Monday, March 10, 2014. Last Update: Mon 2:50 PM EST
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Language Corner


Grammatically incorrect pop culture

In between National Grammar Day and the national conference of the American Copy Editors Society, let us lament that "popular... More

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Behind the News

The future of data journalism at the Washington Post

Life after Ezra Klein

When blogger and commentator Ezra Klein joined the Washington Post in 2009, he was 25 years old and barely known... More


The Audit

Newsweek and ‘trust us’ journalism

“The Face of Bitcoin” promised too much

Leah McGrath Goodman tells Felix Salmon this about her controversial Newsweek piece on the founder of Bitcoin: "If I read... More


The Second Opinion

What do you mean, control drug prices? We can’t do that

The latest fight over Medicare rules shows why American healthcare costs are so high

Update, 1:44 pm: CMS has backed off the proposed rule changes, The Hill reports. Want to understand why American healthcare... More


The Audit

The NYT preps its paywall part deux

A few details emerge on the cheaper NYT Now, plus a high-end subscription

The New York Times has been looking for ways to build on the massive success of its three-year-old metered paywall... More


The Kicker

Must-reads of the week

Bitcoin inventor revealed, First Look confronted, American journalism Travoltified

Culled from CJR’s frequently updated “Must-reads from around the Web,” our staff recommendations for the best pieces of journalism (and... More


The Audit

The Satoshi Paradox

Newsweek out on a wire with a Bitcoin blockbuster

Newsweek wanted a scoop for its relaunch cover story, and boy did it deliver: it uncovered the identity of Satoshi... More


The Observatory

The end of obesity, sort of

On the heels of a White House media blitz, two contrasting press releases reveal a misleading story

Last week's health headlines were punctuated by a conveniently timed bit of news: On the heels of the White House's... More


The Audit

An enterprising Journal fills gaps on investor protection

An outstanding investigation of FINRA, Wall Street’s self-regulator, continues

The Wall Street Journal has an excellent investigative series going into Wall Street self-regulator FINRA and how its system of... More


News Literacy

News literacy declines with socioeconomic status

Students from families with a lower socioeconomic status tend to be less confident and capable in navigating the Web to find credible information

Remember the digital divide? It was the next big problem circa 1995. Rich people had computers and Internet access, and... More



The new dream job

And the end of old-media prestige

For years, even as most print-centric publications downsized, they maintained their status as the crème de la crème. The journalistic... More

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Behind the News

Detroit’s one-man brand

Steve Neavling is trying to monetize a home-grown city reporting site

Steve Neavling may be one of the most hated men in Detroit. Since leaving his post as a Detroit Free... More


The Audit

The Guardian’s digital boom

Revenue rises sharply online for a second-straight year

The Guardian had another big year of digital business last year, further brightening the paper's long-term outlook. The paper says... More


The Kicker

Nonprofit angel wings

Sometimes, contra Jeff Jarvis, philanthropy is the answer to journalism’s problems

Digital professor and provocateur Jeff Jarvis recently tweeted, "Every time a rich person gives to a nonprofit, a journalism startup... More


The Audit

Marc Andreessen’s news-business fairy tale

The news industry is not in for exponential growth

Marc Andreessen has some outlandish predictions about the future of the journalism business: I am more bullish about the future... More


Critical Eye

Lethal immigration

In Mirta Ojito’s latest book, a notorious hate crime gains context and analysis

One Saturday night in November 2008, after drinking a few beers and joshing around with their friends, seven high-school boys... More


The Second Opinion

Covering the $1,000 pill

Five questions reporters still need to ask about very expensive new drugs like sofosbuvir—-and the cost of healthcare overall

Are the costs of super expensive drugs--to cure whatever ails Americans--justifiable? The drug sofosbuvir, used to treat hepatitis C, has... More


Behind the News

Stories I’d like to see

Ambassadors astray, the Federal Reserve Board’s minutes, and conflict recusals in the Valley

In his "Stories I'd like to see" column, journalist and entrepreneur Steven Brill spotlights topics that, in his opinion, have... More


The Observatory

To revitalize journalism, give it away

That’s the approach of Mosaic, a new science site that’s affixing a Creative Commons license to its longform

For the last few months, word of British digital science journalism upstart Mosaic has been circulating quietly, as a roster... More


United States Project

Political science and journalism: BFFs?

How academics can help improve media coverage of politics

This is my last post for CJR's United States Project--starting this month, I will instead serve as a contributor to... More


The Audit

Audit Notes: Video ads, NPR on the Hamster Wheel, ProPublica’s data store

Adweek on TV versus online video

Adweek clickbaits us with a headline saying, "You Won't Believe How Big TV Still Is." It's unclear why you wouldn't... More

Who cares if it’s true? - Modern-day newsrooms reconsider their values

What Is Russia Today? - The Kremlin’s propaganda outlet has an identity crisis

And from the left…Fox News - There’s more to Fox News’ strategy of hiring liberals than creating a public boxing match

Why Skype isn’t safe for journalists - Here are some alternatives for secure voice calls to use instead

Placing a bet on USA Today - Gannett has long felt the television model could translate into print. Now it’s using its flagship paper to double down on that idea.

The Upshot

The New York Times’ replacement for Nate Silver’s FiveThirtyEight

Why Newsweek isn’t convincing

Newsweek published an article which even Goodman admits is not completely compelling on its own terms”

Through a glass darkly

Why True Detective’s finale was all that mattered

‘It’s essential to be paranoid’

Q&A; with the Guardian’s Alan Rusbridger

Project Yosemite

Stunning timelapse of Yosemite National Park

Who Owns What

The Business of Digital Journalism

A report from the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism

Study Guides

Questions and exercises for journalism students.