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If you see any pop up ads here please click on the Meet the GBBL Mods and send us an e-mail about it so we can get them removed.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Ammo Recall...


Olin Corporation, through its Winchester Division, is recalling two (2) lots of M*22™ 22 Long Rifle 40 Grain Black Copper Plated Round Nose rimfire ammunition.

Symbol Number: S22LRT
Lot Numbers: GD42L and GD52L

Winchester has determined the above lots of 22 Long Rifle rimfire ammunition may contain double powder charges. Ammunition with double powder charges may subject the shooter or bystanders to a risk of serious personal injury and/or death, or cause firearm damage, rendering the firearm inoperable.
Product Recall

DO NOT USE WINCHESTER® M*22™ 22 Long Rifle RIMFIRE AMMUNITION WITH LOT NUMBERS GD42L or GD52L. The ammunition Lot Number is imprinted (stamped without ink) on the left tuck flap of the 500-round carton as indicated here. The 1000-round intermediate carton does not have a Lot Number.

To determine if your ammunition is subject to this notice, review the Symbol Number and Lot Number. If it is Symbol Number S22LRT with a Lot Number containing GD42L or GD52L immediately discontinue use and contact Winchester toll-free at 866-423-5224 or visit
http://www.winchester.com/Product-Service/Pages/Contact-Us.aspx for free UPS pick-up of the recalled ammunition.

This notice applies only to Symbol Number S22LRT with Lot Numbers GD42L and GD52L. Other Symbol Numbers or Lot Numbers are not subject to this recall.

If you have any questions concerning this 22 Long Rifle rimfire ammunition recall please call toll-free 866-423-5224, write to Winchester (600 Powder Mill Road, East Alton, IL 62024 Attn: S22LRT Recall), or contact Winchester Customer Support online.

We apologize for this inconvenience.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Update on GOF

If you haven't heard, longtime gunblog commenter Grumpy Old Fart suffered two devastating losses last year, losing his mother to cancer and all his worldly goods to a fire.
On December 1st, my mother's house burned to the ground, with all my worldly goods in it (I had been living there for the last several years taking care of her while she was fighting cancer). On December 8th, a week later almost to the minute, she passed away at the age of 82.
There is a PayPal donations page set up to help him.

Kevin has more news about Grumpy Old Fart over at The Smallest Minority.

I just traded emails with GOF.  He needs a computer: 
I have some contract work writing for a publishing company in the UK, but since my computer burned I'm having to start all that from scratch as well. More to the point, until I get another computer, I can't even make a start at redoing all the work I lost.
So... what do I need that you can provide? The only thing I can think of is funds toward another computer. That should probably go into PayPal, since the donation account is pretty much meant for bill money. 
If anyone out there has a spare box lying around, please consider donating it to a worthy cause.

GAF's Shipping Address is: 

1350 Rikisha Ln.
Beaumont, TX 77706

Thank you. 

Friday, January 10, 2014

Support the people who support gunblogging

Michael Bane is probably the biggest cheerleader for gunblogging in the mainstream firearms media, and he puts gunbloggers front and center on the "Zero To Hero" episodes of Shooting Gallery on the Outdoor Channel. Last year it was Ron from the Balloon Goes Up on the show, and this year it's my turn this year to be the Zero who (hopefully) turns into a Hero in just two days.

Show your support for the people who support us by tuning in this Wednesday to Shooting Gallery.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Help needed if you can...

One of our community needs help for a family situation...

Hello my name is Jay (eatgrueldog.wordpress.com) I am trying to get a link to my nieces webpage into the community. She is 28 yrs. old and dying of liver failure. Her sister and husband are raising funds for her post hospital care and funeral expense. I know that you don't know me but I am doing all that I can to help them out, otherwise I would never ask. I am not soliciting funds, only asking that you share the link to her page ; even a facebook share would help.  http://www.gofundme.com/5vz58w

Jay's post is HERE.  

Monday, December 30, 2013

This New Years

As you go out with friends or stay in with family. Please be safe.

If you are going to imbibe please be sure you have a designated driver and get home safely.

From Old NFO, Kevin and Myself