The Web

Mr Abbott and the Culture Wars II: Climate Change and civil society

Mr Abbott and the Culture Wars II: Climate Change and civil society

One argument I made in my earlier post about Mr Abbott’s relaunch of the Culture Wars is that he won’t have noticed that civil society is stronger than it was in the Howard years. It’s not just “clicktivism” – there […]

Guest post by Jesse Richardson: Thoughts from the CPD panel on “Pushing Our Luck”

Guest post by Jesse Richardson: Thoughts from the CPD panel on “Pushing Our Luck”

MB writes: I’ve asked a number of the contributors to our discussion at Avid Reader around the CPD’s Pushing Our Luck to write up some of the themes and thoughts from the night. First cab off the rank is Jesse […]

The NBN thread we had to have: Malcolm Turnbull’s pomegranates

The NBN thread we had to have: Malcolm Turnbull’s pomegranates

I’ve been spurred by this story to post a Roundtable thread on the Coalition NBN alternative: Malcolm Turnbull has used an anecdote about being half naked and covered in pomegranate juice to spruik the benefits of the coalition’s national broadband […]

Wikileaks cables, the ALP and the American Embassy

Wikileaks has uploaded a searchable database of US embassy cables from 1966 to 2010. Trevor Cook has excerpted some snippets which go to the factional machinations leading up to Julia Gillard’s ascension as Prime Minister, with various named “Faceless Men” […]