
Deep origins: language

Deep origins: language

Warning: longer essay-style post. David B Anthony in his extraordinary book The Horse, the Wheel, and Language: How the Bronze-age Riders from the Eurasian Steppes Shaped the Modern World tells us that language normally changes so that speakers 1000 years […]

Brisbanites! Announcing The Ubiquitous Hat Pop Up Book and Garage Sale! This Saturday!

Brisbanites! Announcing The Ubiquitous Hat Pop Up Book and Garage Sale! This Saturday!

As Brian mentioned the other day, I’m moving and we’re hosting a Pop Up Book and Garage Sale on Saturday at our Farm House. There’s oodles of quality books – academic and otherwise, with politics and history particularly prominent among […]

PJK’s True Believers

PJK’s True Believers

We shouldn’t let the 20th anniversary of the Victory of the True Believers pass without comment. It was two decades ago that Paul Keating led the Labor Party to a famous win over John Hewson’s Coalition. Keating, of course, is […]