Naspers Interim Results with CEO Koos Bekker
Naspers Interim Results with CEO Koos Bekker
(www.abndigital.com) Naspers has come out with first half numbers, and to discuss these in more detail, ABN's Ashlea Harvey speaks with company CEO Koos Bekker.
Koos Bekker, CEO, Naspers, speaks at Africa investor, Brand South Africa 2012 Regional Integration Roundtable in Davos
Koos Bekker, CEO, Naspers, speaks at Africa investor, Brand South Africa 2012 Regional Integration Roundtable in Davos
Boycott Media24/Naspers: ANCYL
Boycott Media24/Naspers: ANCYL
The Heroic ANCYL is calling for Media24/Naspers to be boycotted because of their devilish nature against brown "black" people.
Valuation of Naspers with Khulekani Dlamini
Valuation of Naspers with Khulekani Dlamini
(www.abndigital.com) Bronwyn Nielsen speaks to Khulekani Dlamini, Head of Research at Afena Capital, discussing his valuation of media giant Naspers.
Naspers Interim Results with CEO, Koos Bekker
Naspers Interim Results with CEO, Koos Bekker
(www.abndigital.com) Africa's largest media company Naspers posted a 33 percent rise in first-half earnings, helped by a strong performance of its pay-TV and internet units. Core headline earnings per share came in at 860 cents vs 648 cents previously. The company has, however, cautioned that full-year profit could be hit by the increasing cost of sport on television. We're joined on the line now by CEO Koos Bekker.
Video Interview with Johann Van Tonder of Naspers Labs in South Africa.
Video Interview with Johann Van Tonder of Naspers Labs in South Africa.
Johann Van Tonder is an Internet Strategist at Naspers Labs in South Africa. Naspers Labs is part of Naspers, the global media company that is listed on the LSE and JSE. His focus is developing new Internet businesses that can be rolled out in Africa and beyond. In this interview, he talks about his plans for Internet businesses in Kenya and the rest of Africa.
Results out from Africa's biggest media group Naspers with CEO, Koos Bekker
Results out from Africa's biggest media group Naspers with CEO, Koos Bekker
(www.abndigital.com) Results out from Africa's biggest media group Naspers this morning show a 5% rise in revenue to R28bn for the year to March, while core headline earnings grew 22% to R5.3bn. Joining me with more is CEO Koos Bekker.
AIP's Louis Vale on Media Transformation
AIP's Louis Vale on Media Transformation
Louis Vale from Association of Independent Publishers addresses Parliamentary Indaba on Media Transformation, September 2011. She talks about the challenges facing small papers in the face of monopoly competition from large corporations like naspers/media24.
Propaganda da revista Veja mostra que leitor é um idiota manipulável
Propaganda da revista Veja mostra que leitor é um idiota manipulável
Este vídeo é parte da campanha publicitária que a revista Veja lançou em 2003. Bem ilustrativa, a peça ironicamente vem reforçar a opinião que as pessoas mais bem informadas têm sobre a revista do Grupo Abril, ou seja, a lavagem cerebral; o pensamento único desprovido de qualquer senso crítico. A opinião do leitor da Veja é, para os críticos, rigorosamente o reflexo daquilo que o dono do veículo pensa: a demonização da esquerda, ou, qualquer governo de orientação socialista; a galhofa com os movimentos sociais; a ditadura da beleza "branca e de olhos azuis"; o consumismo....A Veja é, pois, uma caricatura mal ajambrada de tudo aquilo que prega a chamada grande mídia. Em 2006, o grupo sul-africano Naspers encampou 30% do Grupo Abril. Para quem não conhece a Naspers, tal grupo é acusado de ter dado respaldo ao vergonhoso regime racista do apartheid na África do Sul. A fonte desta informação você pode conferir na Wikipedia; pesquise também no Google por "naspers apartheid" (sem aspas).
Koos Bekker on the Noticeable Absence of China
Koos Bekker on the Noticeable Absence of China
(www.abndigital.com) The annual meeting of the World Economic Forum is currently underway in Davos, The theme this year is "The Great Transformation: Shaping New Models". ABN's Godfrey Mutizwa speaks with Koos Bekker, CEO of Naspers, looking at the noticeable absence of the Chinese.
Dishonest by Design (pt1/2)
Dishonest by Design (pt1/2)
Work in progress tackling an apartheid media company. Part 2 youtu.be
Boekehuis: The final chapter
Boekehuis: The final chapter
Johannesburg's Boekehuis has recently been threatened with closure by its holding company Media24. M&G speaks to Mark Gevisser about what makes Boekehuis different from other bookshops.
Allegrogroup Bulgaria Presentation
Allegrogroup Bulgaria Presentation
Allegro Group Bulgaria is the leading e-commerce company in Bulgaria managing the most dynamic C2C and B2C platforms: www.prodavalnik.com, www.aukro.bg and www.pazaruvaj.com. Allegro Group operates numerous e-businesses across Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. Allegro Group is part of Naspers family. Naspers is a leading multinational media group, incorporated in 1915 as a public limited liability company and listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) in September 1994. The company also has an ADR listing on the London Stock Exchange (LSE). Over the past two decades the group has evolved from a traditional print media business in one country, to a broad-based e-media company in multiple markets. The group's principal operations are in internet platforms (focussing on commerce, communities, content, communication and games), pay-television and the provision of related technologies and print media (including publishing, distribution and printing of magazines, newspapers and books). Most of Naspers's businesses hold leading market positions. The group's most significant operations are located in emerging markets. This includes South Africa and the rest of Sub-Saharan Africa, China, Latin America, Central and Eastern Europe, Russia and India. www.allegrogroup.bg