Monday, May 12, 2014

How America makes life extra hard on moms

Mothers deserve more than a holiday. They deserve paid leave and fair employment.

How America makes life extra hard on moms

Mothers deserve more than a holiday. They deserve paid leave and fair employment.

GOP wonks try to have it both ways on taxes

Tim Geithner's book says Mitt Romney's top economic advisor privately told him he was open to tax increases. Now that advisor is calling Geithner a liar. But he said the same things in an op-ed years ago.

GOP wonks try to have it both ways on taxes

Tim Geithner's book says Mitt Romney's top economic advisor privately told him he was open to tax increases. Now that advisor is calling Geithner a liar. But he said the same things in an op-ed years ago.

Canada allows transgender soldiers; the US doesn't

Could this be the next frontier for LGBT rights in the military?

Canada allows transgender soldiers; the US doesn't

Could this be the next frontier for LGBT rights in the military?

The Republican Benghazi prisoner's dilemma

How a concept from game theory concept explains why Republicans can't stop pushing

The Republican Benghazi prisoner's dilemma

How a concept from game theory concept explains why Republicans can't stop pushing

Scientists find switch for controlling your dreams

Using gentle electrical stimulation on the scalp, researchers made subjects aware that they were dreaming — within their dreams.

Scientists find switch for controlling your dreams

Using gentle electrical stimulation on the scalp, researchers made subjects aware that they were dreaming — within their dreams.

Why colleges are so bad at handling sexual assault

Two big problems have to be confronted in order for the culture to change.

It's time to raise the gas tax

There's an obvious solution to the transportation funding crisis — restore the real purchasing power of a gasoline tax that's been eroded by two decades of inflation.

The right is getting skeptical of strong copyright

Google's lavish donations to conservative and libertarian think tanks has helped to foster a skeptical attitude toward strong copyright protections.

More and more moms are staying home

Working moms are more educated and more prevalent, and they also sleep less than their stay-at-home counterparts

Pot shops are forced to run like lemonade stands

The issue has to do with banking.

Flies can spread antibiotic-resistant bacteria

We're running out of antibiotic drugs, and flies could be speeding up the process by transferring bacteria from farms to our food.

Anti-gay trials have started in Uganda

A timeline of the major events in the arrest and trial of Jackson Mukasa and Kim Mukisa

Should Obamacare let companies skip insurance?

Killing Obamacare's employer mandate would reduce health insurance coverage by 0.07 percent, a new paper from a liberal think tank suggests.

Arkansas judge strikes down same-sex marriage ban

The ruling makes Arkansas the latest of many states to advance LGBT rights.

40 maps that explain the Middle East

Here are 40 maps crucial for understanding the Middle East — its history, its present, and some of the most important stories in the region today.

6 remarkable facts about the science of motherhood

#5: a mother's brain may contain cells from her children that passed through the placenta during gestation.

The 3 facts to know about South Africa's election

South African politics are complicated, but these three basic points will get you a long way to understanding them.

Eating marijuana is riskier than smoking it

It might be a good idea to put that pot brownie down before it's finished.

29 times Community was the funniest show on TV

Community was canceled today. Relive the magic.

Explained in 2 minutes

PRESENTED BY 66589626_ge_large_white

Does student debt hold back housing?

Except for 2003-2010, people with student loans have been less likely to take out a mortgage.

Introducing the Vox Lime Index

America is in the grips of a lime crisis. Here's why.

Android infringes Oracle copyrights, court rules

A federal judge has ruled that Google's Android operating system infringes Oracle's copyrights. The ruling is bad news for the software industry.


Wealth inequality is dangerous for America

Ezra Klein explains in just a little over 2 minutes.

Why #BringBackOurGirls actually makes a difference

It looks like, improbably enough, hashtag activism is helping in Nigeria.

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