
(2013)..This is a REAL interview with an actual Gray Alien! ...freaky
You be the judge...Victor sounds truly worried and scared...though.....
published: 20 Jan 2013
author: B1u3Dr4g0n1
(2013)..This is a REAL interview with an actual Gray Alien! ...freaky
(2013)..This is a REAL interview with an actual Gray Alien! ...freaky
You be the judge...Victor sounds truly worried and scared...though..- published: 20 Jan 2013
- views: 565484
- author: B1u3Dr4g0n1

Before The Grays
Betty and Barney was the first report that chronicles the the Gray ET. The gray was not th...
published: 24 Oct 2009
author: Cappufo
Before The Grays
Before The Grays
Betty and Barney was the first report that chronicles the the Gray ET. The gray was not the primary abductor it stayed curiously in the back during the time ...- published: 24 Oct 2009
- views: 5632
- author: Cappufo

Sobre a apologia das facções negativas Grays-Reptilianas
Como existe a liberdade de qualquer um afirmar suas convicções publicamente, que suportem,...
published: 16 Apr 2013
author: Tak Takeshita
Sobre a apologia das facções negativas Grays-Reptilianas
Sobre a apologia das facções negativas Grays-Reptilianas
Como existe a liberdade de qualquer um afirmar suas convicções publicamente, que suportem, portanto, as críticas e as opiniões divergentes, ou diametralmente...- published: 16 Apr 2013
- views: 2169
- author: Tak Takeshita

Whitley Strieber - The Grays (Aliens Among Us)
Long-time extraterrestrial expert Whitley Strieber's latest novel purportedly reveals trut...
published: 07 Jul 2006
author: ExpandedBooks
Whitley Strieber - The Grays (Aliens Among Us)
Whitley Strieber - The Grays (Aliens Among Us)
Long-time extraterrestrial expert Whitley Strieber's latest novel purportedly reveals truths about the nature of alien activity on earth. THE GRAYS explores ...- published: 07 Jul 2006
- views: 118013
- author: ExpandedBooks

Grays e Reptilianos - Alienígenas do Passado
Trecho de um documentário da série Alienígenas do Passado. QUER FICAR POR DENTRO DE TUDO Q...
published: 04 Mar 2013
author: PortalAtlantis
Grays e Reptilianos - Alienígenas do Passado
Grays e Reptilianos - Alienígenas do Passado
Trecho de um documentário da série Alienígenas do Passado. QUER FICAR POR DENTRO DE TUDO QUE ACONTECE NOS CÉUS E NO UNIVERSO? VISITE: http://www.atlantisufo....- published: 04 Mar 2013
- views: 152
- author: PortalAtlantis

Seres extraterrestres da raça Zeta Reticuli
Vídeos com UFOs e Aliens gravados há décadas Cenas alegadamente liberadas de algum cofre u...
published: 22 Apr 2012
author: patocolher
Seres extraterrestres da raça Zeta Reticuli
Seres extraterrestres da raça Zeta Reticuli
Vídeos com UFOs e Aliens gravados há décadas Cenas alegadamente liberadas de algum cofre ultra-secreto surgiram na rede e, desta vez, merecem investigação ma...- published: 22 Apr 2012
- views: 62308
- author: patocolher

Alien Species 2 - Greys and Reptilians
hello This is the following to "Alien species" video Here you can see how the main Alien R...
published: 17 Jul 2007
author: AgentJoannaDark
Alien Species 2 - Greys and Reptilians
Alien Species 2 - Greys and Reptilians
hello This is the following to "Alien species" video Here you can see how the main Alien Races look like starting with the well known Greys, and the Reptilia...- published: 17 Jul 2007
- views: 1366681
- author: AgentJoannaDark

Let The Grays Begin! - Gray Hair Adventure Episode 1
Ever thought about going back to your roots?
Fantasized about what lurked underneath your...
published: 29 Oct 2013
Let The Grays Begin! - Gray Hair Adventure Episode 1
Let The Grays Begin! - Gray Hair Adventure Episode 1
Ever thought about going back to your roots? Fantasized about what lurked underneath your regular dye jobs? I have and I've decided to stop wondering and start doing! After 8 years of sitting in the colorist's chair every couple months to hide my silver roots, I've decided that I want to experience my natural color, gray and all. I LOVE THE LOOK! This is the first episode in a playlist of my experience growing my hair out gray. I'll be posting throughout the whole adventure because I'm quickly finding out, that as challenging as it might be for me, going gray pushes a lot of society's buttons, and this is clearly something we need to bring out of the closet and start, not only talking about, but rethinking completely. Here are the links I mention in this episode which have helped me get started on the adventure: Cafe Gray - forum for gals who intend to rock gray: http://www.cafe-gray.com Pinterest Gray Inspirations : http://www.pinterest.com/brendayork_art/women-who-rock-the-silver-hair/- published: 29 Oct 2013
- views: 35

Sonata Arctica The Days Of Grays Full Album
1,Everything Fades To Gray (Instrumental)
3.The Last Amazing Grays
published: 09 Jan 2014
Sonata Arctica The Days Of Grays Full Album
Sonata Arctica The Days Of Grays Full Album
Setlist: 1,Everything Fades To Gray (Instrumental) 2.Deathaura 3.The Last Amazing Grays 4.Flag In The Ground 5.Breathing 6.Zeroes 7.The Dead Skin 8.Juliet 9.No Dream Can Heal A Broken Heart 10.As If The World Wasn't Ending 11.The Truth Is Out There 12.Everything Fades To Gray (Full Version) 13.In The Dark (Bonus Track) 14.Nothing More (Bonus Track) 15.In My Eyes You're A Giant (Bonus Track)- published: 09 Jan 2014
- views: 16

Wildcat! Wildcat! - Garden Grays
New single from a rising indie pop band based in LA.
Support the artist
published: 28 Aug 2013
Wildcat! Wildcat! - Garden Grays
Wildcat! Wildcat! - Garden Grays
New single from a rising indie pop band based in LA. Support the artist http://wildcatwildcat.com/ https://www.facebook.com/wildcatwildcatmusic Picture http://www.controlaltdelight.com/indie-radar-wildcat-wildcat/ Tidal blog http://tidal.ch http://www.facebook.com/tidal.ch http://twitter.com/tidal_blog- published: 28 Aug 2013
- views: 701

The Last Amazing Grays - Sonata Arctica (Lyrics)
"The Last Amazing Grays" Tercera pista del disco "The Days of Grays" de Sonata Arctica (To...
published: 10 Nov 2009
author: Xnge
The Last Amazing Grays - Sonata Arctica (Lyrics)
The Last Amazing Grays - Sonata Arctica (Lyrics)
"The Last Amazing Grays" Tercera pista del disco "The Days of Grays" de Sonata Arctica (Tony Kakko) The mystery of death before us Soon every night can bring...- published: 10 Nov 2009
- views: 289716
- author: Xnge

Massive Bigfoot Caught on Thermal In Grays Harbor, WA
Here it is folks. The Brown thermal footage filmed via a thermal imager on October 30, 201...
published: 14 Dec 2013
Massive Bigfoot Caught on Thermal In Grays Harbor, WA
Massive Bigfoot Caught on Thermal In Grays Harbor, WA
Here it is folks. The Brown thermal footage filmed via a thermal imager on October 30, 2013 by Jon, Sara and Ben Brown of Grays Harbor, Washington with the help of Derek Randles and The Olympic Project. Also, check out our interview with Jonathon Brown from yesterday, below: Shawn Evidence: Hi Jonathan. Really impressive footage. When did you film it? Jonathan Brown: Thank you. It was taken 3-4 weeks ago. Shawn Evidence: How many people were with you that day, if you don't mind me asking? Jonathan Brown: During the picture and the video, my brother Joel Brown. My wife was at the site not long before. Shawn Evidence: Did you find any tracks when you checked the location? Jonathan Brown: Yes. We cast a 16 1/2 inch print where he was standing. Shawn Evidence: I was wondering if there are any more details you can give us to share about your footage. I think you have the best thermal footage any researcher can ever ask for. In summer of 2012, The Sierra Evidence Initiative team, Bart Cutino and I, recorded what we believe to be at least 2 sasquatches on thermal. I have to say, your footage is pretty amazing. Jonathan Brown: I saw your footage a couple weeks ago, and loved it. When we filmed it we were unfamiliar with the flir, as we had only had it for a short period of time. We had the medium lens of the 3 on, and we didn't know about the zoom or how to adjust the lens for clarity. We also didn't know about the auto shut down or how to prevent it. It was 117 feet away, and I started browsing and took the first still. I didn't know how to record and my brother Joel brown, took the camera and figured out the record option and filmed the video. There were about 30 cows by us, and I was browsing them and when I saw the head, I thought it was probable that it was a bigfoot because the heat signature was so different. Through the view finder it was not nearly as clear as on the computer, and it wasn't until a few days later my wife pulled out the sd card. I was in another room playing my guitar and when I first saw the look on her face I thought someone died. I couldn't believe how good it ended up being. In the last year we have recorded 150 plus audio recordings of the wild men in the woods, and we have had 2 night time sightings of them and I had a daylight encounter. With that being said I wasn't in a hurry to watch what I thought was going to be a blurry blob that could have been a bigfoot. Jonathan Brown: The audio with the parabolic began in September and that is where the majority of the audio is from. Prior we had a few taken from our iPhones. Jonathan Brown: My wife Sara had contacted Derek Randles. After meeting him and David Ellis, we knew that it would be the perfect partnership. We brought them to the site, and walked them through the key areas, and our base camp where we do our general night observations. David Ellis set up his recording station with a parabolic microphone, and introduced my wife to a spectrographic analysis software program and worked together on the recordings. From there our site gained momentum. Shawn Evidence: What an incredible find Jonathan. Do you mind if I post something about this conversion? I can just mention your first name and leave your last name out of you prefer to stay private. Shawn Evidence: When was the last time you've been back? Jonathan Brown: The location of the site is very secure, and nothing about our names will link anything or anyone to the location. I was at the site last night with Joel AKA Ben (goes by Middle name). I'm also not concerned of people thinking I'm crazy for what we share. What would be crazy is to deny what you know for fear of what others may think. That would be the mindset of a coward. The only thing I can say to the skeptics is that I'm sorry that you don't know what I do. If you don't believe that's you're issue, not mine. We believe in bigfoot the same way people believe in bears. Shawn Evidence: Well said. I'm looking forward to sharing your story and investigation. Also, in the video that you filmed, how long is the video and how did the Bigfoot behave? Jonathan Brown: I believe the raw footage is 4 minutes, and the raw and enhanced will be shared at the same time as long as Derek and the team agree. We talked with Derek, and we came to an understanding that we need the Olympic Project to release all evidence first, and then we can share individually. So I will get you a picture of the footprint after it goes through the Olympic Project. We have been doing the field work, but it's a team effort between Derek, Sara, Joel, David and myself. If any of us were out of the equation the project wouldn't be what it is and we share equal importance, just in different roles. Shawn Evidence: Again. We appreciate you sharing your story with us, Jonathan. Original footage here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ML7-lp1lRrU- published: 14 Dec 2013
- views: 1330

The Grays - Very Best Years
Music video by The Grays performing Very Best Years. (C) 1994 SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT...
published: 25 Oct 2009
author: TheGraysVEVO
The Grays - Very Best Years
The Grays - Very Best Years
Music video by The Grays performing Very Best Years. (C) 1994 SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT.- published: 25 Oct 2009
- views: 47722
- author: TheGraysVEVO
Youtube results:

SONATA ARCTICA - The Last Amazing Grays (LIVE IN FINLAND: Teaser)
LIVE IN FINLAND (2DVD+2CD) out on November 11th (Europe) and November 29, 2011 (North Amer...
published: 21 Sep 2011
author: Nuclear Blast Records
SONATA ARCTICA - The Last Amazing Grays (LIVE IN FINLAND: Teaser)
SONATA ARCTICA - The Last Amazing Grays (LIVE IN FINLAND: Teaser)
LIVE IN FINLAND (2DVD+2CD) out on November 11th (Europe) and November 29, 2011 (North America) via Nuclear Blast Records. AVAILABLE AT: Nuclear Blast USA: ht...- published: 21 Sep 2011
- views: 151166
- author: Nuclear Blast Records

Sonata Arctica - The Last Amazing Grays (HD) subs
Like: https://www.facebook.com/SouthernCrossGuild Artist: Sonata Arctica Album: The Days o...
published: 21 Feb 2013
author: SouthernCross Guild
Sonata Arctica - The Last Amazing Grays (HD) subs
Sonata Arctica - The Last Amazing Grays (HD) subs
Like: https://www.facebook.com/SouthernCrossGuild Artist: Sonata Arctica Album: The Days of Grays (All Copyright goes to Sonata Arctica and Nuclear Blast) Vi...- published: 21 Feb 2013
- views: 548
- author: SouthernCross Guild

CGI VFX Short Film HD: "Grays" - Directed by Henry Hobson
Watch this brilliant and frightening short film Directed by the talented Henry Hobson, abo...
published: 04 Dec 2013
CGI VFX Short Film HD: "Grays" - Directed by Henry Hobson
CGI VFX Short Film HD: "Grays" - Directed by Henry Hobson
Watch this brilliant and frightening short film Directed by the talented Henry Hobson, about a young vet looks for information about how his father died. For more information, please see the details below: www.henryhobson.co.uk Directed by Henry Hobson Edited by Kyle Zeta Brown Sound Design - Q Dept Cinematography by Warren Hansen Produced by Lee Buckley VFX - Hill Lake (Troy Barsness) HUD Design - Henry Hobson HUD Animation - Alasdair Willson Matte Painting - Zach Mandt Colour Grading - The Mill (Gregory Reese)- published: 04 Dec 2013
- views: 3448

Arcadia HS - Washington Grays - 2012 Arcadia Band Review
http://www.arcadiamusic.org http://www.facebook.com/arcadiaapachemarchingband From Arcadia...
published: 18 Nov 2012
author: Music213 .
Arcadia HS - Washington Grays - 2012 Arcadia Band Review
Arcadia HS - Washington Grays - 2012 Arcadia Band Review
http://www.arcadiamusic.org http://www.facebook.com/arcadiaapachemarchingband From Arcadia, CA Arcadia High School Apache Marching Band performing their marc...- published: 18 Nov 2012
- views: 6077
- author: Music213 .