- published: 16 May 2008
- views: 155346
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (/ˈheɪɡəl/;German: [ˈɡeɔɐ̯k ˈvɪlhɛlm ˈfʁiːdʁɪç ˈheːɡəl]; August 27, 1770 – November 14, 1831) was a German philosopher of the late Enlightenment. He achieved wide renown in his day and, while primarily influential within the continental tradition of philosophy, has become increasingly influential in the analytic tradition as well. Although he remains a divisive figure, his canonical stature within Western philosophy is universally recognized.
Hegel's principal achievement is his development of a distinctive articulation of idealism sometimes termed "absolute idealism," in which the dualisms of, for instance, mind and nature and subject and object are overcome. His philosophy of spirit conceptually integrates psychology, the state, history, art, religion, and philosophy. His account of the master–slave dialectic has been highly influential, especially in 20th-century France. Of special importance is his concept of spirit (Geist: sometimes also translated as "mind") as the historical manifestation of the logical concept and the "sublation" (Aufhebung: integration without elimination or reduction) of seemingly contradictory or opposing factors; examples include the apparent opposition between nature and freedom and between immanence and transcendence. Hegel has been seen in the 21st century as the originator of the thesis, antithesis, synthesis triad; however, as an explicit phrase, this originated with Johann Fichte (1762–1814).
Peter Singer on Hegel and Marx: Section 1
Peter Singer on Hegel and Marx: Section 2
My Interview With BML Member Gregory Hegel
Interview with Robert Brandom on "Making It Explicit" Part 1
Michael Tsarion THE HANGED MAN (Blake & Hegel Compared) AWESOME
Mladen Dolar on Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit
Peter Singer on Hegel and Marx (1987)
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel Lecture by Knowledge Products
The Life of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831) by Jacob Loewenberg 1913
Graham Priest on Hegel and Dialetheism
Sorry for the shaky video; the original tape had severe interlacing problems, this is the best I could fix it. Hegel and Marx In this program, contemporary philosopher Peter Singer discusses rational Hegelian philosophy, and the historicism and organicism at its root. Hegel's theories of absolute idealism and of a dialectic, emphasize history in their development of a model of reality. His concept of this reality as ultimately spiritual, and of philosophy as organic and constantly changing, is examined. The theories of Karl Marx are discussed as essentially Hegelian, but a practical economic spin. Section 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxjnG1X510A Section 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDjXBr3RtKk Section 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYX9UP55ISc Section 4: ...
Sorry for the shaky video; the original tape had severe interlacing problems, this is the best I could fix it. Hegel and Marx In this program, contemporary philosopher Peter Singer discusses rational Hegelian philosophy, and the historicism and organicism at its root. Hegel's theories of absolute idealism and of a dialectic, emphasize history in their development of a model of reality. His concept of this reality as ultimately spiritual, and of philosophy as organic and constantly changing, is examined. The theories of Karl Marx are discussed as essentially Hegelian, but a practical economic spin. Section 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxjnG1X510A Section 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDjXBr3RtKk Section 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYX9UP55ISc Section 4: ...
My affiliate link for Build My List if you are interested: http://www.zippystartup.com/buildmylist My Interview With BML Member Gregory Hegel. Hey guys! Today I did an awesome interview with a fellow BML member. We covered the following: -The concept of passive income -The concept of relationship building -HOW & WHY we BOTH found and purchased BML from the same affiliate -Why the money is NOT in the "list" -How to stand out form other marketers -The exact moment Gregory FIRST trusted Jimmy as a marketer. -A new spin on Jimmy's "cookie system" -Advice on the length of your opt-in gift -The funny/unbelievable coincidence that happened at 43:30 DISCLAIMER: This information is not endorsed by Jimmy Kim and is strictly a conversation between two BML members.
This is an interview with University of Pittsburgh professor of philosophy, Robert Brandom, on his 1994 book "Making It Explicit." He discusses discursive scorekeeping, normativity, and Hegel's master-slave dialectic. Many Brandom resources are available at his personal website: http://www.pitt.edu/~rbrandom/ Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8jiBU5DxJs
Michael Tsarion Interview March 4 2016 In this awesome interview we discuss: The nature of Time (as the process of Spirit coming to Self-realization) Ancient Visitation and megalithic structures The nature of Shadow Work (in context of the body) The Hegelian analysis in relation to the Major Arcana/Path of the Fool The unrecognized similarities between Hegel and Blake True Self realization Full Path of the Fool Series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... Michael's main website: http://www.michaeltsarion.com Mystery School http://taroscopes.com David's website: http://www.wayofthetruthwarrior.com LINKS Liquid Mercury Discovered Beneath Teotihuacan Pyramid http://www.archaeology.org/news/3238-... Michael Tsarion. The Human Ego https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CEhU... Geor...
Interview with Slovene philosopher Mladen Dolar. Broadcasted in 2012 by Danish radio station "Radio24Syv". Turn on subtitles for a transcription of the text with references to the paragraphs of Phenomenology of Spirit. Download the German-English edition of the book in the Terry Pinkard edition here: http://terrypinkard.weebly.com/phenomenology-of-spirit-page.html Source: http://www.radio24syv.dk/programmer/center-for-vild-analyse/6652393/center-for-vild-analyse-uge/
In this program, world-renowned author and professor Bryan Magee and contemporary philosopher Peter Singer discuss rational Hegelian philosophy, and the historicism and organicism at its root. Hegel’s theories of absolute idealism and of a dialectic emphasize history in their development of a model of reality. His concept of this reality as ultimately spiritual, and of philosophy as organic and constantly changing, is examined. The theories of Karl Marx are discussed as essentially Hegelian, but with a practical, economic spin. A BBC Production. Part of the series Great Philosophers.
This is is a short article from the 1913 edition of "The German Classics of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries" by Jacob Loewenberg (1882-1969) about the Life of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831). It's short but provides a good overview of his ideas. I've added my own pictures and related Hegel to Kierkegaard. The reading was done for Librivox.org and the book is in Public Domain. Here's a link. http://archive.org/stream/germanclassicsof07franuoft#page/n25/mode/2up Friedrich Hegel is a philosopher who has had a great effect in America due to the nature of our country and the times in which he wrote.
During the workshop "On Contradictions" organized at the University of Padua on December 12th to 13th 2013 we interviewed Graham Priest on his education and his relation to Hegel. Interviewers: Elena Tripaldi, Alessandro Esposito Video Assistant: Desiree Mele Helped in Transcription: Andrea Gambarotto For the transcript of the interview click on the link below: http://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/priest-on-hegel-and-dialetheism/ For visiting our blog click on the link below: http://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/
The German philosopher Hegel believed that strange and alien bits of history have much to teach us. He believed story and civilisation do not move in a straight line, so important ideas and attitudes get left behind. Please subscribe here: http://tinyurl.com/o28mut7 If you like our films take a look at our shop (we ship worldwide): http://www.theschooloflife.com/shop/all/ Brought to you by http://www.theschooloflife.com Produced in collaboration with http://www.madadam.co.uk
In Lectures on the History of Philosophy, Hegel outlined his ideas on the major philosophers. He saw consciousness as progressing from an undifferentiated pantheism of the East, to a more individualistic understanding. Culminating in the freedom of the Germanic era. The History of Philosophy by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. Go to LearnOutLoud.com to download this and other Classics of Western Philosophy on mp3. http://www.learnoutloud.com/Catalog/Philosophy/Modern-Philosophy/Classics-of-Western-Philosophy-Volume-4/30735
Die kühnsten Denkgebäude der Philosophiegeschichte entstanden im Deutschen Idealismus. Der Leitgedanke dabei war, dass der Geist die Welt nicht nur erkennt, sondern in gewisser Weise auch selbst hervorbringt. Bei Kant und Fichte tut dies der Geist des Menschen; bei Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel ist es der absolute Geist, der die Welt, wie wir sie kennen, erschafft.
O Idealismo Alemão [Parte 5] - Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, conteúdo de Filosofia, estudando para vestibular/ENEM.
Biografia de hegel de un programa del filosofo fernando savater del canal argentino de television encuentro
En este programa, un grupo de especialistas hace una exposición de los cuatro principales libros publicados en vida del filósofo alemán: "Fenomenología del espíritu", "Ciencia de la lógica", "Enciclopedia de las ciencias filosóficas" y "Principios fundamentales de la filosofía del derecho". En su exposición, los especialistas abordan temas como el de las figuras de la conciencia, el movimiento dialéctico y la imposibilidad de separar lo finito de lo infinito. El capítulo incluye también, como es costumbre en esta serie, un breve recuento de la vida del filósofo.
Introduction to The Philosophy of History - FULL Audio Book - by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel The introduction to Hegel's lectures on the philosophy of world history is often used to introduce students to Hegel's philosophy, in part because Hegel's sometimes difficult style is muted in the lectures, and he discourses on accessible themes such as world events in order to explain his philosophy. Much of the work is spent defining and characterizing Geist or spirit. Geist is similar to the culture of people, and is constantly reworking itself to keep up with the changes of society, while at the same time working to produce those changes through what Hegel called the "cunning of reason". Another important theme of the text is the focus on world history, rather than regional or state history....
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (Estugarda, 27 de agosto de 1770 — Berlim, 14 de novembro de 1831) foi um filósofo alemão. Recebeu sua formação no Tübinger Stift (seminário da Igreja Protestante em Württemberg). Era fascinado pelas obras de Spinoza, Kant e Rousseau, assim como pela Revolução Francesa. Muitos consideram que Hegel representa o ápice do idealismo alemão do século XIX, que teve impacto profundo no materialismo histórico de Karl Marx.