orange light increases brain activity related to cognition and alertness. » 3/11/14 10:20am 56 minutes ago

Sorry, Smart Rings Aren't the Future

Sorry, Smart Rings Aren't the Future

Smartwatch? Please. We've already moved on to smart rings, magical digit-wrappers that control your world with a wave of the hand. They're everywhere—except, oddly enough, on our fingers. That's because despite the extravagant promises they're pitched with, most smart rings simply don't work yet. And they may well… » 3/11/14 10:00am Today 10:00am

New Group Chats and Comment Threads Come to Gizmodo

You've probably noticed a change in the structure of Gizmodo—not just the design of the homepage, although that's been updated, but in the way our comment threads now work. To be honest, it's pretty confusing at first—and it's still undergoing substantial tweaks—but bear with us! It's all for the greater good. For now, … » 3/11/14 9:49am Today 9:49am

The Fascinating, Complex World Of Paralympic Biathlon and Nordic Skiing

» 3/11/14 9:40am Today 9:40am

The Olympics are done for the year, but Paralympians from all over the world took to the courses in Sochi this week to compete. I talked to John Farra, High Performance director for Paralympic Nordic skiing about the challenges of skiing with a spinal injury, shooting with no sight, and why veterans excel at biathlon. … » 3/11/14 9:40am Today 9:40am

Why Toothpaste Makes Things Taste So Awful

You may think it might be the common mint flavor of toothpaste clashing with other flavors, but in the case of orange juice and many other things, this isn't actually what's going on. The culprit here is thought to be two compounds almost universally added to toothpastes -sodium lauryl sulfate and sodium lauryl ether… » 3/11/14 6:00am Today 6:00am

Here are some more impressions of foreign languages that sound so real

She's good. After nailing her first edition of doing impressions on foreign languages, Smoukahontas is back for the sequel and it's just as impressive. It's so fun to see her make up very believable words and get animated depending on which foreign language she's doing. Her impressions are pretty much spot on to… » 3/11/14 12:31am Today 12:31am

This two person golf trick shot is unbelievable

Excuse the portrait mode video but this golf trick shot is so impressive that we can ignore the blatant disregard of proper cell phone video recording etiquette. Here's what goes down: the guy behind hits a golf ball to the guy in front who swings and hits the same ball without the ball ever touching the ground. It's… » 3/10/14 11:21pm Yesterday 11:21pm

Five Genius Ideas That Would Make da Vinci Proud

Since its inception in 2009, Kickstarter has successfully funded over 55,000 projects — not bad for an independent startup with fewer than 100 employees. But the real credit belongs to every well-to-do aunt, benevolent employer, and scrappy friend who helped fund these pipe dreams — and of course, the inventors… » 3/10/14 12:00pm Yesterday 12:00pm