
What is an LLC and Should You Use One for Your Small Business
This is a discussion about whether or not an LLC is the right entity choice for you and yo...
published: 28 Aug 2011
author: David Herzog
What is an LLC and Should You Use One for Your Small Business
What is an LLC and Should You Use One for Your Small Business
This is a discussion about whether or not an LLC is the right entity choice for you and your small business. Emphasizes California law. DISCLAIMER: This vide...- published: 28 Aug 2011
- views: 7612
- author: David Herzog

Why Start an LLC- Protection Explained With Real Examples
http://www.TheLLCExpert.com. Understand exactly how LLC protection works and why every bus...
published: 13 Dec 2008
author: amylimcd
Why Start an LLC- Protection Explained With Real Examples
Why Start an LLC- Protection Explained With Real Examples
http://www.TheLLCExpert.com. Understand exactly how LLC protection works and why every business should start an LLC in today's business environment to protec...- published: 13 Dec 2008
- views: 7969
- author: amylimcd

What is the value of starting an LLC?
Why is it important to start an LLC? If you are the sole member of an LLC, do you have to ...
published: 27 Feb 2013
author: Matt Stokes
What is the value of starting an LLC?
What is the value of starting an LLC?
Why is it important to start an LLC? If you are the sole member of an LLC, do you have to pay business income taxes? Tax attorney John Weiler helps John Redm...- published: 27 Feb 2013
- views: 143
- author: Matt Stokes

S-Corp or LLC - Which is Better? (By John M Miller, CPA)
Many clients ask me whether they should form an S-Corp or an LLC. In this video I discuss ...
published: 06 Nov 2010
author: johnmillercpainc
S-Corp or LLC - Which is Better? (By John M Miller, CPA)
S-Corp or LLC - Which is Better? (By John M Miller, CPA)
Many clients ask me whether they should form an S-Corp or an LLC. In this video I discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each type of business structure...- published: 06 Nov 2010
- views: 41734
- author: johnmillercpainc

Starting an LLC - Should You Open An LLC When You Start Your Home Business?
Starting an LLC - http://whoismikehobbs.com/taxhelp
In this interview we talk about How t...
published: 26 Jul 2013
Starting an LLC - Should You Open An LLC When You Start Your Home Business?
Starting an LLC - Should You Open An LLC When You Start Your Home Business?
Starting an LLC - http://whoismikehobbs.com/taxhelp In this interview we talk about How to start an LLC and the importance of it. This Guide to starting an llc is something that we recommend everyone go through even if you have not made any money yet. This process is as simple as starting an llc for dummies and if you are wondering: what is an llc? Look no further. Grab your free tax and business consultation from Adam here: http://whoismikehobbs.com/taxhelp- published: 26 Jul 2013
- views: 217

How to Form An LLC
http://www.squidoo.com/form-a-limited-liability-company - Forming An LLC is simple when yo...
published: 21 Dec 2011
author: Lee Phillips
How to Form An LLC
How to Form An LLC
http://www.squidoo.com/form-a-limited-liability-company - Forming An LLC is simple when you know proper steps. I have outlined where to form your llc, when t...- published: 21 Dec 2011
- views: 1489
- author: Lee Phillips

Corporation Vs LLC (1 of 2)
Corporation vs LLC - The difference between a corporation and a limited liability company ...
published: 23 Aug 2009
author: 1800company
Corporation Vs LLC (1 of 2)
Corporation Vs LLC (1 of 2)
Corporation vs LLC - The difference between a corporation and a limited liability company (LLC). When to use one or the other and the benefits of each. When ...- published: 23 Aug 2009
- views: 14651
- author: 1800company

LLC Anthem - Morehouse College
There is a great deal of talent in LLC Residence Hall. See for yourself.
Video by @Cabra...
published: 22 Feb 2014
LLC Anthem - Morehouse College
LLC Anthem - Morehouse College
There is a great deal of talent in LLC Residence Hall. See for yourself. Video by @CabraLarbac .. be sure to follow all of the performers on instagram! (order of appearance) @GodRememberNelo, @DaeDaeFB, @thePrince_JT, @FlashyDinero, @JeanMichaels_, @UncleSlim_, @Therea1mrTucker, @iAmDonVinci, @_theRealTrendSetta, @SatyGraha_, @JBlack_Zeus, #Jingwa- published: 22 Feb 2014
- views: 7237

Advantages of an LLC | What is an LLC?
http://www.widgetcpa.com Are you wondering what the advantages of an LLC are? Wondering wh...
published: 03 Jul 2013
author: Charles Shapero
Advantages of an LLC | What is an LLC?
Advantages of an LLC | What is an LLC?
http://www.widgetcpa.com Are you wondering what the advantages of an LLC are? Wondering what is an LLC, an S-Corp, Partnership or Sole Proprietorship? Check ...- published: 03 Jul 2013
- views: 2001
- author: Charles Shapero

Real Estate LLC - Pros and Cons of Using Real Estate LLC's
http://www.REIClub.com - Real Estate LLC Allows For Financial and Tax Advantages. Here Are...
published: 22 Dec 2011
author: reiclub
Real Estate LLC - Pros and Cons of Using Real Estate LLC's
Real Estate LLC - Pros and Cons of Using Real Estate LLC's
http://www.REIClub.com - Real Estate LLC Allows For Financial and Tax Advantages. Here Are The Pros and Cons of Putting Your Real Estate Into An LLC... Hi, t...- published: 22 Dec 2011
- views: 7035
- author: reiclub

What is a Limited Liability Company (LLC)
Lodmell & Lodmell, P.C. http://www.lodmell.com 800-231-7112 Understanding one of the most ...
published: 17 Jun 2010
author: Douglass Lodmell
What is a Limited Liability Company (LLC)
What is a Limited Liability Company (LLC)
Lodmell & Lodmell, P.C. http://www.lodmell.com 800-231-7112 Understanding one of the most common legal entities in use today is critical for Asset Protection...- published: 17 Jun 2010
- views: 9988
- author: Douglass Lodmell

Winterauto Treffen Lade Luft Club LLC Freistadt 2013
"Winterauto Treffen" Organisiert vom Lade Luft Club ( LLC ) Freistadt beim Flugplatz Gel...
published: 31 Dec 2013
Winterauto Treffen Lade Luft Club LLC Freistadt 2013
Winterauto Treffen Lade Luft Club LLC Freistadt 2013
"Winterauto Treffen" Organisiert vom Lade Luft Club ( LLC ) Freistadt beim Flugplatz Gelände Guttenbrunn (Gemeinde Hirschbach) Show Act´s LLC / Auspuff DB Contest und vieles mehr.....- published: 31 Dec 2013
- views: 5578

How to Form an LLC in California
Instructions - http://howtoformanllc.org/california.htm Homepage - http://howtoformanllc.o...
published: 25 Aug 2012
author: HowtoFormanLLC
How to Form an LLC in California
How to Form an LLC in California
Instructions - http://howtoformanllc.org/california.htm Homepage - http://howtoformanllc.org How to Form an LLC in the State of California under the Statute ...- published: 25 Aug 2012
- views: 1521
- author: HowtoFormanLLC

Tax Tip- (The Danger Of Forming A *Single Member LLC* In Florida)
For more great resources go to:
How to Fo...
published: 29 Jan 2014
Tax Tip- (The Danger Of Forming A *Single Member LLC* In Florida)
Tax Tip- (The Danger Of Forming A *Single Member LLC* In Florida)
http://www.thetaxhandlers.com/smllcdangers.php For more great resources go to: How to Form an LLC in Florida | Nolo.com www.nolo.com › ... › Forming an LLC Nolo.com http://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/florida-form-llc-31897.html by Stephen Fishman - in 27 Google+ circles If you form a one-member LLC, you must obtain an EIN for it only if you elect to have it taxed as a corporation instead of a sole proprietorship (disregarded entity) ... FL Dept Rev - Florida's Corporate Income Tax dor.myflorida.com › Home › Taxes Florida http://dor.myflorida.com/dor/taxes/corporate.html The corporation must file Florida Form F-1120, reporting its own income and the income of the single member LLC, even if the only activity of the corporation is ... Single Member LLCs -- The Skinny on Single Member LLC www.myllc.com/single-member-llc.aspx by Jennifer Reuting - in 23 Google+ circles In fact, some states don't even allow the formation of single-member LLCs and the IRS considers single member LLCs to be "disregarded entities" and taxes ... Starting an LLC in Florida | LegalZoom http://www.legalzoom.com/llc-state-requirements/florida-llc.html LegalZoom When you form your Florida LLC with LegalZoom, we prepare and file your articles ...Membership: A limited liability company must have one or more members. SINGLE MEMBER LLCs -- Pitfalls and Strategies | - Sutton Law Center www.sutlaw.com/ingle-member-llcs-pitfalls-and-strategies/ In the summer of 2010, the Florida Supreme Court shocked the asset protection world with its decision in the Olmstead v. ... But what if there is only one owner, as in a single member LLC? ... A second strategy is to form your LLC in Wyoming. There's a lot of confusion when it comes to forming an LLC in the state of Florida, because a lot of people believe that if you form an LLC in this state and you form a single-member LLC that you're protected from liability. And unfortunately that's just not the case. In the state of Florida we have something called a "charging order" and what that means is let's say you own a restaurant and your restaurant is held in the form of a single member LLC. And one day a customer slips and falls in your restaurant well the slip and fall happened in your restaurant that's called "inside liability" so the customer can sue just the restaurant and not you personally. Now let's look at another scenario let's say that you're driving down the road one day and you get into a car accident and the accident is deemed to be your fault. And the person that you get into the accident with discovers that you are the owner of a restaurant and they decide to sue you personally for medical debts. Believe it or not they can actually sue you for a portion of the interest in your restaurant meaning that the courts can actually say that part of your profits are going to go to the person that you hit in the accident. So as you can now see as a a single member LLC you are not protected from outside liability. The best way to protect yourself and your assets in a state of Florida with an LLC is to form a multi member LLC . Multi member LLC's have more than one member and it doesn't have to be a fifty-percent member it can be as little as 1% and it can be somebody in your family or a friend that you trust . And the reason this works is that courts can't sue both of you for your auto accident, they can only go after you and a multi member LLC makes that impossible. So again the best way to protect yourself especially if you have lot assets in your business and at home is you are going to want to form a multi-member LLC or a Corporation. Now don't forget if you are registered in Florida as an LLC and you take an S election, that S election doesn't protect your assets, that S election is just how you are taxed by the IRS. So if you are a single member LLC and If you want to protect yourself and your assets you're going to have to make yourself a multi-member llc. My name is Robin Platzer please like, share or comment on this video and if you need my services you can reach me at (941)377-6797 or info@thetaxhandlers.com Connect with Robin on Google+ "by Robin Platzer"- published: 29 Jan 2014
- views: 19
Vimeo results:

How Bad Do You Want It
published: 20 Aug 2011
author: Greyskale Multimedia LLC
How Bad Do You Want It
@Giavanni_Ruffin (Athlete)
Eric "The Hip Hop Preacher"
Explosions in the Sky - Your Hand in Mine
How bad do you want it?
With the NFL lockout in place over the summer, some athletes were taking it easy, enjoying the time off, and some were trying to follow their dreams and be successful. Take a look into what it takes to be successful and be inspired.

Aerial video with helivideo.com Our legacy video.
For rate information contact eric@helivideo.com
published: 31 Mar 2010
author: Heli Video Productions LLC
Aerial video with helivideo.com Our legacy video.
For rate information contact eric@helivideo.com

LLC: Deliverance
Directed By: @Reneljolly
Does your environment influence your decisions?
From " ...
published: 08 Jan 2013
author: RenelJolly
LLC: Deliverance
Directed By: @Reneljolly
Does your environment influence your decisions?
From " The LightLove Chronicles "
A 2013 lightlovefilms skit

Bob Colacello: How and Why I Sold My Warhol
What to do with a giant portrait of yourself by one of the most famous artists of the 20th...
published: 02 Aug 2011
author: boxerbabe llc
Bob Colacello: How and Why I Sold My Warhol
What to do with a giant portrait of yourself by one of the most famous artists of the 20th century? That’s the question Vanity Fair special correspondent Bob Colacello found himself asking last fall. In 1980 Andy Warhol, his then boss at Interview magazine, had painted a 40-by-40-inch likeness of Colacello as a gift for brokering a commissioned sale, but after 30 years, Colacello was finding it “hard to live with.” With Warhol prices continually hitting new highs—and with a mortgage to pay off—the writer decided to put his portrait up for auction at Sotheby’s. Videographer Jacques Del Conte headed to the auction house to witness the nail-biting sale and sat down with Colacello, who had plenty to say about the portrait and his mixed emotions in selling it.
Directed and Edited by Jacques del Conte
Music by Chris George
Produced by Dana Brown
Youtube results:

Speechwriters LLC - Go Home (Official Music Video)
New adventures in dog ownership. "Go Home" is the second music video from Speechwriters LL...
published: 30 Nov 2013
Speechwriters LLC - Go Home (Official Music Video)
Speechwriters LLC - Go Home (Official Music Video)
New adventures in dog ownership. "Go Home" is the second music video from Speechwriters LLC's second album, "Hollywood College". Directed by Cullen Hoback. Executive Producer: Schooner Sonntag Director of Photography: Scott James Assistant Director: Brian McKee Producer: Tucker Wysong Makeup: Hanna Nissen Starring: Trek Emily Galash Dave Lowensohn Mariah Pennington Kerry Grether Emily Prosch Hanna Nissen Shannon Goss Jerome Schwartz Special Thanks: Jamie Winthrop Adam Richman Josh Bull Baby Hans Everyone on Kickstarter who helped make this possible!- published: 30 Nov 2013
- views: 9569

How to Form an LLC in Florida
Instructions - http://howtoformanllc.org/florida.htm Homepage - http://howtoformanllc.org ...
published: 26 Aug 2012
author: HowtoFormanLLC
How to Form an LLC in Florida
How to Form an LLC in Florida
Instructions - http://howtoformanllc.org/florida.htm Homepage - http://howtoformanllc.org How to Form an LLC in the State of Florida according to the State S...- published: 26 Aug 2012
- views: 1743
- author: HowtoFormanLLC

Can an LLC be Taxed as an S Corporation?
http://minnesotaattorney.com/can-an-llc-be-taxed-as-an-s-corp-8832/ | (612) 466-0010 | mai...
published: 02 Aug 2012
author: MinnesotaAttorney
Can an LLC be Taxed as an S Corporation?
Can an LLC be Taxed as an S Corporation?
http://minnesotaattorney.com/can-an-llc-be-taxed-as-an-s-corp-8832/ | (612) 466-0010 | mail@TwinCitiesFirm.com Minnesota attorney Aaron Hall explains how an ...- published: 02 Aug 2012
- views: 1681
- author: MinnesotaAttorney

Tekkit Pt.11 |I Like Gold LLC.| JETPACK TIME!!!
Thank You for watching, look around my channel for a good variety of games. Enjoy! Ratings...
published: 15 Sep 2012
author: meatwagon22
Tekkit Pt.11 |I Like Gold LLC.| JETPACK TIME!!!
Tekkit Pt.11 |I Like Gold LLC.| JETPACK TIME!!!
Thank You for watching, look around my channel for a good variety of games. Enjoy! Ratings and comments are greatly appreciated meatwagon22 Meatius Meaty Chr...- published: 15 Sep 2012
- views: 167753
- author: meatwagon22