

  • Will Massachusetts Build a New Jail or Explore Alternatives to Bail?

    Will Massachusetts Build a New Jail or Explore Alternatives to Bail?

    By Victoria Law, Truthout | News Analysis

    Norma Wassel recalled a woman who was arrested for stealing a winter coat. Not only did she not have a winter coat, she also lacked $50 to post bail. Without that $50, she would have remained behind bars until her case was heard. Stories such as this are fairly frequent in Massachusetts and across the country. Women often are incarcerated pretrial not because they are a risk to themselves or their communities but because they cannot afford to post bail.

  • Unintended - and Anti-Social - Consequences of Social Media Use

    Unintended - and Anti-Social - Consequences of Social Media Use

    By Toshio Meronek and Eric A Stanley, Truthout | News Analysis

    In the midst of a mass media culture that is dominated by white, cisgender, heterosexual, non-disabled male voices, Twitter is enabling disabled people, gender-nonconforming people and people of color to speak out. Crucial analysis is being developed around the content of social media. Simultaneously, though, we must understand that Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and other profit-driven companies are not neutral platforms for these conversations.


