Gerald L K Smith 1936 Speech
Gerald L. K. Smith gave this message in the late 1936 after the FDR bunch assassinated Hue...
published: 07 Jan 2013
author: Dewey Tucker
Gerald L K Smith 1936 Speech
Gerald L K Smith 1936 Speech
Gerald L. K. Smith gave this message in the late 1936 after the FDR bunch assassinated Huey P. Long who had running for President of U.S.A. He was a great Ch...- published: 07 Jan 2013
- views: 352
- author: Dewey Tucker
Gerald L.K. Smith on the 10 Principles
Gerald L. K. Smith gave this message over 50 years ago in the late 1950's. Everything he s...
published: 01 Jan 2013
author: Dewey Tucker
Gerald L.K. Smith on the 10 Principles
Gerald L.K. Smith on the 10 Principles
Gerald L. K. Smith gave this message over 50 years ago in the late 1950's. Everything he says here has turned out according to his warnings. He was a great C...- published: 01 Jan 2013
- views: 296
- author: Dewey Tucker
scripturesforamerica.org 10 HIGH PRINCIPLES By: Gerald L.K. Smith (reprinted every month i...
published: 09 Aug 2011
author: Hail Christ 83
scripturesforamerica.org 10 HIGH PRINCIPLES By: Gerald L.K. Smith (reprinted every month in THE CROSS AND THE FLAG): The ten high principles on which the Chr...- published: 09 Aug 2011
- views: 822
- author: Hail Christ 83
This is Christian Nationalism! Speech by Gerald L.K. Smith (RARE)
scripturesforamerica.org A timeless truth for all ages, especially now! The ten high princ...
published: 06 Aug 2011
author: Hail Christ 83
This is Christian Nationalism! Speech by Gerald L.K. Smith (RARE)
This is Christian Nationalism! Speech by Gerald L.K. Smith (RARE)
scripturesforamerica.org A timeless truth for all ages, especially now! The ten high principles on which the Christian Nationalist Crusade rests are as follo...- published: 06 Aug 2011
- views: 1849
- author: Hail Christ 83
The Plot to Undermine Our Republic - Gerald L.K.Smith - Full film
published: 22 Feb 2013
author: hotkluvsyhvh
The Plot to Undermine Our Republic - Gerald L.K.Smith - Full film
The Plot to Undermine Our Republic - Gerald L.K.Smith - Full film
www.hotkme.blogspot.com.- published: 22 Feb 2013
- views: 83
- author: hotkluvsyhvh
Gerald L. K. Smith Spoke In 1957 Words For Today
Gerald L. K. Smith gave this message in 1957 which predicted what would be going on today ...
published: 04 May 2013
author: Dewey Tucker
Gerald L. K. Smith Spoke In 1957 Words For Today
Gerald L. K. Smith Spoke In 1957 Words For Today
Gerald L. K. Smith gave this message in 1957 which predicted what would be going on today if his warnings were not headed. He was a great Christian patriot w...- published: 04 May 2013
- views: 224
- author: Dewey Tucker
Gerald L K Smith, Anastase Vonsiatsky, Wickliffe Draper and the JFK Assassination
Rev. Gerald L. K. Smith featured in "Ministers of Hate" and "Demagogues of the Depression"...
published: 02 Feb 2009
author: AnastaseVonsiatsky
Gerald L K Smith, Anastase Vonsiatsky, Wickliffe Draper and the JFK Assassination
Gerald L K Smith, Anastase Vonsiatsky, Wickliffe Draper and the JFK Assassination
Rev. Gerald L. K. Smith featured in "Ministers of Hate" and "Demagogues of the Depression" was once called the greatest orator of the 20th Century. But in fa...- published: 02 Feb 2009
- views: 3663
- author: AnastaseVonsiatsky
Part 1: Introduction by the late Gerald K. Smith
Gerald K. Smith introduces Skillman Foundation & President & CEO Carol Goss at the 16th Ja...
published: 16 Jul 2009
author: skillmanfoundation
Part 1: Introduction by the late Gerald K. Smith
Part 1: Introduction by the late Gerald K. Smith
Gerald K. Smith introduces Skillman Foundation & President & CEO Carol Goss at the 16th James A. Joseph Lecture on Philanthropy on April 28, 2007, in Seattle.- published: 16 Jul 2009
- views: 101
- author: skillmanfoundation
Battlefield Earth
Battlefield Earth describes exactly what has been going on for millennia. All history reco...
published: 12 Feb 2013
author: Dewey Tucker
Battlefield Earth
Battlefield Earth
Battlefield Earth describes exactly what has been going on for millennia. All history records the wars that have been carried on between races and nations of...- published: 12 Feb 2013
- author: Dewey Tucker
MOT 1936: Hitler w/ hand to mouth sitting next to Hermann Goering - Archival Footage
published: 15 Mar 2013
author: thoughtequity
MOT 1936: Hitler w/ hand to mouth sitting next to Hermann Goering - Archival Footage
MOT 1936: Hitler w/ hand to mouth sitting next to Hermann Goering - Archival Footage
http://www.t3licensing.com/video/clip/49303013_005.do?utm_source=Youtube&utm;_medium=Video&utm;_campaign=Youtube%2BCampaign?mkid=yt MOT 1936: Hitler w/ hand to...- published: 15 Mar 2013
- views: 106
- author: thoughtequity
Huey Long shot 1935
View of grave. Louisiana State Capitol. Crowds file past body. Funeral procession led by R...
published: 01 Aug 2011
author: historycomestolife
Huey Long shot 1935
Huey Long shot 1935
View of grave. Louisiana State Capitol. Crowds file past body. Funeral procession led by Rev. Gerald L.K. Smith. Various shots of Long. The assassin, Dr. Car...- published: 01 Aug 2011
- views: 3369
- author: historycomestolife
The Lucifer Lie
How did the word LUCIFER become synonymous with evil? Only because this is what the church...
published: 04 Jun 2013
author: Dewey Tucker
The Lucifer Lie
The Lucifer Lie
How did the word LUCIFER become synonymous with evil? Only because this is what the church has taught. Like everything espoused by the church the whole LUCIF...- published: 04 Jun 2013
- views: 263
- author: Dewey Tucker
Gerald K. Smith Tucson AZ, Bankruptcy Law Lawyer
Call (602) 262-5348 to learn more about this Martindale-Hubbell® AV® Preeminen...
published: 28 Nov 2013
Gerald K. Smith Tucson AZ, Bankruptcy Law Lawyer
Gerald K. Smith Tucson AZ, Bankruptcy Law Lawyer
http://NULL Call (602) 262-5348 to learn more about this Martindale-Hubbell® AV® Preeminent™ Rated attorney. Gerald K. Smith of Gerald K. Smith Attorney at Law 6720 E. Camino Principal, Ste., 202, Tucson, AZ, 85715. Practice areas include Bankruptcy Law, Commercial Litigation, Secured Transactions and NULL. For more than 130 years, lawyers have relied on the AV® Preeminent™ rating while searching for their own expert attorneys. Now anyone can depend on this important, trusted rating. The Martindale-Hubbell® AV® Preeminent™ rating is the highest possible rating for an attorney for both ethical standards and legal ability. This rating represents the pinnacle of professional excellence. It is achieved only after an attorney has been reviewed and recommended by their peers - members of the bar and the judiciary. Gerald K. Smith has achieved an AV® Preeminent™ Rating from Martindale-Hubbell®.- published: 28 Nov 2013
- views: 0
Evangelical Heresy
The supremacy of man and subserviency of God is the foundation upon which the evangelical ...
published: 15 Jul 2012
author: Dewey Tucker
Evangelical Heresy
Evangelical Heresy
The supremacy of man and subserviency of God is the foundation upon which the evangelical religion is built. Their whole doctrine is NOT Biblical even though...- published: 15 Jul 2012
- views: 492
- author: Dewey Tucker
Youtube results:
Historia de los Judíos en los Estados Unidos
Historia de los Judíos en los Estados Unidos
Serie de artículos escritos por Henry Ford.
published: 03 Mar 2014
Historia de los Judíos en los Estados Unidos
Historia de los Judíos en los Estados Unidos
Historia de los Judíos en los Estados Unidos Serie de artículos escritos por Henry Ford. [LA Dearborn Independent, de la revista 05 de junio 1920] Exponiendo al judío internacional En 1918, uno de los más cercanos colaboradores de Ford y su secretario personal, Ernest G. Liebold, compró un periódico semanal, The Dearborn Independent, para que Ford pudiese publicar sus opiniones. En marzo de 1920 Ford comenzó una cruzada antijudía en las páginas de su periódico. El periódico siguió funcionando durante ocho años, desde 1920 hasta 1927, y durante ese periodo Liebold fue el editor. El periódico publicó Los Protocolos de los Sabios de Sión. La Sociedad Histórica Judía de América describe las ideas que aparecían en el periódico como contrarias a la inmigración, al sindicalismo, a las bebidas alcohólicas y a los judíos. En febrero de 1921 el periódico New York World publicó una entrevista con Ford en la que dijo que "El único comentario que diré sobre los Protocolos es que encajan en lo que está pasando". Durante este periodo Ford emergió como "un portavoz respetado para la extrema derecha y los prejuicios religiosos" llegando a tener alrededor de 700.000 lectores de su periódico. Junto con los Protocolos se publicaron otros artículos antijudíos en The Dearborn Independent. En los años 20 se publicó una recopilación de cuatro volúmenes denominada The International Jew, the World's Foremost Problem ("El judío internacional, el Mayor Problema Mundial"). Vincent Curcio escribe acerca de estas publicaciones que "eran distribuidas muy ampliamente y tuvieron gran influencia, en particular en la Alemania Nacionalsocialista, en donde nada menos que Adolf Hitler las leyó y las admiraba. Hitler colgó el dibujo de Ford en la pared, y basó varias secciones de Mein Kampf en sus escritos: es más, Ford es el único americano mencionado en su libro. Probablemente se puede decir, tal y como lo hace Lacey, que ningún americano contribuyó tanto al nacionalsocialismo como Henry Ford. Steven Watts escribió que Hitler admiraba a Ford. En Mein Kampf (escrita a mediados de los años 20) Hitler expresó su opinión de que, "Son los judíos quienes gobiernan las fuerzas de la Bolsa de Valores en la Unión Americana. Cada año les convierte más y más en los maestros que controlan a los productores de una nación de ciento veinte millones. Sólo un hombre, Ford, para su furia, todavía mantiene la total independencia.". En Estados Unidos La Liga Antidifamación movilizó a judíos y no judíos prominentes para oponerse públicamente al mensaje de Ford. Formaron una coalición de grupos judíos para el mismo propósito, y formularon constantes quejas en la prensa de Detroit. Antes de dejar la presidencia a comienzos de 1921, Woodrow Wilson se unió a otros líderes americanos en una afirmación que rebatía a Ford y a otros por su campaña antijudía. Un boicot contra los productos de Ford por judíos y cristianos liberales también tuvo su impacto, y Ford cerró el periódico en 1927. Ford se asoció después con el notorio antijudío Gerald L.K. Smith que afirmó en 1940 que Ford no mostraba ningún arrepentimiento por la visión antijudía del Independent y esperaba publicar The International Jew otra vez más adelante. Ese mismo año Ford comentó en The Guardian que "los banqueros internacionales judíos eran responsables de la Segunda Guerra Mundial". En 1938 el cónsul alemán en Cleveland otorgó a Ford la condecoración de la Gran cruz del Águila, la condecoración más alta que la Alemania de Hitler podía otorgar a un extranjero. Fuente: metapedia- published: 03 Mar 2014
- views: 0
The Thirteenth Step
From the previous step we know that Jesus was RAISED AGAIN. But does this only apply to Hi...
published: 10 Nov 2012
author: Dewey Tucker
The Thirteenth Step
The Thirteenth Step
From the previous step we know that Jesus was RAISED AGAIN. But does this only apply to Him? No! Being raised again is not limited to just Jesus. Read what H...- published: 10 Nov 2012
- views: 151
- author: Dewey Tucker
Before Ending
In every decade some Bible guru predicts the return of Christ is imminent. I have seen thi...
published: 28 Jan 2013
author: Dewey Tucker
Before Ending
Before Ending
In every decade some Bible guru predicts the return of Christ is imminent. I have seen this from 1950 until today. There were many that claimed the end of th...- published: 28 Jan 2013
- views: 184
- author: Dewey Tucker
Santorum and Christian Nationalism
For people who claim to know what the founders really meant, The current presidential wann...
published: 06 Mar 2012
author: TheMudbrooker
Santorum and Christian Nationalism
Santorum and Christian Nationalism
For people who claim to know what the founders really meant, The current presidential wannabes are woefully ignorant of historical context. Decojuicer's chan...- published: 06 Mar 2012
- views: 1603
- author: TheMudbrooker