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AIPAC is Losing Influence Over U.S. Foreign Policy
March 7 - The failure of the pro-Israel lobby to force Congress to vote for intervention into Syria or for additional sanctions on Iran represents a significant decline in its influence. By Phyllis Bennis

Ethno-Religious Violence in Central African Republic
February 24 - Emira Woods discusses the international community's concerns regarding the ongoing humanitarian crisis in the Central African Republic on Voice of America. By Emira Woods

Talking Points: State of the Union, of War, of the Middle East
February 10 - Phyllis Bennis weighs in on the State of the Union address, AIPAC's campaign against the Iran talks, and John Kerry's 'new framework' for Israel-Palestine. By Phyllis Bennis

Digging in on Drones and other Flawed Foreign Policy Strategies
January 29 - Obama's declaration that "America must move off a permanent war footing" wasn't the Wow! moment it should have been during his State of the Union address. By Phyllis Bennis

Sharon is Dead, but Sharonism Lives On
January 14 - There is nothing remotely honorable in the legacy of Ariel Sharon, Israel's perhaps most consistent war criminal. By Phyllis Bennis


Hugo Chavez Frias: In Memory, Solidarity, Commitment to Participatory Democracy and Justice in Peace
March 7 - A year after the death of Hugo Chavez Frias, we take time to reflect about his life, his virtues and limitations, his public promises, achievements and unfinished work. Chavez was a bold thinker, uncompromising in his goal of constructing a new, just, economically productive Venezuela. By James Early and Danny Glover

Celebrities, European Leaders Push for Final Deal on Wall Street Tax
February 19 - A new viral video with Andrew Lincoln of "The Walking Dead" is one more setback for financial industry lobbyists fighting a financial transaction tax. By Sarah Anderson, published in Bill Moyers

Remembering Pete Seeger
January 28 - Phyllis Bennis reflects on the passing of Pete Seeger, renowned folk singer and activist. By Phyllis Bennis

Four Things Obama Should Say During his State of the Union Address
January 23 - IPS experts weigh in on inequality, taxes, global trade deals, and global talks with Syria and Iran. By Sarah Anderson, Phyllis Bennis, Ron Carver, Emily Schwartz Greco

The Global Fight Against Corporate Rule
January 21 - Activists are challenging rules that grant corporations the right to sue governments. By Robin Broad and John Cavanagh


A Devil's Bargain on the Climate
February 24 - Will the Green Climate Fund - the UN body tasked with funding the transition to a clean-energy, climate-resilient future in the developing world - invest in fossil fuels? By Janet Redman and Oscar Reyes

7 Things to Look Out for in the UN's Green Climate Fund
February 13 - As the Green Climate Fund (GCF) Board prepares to meet in Bali, Oscar Reyes identifies some of the key issues that will shape an institution that is expected to become central in providing international climate finance. By Oscar Reyes

The Storage and Disposal Challenges of High Burnup Spent Power Reactor Fuel
January 2 - The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission has bowed to the wishes of nuclear reactor operators, motivated more by economics than safe spent nuclear fuel storage and disposal. By Robert Alvarez

The West Lake Landfill: A Radioactive Legacy of the Nuclear Arms Race
November 25 - The wastes in this disposal site come from the dawn of the nuclear age. It is a danger to workers and the surrounding community and should be removed and isolated. By Robert Alvarez

What's Hot and What's Not at COP19 in Warsaw
November 22 - As negotiations at the annual UN climate summit enter their final days, three participants weigh in on what's hot - and what's not - at COP19. By Jonas Bruun, Lauren Gifford, Robbie Watt

Material published and distributed by the Institute for Policy Studies represents the views of the author(s) and does not necessarily represent the views of the board members or staff of IPS or its projects. IPS is committed to sponsoring a broad public dialogue about U.S. domestic and foreign policy and the role of the United States in the world.

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