
Paul Baghdadlian The King Of Armenian Love Songs: In Loving Memory.
Paul Baghdadlian Will Always Be The King Of Armenian Love songs. 1953 to 2011....
published: 12 Jul 2011
author: Joseph Krikorian
Paul Baghdadlian The King Of Armenian Love Songs: In Loving Memory.
Paul Baghdadlian The King Of Armenian Love Songs: In Loving Memory.
Paul Baghdadlian Will Always Be The King Of Armenian Love songs. 1953 to 2011.- published: 12 Jul 2011
- views: 547892
- author: Joseph Krikorian

"POL" - Skateboarding Indonesia
'POL' is a documentary film about the lives of three of Indonesia's ...
published: 02 Dec 2013
"POL" - Skateboarding Indonesia
"POL" - Skateboarding Indonesia
http://www.volcom.com 'POL' is a documentary film about the lives of three of Indonesia's top skateboarders: Indra Leonardo, Rino Herman and Mario Palandeng. Its a story about three kids growing up in the world's largest Muslim nation that break away from their families to chase their dreams of becoming professional skateboarders. Each with a different journey that brought its own struggles and pains, from being homeless to being broken physically and emotionally, 'POL' is an inspirational tale of what it means to follow your heart. Its a film about courage, sacrifice, dedication and the human spirit. Now sponsored by Volcom, their stories are an inspiration to thousands of kids and an emerging generation of skateboarders in Indonesia.- published: 02 Dec 2013
- views: 5639

/pol/.wad - IT'S HAPPENING
I don't really care much for /pol/'s flavor of humor, but this battle was really fun....
published: 25 Apr 2013
author: TerminusEst13
/pol/.wad - IT'S HAPPENING
/pol/.wad - IT'S HAPPENING
I don't really care much for /pol/'s flavor of humor, but this battle was really fun.- published: 25 Apr 2013
- views: 1387
- author: TerminusEst13

POL 3.14 "Jóvenes Eternamente" HD. Videoclip Oficial
Tema perteneciente al segundo álbum de POL 3.14 "Jóvenes Eternamente" 2012. Este tema ha s...
published: 23 Apr 2012
author: pol
POL 3.14 "Jóvenes Eternamente" HD. Videoclip Oficial
POL 3.14 "Jóvenes Eternamente" HD. Videoclip Oficial
Tema perteneciente al segundo álbum de POL 3.14 "Jóvenes Eternamente" 2012. Este tema ha sido banda sonora de la serie de Antena 3 " EL BARCO" y de la pelícu...- published: 23 Apr 2012
- views: 285498
- author: pol

The Incredible Dr. Pol - Cow Gas
The Incredible Dr. Pol: SATURDAYS 10P et/pt : http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animal...
published: 07 Aug 2012
author: NatGeoWild
The Incredible Dr. Pol - Cow Gas
The Incredible Dr. Pol - Cow Gas
The Incredible Dr. Pol: SATURDAYS 10P et/pt : http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/wild/shows-incredible-dr-pol/ Dr. Brenda comes to the rescue of a...- published: 07 Aug 2012
- views: 52706
- author: NatGeoWild

First Kiss - Vietrio Feat. PETE POL
First Kiss Official Music Video Download : *1230037 Credits Vocal : PETE POL Lyric : PETE ...
published: 06 Aug 2010
author: polnop
First Kiss - Vietrio Feat. PETE POL
First Kiss - Vietrio Feat. PETE POL
First Kiss Official Music Video Download : *1230037 Credits Vocal : PETE POL Lyric : PETE POL Music : PETE POL Arranger : Ruengrit Ekahitanond Producer : Rue...- published: 06 Aug 2010
- views: 1460375
- author: polnop

Pol 3.14 -" Bipolar". Videoclip Oficial
Primer videoclip de Pol 3.14 Canción Bipolar GLOBOMEDIA MÚSICA Productora: THEM FILMS....
published: 20 Apr 2010
author: pol
Pol 3.14 -" Bipolar". Videoclip Oficial
Pol 3.14 -" Bipolar". Videoclip Oficial
Primer videoclip de Pol 3.14 Canción Bipolar GLOBOMEDIA MÚSICA Productora: THEM FILMS.- published: 20 Apr 2010
- views: 2110475
- author: pol

Pol 3.14 " En Shock" . Videoclip Oficial.
El otro día nos juntamos unos amigos y decidimos hacer el video de mi tema favorito "en sh...
published: 09 Oct 2012
author: pol
Pol 3.14 " En Shock" . Videoclip Oficial.
Pol 3.14 " En Shock" . Videoclip Oficial.
El otro día nos juntamos unos amigos y decidimos hacer el video de mi tema favorito "en shock". Mil gracias a Nacho Navarro por su montaje. LOVE.- published: 09 Oct 2012
- views: 86949
- author: pol

POL 3.14 " Un millón de mariposas" Video HD Oficial.
"Un millón de mariposas" es el primer single del segundo disco de POL 3.14 " Jóvenes Etern...
published: 12 Jun 2012
author: pol
POL 3.14 " Un millón de mariposas" Video HD Oficial.
POL 3.14 " Un millón de mariposas" Video HD Oficial.
"Un millón de mariposas" es el primer single del segundo disco de POL 3.14 " Jóvenes Eternamente". Videoclip oficial. Director: Ezequiel González.- published: 12 Jun 2012
- views: 105897
- author: pol

Pol 3.14 " Lo que no ves" Videoclip Oficial. HD
Videoclip oficial de la canción de POL 3.14 "Lo que no ves" Incluida en su primer disco. P...
published: 05 Oct 2010
author: pol
Pol 3.14 " Lo que no ves" Videoclip Oficial. HD
Pol 3.14 " Lo que no ves" Videoclip Oficial. HD
Videoclip oficial de la canción de POL 3.14 "Lo que no ves" Incluida en su primer disco. Pol 3.14 Globomedia Música Productora del videoclip: THEM FILMS Real...- published: 05 Oct 2010
- views: 2077378
- author: pol

Dr. Pol Blog: The Doctor on a Stick
The crew of Dr. Pol adds an extra appendage to everybody's favorite vet. THE INCREDIBLE D...
published: 25 Jan 2014
Dr. Pol Blog: The Doctor on a Stick
Dr. Pol Blog: The Doctor on a Stick
The crew of Dr. Pol adds an extra appendage to everybody's favorite vet. THE INCREDIBLE DR. POL AIRS SATURDAYS at 9P.- published: 25 Jan 2014
- views: 4486

The Incredible Dr. Pol: Baby, Its Cold Outside (FULL EPISODE)
Roses are red, violets are blue, when animals go crazy, Dr. Pol knows what to do. Feeling ...
published: 11 Nov 2013
The Incredible Dr. Pol: Baby, Its Cold Outside (FULL EPISODE)
The Incredible Dr. Pol: Baby, Its Cold Outside (FULL EPISODE)
Roses are red, violets are blue, when animals go crazy, Dr. Pol knows what to do. Feeling lonely on this romantic day, Charles finds love when he adopts an adorable Great Dane puppy.- published: 11 Nov 2013
- views: 3845
Vimeo results:

Porsche Speed
Hi peoples!
We made this film to showcase our CG abilities. We wanted to make the best sh...
published: 12 Nov 2008
author: Daan Pol
Porsche Speed
Hi peoples!
We made this film to showcase our CG abilities. We wanted to make the best showcase one can imagine for a new car. We chose the Porsche since we...just..like Porsches!
We storyboarded, previzzed, animated and rendered it all in house. Production took 4 weeks, rendering on a 8 core MacPro took 4 months non stop. All frames rendered at a minimum of 1 frame an hour, some took 24 hours per frame (the door opening took that long because of the blurry reflections). Everything was rendered in 1920x817 in Cinema4D. No Radiosity was used, only some area lights and a nice environment based on an EMC room.
Part 2 of this film is currently in production and is going to look even awesomer than this one :D ! We plan on doing some sort of trilogy based around the awesomeness of the car.
This is the kind of stuff we want to do, create awesome films with a high production value that evoke a positive emotion.
Audio was created by Maarten from http://www.m-works.nl
Thanks again Maarten!
For more work check out our site:

Making it look Awesome : Linear Workflow in Cinema4D
A very basic explanation of how to work in Linear Color space in Cinema 4D without any ext...
published: 01 May 2010
author: Daan Pol
Making it look Awesome : Linear Workflow in Cinema4D
A very basic explanation of how to work in Linear Color space in Cinema 4D without any external plugins. Applies to all versions back to version 9 I believe.
Questions are answered here:
Be sure to join our Crazy Architecture Challenge! It is Awesome for those of you that are wondering what it is all about. (plus you can win stuff woo!)

Carhartt - Photographer
Directed by Pol Penas & David Paco
Cinematographer: Pol Orpinell Freixa
Production: Laneta...
published: 20 Oct 2011
author: Pol Orpinell Freixa
Carhartt - Photographer
Directed by Pol Penas & David Paco
Cinematographer: Pol Orpinell Freixa
Production: Laneta (www.lanetalab.com)
Format: SuperSlow HD

C4Real Showreel
Our latest Motiongraphics/VFX/3D Animation showreel!
Checkout http://www.c4real.eu for mo...
published: 03 Aug 2009
author: Daan Pol
C4Real Showreel
Our latest Motiongraphics/VFX/3D Animation showreel!
Checkout http://www.c4real.eu for more work.
The music is a remix of DVNO by Justice.
Or for a direct download link of the reel:
1920x1080 version:
1280x720 version:
640x360 version:
Youtube results:

The Incredible Dr. Pol: Cat in the H.A.T.S (FULL EPISODE)
Dangerous farm calls quickly escalate to life and death; a mysterious growth on a frighten...
published: 11 Nov 2013
The Incredible Dr. Pol: Cat in the H.A.T.S (FULL EPISODE)
The Incredible Dr. Pol: Cat in the H.A.T.S (FULL EPISODE)
Dangerous farm calls quickly escalate to life and death; a mysterious growth on a frightened pooch; and Dr. Pol and Charles volunteer for the local Humane Animal Treatment Society to fight feral cat overpopulation.- published: 11 Nov 2013
- views: 270

Pol Pot Doku Deutsch über Pol Pot
Pol Pot (* vermutlich 19. Mai 1928 in der Provinz Kompong Thom, Kambodscha; † 15. April 19...
published: 17 May 2013
author: Claudia Streibermann
Pol Pot Doku Deutsch über Pol Pot
Pol Pot Doku Deutsch über Pol Pot
Pol Pot (* vermutlich 19. Mai 1928 in der Provinz Kompong Thom, Kambodscha; † 15. April 1998 in Anlong Veng; eigentlich Saloth Sar) war ein kambodschanischer...- published: 17 May 2013
- views: 1850
- author: Claudia Streibermann