How the Government Tracks You: NSA Surveillance
Don't just watch it, DO SOMETHING: http://TheNSAvideo.com
The U.S. Government has turned...
published: 16 Oct 2013
How the Government Tracks You: NSA Surveillance
How the Government Tracks You: NSA Surveillance
Don't just watch it, DO SOMETHING: http://TheNSAvideo.com The U.S. Government has turned the Internet into something it was never intended to be: a system for spying on us in our most private moments. Out of control government surveillance is a dangerous form of censorship. Don't be intimidated. Share this video. Narrated by Evangeline Lilly Brought to you by Fight for the Future and Demand Progress. Produced by Mata Wata -- http://matawata.com Executive Producer: Evangeline Lilly -- http://evangelinelilly.com Photos and Video from the October 15th Guerrilla Screening Debut in New York City: http://TheNSAVideo.com/#screening STOP WATCHING US RALLY AGAINST MASS SURVEILLANCE Sat, October 26th in Washington, DC http://Rally.StopWatching.us- published: 16 Oct 2013
- views: 306258
More Snowden Leaks: How The Government Reacted To Wikileaks
"Top-secret documents from the National Security Agency and its British counterpart reveal...
published: 23 Feb 2014
More Snowden Leaks: How The Government Reacted To Wikileaks
More Snowden Leaks: How The Government Reacted To Wikileaks
"Top-secret documents from the National Security Agency and its British counterpart reveal for the first time how the governments of the United States and the United Kingdom targeted WikiLeaks and other activist groups with tactics ranging from covert surveillance to prosecution. The efforts -- detailed in documents provided previously by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden -- included a broad campaign of international pressure aimed not only at WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, but at what the U.S. government calls "the human network that supports WikiLeaks." The documents also contain internal discussions about targeting the file-sharing site Pirate Bay and hacktivist collectives such as Anonymous. One classified document from Government Communications Headquarters, Britain's top spy agency, shows that GCHQ used its surveillance system to secretly monitor visitors to a WikiLeaks site. By exploiting its ability to tap into the fiber-optic cables that make up the backbone of the Internet, the agency confided to allies in 2012, it was able to collect the IP addresses of visitors in real time, as well as the search terms that visitors used to reach the site from search engines like Google." Read more: https://firstlook.org/theintercept/article/2014/02/18/snowden-docs-reveal-covert-surveillance-and-pressure-tactics-aimed-at-wikileaks-and-its-supporters/ Cenk Uygur (http://www.twitter.com/cenkuygur) host of The Young Turks discusses the latest revelations from the Snowden leaks, which focus on how the U.S. government reacted to Wikileaks. Tell us what you think in the comment section below. ********** The Largest Online News Show in the World. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE STREAMING weekdays 6-8pm ET. Young Turk (n), 1. Young progressive or insurgent member of an institution, movement, or political party. 2. Young person who rebels against authority or societal expectations. (American Heritage Dictionary) The Young Turks (Winner - Best Political Podcast & Best Political News Site of 2009) were the first original talk show on Sirius satellite radio and the first live, daily webcast on the internet. But that is not the revolution. We are a rare show that combines all of the news that people care about in one place. We are not afraid to talk about politics and entertainment and sports and pop culture. But that is not the revolution either. The real revolution is in daring to be honest with people. We don't patronize our viewers or lie to them. We have real conversations and deliver the news honestly. Download audio and video of the full two hour show on-demand + the members-only post game show by becoming a member at http://www.tytnetwork.com/tytmembership. Your membership supports the day to day operations and is vital for our continued success and growth. Join The Young Turks Network mailing list http://www.tytnetwork.com/member-options/register-subscriber/ or Support The Young Turks by Subscribing http://www.youtube.com/user/theyoungturks?sub_confirmation=1 Like Us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TheYoungTurks Follow Us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/TheYoungTurks Support TYT for FREE by doing your Amazon shopping through this link (bookmark it!) http://www.amazon.com/?tag=theyoungturks-20 Buy TYT Merch: http://theyoungturks.spreadshirt.com/- published: 23 Feb 2014
- views: 51855
9/11 Incontrovertible Proof the Government is Lying
Who's Lying? NIST and conspirators eager to cover-up their crimes or the FDNY? Smoking Gun...
published: 03 Mar 2009
author: NanoThermite911
9/11 Incontrovertible Proof the Government is Lying
9/11 Incontrovertible Proof the Government is Lying
Who's Lying? NIST and conspirators eager to cover-up their crimes or the FDNY? Smoking Gun Proof : Peer Reviewed Primary Article confirms Thermite was Discov...- published: 03 Mar 2009
- views: 1370659
- author: NanoThermite911
Meet Jack. Or, What The Government Could Do With That Location Data
Take Action: https://www.aclu.org/GPSAct
Law enforcement is taking advantage of outdated ...
published: 20 Feb 2014
Meet Jack. Or, What The Government Could Do With That Location Data
Meet Jack. Or, What The Government Could Do With That Location Data
Take Action: https://www.aclu.org/GPSAct Law enforcement is taking advantage of outdated privacy laws to track Americans like never before. New technologies can record your every movement, revealing detailed information about how you choose to live your life. Without the right protections in place, the government can gain access to this information -- and to your private life -- with disturbing ease. As long as it is turned on, your mobile phone registers its position with cell towers every few minutes, whether the phone is being used or not. Since mobile carriers are retaining location data on their customers, government officials can learn a tremendous amount of detailed personal information about you by accessing your location history from your cell phone company, ranging from which friends you're seeing to where you go to the doctor to how often you go to church. The Justice Department and most local police forces can get months' worth of this information, without you ever knowing -- and often without a warrant from a judge. You can do something here: https://www.aclu.org/GPSAct- published: 20 Feb 2014
- views: 4324
you are a slave to the Government
some are slave to this government you need to wake up....
published: 14 Jun 2008
author: iroqua67
you are a slave to the Government
you are a slave to the Government
some are slave to this government you need to wake up.- published: 14 Jun 2008
- views: 204627
- author: iroqua67
President Obama Delivers a Statement on the Government Shutdown
In the Rose Garden at the White House, President Obama delivers a statement to the press o...
published: 01 Oct 2013
President Obama Delivers a Statement on the Government Shutdown
President Obama Delivers a Statement on the Government Shutdown
In the Rose Garden at the White House, President Obama delivers a statement to the press on the Affordable Care Act and the Government Shutdown. October 1, 2013.- published: 01 Oct 2013
- views: 101207
The Government Illusion
SHOW NOTES AND MP3: http://www.corbettreport.com/?p=7185 There are many arguments to be ma...
published: 29 Mar 2013
author: corbettreport
The Government Illusion
The Government Illusion
SHOW NOTES AND MP3: http://www.corbettreport.com/?p=7185 There are many arguments to be made against the concept of government: arguments from effect, argume...- published: 29 Mar 2013
- views: 13357
- author: corbettreport
The Blunt Truth About The Government Shutdown
Time to put the "government shutdown" circus in perspective.
Follow us on Facebook: ht...
published: 08 Oct 2013
The Blunt Truth About The Government Shutdown
The Blunt Truth About The Government Shutdown
Time to put the "government shutdown" circus in perspective. Follow us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/StormCloudsGathering Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/collapseupdates Donate: http://StormCloudsGathering.com/donate Visit our website: http://StormCloudsGathering.com Get weekly email updates: http://tinyurl.com/naturalrightsnewsletter ----------------- Feds spend 5 billion on eve of shutdown: http://www.defense.gov/contracts/contract.aspx?contractid=5144 Feds ordered to make the sequester as painful as promised. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/mar/5/email-tells-feds-make-sequester-painful-promised/ Feds try to close down the ocean: http://www.miamiherald.com/2013/10/03/3668028_p2/shutdown-day-3-food-distributor.html Abuse of NSA domestic spying: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/09/10/nsa-surveillance-documents_n_3902208.html Rand Paul Supports the use of drones to kill Americans on U.S. soil: http://www.forbes.com/sites/rickungar/2013/04/23/rand-paul-shockingly-now-supports-the-use-of-drones-on-us-soil-to-kill-americans-so-what-was-that-filibuster-thing-all-about/ NDAA of 2013 passes unanimously: http://rt.com/usa/ndaa-military-detention-2013-365/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2nMwm7e_Lo ----- Thanks to Justin Breen for help with the animations at the end.- published: 08 Oct 2013
- views: 301
5 Guns The Government Doesn't Want You To Have...
Okay so I will be honest here. Is this one a little far fetched? No...they don't want us h...
published: 30 Dec 2013
5 Guns The Government Doesn't Want You To Have...
5 Guns The Government Doesn't Want You To Have...
Okay so I will be honest here. Is this one a little far fetched? No...they don't want us having anything more than a sharp stick. I'm glad that you guys enjoy the 5 guns videos. We have many more planned. Some of them are fantasy based, while other reality based, but still, it's an interesting subject. Not all people in the Government are anti-gun. There are many politicians that are pro-gun and fight to protect our rights when they are under attack. Unfortunately, many people in the Government think it is okay for their armed goons to be roaming the street but they want us to be disarmed for our own safety. Think about it people...You give up your guns and you will be giving up everything. Much more on the way guys, Eric Copyright 2013, 88 Industries, LLC- published: 30 Dec 2013
- views: 83602
Tim Hawkins - The Government Can
See more of Tim's videos at http://www.timhawkins.net....
published: 25 Aug 2009
author: timhawkinscomedy
Tim Hawkins - The Government Can
Tim Hawkins - The Government Can
See more of Tim's videos at http://www.timhawkins.net.- published: 25 Aug 2009
- views: 5808065
- author: timhawkinscomedy
25 Things You Should Know About The Government Shutdown
Tweet this video! - http://clicktotweet.com/0Lo90
With the 2013 shutdown of the United St...
published: 02 Oct 2013
25 Things You Should Know About The Government Shutdown
25 Things You Should Know About The Government Shutdown
Tweet this video! - http://clicktotweet.com/0Lo90 With the 2013 shutdown of the United States government people are asking a lot of questions. How will the shutdown affect you? Find out right now. Here are 25 things you should know about the government shutdown. https://twitter.com/list25 https://www.facebook.com/list25 http://list25.com Check out the text version too! - http://list25.com/25-government-shutdown Here's a preview: Every government needs money to run Congress couldn't agree on healthcare So everybody goes home Managers have to decide who stays and who doesn't Which parts of government stay open? The Military Public Safety Social Security Postal Service Congress Congressional Staffers Do essential employees get paid? What about the soldiers? So what actually shuts down? Health Care Housing Law Enforcement Parks and Museums What about Washington DC? How many government employees will be affected? Will the nonessential employees get paid? Is the government even ready? Which part of the economy will be most affected? Has this happened before? How does it end?- published: 02 Oct 2013
- views: 1989
The Truth About the Government Shutdown
The facts about the US Federal Government "shutdown" - and what is to come in the imminent...
published: 01 Oct 2013
The Truth About the Government Shutdown
The Truth About the Government Shutdown
The facts about the US Federal Government "shutdown" - and what is to come in the imminent debt ceiling crisis! Sources: http://board.freedomainradio.com/topic/37222-the-truth-about-the-government-shutdown/ Freedomain Radio is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by signing up for a monthly subscription or making a one time donation at: http://www.fdrurl.com/donate Bitcoin Address: 1Fd8RuZqJNG4v56rPD1v6rgYptwnHeJRWs Litecoin Address: LL76SbNek3dT8bv2APZNhWgNv3nHEzAgKT Get more from Stefan Molyneux and Freedomain Radio including books, podcasts and other info at: http://www.freedomainradio.com Amazon US Affiliate Link: www.fdrurl.com/AmazonUS Amazon Canada Affiliate Link: www.fdrurl.com/AmazonCanada Amazon UK Affiliate Link: www.fdrurl.com/AmazonUK Freedomain Radio Facebook: http://www.fdrurl.com/fb Freedomain Radio Twitter: https://twitter.com/freedomainradio Freedomain Radio Google+: http://www.fdrurl.com/google Freedomain Radio LinkedIn: http://www.fdrurl.com/LinkedIn- published: 01 Oct 2013
- views: 13284
The Government Shutdown for Dummies
A brief summary of the current (October 2013) government shutdown. Just the basics so you ...
published: 03 Oct 2013
The Government Shutdown for Dummies
The Government Shutdown for Dummies
A brief summary of the current (October 2013) government shutdown. Just the basics so you can do your own followup and research. "An educated citizenry is a vital requisite for our survival as a free people." ~Thomas Jefferson A short summary of the meaning behind Federalist Paper #10, written by James Madison. Let HipHughes bring you through Factions and beyond. Subscribe to my fellow EDU Gurus!! AMOR SCIENDI http://www.youtube.com/AmorSciendi ASAP SCIENCE http://www.youtube.com/AsapSCIENCE BOZEMAN BIOLOGY http://www.youtube.com/bozemanbiology KUMESHI CHAN http://www.youtube.com/KemushiChan BITE-SCIZED SCIENCE http://www.youtube.com/Lexie527 MATH APPITICIAN http://www.youtube.com/mathapptician MYLES POWER http://www.youtube.com/powerm1985 PROFS POP http://www.youtube.com/profspop SPANISH IS YOUR AMIGO http://www.youtube.com/SpanishIsYourA... Subscribe to these geniuses! Smarter Every Day http://www.youtube.com/user/destinws2 History for Music Lovers http://www.youtube.com/user/historyte... Crash Course w/ the Green Brothers http://www.youtube.com/crashcourse Steve Spangler Science: http://www.youtube.com/SteveSpanglerS... Minute Physics: http://www.youtube.com/minutephysics PBSIdeaChannel: https://www.youtube.com/pbsideachannel Numberphile: http://www.youtube.com/numberphile Deep Sky Videos: http://www.youtube.com/deepskyvideos Veritasium: http://www.youtube.com/1veritasium ViHart: http://www.youtube.com/vihart CGP Grey: http://www.youtube.com/cgpgrey VSauce: http://www.youtube.com/vsauce TedEd: http://www.youtube.com/TEDEducation Subscribe to PoliPoppers! *Check the PoliPop channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/POLIPOP Love history? Come "like" / follow HipHughes History on Facebook!- published: 03 Oct 2013
- views: 257
Youtube results:
What The Government Doesn't Want You To Know About Your Drivers License
The truth about drivers license and how you have been suckered by the government into payi...
published: 08 May 2013
author: BelligerentPolitics
What The Government Doesn't Want You To Know About Your Drivers License
What The Government Doesn't Want You To Know About Your Drivers License
The truth about drivers license and how you have been suckered by the government into paying for and abiding by rules that do not apply to any one individual...- published: 08 May 2013
- views: 6216
- author: BelligerentPolitics
The Government Cover-Up of Bigfoot Documentary
Features Todd Standing and Dr. Jeff Meldrum....
published: 09 Mar 2013
author: BigfootEvidence
The Government Cover-Up of Bigfoot Documentary
The Government Cover-Up of Bigfoot Documentary
Features Todd Standing and Dr. Jeff Meldrum.- published: 09 Mar 2013
- views: 85027
- author: BigfootEvidence
Is the Government Targeting Patriots & Christians?
The mainstream media scoffs at the idea that Christians, Constitutionalists, and people wh...
published: 30 Apr 2013
author: TheAlexJonesChannel
Is the Government Targeting Patriots & Christians?
Is the Government Targeting Patriots & Christians?
The mainstream media scoffs at the idea that Christians, Constitutionalists, and people who advocate limited government have anything to fear from the US gov...- published: 30 Apr 2013
- views: 16610
- author: TheAlexJonesChannel