U.S. military leaves missing behind

Tracing his genealogy online one night, John Eakin landed on a name that evoked an old family sorrow. Arthur “Bud” Kelder, Eakin’s cousin, had died while a POW during World War II, but his body had never been found. Bud’s parents had sent handwritten letters to the Army for years, …read more Via: salon.com     

Gingrich: “Hillary Clinton is the leading prison guard of the past”

In a mid-day speech on the final day of CPAC, Newt Gingrich slammed Obama, celebrated the power of technological innovation, and joked about women telling men what to do. “What I’m trying to do,” Gingrich told the right-wing confab, “is set out a conversation…so that by 2016, Hillary Clinton is the …read more Via: salon.com

Russia Not Afraid to say 'Nuclear Weapons' over Ukraine

<img width="150" alt="" border="0" src="http://www.commondreams.org/sites/commondreams.org/files/imce-images/460x_3.jpg" title='Pro-Putin demonstrators hold posters reading "Crimea is Russian land!" as they gather towards to Red Square in Moscow, Russia, Friday, March 7, 2014. <a target=_blank rel="nofollow" …read more Via: commondreams.org     

‘If You’re Poor, Stop Being Poor,’ Fox Commentator Says to ‘Daily Show’ Correspondent

According to “Fox Business” commentator Todd Wilemon, the U.S. will slowly slip into Third World status thanks to the Affordable Care Act, so “Daily Show” correspondent Aasif Mandvi set out to see what will happen to the “best health care system in the world.” Related Entries February 27, …read more Via: truthdig.com     

An Aristocracy of Musicians

The top 1 percent of artists take 77 percent of the income earned in the music industry, a new report found. Consequence of Sound reports: According to the report entitled, The Death of the Long Tail: The Superstar Music Economy, the disparity is complicated by recent developments in the …read more Via: truthdig.com     

Behind Clash Between C.I.A. and Congress, a Secret Report on Interrogations

It was early December when the Central Intelligence Agency began to suspect it had suffered what it regarded as an embarrassing computer breach. …read more Via: huffingtonpost.com     

Awareness and true Advertising

It has always been a problem getting our message across to others, that capitalism is not working, or better put that another way, has never worked in our interests ever, let me clarify that and make it less confused and more clearly comprehensible; it does not …read more Via: thesocialistway.blogspot.com     

Why ‘True Detective’ Needs A Supernatural Finale

CREDIT: HBO The True Detective finale on Sunday, arguably the obsessed-over closing episode since Lost’s curtain call almost four years ago, will decide whether the show lives up to its grandest ambitions. At its best, True Detective displays dread play on cop show cliches; at its worst, it …read more Via: thinkprogress.org     

Muslim Leaders Issue Fatwah Against Critter Killers

“All activities resulting in wildlife extinction without justifiable religious grounds or legal provisions,” are forbidden under Islamic law. The Indonesian Council of Ulema (MUI), Indonesia’s highest Islamic clerical body, has issued a fatwah (a religious decree) outlawing the illegal poaching and trafficking of the country’s endangered wildlife species and the wanton …read more Via: firedoglake.com

Caves discovered in Patagonia may unlock secrets of how continents formed

Chilean and French scientists have discovered a network of underground caves on a remote island in Patagonia that could provide valuable clues as to how continents were formed. The group found the system of around 20 limestone caves this week during a research trip to Diego de Almagro island off… …read more Via: rawstory.com     

With Journalists Under Attack, Crimea Faces ‘Information Crisis’ Ahead Of National Referendum

CREDIT: AP Multiple reporters have been harassed and beaten while trying to cover efforts by pro-Russian militants to seize areas of Crimea, raising serious concerns about the safety of journalists and their ability to report accurate information just days before Crimeans vote on their political future. Ukraine’s …read more Via: thinkprogress.org     

Newt Gingrich attacks Obama while saying GOP can’t base itself on attacking Obama

Former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Rep. Newt Gingrich (R-GA) addressed the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington on Saturday, telling the assembled crowd that attacking President Barack Obama can’t be the sole basis of its policies, while taking several… …read more Via: rawstory.com     

Popcorn Time: Open Source Torrent Streaming Netflix For Pirates

Over the years BitTorrent has become fairly mainstream, with hundreds of millions of people using torrent clients to download the latest entertainment. Despite its popularity the downloading process can be cumbersome at times, especially for novices. Faced with this challenge Sebastian, a designer from Buenos Aires, Argentina, decided to come …read more Via: torrentfreak.com     

In Ukraine: Who Were 'The Snipers'?

<img width="150" alt="" border="0" src="http://www.commondreams.org/sites/commondreams.org/files/imce-images/sniper.jpg" title="in this Thursday, Feb. 20, 2014 file photo, activists evacuate a wounded protester during clashes with police in Kiev's Independence Square, the epicenter of the country's current unrest, Kiev, Ukraine. read …read more Via: commondreams.org