
Domination on WMD (31-2)
An average game with the G11 on WMD Comment, Rate, and Subscribe TAGS: cod call of duty bl...
published: 14 Aug 2011
author: Dark Jak Gaming
Domination on WMD (31-2)
Domination on WMD (31-2)
An average game with the G11 on WMD Comment, Rate, and Subscribe TAGS: cod call of duty black ops modern warfare 3 2 tomahawk ballistic knife throwing knife ...- published: 14 Aug 2011
- views: 90
- author: Dark Jak Gaming

Galaxy Nexus running Ubuntu Phone - first boot.
Galaxy Nexus run...
published: 31 Jan 2014
Galaxy Nexus running Ubuntu Phone - first boot.
Galaxy Nexus running Ubuntu Phone - first boot.
https://twitter.com/tech_timee https://www.facebook.com/technologytiime Galaxy Nexus running Ubuntu Phone Files downloaded from ubuntu website before announced to public. Files http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touc... Flash with fastboot - boot, recovery, system Then reboot to CWM and flash quantal-preinstalled-phablet-armhf.zip Thats it Step by step guide on how to install Ubuntu touch to be able to Dual Boot with Android on any of your Nexus Device. I Have tested this on my google nexus 4 running android 4.4.2 KitKat. The Process mainly has 2 parts : 1. Rooting your nexus device. 2. Installing Ubuntu Dual Boot App. The rooting procedure shown in the above tutorial will work for all the nexus devices with a number of Android flavours -- including stock releases and CyanogenMod -- for Android 4.2 Jelly Bean and up. If you have already rooted your nexus device,feel free to the jump to the part where i flash the ubuntu installer app (timeline below). 1. Enable USB Debugging [0:31] 2. Unlock Bootloader [3:07] 3. Copy SuperSU & Ubuntu Installer Files [5:45] 4. Root Nexus Device [7:32] 5. Flash Ubuntu Installer [8:10] 6. Install Ubuntu on Nexus [9:04] 7. Ubuntu touch first look [10:09] Download Link: http://ubuntuone.com/7LEkjpGVQ9q9Xaar... Videoorchard Official Fan pages: Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/Videoorchard Twitter : http://twitter.com/Videoorchard Music: Aduro (Machinimasound.com ) Neuro_Rhythm (Machinimasound.com ) Licensed under Creative Commons "Attribution 3.0" https://machinimasound.com/license/ Tags: How to Install Ubuntu Android Android 4.4 Android 4.2.2 Ubuntu 14.04 Nexus 5 Nexus 4 Nexus 7 "new nexus 7" 2013 Google Nexus DualBoot Dual boot KitKat Ubuntu 13.10 "Ubuntu Touch" Windows "Windows 8" "Windows 8.1" SmartPhone Tablet MultiBoot MultiROM Operating System Linux Software Root Unlock Microsoft Phone Software App Application Videoorchard LINK: http://www.smartkeitai.com/ubuntu-pho... Here's a look at the upcoming Ubuntu Phone OS running on a Samsung Galaxy Nexus Android smartphone. Ubuntu for phones is not to be confused with Canonical's two-in-one Ubuntu for Android solution, which allows users to run the Android OS on their handset while on the go and the Ubuntu desktop OS when its connected to a monitor, mouse and keyboard to deliver a PC experience at home. The Ubuntu Phone OS essentially replaces the Android operating system you know and love with what you see in the hands on video here. Keep in mind the mobile OS is still in its early alpha stages, so it will likely evolve by the time it's ready for release in Q4 2013 or Q1 2014. According to Canonical, Ubuntu for phones is designed to make all your phone content easier to access and your apps more immersive -- every edge has a specific purpose, making all your apps, content and controls instantly accessible, without navigating back to the home screen every time. They also claim the Ubuntu phone fits perfectly into the wider family of Ubuntu interfaces, alongside the PC and TV. It's a uniquely, beautifully converged experience. High-end phones also have the ability to run the Ubuntu desktop software as well. Entry Level Ubuntu Smartphone System Requirements: - 1Ghz Cortex A9 processor - 512MB -- 1GB of RAM - 4-8GB eMMC + SD storage - Multi-touch High-end Ubuntu "Superphone" System Requirements: - Quad-core A9 or Intel Atom processor - Min 1GB of RAM - Min 32GB eMMC + SD storage - Multi-touch - Desktop convergence CONNECT WITH US: Visit us: http://smartkeitai.com Follow us: http://twitter.com/smartkeitai Subscribe to our channel: http://youtube.com/smartkeitai Like us: http://facebook.com/smartkeitaifb Circle us: http://gplus.to/smartkeitai If you enjoyed the video, please give it a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel Ubuntu Phone OS Preview First Boot running on Galaxy Nexus I9250 link : http://nexfiles.kjonigsen.net/ubuntu/ instructions : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showp... Here's a demonstration of one of the first Ubuntu Phone installations on a Galaxy Nexus by an independent user! Quite a painless process for a pre-alpha release! Instructions to install Ubuntu Phone on Nexus Devices: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/ A big shout out to the Canonical's mobile team!!! Congratulations to you! Pardon the incoherence... the video was a complete "improv" and nothing was scripted. Yeni Ubuntu Mobil işletim Sistemi Responsibility will not be accepted https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install In this tutorial were going to be installing the Ubuntu Touch Developer Preview on your Nexus device. Whether its a Nexus 4, 7, 10 or (GSM) Galaxy Nexus this will work. FULL GUIDE HERE FROM UBUNTU: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install... The first step that you want to do is have a Linux distro installed on your computer. If your on Mac OSX then you can just open your terminal application and skip to the terminal commands. If you don't have one just download the Ubuntu iso file from Ubuntu's website and download Pendrive Linux Universal USB to- published: 31 Jan 2014
- views: 15

NMB48 渡辺美優紀「ジャージで握手会に来てしまいました」
published: 27 Jan 2014
NMB48 渡辺美優紀「ジャージで握手会に来てしまいました」
NMB48 渡辺美優紀「ジャージで握手会に来てしまいました」
NMB48のみるきーがなぜかジャージ姿のまま握手会に出かけてしまった らしく大変だったという話です。 【選抜メンバー】 32nd「恋するフォーチュンクッキー」 (篠田、高橋み、横山、渡辺麻、板野、大島優、柏木、小嶋陽、 島崎、松井珠、須田、松井玲、山本彩、渡辺美、指原、宮澤) 33rd「ハート・エレキ」 (入山、川栄、高橋み、横山、渡辺麻、大島優、柏木、小嶋陽、 島崎、峯岸、松井珠、松井玲、山本彩、渡辺美、多田、指原) 34th 「鈴懸なんちゃら」 松井珠理奈 上枝恵美加 平田梨奈 大場美奈 阿部マリア 名取稚菜 田野優花 菊地あやか 大家志津香 北原里英 藤江れいな 鵜野みずき 土保瑞希 佐々木優佳里 古畑奈和抜 湯本亜美 AKB48出演番組 AKBINGO!、AKB48の"あんた、誰?、ひるおび!~お天気コーナー~ AKB48ネ申テレビ、有吉AKB共和国、AKB48と××(ちょめちょめ)! Mujack NMB48のTEPPENラジオから 画像:- published: 27 Jan 2014
- views: 82

Das kostenlose Image erstell, brenn, kopier und speicher Tool Tutorial. Downloadlink: http...
published: 27 Apr 2012
author: matterspeed
Das kostenlose Image erstell, brenn, kopier und speicher Tool Tutorial. Downloadlink: http://imgburn.en.softonic.com/download.- published: 27 Apr 2012
- views: 88
- author: matterspeed

イエス様と私は一つ Being one with Jesus - January 12, 2013
マタイ19:4-6, ヨハネ10:30, ヨハネ17:22
礼拝(土)18時:ミューズ・モード音楽院 本館(渋谷区 代々木 1-3...
published: 12 Jan 2013
イエス様と私は一つ Being one with Jesus - January 12, 2013
イエス様と私は一つ Being one with Jesus - January 12, 2013
マタイ19:4-6, ヨハネ10:30, ヨハネ17:22 www.cornerstonetokyo.com 礼拝(土)18時:ミューズ・モード音楽院 本館(渋谷区 代々木 1-31-2) 3階 *JR山手線代々木駅西口を出て、交番の左の道を線路沿いに進み右側。 Worship service, Sat@6pm: Muse Music School (1-31-2, Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku) 3F *When you come out of the West exit of Yoyogi station (Yamanote line), follow the tracks to the left of the police station and you'll soon find the building on your right.- published: 12 Jan 2013
- views: 87

Informativo CVC Programa 175 - 28 de enero de 2014
Dos retroexcavadoras que estaban siendo ...
published: 30 Jan 2014
Informativo CVC Programa 175 - 28 de enero de 2014
Informativo CVC Programa 175 - 28 de enero de 2014
CVC DESTRUYE RETROEXCAVADORAS DE MINEROS ILEGALES Dos retroexcavadoras que estaban siendo utilizadas para la práctica de la minería ilegal de oro en la cuenca del río Anchicayá y una más en la cuenca del Dagua, fueron destruidas en operativos conjuntos de la CVC y la Policía Nacional. Con esta maquinaria se estaban generando procesos erosivos y aumentando el riesgo de deslizamientos, alterando el cauce de los ríos... Así se está combatiendo ahora la minería ilegal... CVC CERRÓ ARCA DE NOÉ Por verter sus aguas residuales a la vía pública y aprovechar aguas subterráneas sin permiso de la autoridad ambiental, la CVC ha venido requiriendo soluciones al establecimiento conocido como Arca de Noé, ubicado en la vía a Cristo Rey. Tras concederle varios plazos sin respuesta, la CVC decidió cerrar el lugar. CORPORACIÓN LIBERÓ 10 REPTILES EN BUENAVENTURA Un caimán y nueve tortugas de diferentes especies que eran víctimas de la tenencia ilegal de fauna, fueron liberadas por expertos de la CVC, tras un proceso de preparación, en zona costera del Pacífico vallecaucano. ZOOLÓGICO DE CALI TENDRÁ PROYECTO DE GESTIÓN AMBIENTAL Con recursos por 773 millones de pesos avanza un convenio entre la CVC y la Fundación Zoológico de Cali que contempla el desarrollo de un proyecto de gestión ambiental en el que se incluyen compostaje, manejo integral de residuos y mejora en el manejo de agua y energía. LO NUEVO DE EL TOPACIO Más de 120 millones de pesos invirtió la CVC en obras para mejorar el Centro de Educación Ambiental El Topacio. Aquí se las mostramos e invitamos a la comunidad vallecaucana a conocer y aprender en este hermoso sitio... CVC PARTICIPÓ EN LA BICICLETADA Todo un éxito fue la bicicletada en la que participó cerca de un millar de entusiastas de este vehículo barato, saludable y ecológico. La CVC estuvo presente como nos lo cuenta nuestra compañera Maribel Arango. GARZAS SE VOLVIERON PROBLEMA EN TRUJILLO Y de Cali pasamos a Trujillo en el norte del Valle donde expertos de la CVC atendieron un llamado de la comunidad por una sobrepoblación de garzas que está afectando a los vecinos. CVC PARTICIPARÁ EN OBSERVACIÓN DEL PLANETA Gracias a su experiencia en el manejo de la información climática y atmosférica la CVC es ahora parte del Grupo de Observadores de la Tierra. Álvaro Botero nos cuenta de que se trata. ENTREVISTA DE LA SEMANA Para la Entrevista de la Semana tuvimos con nosotros a Yadira Cifuentes de la Asociación Calidris para hablar sobre el foro: La agricultura, los humedales y el agua en la búsqueda del justo equilibrio, en el marco de la celebración del Día Mundial de los Humedales... http://www.cvc.gov.co- published: 30 Jan 2014
- views: 54

2-12 In Search Of... Shark Worshippers (Part 3 of 3)
In light of the loss of the original channel with the best quality ISO posts, and the plet...
published: 28 Aug 2012
author: beautystruck
2-12 In Search Of... Shark Worshippers (Part 3 of 3)
2-12 In Search Of... Shark Worshippers (Part 3 of 3)
In light of the loss of the original channel with the best quality ISO posts, and the plethora of inferior ISO channels (bad audio, distracting tags, ads, et...- published: 28 Aug 2012
- views: 139
- author: beautystruck

Black ops 2: Mala-graciosa partida y mucha info sobre promos y sorteos!!
Hola muy buenas a todos, os dejo esta partida buenisima (ejem) que me saque ayer como de c...
published: 25 Jan 2013
Black ops 2: Mala-graciosa partida y mucha info sobre promos y sorteos!!
Black ops 2: Mala-graciosa partida y mucha info sobre promos y sorteos!!
Hola muy buenas a todos, os dejo esta partida buenisima (ejem) que me saque ayer como de costumbre (ejem) y que quiero compartir con todos vosotros mis mas queridos (ejem) [Nono.. esto si es verdad!! ] ESTAD ATENTO A LAS FUTURAS PROMOS Y SORRRRTEOSS!!! seguro que os interesa tanto si eres jugador de ps3/xbox360/pc os podeis llevar cositas asi que suscribiros y dejad like ademas de comentar si os gusta lo que hacemos! :)- published: 25 Jan 2013
- views: 102

7月27日 CTTPack [Wi-Fi] Twitch
Download from here.[Cam, Tom and Troy's CTGP Pack] http://www.mariokartwii.com/f99/cam-tom...
published: 27 Jul 2013
author: oksat55mkw
7月27日 CTTPack [Wi-Fi] Twitch
7月27日 CTTPack [Wi-Fi] Twitch
Download from here.[Cam, Tom and Troy's CTGP Pack] http://www.mariokartwii.com/f99/cam-tom-troys-ctgp-pack-119992.html 7月26日 深夜 3GP 00:00 1回戦 3人 16:31 2回戦 4人...- published: 27 Jul 2013
- views: 98
- author: oksat55mkw
Vimeo results:

[ DEAD THERAPY ] Colour Grade Before & After
Graded in EDIUS 7
Shot on RED Epic (5K, 3:1, 23.98p, 800ISO, 1/50th, f2.8)
Nikkor AiS 180m...
published: 15 Nov 2013
author: [MTS]FILMS
[ DEAD THERAPY ] Colour Grade Before & After
Graded in EDIUS 7
Shot on RED Epic (5K, 3:1, 23.98p, 800ISO, 1/50th, f2.8)
Nikkor AiS 180mm ED
Maurice Mammoliti (lead actor) is SO GOOD!
A shot from 'DEAD THERAPY'
Written by: Brett Bentman
Directed by: Lucas Sheffel
Producer: Julie Sheffel
More details at the blog with a tutorial coming soon > http://mattscottvisuals.com/blog/2013/11/15/-dead-therapy-colour-grade-before-after

Magic Lantern Test #1
January 2012, evening.
Magic Lantern Xmass edition in Canon600D.
Fps 5, ISO 800, shutter 3...
published: 10 Jan 2012
author: Jam Hook
Magic Lantern Test #1
January 2012, evening.
Magic Lantern Xmass edition in Canon600D.
Fps 5, ISO 800, shutter 31, aperture 2.8, kelvin 2600, cbr 2x, no audio recording.
Beginning of the clip without any correction.

My first astro-time-lapse...
The evening of our 3rd day of our 2011 New Mexico vacation I decided to take a stab at som...
published: 20 Aug 2011
author: motleypixel
My first astro-time-lapse...
The evening of our 3rd day of our 2011 New Mexico vacation I decided to take a stab at some time-lapse astro-photography. Using a Canon EOS 5D Mark II, battery grip with two LP-E5 batteries, Transcend 16GB 400X CF card, Canon EF 16-25mm f/2.8L II USM lens, old heavy Bogen tripod and pan-tilt Bogen head, and a cheap knock-off intervalometer I set the scene up while it was still light out to adjust focus ect. Then at 10:43PM I started 31 second exposures at f/2.8, ISO 1600, custom kelvin at 5000K, with a 4 second delay between frames. I didn't use live view or mirror-lock-up. I left frame pre-view off so the back LCD screen wouldn't light up the woods behind the cabin; although, there wasn't anyone too near this area, I just didn't want my rig to call any attention in the middle of the night while it was shooting the time-lapse.
The result was good, but I've learned a lot and I intend to share some pointers in the future. Even taking a dark frame at 31 seconds with the lens cap and negating this frame from the rest to remove all the hot-pixels, it still produced dust-like spec anomalies that needed hand cloning out each and every frame. This made it better but at a slight cost of yet another anomaly which you can see if you look close.
I need pointers to help me out with the hot/dead pixel issue when shooting night sky time-lapse.

A night in the Land of Enchantment...
The 3rd evening of our 2011 New Mexico vacation I decided to take a stab at some time-laps...
published: 28 Aug 2011
author: motleypixel
A night in the Land of Enchantment...
The 3rd evening of our 2011 New Mexico vacation I decided to take a stab at some time-lapse astro-photography. Using a Canon EOS 5D Mark II, battery grip with two LP-E5 batteries, Transcend 16GB 400X CF card, Canon EF 16-25mm f/2.8L II USM lens, old heavy Bogen tripod, and a cheap knock-off intervalometer, I went to work setting up for the captures. Around 10:43PM I started 31 second exposures at f/2.8, ISO 1600, custom white-balance at 5000K, with a 4 second delay between frames. I didn't use live view or mirror-lock-up. I left frame pre-view off so the back LCD screen wouldn't light up the woods behind the cabin; although, there wasn't anyone too near this area, I just didn't want my rig to call any attention in the middle of the night while it was shooting the time-lapse.
The result was good, but I've learned a lot and I intend to share some pointers in the future. Even taking a dark frame at 31 seconds with the lens cap and negating this frame from the rest to remove all the hot-pixels, it still produced dust-like spec anomalies that needed hand cloning out each and every frame. This made it better but at a slight cost of yet another anomaly which you can see if you look close.
I need pointers to help me out with the hot/dead pixel issue when shooting night sky time-lapse.
Youtube results:

Kinnikuman Muscle Grand Prix Max 2 Tokumori PS2
buy kinnikuman muscle grand prix max
kinnikuman muscle grand prix max 2 tokumori iso
published: 04 Feb 2014
Kinnikuman Muscle Grand Prix Max 2 Tokumori PS2
Kinnikuman Muscle Grand Prix Max 2 Tokumori PS2
buy kinnikuman muscle grand prix max kinnikuman muscle grand prix max 2 tokumori iso kinnikuman muscle grand prix max 2 tokumori faq kinnikuman muscle grand prix max 2 tokumori ps2 kinnikuman muscle grand prix max 2 tokumori kinnikuman muscle grand prix max 2 tokumori download- published: 04 Feb 2014
- views: 7