Who Does Have Legal Jurisdiction Over Multi-National Corporations?; A Labor Report

(00:00) A recent Supreme Court decision ruled that Argentinians couldn’t sue a German company in the U.S. Okay, that makes sense. But in a token dissent, Justice Sotomayor asked, “Where is a multi-national corporation held accountable?” That is a good question for criminal and civil matters. Former international war crimes prosecutor and current international law […]

A Labor Perspective on the State of the Union; The Jobs Report

(00:00) The State of the Union address was also notable for what it didn’t say. The President didn’t address trade issues, worker rights, or jobs programs. As a result, says Frank Emspak of LaborRadio.org, he’s giving it mixed reviews. Guest: Frank Emspak Learn more at: Worker Independent News (29:00) The employment numbers were cruising along […]

The Second Chance Center: From Hard Time to Human Kindness

(00:00) Hassan Latif served 18 years in Colorado penitentiaries. Sean Ashee Taylor served 22 years for a homicide he committed when he was a seventeen year-old member of the Bloods. Adam Abdullah was imprisoned for over 33 years in Federal prisons. What do these men have in common? They are now free and practice the […]

Groceryships: A Story of Wall Street Greed and Main Street Redemption

(00:00) Sam Polk wrote a letter to the editor at the New York Times and created a national sensation. He gave us permission to read his powerful story in its entirety on the show. He then joins us to talk about his story. He traded derivatives on Wall Street and made millions. Then he realized […]

Bankers Liked Eminent Domain Until it Benefited Homeowners

(00:00) New York Times journalist Shaila Dewan explains how eminent domain might be used to help citizens in Richmond, California with underwater mortgages. It could sustain property values, provide a stable tax base, and help people who never recovered from the mortgage meltdown in the Great Recession. Who could be against that? The bankers even […]

Electricity: How Ohio Shut Down a Manufacturer and Allows Its Citizens to Pay Too Much

by Tim Danahey It is always interesting to speculate on the relationships between government officials and business. The relationships often results in rules and regulations that provide substantial benefits to businesses and leave citizens paying the benefits government bestows. It can also lead to the loss of jobs for workers who do not have the […]

Minnesota or Wisconsin: Whose Economic Plan is Working; Student Debt – The Bankers’ Gain and a Nation’s Loss

(00:00) Minnesota has raised taxes on the wealthy, increased sales taxes, and invested in poverty programs, infrastructure, and education. Wisconsin has cut taxes for the wealthy, reduced union rights, privatized government assets, reduced corporate taxes, and passed legislation favorable to business. Which state has prospered? Which state is creating jobs? Will the results be sustained? […]

Humane Society Works for Humanity in Farms, Ranches, and Rural Economies

(00:00) The fight for ethical treatment of all animals, food quality, family farms and ranches, and rural economies is being fought by the Humane Society of the United States. Hear the amazing story have how this 60 year-old organization is energized to save an important part of American food, economy, and life. Big Agriculture, industrial […]

The Truth About the Power of Agri-Business Corporations

(00:00) Independent and natural family ranchers are forced to pay for their own demise through a government “tax” transferred to multi-national meat processors. Resistance is futile? The beef checkoff program forces small ranchers to pay into a fund that enables multi-national beef processors to divert other money into lobbying that destroys independent ranchers. It is […]

The Real Story of Boeing and Chrysler’s Labor Results; The NSA’s Legal Status

(00:00) Boeing’s IAM union voted to approve concessions to Boeing under the threat of lost jobs. What’s the real story? Also, Fiat paid the UAW for it’s share of Chrysler. Fiat now owns 100% of Chrysler. What is the consequence of their action? Frank Emspak of LaborRadio.org explains. Guest: Frank Emspak, learn more at Workers […]

“The U.S. Government is the Greatest Invention in History”

It’s easy to criticize government. Every misstep, every misappropriation, and every hint of waste is magnified in Big Media and used to empower hoards of anti-government zealots. In fact, an entire political doctrine is built around the evils of government and the perception of out-of-control spending. The government deserves the criticism. The manner in which […]

Book Hour: “Thomas Jefferson’s Qur’an: Islam and the Founders” with author Denise Spellberg

(00:00) This book concerns the influence of Islam in the development of religious freedom. The freedom was created in the context of strong feelings against Catholicism and Judaism. The book also brings forth the supposition that Islam was probably the largest religious minority in the United States in the 1700′s. This claim is based upon […]

Take the Fed Reserve Public; The Government Breaks a Promise to Veterans

(00:00) The Federal Reserve controls the money supply and supports the banks who own it. Isn’t it time for the Fed to answer to the people and not the banks? Why can’t there be public banking? It works fantastic for the people of North Dakota. Why not the rest of us? Guest: Ellen Brown Learn […]