Kids and Old People

Philosophical EMS Observation #1,376: Some of the most exasperating EMS calls you run are kids and old people. And invariably, the people that make you thankful you’re in EMS are kids and old people. If you don’t like them both, you’re in the wrong profession. Truth, or bullshit? Discuss amongst yourselves.

Overheard On The Bolance

On the third trip, to the third hospital in the last four hours, for the same malingering trustee of modern chemistry: AD: “So, why’d you leave the ER?” MTMC: “Man, they wasn’t doing anything to help me!” AD: “How do you that? You weren’t there fifteen minutes before you walked out and called 911 from […]

Good Advice

Once upon a time many years ago, I was privileged to attend a lecture about fever during my initial PEP (before it became the current course known as PEPP) instructor course. It was long enough ago that our instructor materials were given to us on 3.5 inch floppy disks. The title of the lecture was […]

Two Physicians Speak Out on Diagnosis

Yesterday, during the final day of EMS Today 2014, I was on my way to the podcast lounge to find a comfortable seat while I edited some product videos I had taken on the exhibit hall floor.   Before I could sit down, Chris Montera dragooned me into being his third guest on EMS Garage. […]

EMS Today 2014 Product Showcase: VividTrac VT-A100 Video Laryngoscope

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Besides networking and hanging out with my EMS tribe, some of the other highlights of my trips to national EMS conferences are the new products and innovations showcased in the exhibit halls. Some are a nifty, some are of questionable utility, and some seem to be a solution in search of a problem. although the […]

A Lawyer Speaks Out On Diagnosis

Earlier in the week, I bruised a few widdle feewings on Facebook when I replied in the affirmative to an EMS forum post asking if paramedics diagnose. Quite a few people agreed with me, and a number stubbornly disagreed, and called me everything from "paragod" to "full of myself" to "doctor wannabe" and assured me […]

Gun Review: Hi Point 995TS Carbine

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They say admitting your affliction is the first step on the road to recovery, so I’ll start with a confession: I once owned a Hi Point 9mm pistol. It was ugly, heavy, and cheaply made. That said, it digested what I fed it, it put rounds where I aimed, and it certainly beat harsh language […]

Demystifying Diagnosis

Want to start a fight in an EMS social media forum? Just ask if EMTs diagnose. Invariably, you'll get hordes of people shitting their pants over a simple word, and twisting the English language into something unrecognizable in an effort to avoid calling something what it really is. General impression. Field diagnosis. Presumptive diagnosis. Field […]

Well, Ain’t That Some Sh*t!

A Chandler, AZ woman is accused of a somewhat unusual murder attempt on her husband: A Chandler woman was arrested on suspicion of attempted first-degree murder Thursday after she was caught injecting her husband’s IV line with fecal matter at Chandler Regional Hospital, according to court documents. Rosemary Vogel’s husband was in the hospital recovering […]

Reason #3586 My Kid Rocks

We had an important interview in the family today. No, not my interview. Mine was back in early October, and I rocked the interview and got the job, which they promptly eliminated before I could even start. Meh, such is life. But today was KatyBeth's district-wide interview for the Student of the Year competition. Candidates […]

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Kelly Grayson


The Weight Loss Challenge

The Book

The Id of EMS

Old Stuff