%s hours 41 min 15 sec

Craig is left all by his own when his parents die in a fire, and when he loses his medicat...
published: 16 Feb 2014
Craig is left all by his own when his parents die in a fire, and when he loses his medication, his world is turned into terror and fear.- published: 16 Feb 2014
1 min 14 sec

Trailer: Craig The Movie
This is the trailer for feature film "Craig". Starring Kim Sønd...
published: 16 Feb 2014
Trailer: Craig The Movie
Trailer: Craig The Movie
http://www.cuethefilm.com This is the trailer for feature film "Craig". Starring Kim Sønderholm, who also wrote and directed this first time feature. Craig is left all by his own when his parents die in a fire, and when he loses his medication, his world is turned into terror and fear. For more info visit: http://www.craigthemovie.com- published: 16 Feb 2014
7 min 34 sec

The Making of 'Craig' part 1of 3
Part1of3 of "Craig: A Killer in the Making" from the bonus material of the DVD of feature ...
published: 16 Feb 2014
The Making of 'Craig' part 1of 3
The Making of 'Craig' part 1of 3
Part1of3 of "Craig: A Killer in the Making" from the bonus material of the DVD of feature film "Craig" http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0951259/ - director Kim Sønderholm and musician Russ Diapper talking about the film. Film stars Kim Sønderholm, Manoush, Lloyd Kaufman and many others. More about the film on http://www.craigthemovie.com/- published: 16 Feb 2014
5 min 37 sec

The Making of 'Craig' part 2 of 3
Part2of3 of "Craig: A Killer in the Making" from the bonus material of the DVD of feature ...
published: 16 Feb 2014
The Making of 'Craig' part 2 of 3
The Making of 'Craig' part 2 of 3
Part2of3 of "Craig: A Killer in the Making" from the bonus material of the DVD of feature film "Craig" http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0951259/ - director Kim Sønderholm and musician Russ Diapper talking about the film. Film stars Kim Sønderholm, Manoush, Lloyd Kaufman and many others. More about the film on http://www.craigthemovie.com/- published: 16 Feb 2014
7 min 7 sec

The Making of 'Craig' part 3 of 3
Part3of3 of "Craig: A Killer in the Making" from the bonus material of the DVD of feature ...
published: 16 Feb 2014
The Making of 'Craig' part 3 of 3
The Making of 'Craig' part 3 of 3
Part3of3 of "Craig: A Killer in the Making" from the bonus material of the DVD of feature film "Craig" http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0951259/ - director Kim Sønderholm and musician Russ Diapper talking about the film. Film stars Kim Sønderholm, Manoush, Lloyd Kaufman and many others. More about the film on http://www.craigthemovie.com/- published: 16 Feb 2014
1 min 41 sec

Craig is a lonely, somewhat awkward, young man trying to recover from the loss of both his...
published: 16 Feb 2014
Craig is a lonely, somewhat awkward, young man trying to recover from the loss of both his parents in a disastrous fire. Aside from his childhood friend, Cliff, he loses everyone he knows in one devastating blow. And Cliff, isn't much help; he has his own problems to deal with. Daily doses of Lithium are not much help either and one final day he loses his precious pills, as well as his mind, as things slowly, but surely, take a turn for the worse. The voices inside his head start getting louder and louder resulting in a murderous rampage against the women who Craig feels have wronged him.- published: 16 Feb 2014
2 min 19 sec

Kim Sønderholm Showreel [2010]
Fresh 2010 Showreel available in HD for actor Kim Sønderholm. Be sure to watch in full scr...
published: 16 Feb 2014
Kim Sønderholm Showreel [2010]
Kim Sønderholm Showreel [2010]
Fresh 2010 Showreel available in HD for actor Kim Sønderholm. Be sure to watch in full screen! :-) Features clips from Dead Ahead, Demonica's Reign, Bleed With Me, Tour De Force, Craig, Silverthread, The Horror Pages and vampire comedy Goodbye Light. Also featured are filmstills from A Viking Saga, No Right Turn, How To Get Rid Of The Others and The Horror Vault. Portraits by Jim Pedersen of Cetus Productions. Music by Wes Bebee and Rain Fice (songs "Glass Mantle" and "Ein Schwarm der Insekte"). All rights reserved!- published: 16 Feb 2014
Vimeo results:

Lightning strikes three of the tallest buildings in Chicago at the same time!
On June 23rd, 2010 a line of nasty storms rolled through Chicago in the early evening hour...
published: 24 Jun 2010
author: Craig Shimala
Lightning strikes three of the tallest buildings in Chicago at the same time!
On June 23rd, 2010 a line of nasty storms rolled through Chicago in the early evening hours. I stayed late at the office that night to work on some things and to avoid the rush hour chaos that was going on. Once I returned home I wasn't really paying attention to what was happening outside until someone asked me if I was watching the lightning. I took a quick look out my window and saw some quick hits of lightning and ran back to my room to grab my camera and tripod. I was standing out there randomly hitting the record button and hoping I would catch some of the strikes. About 15 minutes in nothing was happening during my current recording so I reached to stop it and start a new one. At the moment I touched the camera three of the tallest buildings in Chicago were struck by lightning at the same time. Willis Tower (Tallest), Trump International Hotel and Tower (2nd Tallest) and the John Hancock Building(4th tallest). If you listen closely, you can hear me lightly say "yes!" after the triple strike happens.
**** 6/27 - Posted the sequel with more strikes from this storm! http://vimeo.com/12905965 ***
HD Video was shot on a Canon EOS 7D. Video was edited with Sony Vegas Movie Studio.
Music: Sufjan Stevens - To the Workers of the Rock River Valley Region, I Have an Idea Concerning Your Predicament

Floating Chicago - A collection of mirrored skyline timelapses
Through the past couple years I've shot a decent amount of time-lapses of the Chicago skyl...
published: 22 May 2011
author: Craig Shimala
Floating Chicago - A collection of mirrored skyline timelapses
Through the past couple years I've shot a decent amount of time-lapses of the Chicago skyline. I figured why not take all of those and throw the same mirror filter that was warmly welcomed by a lot of people on this: http://www.flickr.com/photos/cshimala/5275838854/
Music: Neon Canyon - Libra

Emulsure October Edit 2010
Riders are Cappy, Craig Tull, Frazer Johnson, Milky, Liam Lyons, Stuart Thomas and Will Le...
published: 21 Oct 2010
author: Craig Tull
Emulsure October Edit 2010
Riders are Cappy, Craig Tull, Frazer Johnson, Milky, Liam Lyons, Stuart Thomas and Will Lewis.
Song is Sound The Horns by Wu-Tang Clan.
Shot with a Canon 7D at 24p. Used a Glidecam HD-2000, Sigma 10mm f/2.8 Fisheye and Canon 50mm f/1.8.
Please go check out the site emulsure.com

Long Time, No See.
Written, Directed, Filmed, and Edited by Craig Smith.
Musical Score by Ryan Ritchie and Ta...
published: 13 Feb 2012
author: Craig Smith
Long Time, No See.
Written, Directed, Filmed, and Edited by Craig Smith.
Musical Score by Ryan Ritchie and Tamil Rogeon.
Thanks to Matthias Ogger.