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All local politics is global I

All local politics is global I

One of the interesting things, to me, about visiting Prague was talking to a number of local academics – at the Anglo-American University and the Institute of Industrial and Financial Management – about how globalisation was often viewed through a […]

Mr Abbott elected PM; Invents invisibility potion

Mr Abbott elected PM; Invents invisibility potion

There’s been a fair bit of comment today about Tony Abbott’s reluctance to appear in the media. Notable are Jonathan Green (who rightly derides the absurdity and immorality of the “hide the boats” strategy) and Dee Madigan, with whom I […]

Anthony Albanese for Labor Leader

Anthony Albanese for Labor Leader

I watched the first of three televised “debates” between Anthony Albanese and Bill Shorten the other night. They will meet again in Melbourne tomorrow night and appear together on Q&A on Monday night. One of the interesting things about this […]

Mr Abbott and the Culture Wars II: Climate Change and civil society

Mr Abbott and the Culture Wars II: Climate Change and civil society

One argument I made in my earlier post about Mr Abbott’s relaunch of the Culture Wars is that he won’t have noticed that civil society is stronger than it was in the Howard years. It’s not just “clicktivism” – there […]

Not the Shipping News: There was no landslide

Not the Shipping News: There was no landslide

Now that the election counting for the House of Representatives is done and dusted (with Clive Palmer’s 36 vote victory in Fairfax being the last outstanding datum of import; though see the interesting Senate races still undeclared), there’s been a […]