• SAC Case: Should Be About Racketeering, Not Insider-Trading

    February 8, 2014 // 0 Comments

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    Posted in: Empire, Intelligence Operations, Kleptocracy, Police State, Pols and Pundits, Propaganda, Psyops, Trading, War On India, new world order

    Previous posts related to Steve Cohen, in reverse chronological order (incomplete):

    Rajat Gupta Trial: The other Goldman insider ring, MBP, June 10, 2012

    More on Einhorn’s rumour-mongering about Lehman, MBP, April 15, 2010

    Third-point, Goldman trading chiefs exist together, Madoff programmers indicted, March 18, 2010

    Hedge-funds: top ten earners in 2007-2008, MBP,  January 13, 2010

    Steven Cohen: third-biggest owner of Sotheby’s in 2009, MBP, Dec. 30, 2009

    Secretive Steve Cohen on talk-show, discussing relationship with ex, MBP,  Dec. 27, 2009

    SAC spin-offs fail, even when they succeed, MBP,  Dec. 26,2009

    SAC subpoenas former SAC trader Grodin, MBP,  Dec. 25, 2009

    Den of Thieves: Hedge-hogs go into SAC remote mode, MBP, Dec. 23., 2009

    Sad SAC: Reuters spikes hedge story on complaints from Steven Cohen, MBP.com, December 22, 2009

    Ex-Sith lady uses RICO on Sith lord? Mindbodypolitic, December 17, 2009


    At Deep Capture “(SAC Capital (and Steve Cohen too) should be convicted”), researcher Mark Mitchell is far more sanguine than I am that Preet Bharara really means to go after the chief of the mega-hedge fund SAC,  Steven Cohen, after he puts away  various underlings like Michael Steinberg and Indian-born Matthew Martoma.

    “By fixating on the insider-trading angle in all his cases, Bharara, in my opinion, undermined the whole credibility of his prosecution and opened himself up for charges that he is merely targeting politically-viable low-hanging fruit.

    [Lila: As I've documented thoroughly at this blog, Bharara hasn't had much credibility in his Wall Street prosecutions for at least a year now, regardless of how successful his other prosecutions might have been in some eyes. I'm glad to see some main-stream voices coming around to my view.

    And, I think I know a little about the Cohen investigation, from my conversations with some of the principals at Deep Capture, where the investigation of Cohen began:

    Steve Cohen, the anti-Midas (Judd Bagley at Deep Capture):

    Here are Lila’s observations on the matter:

    1. The high number of SAC traders who seem to have gone off into their own businesses.

    You’d think with all that money and the fund’s record as the most consistently successful in the business (only one bad year on record), their traders would stay forever. Quite the opposite.  People seem to have been leaving all the time to form their own businesses.

    But SAC was also said to be a very tough environment. You produced, or you left.

    So maybe that’s why Lee and Far, Grodin and Goodman, all left to found their own firms?
    Could be. But I’m not convinced.

    2. None of the spin-off firms seems to have been very successful.

    Why not? Why couldn’t these hot-shot traders make money on their own?

    The Reuters piece suggests that perhaps the SAC experience didn’t foster business ability. And that perhaps SAC traders flounder without SAC’s huge supporting cast.

    But those things are likely to be true of other firms as well, not solely SAC.

    Still not convinced.

    Furthermore, consider this.

    3. A spin-off fund that didn’t get money from Cohen ended up quite successful:

    “Healthcor, a healthcare industry focused fund, had raised $3.2 billion by June 2009 since launching four years ago. The fund returned 25 percent in 2006, 18 percent in 2007, and was up 4 percent last year, when the average hedge fund lost 19 percent. In the first 10 months of 2009, Healthcor was up 7 percent.

    Healthcor, founded by Arthur Cohen and Joseph Healey, opened without any financial support from SAC. In fact, soon after Cohen and Healey struck out on their own, SAC sued the pair, accusing them of breaching their employment contracts. The matter ultimately was settled. (Healthcor’s Cohen is not related to SAC’s Cohen).”

    4. Even spin-offs that were doing well were shut down.

    When Stratix started in 2004, it had $60 million given to it by SAC. When it shut down, in 2007, it was up 17% and had $530 million under management. Yet it shut down. Why did it shut down? Those numbers sound pretty good.

    Another spin-off, Fontana Capital, started out in 2005 with $50 million of SAC money. It grew to $325 million by 2006.  But sometime in 2007, Cohen pulled out all his money. And in 2009, Fontana was down to $16.1 million, despite being down only 7.69%, compared to the average S&P Financial index loss of 57%. Again, that sounds like it wasn’t doing all that bad.

    Reuters quotes someone familiar with the record of ex-SAC traders:

    “So many of the ex-SAC people seem to have this model where they attract you with fantastic returns in the first year but in year two or three or four you get annihilated,” said a person who is familiar with several former SAC employees’ records.

    Shades of Bernie Madoff….

    Someone need to look closely at what happened to the money at these firms…

    Unlike some, I don't think Bharara's motivations doesn't meant that Martoma is necessarily innocent either.  I just think that he's small fry.

    Insider-trading, outside the  issue of racketeering, is an irrelevant and minor side-show.

    Insider-trading as part of systemic racketeering is another thing.

    But Bharara hasn't shown that, nor does he even look like he's trying to show that.

    He looks like he's polishing his resume for a move into politics.]

    Deep Capture: SAC Capital (and Steve Cohen too) should be convicted….

    “During the trial of Martoma, DOJ prosecutors confirmed that SAC Capital traded on inside information provided by a doctor at the University of Michigan, which was all well and good, but as I documented in my book, SAC Capital not only traded on inside information from another University of Michigan doctor, but also profited from short selling Dendreon’s stock after multiple doctors (some of whom had demonstrably corrupt relationships with Milken) conspired to undermine Dendreon’s treatment by convincing the FDA (also corrupted by Milken and his associates) to delay approval of the treatment (which had been proven effective).

    Some journalists and their Wall Street sources have argued that insider trading is an essentially harmless offense and that SAC Capital deserves leniency, but their arguments obscure the fact that SAC Capital’s insider trading has involved the wholesale corruption of the FDA and some of the nation’s most prominent doctors, all of whom have (as my book documents in detail) shown themselves more than willing not only to provide Steve Cohen and his associates, including Milken, with inside information, but also to undermine pharmaceutical companies with effective treatments while promoting companies (i.e. companies that are financed by Milken and his associates) whose treatments are actually killing people.”

    Lila: Exactly. But then, in that context, Martoma is actually the lesser offender.

    He was after all a portfolio manager, a trader. His employment depended on his getting an edge.

    When he stopped getting that edge (illegal, as it turned out), he was fired.  Since Martoma, from all accounts, has been documented to be very savvy and knowledgeable, that means his competitors in the field must also have been getting their “edge” in the same way.

    Industry-wide corruption of that kind isn’t best addressed by throwing the book at some representative pawn/small fish in the game. It only looks (and usually is)  biased or politically motivated.

    If the nation’s top doctors were engaged in corrupt activities, why aren’t some of them being prosecuted before Martoma?

    And, if Steven (don’t call me Stevie) Cohen is a racketeer, prove that.

    Then give yourself a gold medal. Not before.

    Note: See John Cassidy’s piece at the New Yorker, “Has Steven A. Cohen bought off the New Yorker?” November, 4, 2013

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  • Birth-Control Fatwas & Oops Factors

    February 4, 2014 // 1 Comment

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    Posted in: Empire, Mobs, Pols and Pundits, Propaganda, Psyops, mind-control, new world order

    denver colorado skyline

    Zahir Ebrahim, author of The Poor Man’s Guide to Modernity, brings up a problem in the comment section to my previous post.

    I reproduce it here as a separate post, because it’s something that has stumped me, as well.

    Briefly: How to get in front of false-flags, red herrings, and black ops before they unfold, or, at least, how to derail them after they’ve begun?

    How indeed.

    Bloggers and activists who write as things unfold are quietly censored through Internet filtering and monitoring, (eg. Google). and content manipulation (eg. Wikipedia).

    Or, we are dismissed as “conspiracy theorists” by the mandarins of the mainstream media, because we cannot reach into our pockets and come up at once with documents in triplicate with signed confessions from the Mossad and CIA to prove our claims.

    Of course, some forty years hence, some appointed mouthpiece will, at tax-payer expense,  force open the requisite dusty archive where half-redacted memos, still greasy with guilt, will give the game away.

    Masks will briefly slip from Olympian profiles, but until then…..

    ….even if activists do get heard, the media prince-lings who deign to respond, choose their place and time in ways that leave us bloodied and the issues even more bedraggled.

    During the ruckus that ensues, the false-flag or black operation unfolds with the panache of an Augustan comedy….except that to those of us in the peanut-gallery it is tragedy.

    That is how, as Zahir Ebrahim writes, no less than the Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran fell victim to the Malthusian disinformation of the banking cartel:

    Iran under Ayatollah Khomeini introduced Birth Control through a fatwa (I haven’t seen the fatwa myself, only read or heard about it), as the population of Iran had almost doubled from the time of the Shah by the time of this fatwa in the late 1980s.

    Well in the 2000s (I do not recall the year), the successor Ayatollah had to issue a new Fatwa encouraging families to have more children and not less children.

    According to the understanding given to me on this topic, the first fatwa on birth-control had been issued because of the fears of over-population and Iran not being able to feed itself under the Malthusian construct.

    (Not obvious how this fear was implanted in Iran under the Ayatollah, for he was always most wary of the Western agenda. But then again, he also fell victim to it in uncontrollably waging the eight-year war against Iraq — a war that was foisted by the West upon both the peoples of Iran and Iraq equally, and not just Iran alone ,which the people of Iran always tend to forget.)

    Anyway, After the birth rate among the Shia Muslims declined drastically, while the minority Sunni Muslims (aprox. 20% of Iranians) had ignored the fatwa and had concentrated on having more and more children (Sunni Muslims do not accept Fatwas from Shia theologians, and vice versa), the demographics of Iran suddenly started to change. T

    The Sunni strategy, I imagine both intellectually and financially supported from somewhere, was to come to key positions of power in Iran through the change in demographic. All legal, nothing subversive about it. In fact, it is the method that Palestinians have been employing to overwhelm their Israeli conquerors these past six decades. A most effective strategy!

    This strategy, and the declining birth-rate among the middle class in the Shia households, woke up the Iranian government to the folly of the previous “ill-conceived” and “flawed” fatwa.

    Now the impetus in Iran is to encourage more children — but not unsurprisingly, the next generation of the middle class and upper middle class, those whose parents or themselves grew up under the directive of the first fatwa, don’t seem to be energetically inclined towards having more children. Career paths dominate in Iran as much as they do in the West. A more detailed study of this is of course necessary. This is just the anecdotal version.

    What this shows me however, is that “oops” cannot always be avoided — we are all human. But surely, as you put it: “that the ultimate source of such laws is an ideology crafted with MALEVOLENT intent by the foundation-funded think-tanks and research institutes.” can always be recognized and interdicted. No?

    Provided of course that the government machinery, its media, and its intellectuals, are not already co-opted into either silence, acquiescence, or actually putting down their signatures to their own enslavement.

    This is the real problem facing both India, Pakistan, and South East Asia. How to overcome our “asininity” which continually leads us to “oops” ex post facto?

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  • Comment at EPJ: The logic of the feminist world order

    February 4, 2014 // 0 Comments

    Posted in: Uncategorized

    Women are the great protectors of children, physically and morally.

    Once that protection is gone, the child can more easily be inducted into the service of the state.

    Without the experience of a loving mother, the child can more easily be turned into an expendable killing machine for the state.

    By trivializing motherhood and family, by exaggerating the value of market place work, a larger tax-base is created… more tax-serfs…

    The CIA is fully invested in the radical feminist-gay rights agenda and all its many minions will say their piece, as needed…”

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  • Google’s “Hummingbird”: IP Theft & Mind-Control

    February 3, 2014 // 0 Comments

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    Posted in: Cognition, Empire, Intelligence Operations, Kleptocracy, Mobs, Police State, Propaganda, Psyops, Technology, mind-control, new world order, privacy

    Google’s new search algorithm Hummingbird adds to the company’s sinister reputation among privacy advocates.

    Google’s creepy Google Glass didn’t help it either.

    Now comes Hummingbird, the biggest algorithm change in the search engine in twelve years.

    “Hummingbird should better focus on the meaning behind the words,” Sullivan reports. “It may better understand the actual location of your home, if you’ve shared that with Google. It might understand that ‘place’ means you want a brick-and-mortar store. It might get that ‘iPhone 5s’ is a particular type of electronic device carried by certain stores. Knowing all these meanings may help Google go beyond just finding pages with matching words.”

    (Hummingbird is Google’s biggest algorithm change in 12 years,” WebProNews,  Sept. 28, 2013)

    Simply put, Hummingbird is about Google trying to find the holistic meaning behind the individual words of a search-string (the query or series of words you input into the search function),  or, in the case of websites, the overall intent behind the key-words most used.

    Bottom-line: Google is trying to figure out what’s going on in your mind when you type out certain words.

    That is terribly similar to an area of research dear to the defense and spy agencies - predictive software and technology.

    For instance,  DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) is very interested in developing the cognitive footprints of users for identification purposes.

    The goal is to bypass the need for passwords, which tend to be cumbersome for users and vulnerable to password-cracking, phishing, social-engineering, memory failures, and hardware theft.

    Software biometric modalities” are to be used to develop what it terms Active Authentication.

    Anyone can see how useful the new Hummingbird algorithm would be to DARPA.

    Indeed, given Google’s prior collaboration with the CIA in the monitoring of social media, it wouldn’t be surprising if Hummingbird has also come out of a joint project with the government.

    The defense agencies come up with the technology to figure out what random “bad guys” are up to. Google monetizes it and returns the favor by data-sharing with the government.

    The consumer might have his every need…indeed wish…met, but web-users are now going to find that Google’s “free lunch:” is not only not free, it’s not remotely cheap.

    And web users are the ones footing the bill.

    Here’s how.

    “Google Hummingbird: Where no search has gone before,” Jeremy Hull, iProspect, Wired, October 15, 2013

    Google has updated its search algorithm many times over the past few years, but previous updates were focused on making Google better at gathering information — for example, indexing websites more often and identifying spammy content. Hummingbird is focused on the user. It’s about Google getting better at understanding what searchers really want and providing them with better answers.”

    That’s Google’s stated objective, of course. But how about websites?

    When you search Google for answers to questions, what website owners want is for you to go to their site to get the information.

    This is not only because they might hope to sell you something and thereby earn a living.

    It’s also because they hope that by giving you good information not available in the mainstream media,  they might attract you to their site and persuade you on other issues.

    By offering free information, web writers hope you will find them reliable, credible, or interesting and become committed readers. That’s why millions of writers and websites, spend inordinate amounts of energy and time finding answers and giving them away to others for free.

    Of course, ethics and decency demand that readers who benefit from that information cite the place they found it and give the author credit.

    Not Hummingbird.

    It harvests information from the net and puts it on Information cards that pop up in answer to searches.

    Now, if the information is immediately given to the reader by Google, why will they visit the websites from which Google might have culled the answer?

    They won’t.  That means that Google is not only stealing the private data of its users through Gmail, Google Earth, and a bunch of other programs, it’s also stealing from the websites it’s supposed to be helping.

    But “Hummingbird” is not just unfriendly to websites offering information to the public, it acts to control what information is presented to you and how.

    Hummingbird’s graphic is an easy way for Google to give you what Google (and very likely, the government) want you to know, rather than what you might learn if you delved into your search results yourself.

    The new graphic could even give you downright misleading or inaccurate information. Just think about Snopes, the ostensibly myth-busting site that somehow manages to bust myths only in left-liberal ways.

    So, Hummingbird is not only using your personal information for Google’s own commercial (and the government’s surveillance) purposes, it’s using information from blogs/websites, without their permission, for its own operations.

    That’s two counts of IP theft.

    Then, the whole business of trying to determine exactly what you’re thinking when you type certain things into the search function sounds awfully like mind-reading to me. In order to do that kind of mind-reading, all sorts of personal information from your web usage (even more than Google has been collecting so far) has to be collated and compared. Mapped, if you will.

    That’s two counts of privacy invasion.

    Finally, by manipulating access to the knowledge available on the Internet, under the guise of consumer satisfaction, by giving you pre-packaged answers before it gives you your search results, Google is actually  trying to control your thinking.

    That’s one count of mind-control.

    Is it any surprise that the new algorithm shares its name with DARPA’s nano flying robot/drone Hummingbird, which beats its wings like a bird?.

    DARPA’s Hummingbird is a spy drone:

    “The drone, built by AeroVironment with funding from DARPA, is able to fly forwards, backwards, and sideways, as well as rotate clockwise and counterclockwise. Not only does the ‘bot resemble its avian inspiration in size (it’s only slightly larger than a hummingbird, with a 6.5-inch wingspan and a weight of 19 grams), it also looks impressively like a hummingbird in flight.

    But that’s not vanity — it’s key to the drone’s use as a spy device, as it can perch near its subject without alerting it.”

    Google’s Hummingbird seems no less innocuous and no less insidious.

    It’s more evil-doing from the Franken-SearchEngine that routinely spies for the NSA and CIA and systematically  commits Intellectual Property theft.

    Read more at Entrepreneur .com

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  • British Charity “Rape Crisis” Is A UK Govt Front

    February 3, 2014 // 0 Comments

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    Posted in: Gender, Ideology, Kleptocracy, Political Theory, Pols and Pundits, Propaganda, new world order

    From LibertarianAlliance.wordpress.com:

    “One of the points I made was that RC [Rape Crisis] can hardly be regarded as an independent voice.

    Bearing in mind that it gets the majority of its funding from the Home Office and the Equalities Unit, it should be regarded as a front for the British State – ie, it’s another fake charity.

    I didn’t actually accuse RC of corrupt motives, but did draw attention to the scale of funding and the fact that HMG would dearly love to put Julian Assange on the first plane to Stockholm.”

    Sean points to the accounts, the most recent set available, which is not very recent by company-or-private-sector-standards and would get them heavily finded for lateness if they were a simple plumber or small retailer…which says in the small print at the back that:-

    (1) “Rape Crisis” received in 2008, £6,285 from charitable and fundraising activities, and £103,750 from the Home Office, “Lankelly Chase” (which must be some place or other), “UNISON” and the Government Equalities Office”.

    (2) In 2009, it received £11,214 from charitable and fundraising activities, and  £196.685 from the various collectivist sources stated just now above.

    I think that makes it a “fake charity, don’t you? It seems to exist to do PR to lobby the government into bring in laws that the government wants brought in.

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  • The Highest Rape Rates - By Country

    February 2, 2014 // 3 Comments

    Posted in: Uncategorized

    From the US Bureau of Justice  (6/18/13):


    US, UK, New Zealand, Sweden, Belgium (among others).

    Confirming yet again that slander of the poor is the course of least resistance in the major media.

    Only one country on this list can even be called “third-world.”

    Seven count as among the most “developed” countries, the most affluent.

    Three are mainly Anglo-phone.

    One, Sweden, routinely rates as one of the least corrupt countries.

    And the US, at No. 6 in rape internationally, is the sole super-power, the world’s law-giver and law-enforcer.

    Rapes per 100,000 of population:

    Lesotho 91.6
    Trinidad and Tobago 58.4
    Sweden 53.2
    Korea 33.7
    New Zealand 30.9
    United States 28.6
    Belgium 26.3
    Zimbabwe 25.6
    United Kingdom 23.2
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  • False rape reports in US army up by 35% in 3 years

    February 2, 2014 // 3 Comments

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    Posted in: Gender

    The Washington Times,  May 12, 2013 reports that a Pentagon study has shown false rape reports increasing almost 9 times the rate of increase in abuse reports:


    ‘From 2009 to 2012, the number of sexual abuse reports rose from 3,244 to 3,374 — a 4 percent increase.

    During the same period, the number of what the Pentagon calls “unfounded allegations” based on completed investigations of those reports rose from 331 to 444 — a 35 percent increase.

    In 2012, there were 2,661 completed investigations, meaning that the 444 false complaints accounted for about 17 percent of all closed cases last year. False reports accounted for about 13 percent of closed cases in 2009.

    Robert Maginnis, a retired Army officer and analyst at the Family Research Council, is writing a book for Regnery Publishing Inc. about the Pentagon’s push to put women in direct ground combat in the infantry, armor and special operations.

    “In the course of conducting interviews with commanders, I heard time and again complaints about female service members making sex-related allegations which proved unfounded,” Mr. Maginnis said. “Not only do some women abuse the truth, but it also robs their commanders from more important, mission-related tasks.

    “Female service members told me that some women invite problems which lead men on and then result in advances the woman can’t turn off. Too often, such female culpability leads to allegations of sexual contact, assault and then the women feign innocence.”


    “As in the hyped Indian rape crisis, the cause for the increase in assaults and false accusations of assault lies in ill-conceived laws put in place to satisfy the gender feminists’ need to have perfect equality with men, regardless of the dictates of nature or nurture.

    See “Flawed new rape laws roils military justice system,” MacClatchey, Sept. 21, 2011 which reports on the crisis in military justice caused by a badly thought out law provoked by the rise in intimate contacts between men and women as they become more integrated in the army. In other words,  integration of the sexes has back-fired in ways gender feminists refuse to accept.


    “Six years ago, Congress tried cracking down on rape in the military. Prompted by disturbing reports of sexual assaults in military academies and war zones, lawmakers rewrote the rules. They wanted to protect victims and help prosecutors.

    Now it’s clear that the effort backfired.

    The politically attractive but poorly understood legal changes have incited courtroom confusion, judicial frustration and constitutional conflict. Extensive interviews and a McClatchy review of thousands of pages of court documents and internal studies find a congressionally caused crisis of military justice that few civilians know anything about.”

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  • Fake “Rape Crisis”: UK rape rate ten times Indian

    February 1, 2014 // 0 Comments

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    Posted in: Gender, Globalization, Ideology, Mobs, Political Theory, Pols and Pundits, Propaganda, War On India

    One feminist notices something odd in the hype about the Indian rape crisis:


    “Let’s look at the numbers for India, population 1.2 billion (about 48% of whom are women):

    In 2011 there were 24,206 reported rapes. Of these 26 per cent resulted in convictions.

    The UK has a population of about 56.2 million.”

    Lila: This  article was written in January 2013.  I don’t know where the author got her numbers.

    The UK population in 2011 was 63.3 million. The population in 2012 was 63.7 million.

    The Indian population in 2011 was approx. 1.21 billion.    In 2012 it was 1.22 billion.

    That means that the UK has a population that is roughly 20 times smaller than India’s.

    The article continues:


    “Fifty-one per cent are female.

    In 2011 there were 14,624 rapes reported. Of which 24 per cent resulted in a “conviction or caution”.

    Lila: If these rape statistics are in any way accurate, then the rape numbers in the UK are nearly half those in India, even though the Indian population is 20 times greater.

    That means that the per capita rape rate in India is TEN TIMES smaller than that in the UK, a settled and developed country, with high levels of prosperity and education, one of the major powers.

    Moreover, the UK rape rate is this high, even though Britain is a heavily policed country, with perhaps the most extensive surveillance networks in the world that routinely and illegally snoop on British citizens.

    Britain also has a large and complex criminal justice system with multiple agencies to protect women and an academic culture that often shills for the feminist agenda.

    But nonetheless the British rape rate is ten times that of India.  Where is the outrage?

    Remember that the Indian rape rate is ten times smaller, despite extensive and severe poverty in India, few social networks outside kinship networks, and a very low per capita rate of policing.

    Remember that India also has a very large population of illiterate young males, many without jobs and routinely experiences huge influxes of migrant workers into  severely overcrowded cities, already suffering from near-collapse in infrastructure and utilities.

    Remember that India suffers from critical energy and water shortages, from soaring food and gas prices, from inflation and endemic corruption.

    It has some of the world’s most congested and dangerous roads and some of the world’s most dangerous terrorists and separatists.

    It is the target of unrelenting espionage and interference from the major powers.

    India suffers in addition all the extraordinary stresses of very rapid economic development coupled with the crushing impact of  an alienating foreign culture on its traditional social fabric.

    Finally, remember that behind the Indian rape rate are financial incentives created by feminist laws that reward women with windfall sums for bringing rape charges.

    The Indian law privileges women as rape-victims while denying even the possibility that women might molest and rape, thus erasing the male as victim of sexual violence.

    India has a jurisprudence weighted in favor of the woman coupled with a  feminist leadership that nonetheless demands even greater privileges and exemptions.

    It has a media culture that is sensitive to every outrage to women and silent on outrages against men.

    And yet, incredibly, the rape rate in India is ten times smaller than that in Britain.

    So, where, I repeat, is the outrage?

    Where is the United Nations study on the parlous condition of women in the United Kingdom, which rapes at ten times the rate of India?

    Where is the UN study on the US, which rapes at higher rates than India?

    Where is the UN study on South Africa, which rapes at higher rates than India?

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  • “Non-interfering” Kerry Cheers Overthrow Of Ukrainian Gvt

    February 1, 2014 // 0 Comments

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    Posted in: Empire, Ideology, Intelligence Operations, Mobs, Pols and Pundits, Propaganda, new world order

    Daniel McAdams at LRC blog comments on John Kerry’s interventionist position on Ukraine:

    “I am on RT today discussing John Kerry’s Munich trip, where he met the Ukraine opposition parties and said that the US is “fully behind” those seeking to overthrow the democratically-elected government by force — right before he warned any outside powers against interfering in Ukraine’s internal affairs.”

    See also “US and Europe stand with people of Ukraine, says John Kerry,” The Guardian, Feb. 1 , 2014

    NATO has joined Kerry to bully the Ukrainians government not to crack down on violence:

    “Nato’s chief, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, said he was “very concerned by attempts to involve the military in the crisis”.

    The equivalent in terms of international provocation would be if the Russian President were to proclaim solidarity for the Occupy movement on US soil and warn American police against any militarized response.

    While Kerry was double-dealing with the Ukrainians and thumbing the American nose at Russia, a little research turns up the interesting point that the largely peaceful Ukrainian protest suddenly turned violent at the same time as  Kerry’s visit and stepped-up support for it.

    “Russia slams West’s support for Ukraine opposition,” AP, The Washington Post, Feb. 1, 2014

    “The protests had been mostly peaceful until mid-January, when demonstrators angered by the new anti-protest laws launched violent clashes with police. Three protesters died in the clashes, two of them from gunshot wounds. Police insist they didn’t fire the fatal shots.

    See also “Russia slams as circus Kerry Ukraine opposition meetings,” Daily Star, Feb 1, 2014

    “Russia’s outspoken Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin called Kerry’s upcoming meetings a “circus” in a tweet on Friday.

    “It’s also necessary to involve Verka Serdyuchka in the talks,” he said in apparent sarcasm, referring to Ukraine’s bombastic drag queen pop star.

    “Her/his authoritative opinion should be heard by the White House and taken into account!”

    Is this another covert destabilization effort in the tradition of the color revolutions?

    Evidently so.  At Storyleak.com, Michael Thomas breaks down the history:

    “What is particularly surprising about the current color revolution unfolding in the Ukraine is that this nation was the site of the very same CIA implementation plan back in 2004/2005.  The Orange Revolution, as it was known at the time, was a classic CIA-engineered plot to impose their political outcome on the Ukrainian people. And they succeeded with flying colors.

    That CIA-sponsored coup d’etat was so successful that it has since been used as a model for every other CIA-manufactured scheme that has toppled governments and reversed fair election outcomes the world over. In fact, the Ukraine is where the various social network utilities were used so effectively that the new MO has become known as the digital blitzkrieg. Never in human history have so many citizens been stampeded in the direction of overthrowing their government while being completely ignorant of the real forces manipulating the cattle prods.”

    The article suggests that the Ukrainian government seems to be master-minded, as well the protesters. The result is that the Ukraine is being shepherded into the Eurozone, a communistic/fascistic scheme that will allow the patrons of the Eurozone to replenish their depleted treasuries:

    “…. the Ukraine is looked to as a temporary savior because of its many large and robust markets, well established industrial base and transportation links to Asia, as well as it vast natural resources and raw materials.”

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  • UN study slanders Asian men as rapists

    January 31, 2014 // 3 Comments

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    Posted in: Gender, Ideology, Mobs, Police State, Political Theory, Pols and Pundits, War On India, new world order

    I need to expand more on the way that “rape” is being used to slander Asian societies as a whole in the Western mainstream media, controlled ultimately by a small group of owners.

    The basis for the slander is a UN-led study:

    The UN multi-country study on men and violence in Asia and the Pacific.

    The study is sponsored by Partners for Prevention—on behalf of UNDP (UN Development Program), UNFPA (UN Population Fund) UN Women, and UNV (UN Volunteers).
    and is described as follows:

    From 2010 to 2013, over 10,000 men in six countries across Asia and the Pacific were interviewed using the UN Multi-country Study on Men and Violence household survey on men’s perpetration and experiences of violence, as well as men’s other life experiences. The countries included were Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Papua New Guinea. The study was a collaborative effort involving partners from academia, research institutes, civil society, the United Nations family and governments around the globe

    Vietnam is also included, though not mentioned in the paragraph above.

    The UN Population Fund’s goal is very clearly defined, behind the rhetoric of “rights.”

    It is monitoring population growth and migration, ensuring family-planning through contraception and abortion, and securing female emancipation with a view to ensuring the previously-stated goals.


    The goals of UNFPA - achieving universal access to sexual and reproductive health (including family planning), promoting reproductive rights, reducing maternal mortality and accelerating progress on the ICPD agenda and MDG 5 - are inextricably linked. UNFPA also focuses on improving the lives of youths and women by advocating for human rights and gender equality and by promoting the understanding of population dynamics. Population dynamics, including growth rates, age structure, fertility and mortality and migration have an effect on every aspect of human, social and economic progress. And sexual and reproductive health and women’s empowerment all powerfully affect and are influenced by population trends.

    The findings of the UN study were trumpeted uncritically in the major media:

    See “Nearly quarter of men in Asia-Pacific admit to committing rape,” Kate Hodal, The Guardian, Sept 9, 2013.

    However, a few critical observers found gaping holes in the methodology used:

    “One in four men in Asia “admit to committing rape”? It doesn’t add up,” Stuart Brown, The Guardian, Sept 18, 2013.

    Brown points out the incredibly shoddy and tendentious reasoning behind the statistic that claims that one in four Asians are rapists.


    “The shocking headline figure that 25% of the men surveyed admit to raping a partner or a stranger appears to offer unequivocal confirmation that Asian women are the victims of a deep-rooted, cultural problem.As with many studies of this type, however, what we’re witnessing is the wide dissemination of one hopelessly misleading statistic, while the rest of the research in the report – the stuff that actually matters – is ignored.”

    The study covers Bangladesh, Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia, China, Sri Lanka, and Papua and New Guinea.

    That itself is odd. Why would Korea, India, and Japan be left out?

    The second oddity is that  the samples are not even representative nationally.

    For instance, for Papua and New Guinea, the sampling is drawn entirely from one place - the island of Bougainville.

    The third oddity is that there are only two places where “yes” responses to rape are over 25% and they are both areas with a recent history of violent conflict. A higher incidence of rape would be expected in such areas.

    Without those two areas, the proportion of “yes” answers falls to 18%.

    Finally, except in the case of Bangladesh, the question signifying admission of rape doesn’t even clearly indicate the use of force, but runs as follows:

    “Have you had sexual intercourse with your partner when you knew she didn’t want to, but believed she should agree because she was your wife/partner?”

    In the Bangladesh sample, where the question most directly mentions force, the number of “yes” answers is also the lowest.

    This suggests that the results of the whole study have been dramatically skewed by the ambiguous structuring of a question that doesn’t even deal with what most people would call rape, but rather with the inherently problematic dynamics of marital relations.

    But, even apart from the bogus nature of the questioning itself, there is the sheer ludicrousness of slandering the whole of Asia - some 4 billion plus people - on the basis of a questionnaire circulated to some 10,000 people, replete with elementary methodological flaws.

    Indeed, the study looks less like a study and more like the kind of  public relations concoction that has armed the “anti-trafficking agenda” with equally sensational and equally flimsy claims.

    See “Women’s Funding Network Sex Trafficking Study is Junk Science,” Village Voice, March 23, 2011.

    Like bogus sex trafficking research, the bogus rape research seems to be driven by the need to come up with lurid statistics to draw funding, media attention, and political backing.

    And what could be the goal of the study’s political backers, which are departments of the UN?

    That too is evident.

    The UN has always pursued the goals of the Western elites, under cover of internationalism.

    Those goals include the need to corral and control the populous nations of Asia, lest they compete too strongly with those of the West for resources.

    See the following:

    George Kennan, Head of the US State Dept. Policy Planning Staff, Memo PPS23, Feb 28, 1948:


    In the face of this situation we would be better off to dispense now with a number of the concepts which have underlined our thinking with regard to the Far East. We should dispense with the aspiration to “be liked” or to be regarded as the repository of a high-minded international altruism. We should stop putting ourselves in the position of being our brothers’ keeper and refrain from offering moral and ideological advice. We should cease to talk about vague and—for the Far East—unreal objectives such as human rights, the raising of the living standards, and democratization. The day is not far off when we are going to have to deal in straight power concepts. The less we are then hampered by idealistic slogans, the better.

    We should recognize that our influence in the Far Eastern area in the coming period is going to be primarily military and economic. We should make a careful study to see what parts of the Pacific and Far Eastern world are absolutely vital to our security, and we should concentrate our policy on seeing to it that those areas remain in hands which we can control or rely on.

    Thus, the obvious implication of formulating bogus “rape studies” targeting Asian countries, let alone drawing wildly exaggerated conclusions from them, is the need for more surveillance and control of Asian populations by the international proxies of the Western elites.

    Given the results of such surveillance and control in the US, where the prison population is the highest in the world and overwhelmingly black and brown, it is shameful that Asian media and government have not called out the slanderous characterizations of the UN study for what they are -

    - Racist propaganda masquerading as social-science.

    If the targets of the study had been African Americans, there would be no doubt that the researchers would have immediately been unmasked as latter-day theorists of classic scientific racism.

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  • Fake Indian “rape crisis” driven by Western elite media

    January 31, 2014 // 1 Comment

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    Posted in: Gender, Ideology, Mobs, Police State, Political Theory, Pols and Pundits, Propaganda, War On India, new world order

    An Indian “rape crisis” has been evoked in the major media in the wake of the infamous Delhi gang-rape of 2012.

    The “rape culture” narrative about India has come to signal the regressive, medieval nature of traditional Indian masculinity.

    Palash Ghosh argues that Indian men, who, after 9/11, were conflated with the category “terrorist,” are now being conflated with the category, “rapist.”

    Delhi gang-rape trial: A new and negative image for Indian men? Palash Ghosh, Ibntimes.com, Feb 5, 2013

    I would suggest that this conflation is intentional and it is typical of the demonization campaigns carried out by the Western state media against countries targeted for intervention, whether that takes the form of bombing or of proxy wars or of NGO psyops.

    I would suggest that there is no “rape crisis” in India in need of such international intervention.

    There is, however, an over-hyped, UN-backed,  elite-manufactured issue that functions as a site for state intervention.

    The ” rape crisis” is actually the creation of  the left-liberal ideology that fronts for the corporate interests of Western elites.

    This can be readily deciphered from the media stories about the Delhi gang rape.

    The major media (Western elite) coverage of the Delhi rape posited it as typical of the medieval village culture characterizing Delhi, in which no Westernized/modern woman can ever be safe.

    In contrast, the truly cosmopolitan cities of the West protect women, ran the elite narrative.

    Statistics, of course, do not bear this story out.

    Poulami Roychowdhury has argued as much in her lengthy academic analysis of the story:

    “The Delhi Gang Rape: The Making of International Causes.”


    “CNN likened the assailants to men in other “traditional societies” who “see improvements in the status of women as a challenge to their own” and who use rape as a weapon of power against such advances.”

    Roychowdhury shows how the international media created a false narrative of a Westernized, modern woman attacked by traditional, patriarchal, village men.

    The truth is both the victim and her assailants were remarkably similar in moving from lower-class agricultural backgrounds into an urban setting.

    The international media narrative also ignored the Indian man who attempted to save the victim.

    He was also stripped and assaulted.

    But the media erased him entirely from public consciousness.


    It goes almost without saying that Pandey’s case illustrates the ongoing resilience and appeal of Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak’s “white men saving brown women from brown men.”
    Spivak’s theory illuminates why Pandey’s male friend, Awindra Pandey, disappeared from the pages of international media while Pandey and her assailants took pride of place in the discussion. Commentators seemed to forget that Awindra was even on the busand was also physically assaulted, stripped naked, and dumped on the side of the road. He disappeared, Firstly, because his body stood outside the economy of international care: white men are not in the business of saving brown men from other brown men
    . He also had to disappear because brown men are not typically viewed as allies of brown women.”

    Chowdhury also demonstrates how the  emancipated female subject in the third-world  exists in a  narrative that ties her emancipation to her full participation in the neo-liberal economy.

    She is described as going to malls and movies on her own, wearing Western clothes and accoutrements.

    Meanwhile  the atavism of her male attackers is tied to their lack of integration into that economy.

    Neither construction is accurate.

    The “rape crisis” was a creation of  radical feminism embedded in the neo-liberal market-place, not an off-shoot of traditional Indian culture.

    ITEM A The rape crisis is driven by financial incentives created by misguided, if not malicious, laws put in place by feminist ideologues.

    See, “India to pay women big money to cry rape,” False Rape Society, January 8, 2010

    It describes the law which has driven the “crisis of rape” now bearing fruition.

    ” It [India] has decreed that every woman who testifies that a male raped her will be handed the equivalent of 4,374.96 US dollars, a not-insignificant sum anywhere, but a huge payday in India.”

    [Lila: in terms of Indian salaries, this would be the equivalent of $200,000 in the West, if we use the exchange rate prevalent at the time. Of course, this translation doesn't account for the differing purchasing powers of the currencies, but $4, 374.96 is nonetheless a very large sum in India.]

    ITEM B

    The “rape  crisis” is driven by cultural Marxism

    The goal of cultural Marxism is to create morally and biologically neutral “genders” that are fungible and detached from the traditional family structure.

    Indeed, it is to construct “gender” so that it is inimical to family life.

    In that regard, it’s notable that the man behind many of the protests following the Delhi gang-rape case was a left-wing radical.

    He was a communist radical from the hot-bed of left-wing ideology, Jawaharlal Nehru University.

    The protests following the rapes were also organized mainly by left-wing radicals.

    Many of the protests turned violent, injuring nearly 150 people.


    “The protests, largely by students, saw hooligan elements mingled in the crowd uproot wooden poles erected for the Jan 26 Republic Day event and set them afire at five places. They upturned vehicles, smashed window panes of buses and other vehicles and also hurled stones and water bottles on policemen in response to tear gas and baton attacks to prevent protesters from marching towards Raisina Hills, where prohibitory orders were put in place.”

    Pictures of the protests were circulated world-wide, bringing even the UN into the picture.

    The UN made official pronouncements about a “rape culture” in India.

    This led to the usual politically-motivated commentary from the liberal-left spectrum of the Western media.

    However, a few conservative/men’s rights blogs didn’t buy the story and correctly diagnosed the “rape crisis” as a concoction of left-feminist ideological activism.

    Similar accusations of an American “rape-culture” have been accurately deconstructed by Dr. Christina Hoff Summers

    Researching the “rape-culture” of America,” Christina Hoff Summers, False-rape.net.

    Only a year after the Delhi gang-rape case, the JNU communist who was behind the Indian “rape-crisis” agitation was himself accused of rape. He became the subject of the usual  trial-by-media-innuendo-and-womyn’s-assertion.

    He killed himself, a victim of the left-anarchist monster he created.

    The extremist ideology behind the “rape crisis” is evident in the new unequal laws in India.

    In the case of rape:

    See “Only men can be booked for rape, Nagendra Sharma, Hindustan Times, March 5, 2013

    “Bowing to pressure from women activists, the government has decided to restore the term rape in criminal law that states only men can be booked for committing the offence against women. It has also decided to lower the age of consent for sex from 18 to 16 years.”

    This is not gender-neutrality but gender-privileging.  It means that a female assault of a male, or a male assault of a male, or a male or female assault of a male child, are lesser crimes, to be treated under the separate section in the Indian legal code that pertains to unnatural sexual acts.

    But that section does not make the rape of a male a crime against a person. Instead, it treats it as a crime against nature, like voluntary homosexuality.

    That means female rapists/molesters of men or children can be guilty of unnatural acts, but not of rape, a most significant perversion of equal justice under the law.

    In the case of domestic violence:

    A woman can get a restraining order against her husband or boyfriend if he threatens suicide.

    Under Indian law, threats of suicide by a man, however, are treated as domestic violence against the woman.

    The reverse does not obtain.

    If India were really a woman-hating patriarchy, as the feminists proclaim, would such laws pass?

    At one men’s rights site, an activist writes:

    “We’ve already seen men in that country [India] forced to the back of buses like African-Americans in 1950s America.  We’ve seen them beaten up by members of the public and female police officers alike for accidentally boarding the “female only” carriage of a train.  And now we’re seeing the government actively denying them equal protection under the law in sexual assaults.

    Conclusion: What is going on in India is not a rape crisis but a crisis of misandry.

    1. “Indian Communist feminist Khurshid Anwar commits suicide after rape allegations, Anil Kumar, A Voice for Men, Dec. 30, 2013.

    2.” Woman should be booked for filing fake rape case, says HC,” Urvi Mahajani, DNA India, August 1, 2013

    3. “Be vigilant about false rape cases: HC to trial judges,” Harish Nair, Hindustan Times, May 24, 2013

    4. “18% rape cases false, study,” Times of India, Dec. 27, 2008

    5.  Delhi gang-rape case: Police find discrepancies in victim’s statement,” FirstPost, Jan 28, 2014

    6.  Activists: Indian media sensationalized Delhi gang-rape case, Venus Upadhyaya, Epoch Times, October 11, 2013

    7. Attributing rapes to unique Indian culture reeks of bias, Gajanan Khergamker, Eurasia Review, March 28, 2013

    8. Indian government - men don’t matter, David Cuspis, A Voice for Men, March 29, 2013

    9. One in four men in Asia ‘admits to committing rape’? It doesn’t add up, Stuart Brown, The Guardian, Sept 18, 2013.

    10. A sad day for male rape victims in India,  Toy Soldiers, March 6, 2013

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  • Female abuse of males: enshrined in Indian law

    January 31, 2014 // 0 Comments

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    Posted in: Activism, Gender, Ideology, Propaganda

    In light of the hyped-up rape crisis in India, I wanted to repost an old post of mine from 2008 that shows how feminist-inspired laws have only been making gender-relations  worse:

    In India, the Old Curry for the Goose is the New Curry for the Gander, April 30, 2008:

    “The marriage of Naveen, an engineer in Florida, hit rock bottom in mere five months.

    “I just asked her why she was in touch with her boyfriend. She tried to harm herself with a knife. We returned to India and I suggested she stay with her parents for some time. As soon as I was back in the US, she filed a 498-A case against my family and me. My parents were jailed for three days,” said Naveen, a case against whom is on in India and an Interpol Red Corner Notice pending abroad.

    Anupama Singh, the secretary of Rakshak that has raked up such cases, said the voluntary organisation has received over 700 such complaints, half of them from the US alone.

    “We don’t say all these are genuine cases, but many are. The government is not really concerned. It’s futile to talk about the plight of men and their families by the women they marry.

    “In contrast, the cases of women being tortured by their husbands abroad have been overplayed with the government claiming that 30,000 brides — 15,000 from Punjab’s Doab region alone — had been abandoned abroad,” she said.

    But in 2005, the government said in Parliament that only 100 such complaints had been received. The ministry of overseas Indian affairs (MOIA) recently revised the figure to 152. The trend, therefore, is more of vanishing brides and abandoned grooms abroad, Singh added.”


    That’s from the Times of India last year, describing the ongoing barrage of domestic abuse of non-resident Indian males (especially high-status, high-earning males)  by their delicately-nurtured, oh-so-domestic, docile, doe-eyed, dosa-making desi brides).

    No surprise. Whenever the state starts “doing-good” with its right hand, its left hand has the thumb pressed into the pan of the scales. Dowry laws were cooked up to protect victimized wives.  But after gender feminists got done with the recipe, a new set of victims had been trussed up for carving on the marital altar - husbands.”

    Another MBP post from 2008 on the gender-nazis in India:

    “Feminastiness: Eastern Men As Oppressive As Westerners,” April 14, 2008

    I quote a men’s rights blog from India that satirizes the condition of Indian males (especially doctors and other highly educated men with middle-class or upper-middle class wives).

    The blog suggests the following satirical remedies for “oppressed women”:


    2) As soon as a woman marries, she should get 50% rights to her husband’s property.

    3) Large scale single parenting by woman (with maintenance provided by husband) is the norm. Research shows that children who are not allowed to see their fathers after divorce for years grow up to be very healthy. In India, Gender Sensitive judges alone should decide if the women should allow the father to see the child after divorce or not. Or if he should ever see them.

    4) Any violence committed by woman against others (including murder) should be considered self-defense.

    5) The disparity between life expectancy rates in men and women needs to be raised to the levels in developed countries. In India, women live 2.4 years more than men on an average. This difference has to be improved to the levels in the US and Europe where women live more than 6 years than men on an average.”

    The writer is especially pungent about the abusive dowry death law, which punishes the man and his family by default:


    7) For any woman who commits suicide within 7 years of marriage, a dowry harassment (or other harassment) case against the husband should be filed by default. He should be imprisoned for at least a year for not taking care of his wife.

    If a woman complains of domestic violence, the man should be imprisoned immediately and bail only granted by a court. All their joint bank accounts need to be frozen at once.”

    Lila: The author shows how the new gender-roles make the women far more powerful than the husband, both financially and emotionally.


    9) A man must do half of all household work, even if his wife is not working. But he must always work full-time. If he does not, even if he does all house work, he should be labeled lazy, improvident, pathetic, and derelict, certainly in private, and preferably in public where it will cause maximum humiliation and pain either to him or to his relatives. If a woman does not work either outside the house or in, she is nonetheless entitled to all consideration and respect and anything less than deferential treatment of all her needs, demands, whims, and psychiatric moods should be considered a violation of her human rights.”

    Lila: Having full control of the husband’s finances and of her time, she thus has the power to entirely control his life, his family and all other relationships.


    10) After marriage, a man must not stay with his parents or allow his parents to stay for a prolonged period with him (”prolonged” to be decided by the woman and subject to revision at any time on request by her, her friends, or her relatives however distant and uneducated). He must allow her in-laws to stay in his house for at least the same length of time his parents stay in his house. If he violates any of these fundamental human rights of a woman, he can be imprisoned for neglect and abuse of his in-laws.

    Lila: In some cases, the in-laws stay with her continuously at the husband’s expense, while the husband’s family are kept at a distance. The isolation of the male perpetuates a  system of hidden but intense abuse that would be considered rank criminality if it were to take place between business associates.


    13) The richer and the more educated the men are, the more pressure should be placed on them. They should provide the wife with a lifestyle equivalent to their status….. and they must also spend quality time with family (See 9, 10, 11 above). If this is still impossible, see 12.

    14) By definition, Bangalore techies (since they work with software) are required to be softer than others. Since they are also paid more than most, they should deposit 20% of their monthly salary, at least,  in their wives’ names.”

    Lila: Finally, the author points out that women who really do suffer abuse in India (usually poorer women) use domestic violence laws far less than the upper class urban sector, where women are increasingly the predators, not the victims.


    19) Since, rural women do not suffer from domestic violence (see 18), domestic violence laws must be used mostly - and most stringently -  in urban India.

    More here in the archives of one of many new blogs on the feminist abuse of dowry and domestic abuse laws in India.

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  • Western Churches Funding Conversions, Terrorism, Secession

    January 30, 2014 // 3 Comments

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    Posted in: Empire, Ideology, War On India, new world order

    Bharatabharati.wordpress.com reports on the Indian government’s crack-down on foreign funding of NGOs engaged in subversive politics:

    “The latest report of the Home Ministry showed that more than Rs 10,000 crore was sent to India during 2009-2010, mostly from the USA and Europe to NGOs in India.

    [Lila: 1 crore is 10 million rupees, which is $1590.584 million (or approximately $1.5 billion) at an exchange rate of 62.87 rupees to a dollar, calculated at this forex site.

    “The report says that while it is not proper to make sweeping generalisations, it is necessary to note that the NGO sector in India is vulnerable to the risks of money laundering and terrorist financing……..

    The report, approved by Union Home Secretary R.K. Singh in January 2012, revealed that major donors from abroad and receivers in India are Christian Missionaries and Church-sponsored NGOs.

    “The list of foreign donors is topped by the Gospel For Asia Inc of the USA (Rs 232.71 crore) followed by Fundacion Vicente Ferrer, Barcelona, Spain (Rs 228.60 crore) and the World Vision Global Centre of the USA (Rs 197.62 crore),” said the report of Home Ministry on foreign contribution and regulation for the period of year 2009-2010.

    These three are evangelical organisations. The fourth largest donor, Compassion International, is also from the US (Rs131.57 core) and belongs to the same category.

    The India Today, in its story ‘Freelancers of God – Independent churches mushroom across India attracting foreign funds’ (published on 9 May 2011) has given an account of Indian Christian missionaries who are propelling their ‘work’ to convert Hindus to Christianity with the help of foreign funds.

    The India Today story says that, “The preachers are not trained in theology. They often play with the sentiments of people and lure them with incentives and create communal tension. Most new pastors work among Dalits in the region. They also widely use faith-healing methods, which are not popular among mainstream churches. Political parties such as the Congress and the Akali Dal have refused to make conversions a controversy and the VHP and Bajrang Dal have accused both parties of playing to the Christian vote bank.”

    Senior French journalist and writer Francois Gautier reveals in his article that, “The foreign funds sent for Gospel cause has a huge but obscure impact. Out of seven states in North East India four have absolute control of the Church. Most of the North East subversive groups / Terrorist outfits including Maoists have definite connection with Evangelical groups. 45% of non-Arab foreign funds coming to India are utilized through Churches for conversion and camouflaging services, while 40% Arab foreign funds are coming to boost up Jihad and Islamic services. Christian Fathers and nuns are living most lavish life in India by utilizing the money collected from overseas in the name of service to the poor people of the third world.”

    Francois Gautier has busted the myths of the so-called ‘social and human rights activists like Medha Patkar.

    In his article ‘The Truth about Medha Patkar’, Gautier has given a reference of letter of Dr Urmilaben Patel, member of the Congress Working Committee, written to Shri Pranab Mukherjee, Minister for External Affairs.

    Patel wrote that, “You are kindly aware, that Narmada Bachao Andolan (NBA) headed by Medha Patkar is actively involved in opposing all hydro projects in India. I have recently received material which I find quite disturbing. I specifically draw your attention into the message of Ms. Patkar using the words of “pressurizing the UPA government”, and “honouring” a Supreme Court Judge for a favourable verdict, as is explicit in the emails.”

    Gautier gives details of exchange of confidential emails between Patkar and Patrick McCully, ex-Director, International Rivers Network (IRN) based at Berkeley (United States). This mail conversation exposes how Patkar ‘reports’ to Patrick every details of the case and which Judge ‘favoured’ her and should be ‘honored”….

    …Teesta SetalvadIt is always demanded to inspect the income source of the infamous Teesta Setalvad and her NGO ‘Citizen for Justice and Peace’. Teesta Setalvad is always been in clouds of mystery for her activities and how she raised funds for her NGO and how does she managed expenses of providing legal help and from which source, she got money to lure witnesses for the cases against Narendra Modi in Gujarat riots. Her bank statements with specific details are out suggesting how Setalvad allegedly used money to buy witnesses and how through manipulative activities, false submission before different probe panels and courts were allegedly filed. Again the pointer turns to the source of foreign funds. But no one wants make understand the fact.

    No scope for Indian Media to escape in case of foreign funding issue. Gospels of Charity in Spain, Southern Baptist Church, World Christian Council, St. Peters Pontifical Church, Melbourne, Joshua Society, Berne, Switzerland are some of the sponsors which funds major Indian Media which ‘speaks for’ secularism and human rights in India.

    The analysis of the Home Ministry’s 42-page report shows that 14,233 NGOs received foreign contribution of Rs 10,337.59 crore. The biggest fund inflow to NGOs has come from the USA (Rs 3,105.73 crore) followed by Germany (Rs 1,046.30 crore) and the UK (Rs 1,038.68 crore). These three countries have topped in the donors’ list of Home Ministry for many years.

    As per the report, most the funding has been generated from Christian missionaries of USA, Germany and UK and the donor missionaries have also formed their Indian subsidiaries. The other toppers come from Italy (Rs 583.47 crore), the Netherlands (Rs 509.46 crore), Spain (Rs 437.25 crore) Switzerland (Rs 302.06 crore), Canada (Rs 297.98 crore), France (Rs 189.12 crore) and Australia (Rs 148.28). The eleventh big donor to Indian NGOs is from UAE with Rs 133.15 crore.

    World Vision Chennai According to MHA figures, the funding for Christian mission agencies has shown a regular increase. Also, over 80 percent of the voluntary organisations receiving foreign funds are Christian Mission agencies. “The highest amount of foreign contribution was received by the World Vision of India, Chennai, Tamil Nadu (Rs 208.94 crore).”

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  • Anti-Spy Wear: Modest Swim-Suits Fight the Pornocracy

    January 29, 2014 // 0 Comments

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    Posted in: Activism, Gender, Intelligence Operations, Propaganda, new world order, privacy

    In an age of universal surveillance and blackmail, involuntary porn, state-mandated voyeurism, mass rape and sodomy of prisonersGoogle-Glass, and citizen-spying, modest swim-wear might be the most astute political statement a woman can make.

    It protects her privacy and dignity from snoopers and pornographers, looking for cheap shots, as well as from state operatives and contractors, fattening their files for blackmailing purposes.

    I’ve made the connection between surveillance and blackmail many times on this blog and even back in 2004, in essays on virtual crime (used later in Language of Empire).

    Alfred McCoy’s recent piece on the subject (cited above) substantiates the accuracy of my analysis.

    The making and circulation of pornographic images are powerful tools of the state-corporate complex.

    The key role of such images in blackmailing operations that universalize the power of the state is precisely the reason I am less than admiring of theorists who praise the public virtues of blackmail unthinkingly, people like Murray Rothbard and Walter Block.

    Check out the Christian blog,  Big-is-Beautiful, for attractive, modern swimwear that is modest….

    ..that lets a woman be a lady and leaves her physical dignity and privacy intact.

    (Here is a list of modest swim-wear made for Jewish ladies; this one is for Muslims).

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  • War On India: Spy Ship Linked to Spy Maid Story?

    January 29, 2014 // 1 Comment

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    Posted in: Empire, Intelligence Operations, War On India, new world order

    Colonel Anil Athale  at rediff.com sees a connection between the “fake slave-nanny” and an anti-piracy ship owned by Virginia-based AdvanFort.

    Virginia, a state bordering Washington DC, is the home of the CIA and of hundreds, if not thousands, of high-tech firms servicing the US government’s espionage industry, either directly or as contractors and partners.

    Sometimes the connections get shadier. For eg. in one case in Virginia, the CIA apparently even hired a bank-robber to test the security of Washington-area banks.

    Virginia and Maryland are among the states most dependent on the defense industry for revenues.

    Athale writes:

    “It seems more likely that the New York incident is connected to India detaining an anti-piracy ship owned by a US security firm.

    The Sierra Leone-flagged ship, the Seaman Guard Ohio, belongs to the Virginia-based AdvanFort, a maritime security firm that specialises in anti-piracy operations.

    The ship is held in the southern port of Tuticorin along with 10 crew members and 25 armed security guards.

    The crew and security guards included British, Estonian, Indian and Ukrainian nationals.

    The ship’s crew has been accused of obtaining subsidised fuel without authority. Bail for the crew has been denied.

    The curious aspect of this case is that the ship is licensed to patrol the eastern Indian Ocean and Gulf. The sailors or ‘contractors’ are in the Indian judicial system and not likely to be let off easily.

    To those who doubt this connection, a reminder that the US, including its President, went to extreme lengths to save Raymond Davis who was charged with murder in Pakistan.

    It seems very likely that a compromise will soon be found to circumvent the judicial process in the US and in India.

    The Indian diplomat will be off the hook and the ship with its crew will be released. However, these episodes raise a question mark on the future of India-US relations.

    Coming close on the heels of the American non-cooperation in the David Headley case, this will leave a bitter taste.

    What is extraordinary is the utter American insensitivity to public opinion in India — a rare country in which survey after survey showed the US as a popular country in the public perception.

    Indians seem to have underestimated the strength of American self-perception of its ‘Exceptionalism’.

    The Americans believe that they are the champions of human rights and religious rights and American justice is second to none. They also have legal systems in place that puts American law over international treaties and other nations’ laws.

    Most of the world, especially after the scandal of the US National Security Agency snooping over communications in Europe, Asia and Africa with no distinction made between allies and enemies, see the US as a global sheriff, not just a global cop.

    To an outsider, the US increasingly looks like a capitalist USSR, complete with its Big Brother snooping, its own Gulag at Guantanamo, its own version of Pravda in The New York Times and Izvestia in the Washington Post!

    Even after the current impasse is resolved, Indians would do well to be strictly reciprocal in all dealings with the US and not keep all our eggs in a single basket.”

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  • The Ugly Indian Takes On Ugly Indians..

    January 28, 2014 // 1 Comment

    Posted in: Uncategorized

    A website calling itself The Ugly Indian is tackling the most visible failure in Indian society - the complete absence of civic sense.

    Of course, other factors are at play too -  lack of infrastructure, poverty, crowding.

    But these are secondary to the real cause of filthy Indian cities - which is what the blog calls “Ugly Indians”…the many, many Indians who litter, spit,  pee, toss their garbage, let their animals poop, and commit all manner of anti-social behavior….. for a very simple reason….other not-Ugly Indians don’t intervene.

    The site has dozens of stories about Bangalore eye-sores transformed from public urinals into charming walks with just a rag, paint, and some plants.

    Hat-tip to   The Better India.com

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  • Jamaicans Oppose Homophile Thought-Control

    January 28, 2014 // 0 Comments

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    Posted in: Health & Medicine, Ideology, Pols and Pundits, Propaganda

    Update: Just to be clear, I don’t believe in criminalizing homosexuality.  My attitude to the question of gay marriage is,  whatever…

    If gays want to get married and churches want to marry them, that’s between them and their churches.

    I don’t think Christianity sanctions it, but then Christianity also doesn’t sanction psyops, market manipulation, total war, and any number of other things that society (and many churches) accept wordlessly.

    However, I do have a problem with the gay lobby preventing people from expressing their views, by demonizing traditional morality as hate-speech. And  I abhor fraudulent history…


    From MassResistance.org

    Why is free-speech in opposition to homosexuality being shut down as “hate speech” or a form of mental illness? A Jamaican church group involved in mass resistance to the pro-gay lobby makes the case:

    The Jamaican-Gleaner, May 27 2013

    “He [Dr West] added: “So to say we are all mad and irrational is an insult. ‘Homophobia’ was deliberately constructed by a psychologist to make persons against any same-sex act to have a phobia, which in medical language is a mental illness.”

    Yesterday the coalition took out a full-page advertisement in The Gleaner, declaring that ‘Speaking Truth is NOT Homophobia’, but that it is common sense, medical sense and economic sense.

    Urging persons to reject the homosexual lifestyle, the advertisement quoted statistics from researchers at Johns Hopkins Center University for AIDS Research in the United States, published in the medical journals Lancet and AIDS Behaviour.

    Among the findings quoted were that 98 per cent of the difference in HIV rates between MSM (men who have sex with men) and heterosexuals can be explained by anal receptive intercourse; MSM is the only group with increasing HIV in countries of all income levels; HIV is out of control among MSM in France; HIV rates in black MSM are 100 times that of the general population in the United Kingdom, United States and Canada; and HIV is disproportionately high and increasing among MSM in the US, despite significant increases in ‘rights’.

    Evidence clear

    “We think it is important that in public discussion facts are brought to bear rather than simple ideology. And these are the facts that there is clear medical evidence that same-sex intimate behaviour among MSM is detrimental, these are the reasons why we reject it, not because we are all mad,” West stated.

    He said the main reason for the ‘irrational’ label was to silence the discussion.

    “What we have found is that in countries where this political homosexual lobby is advancing, they seek to silence you. You are labelled as homophobic, you are mad, you are not worth listening to, your opinion is of no consequence. But these are fundamental sociological changes and we must have these discussions,” he stated.

    “Fight evidence with evidence. If you have a problem with what we are saying, then bring the evidence, don’t just dismiss us as mentally ill.”

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  • Indian Maid’s Lawyer, Funded by Ford, McArthur, Euro Govts

    January 27, 2014 // 2 Comments

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    The lawyer who represented the husband of the Indian maid, Sangeeta Richard, is  one Tariq Adeeb. He represented Philip Richard, when Richard filed a case against Devyani Khobragade, the Indian diplomat who hired Sangeeta as her nanny in New York.

    After Sangeeta absconded from the Devyani Khobragade house-hold, taking some cash, a blackberry phone, two SIM cards, a metro card worth about $130, and some documents including contracts and a signed receipt-book-cum-work-hour-log, according to the Mail Online, India ($200 in this account, which has no reference).

    Later, Philip, still in Delhi, went to the Delhi High Court to retaliate against Khobragade.

    Philip Richard’s lawyer at the Delhi High Court was Tariq Adeeb, a  Muslim activist-lawyer who belongs to the Human Rights Law Network in India, a vast national networks of activists and lawyers, pursuing social justice (that is, extensive redistributive and welfare schemes) under the rubric of “indivisible human rights.”

    A close look at the funding of the HRLN shows that it is far from being a true private agency.

    The names of its donors is a roll-call of the most prominent family foundations (MacArthur, Ford) supporting Western state interests. In addition, there are a number of embassies (Dutch, Swedish) and governments (Irish, Swiss) represented, the UN (UN High Commissioner for Refugees), as well as other rights groups.

    It was through this Western-elite backed network and its contacts in the church and US embassy that the Sangeeta Richard case was drummed up and manipulated to create an “anti-trafficking” case that would highlight the agenda demanded by the strategic goals of a  “color revolution” (based on the twin themes of “modern slavery” and “anti-trafficking) targeting India sponsored by the CIA.

    Institutional Support
    Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA)
    Humanist Institute for Cooperation with Developing Countries (HIVOS)
    Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (EED)

    Programme Support
    Fondation Antenna Technologies
    Christian Aid
    Church’s Auxiliary for Social Action
    European Commission
    Dan Church Aid
    Fondazione Pangea Onlus
    Mac Arthur Foundation
    Population Foundation of India (PFI)
    John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
    Global Fund for Women
    Sir Dorabji Tata Trust
    Stitching Kinderpostzegels Nederland (SKN)
    Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
    Swissaid India
    United Nation High Commissioner for Refugees
    Karuna Trust
    Royal Netherlands Embassy
    Elton John AIDS Foundation
    Misereor e.V.
    Irish Aid
    The Finnish NGO Foundation for Human Rights
    Embassy of Sweden
    Disability Rights Fund
    Open Society Institute
    The Sigrid Rausing Trust
    Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
    Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany
    Ford Foundation
    and many more…

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  • US “Strip-Search”: Same As Soviet Gulag’s

    January 26, 2014 // 0 Comments

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    Posted in: Police State, Torture, privacy


    Gulag history: online exhibit

    This is a drawing by Evfrosiniia Kersnovskaia, a former prisoner of the Soviet Union, of prisoners stripped of their clothes by prison guards in the Soviet gulag.

    [Courtesy of Evfrosiniia Kersnovskaia Foundation, Moscow.]

    Note: These are political prisoners in a concentration camp in the Soviet Russia.

    Note: “Strip-searches” that humiliate the subject in exactly the same way as in Soviet Russia, and to the same extent (and worse), are conducted routinely as “standard procedure” in the United States, without any kind of sustained questioning from the media and academic institutions.

    QUOTE (Preet Bharara about Khobragade’s strip-search)

    “He said she was “fully searched” by a female deputy marshal in private and called it standard procedure for “every defendant, rich or poor, American or not.”

    [The red herring is the emphasis by Bharara on the notion of equality.

    Of course, the treatment of a diplomat as though she were a random citizen is in itself an issue.

    A gross violation of international protocol/law is clearly a hostile act by the Dept. of State and the NY attorney.

    But the outrage among Indians over the matter was perfectly appropriate, even beside the question of the immunity of foreign diplomats in a host country.

    Strip-searches, regardless of the status of the victim, are barbaric and violate human rights.]

    In the US, such searches are being used for mere suspects, people not yet found guilty of anything at all, people arrested for any charge whatsoever.  In practice, people have been strip-searched for trivial offenses like unpaid traffic-tickets.

    Please note that visual inspection of cavities which is a part of all standard strip-searches requires the subject to bend over and part the buttocks for inspection of the anus, often with a flash-light. It also requires the subject to move the testicles or bare the labia for visibility.

    Often, the subject is asked to squat on his haunches and cough while baring his genitals. These are, by any standard, deeply humiliating and self-demeaning acts for any one, innocent or guilty, to perform in public, especially in front of a uniformed stranger, subject to few or no restraints. and especially when the procedure is also video-taped, ostensibly for security, thus harnessing the subjects not only into acts of voyeurism but into their pornographic representation and subsequent replication ad infinitum in contexts and for audiences over which he/she has no control, practical or legal.

    Strip-searches - whether they include visual inspection of the body-cavities or digital probes of body-cavities  - constitute a type of custodial rape or sexual molestation, and have been deemed so by the laws of some countries.

    But they have been defined as constitutionally sanctioned behavior permissible to the state, even in the case of minor offenses, by decree of the US Supreme Court:


    Every detainee who will be admitted to the general population may be required to undergo a close visual inspection while undressed,” Justice Kennedy wrote, adding that about 13 million people are admitted each year to the nation’s jails.

    The procedures endorsed by the majority are forbidden by statute in at least 10 states and are at odds with the policies of federal authorities. According to a supporting brief filed by the American Bar Association, international human rights treaties also ban the procedures.”

    Gulag: Soviet Forced Labor Camps and the Struggle for Freedom:

    “The arrival at the corrective labor camp turned out to be the culmination of the humiliation. First we were made to strip naked and were shoved into some roofless enclosures made out of planks. Above our heads the stars twinkled; below our bare feet lay frozen excrement. An enclosure measured 3 square feet. Each held three to four naked, shivering, and frightened men and women. Then these ’kennel cages’ were opened one after the other and the naked people were led across a courtyard‘the camp version of a foyer‘into a special building where our documents were ’formulated’ and our things were ’searched.’

    The goal of the search was to leave us with rags, and to take the good things ’sweaters, mittens, socks, scarves, vests, and good shoes’for themselves. Ten thieves shamelessly fleeced these destitute and barely alive people.

    ‘Corrective‘ is something that should make you better, and ‘labor‘ ennobles you. But ‘camp‘? A camp wasn‘t a jail. So then what on earth was going on? ”

    “The night search, the most degrading procedure, was frequently repeated. “Get up! Get undressed! Hands up! Out into the hall! Line up against the wall.” Naked we were especially frightened. “Among the blind, the one-eyed is king,” and next to them I was still a hero—for the time being. Our hair was undone. What were they looking for? What more could they take away from us? There was something, however: they pulled out all the ties that had been holding up the nuns’ skirts and our underwear.”

    Courtesy of Evfrosiniia Kersnovskaia Foundation, Moscow. Translation by Deborah Hoffman.

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  • “Principles”… and their uses in imperialism

    January 26, 2014 // 0 Comments

    Posted in: Uncategorized

    “There is nothing so bad or so good that you will not find Englishmen doing it; but you will never find an Englishman in the wrong. He does everything on principle. He fights you on patriotic principles; he robs you on business principles; he enslaves you on imperial principles.

    - George Bernard Shaw

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  • Bill Lind: Conservatives, Natural Enemies Of War

    January 25, 2014 // 0 Comments

    Posted in: Uncategorized

    William Lind:

    “The plain fact is, conservatives loathe unpredictability. They also know that vast state expenditures and debts can destabilize a society, and no activity of the state is more expensive than war. America’s adventure in Iraq, driven in no small part by the quest for oil—which will now mostly go to China—has already cost a trillion dollars, with another trillion or two to come caring for crippled veterans. Even the peacetime cost of a large military can break a country, as it broke the Soviet Union. American conservatives used to be budget hawks, not warhawks.

    If we look beyond dollars, francs, pounds, and marks, the toll of war grows endless. After World War I, there were no young men on the streets of Paris. As one British observer noted, the German casualty lists from the early battles in that war read like the Almanach de Gotha, the book that catalogued the German nobility. Most frighteningly to conservatives, wars like World War I can destroy a whole culture’s faith in itself. It may well be that European civilization’s last chance for survival was a German victory on the Marne in 1914.

    One gain that comes out of war is as disturbing to conservatives as any of the losses: an aggrandizement of state power. The argument of “wartime necessity” runs roughshod over all checks and balances, civil liberties, and traditional constraints on government. In the 20th century, American progressives knew they could only create the powerful, centralizing federal government they sought by going to war. It was they, the left, who engineered America’s entry into World War I. Nearly a century later, 9/11 gave centralizers in the neocon Bush administration the cover they needed for the “Patriot Act,” legislation that would have left most of America’s original patriots rethinking the merits of King George. Just as nothing adds more to a state’s debt than war, so nothing more increases its power. Conservatives rue both.

    When Edmund Burke, generally regarded as conservatism’s 18th-century founder, was faced in Parliament with a proposal for a war to ensure the river Scheldt in the Austrian Netherlands remained closed so Antwerp could not compete with London, his response was, “A war for the Scheldt? A war for a chamber pot!” That was a genuinely conservative reaction.

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  • Ukraine: In Russia’s Sphere Of Influence, Not America’s

    January 25, 2014 // 0 Comments

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    Posted in: Empire, Globalization, Pols and Pundits, new world order

    At Forbes, Doug Bandow at Cato has written an excellent piece on the turmoil in Ukraine, over which the imperial bullies in DC (and their covert adjutants are salivating:

    “Washington should endorse justice and human dignity, which justifies support for honest elections and warnings against police brutality.  Of course, America’s message would have greater credibility if Washington better respected such values both at home and in its dealings with other nations which don’t always share America’s “interests and values.”

    But Ukraine’s “economic health,” “European future,” “turn toward Moscow,” and reengagement “with the European Union” aren’t American values and are barely American interests.  Indeed, they really aren’t proper U.S. concerns.  How would Americans feel if Ukrainian politicians showed up at an “Occupy Wall Street” rally in Washington vowing to stand with protestors in demanding economic redistribution, a North American Union, and a turn away from Europe—all in the name of Ukrainian “interests and values”?

    It’s obviously difficult for Washington to imagine any issue that doesn’t warrant U.S. meddling, but Ukraine’s status is one.  Alexander J. Motyl of Rutgers University (Newark) spoke of Washington and Brussels having “vital interests at stake in Ukraine.”  Only in Kiev’s dreams.

    More extreme was former UN Ambassador John Bolton, who contended “that tectonic plates are being realigned in Europe” and that Ukraine is “the great prize.”  Robert Zubrin of Pioneer Energy argued that “the events unfolding in Ukraine right now are of global historic importance.”  Indeed, he added, Moscow’s reach for influence in Kiev is part of a “dark program” which “threatens not only the prospects for freedom in Ukraine and Russia, but the peace of the world.”   To suggest that Ukraine is vital to global peace is beyond exaggeration.

    A stable, democratic Ukraine would be good for all concerned—and America’s Ukrainian diaspora deserves credit for its long-standing support for its homeland—but Kiev’s orientation isn’t important to Washington.  Ukraine spent centuries subject to Moscow and the U.S. never noticed. Vladimir Putin wants to reestablish Russian influence, but that doesn’t mean he can put the Soviet Humpty Dumpty back together.  Today’s protests in Kiev demonstrate that Ukraine will never be a quiescent tool of Moscow.

    On the security side, Russia’s activities in Ukraine do not threaten the U.S.  The reverse, however, is not true.  Bringing NATO up to Russia’s southern border cannot help but be seen as dangerous by Russia—imagine Americans would view the Warsaw Pact expanding to Mexico. Washington’s policy today looks like the fabled “Brezhnev Doctrine,” what is mine is mine, and what is yours is negotiable.  America seeks to dominate not only the Western Hemisphere, Europe, and Central Asia, but all along Russia’s borders.  Washington wants to hold all of the geopolitical chips.

    The better strategy would be for the West to treat Russia with respect, acknowledging that it has legitimate interests in Ukraine, while using the prospect of greater economic opportunity to convince Kiev to look westward.  Yanukovich has been rented, not bought.  Complained the Economist:  “Mr. Yanukovich’s favored option seems to be to preserve the status quo and refrain from joining either camp while continuing to milk both.”  Which sounds like a sound strategy from Ukraine’s standpoint.  The EU, which obviously has the most at stake, could up its offer and reconsider its political demands.  How badly does it want to “win”?

    Moreover, Europe should look for compromise opportunities with Moscow.  Kiev has proposed creation of “a tripartite commission to handle complex issues.”  Such an approach has promise.  Former congressional staffer Jim Jatras cited recent talks between the EU and Russia over “aspects of the AA with Ukraine that Moscow considers detrimental to its own economy, specifically a massive flow of EU products into Russia via Ukraine.”  All would benefit with greater links between the EU and the Russian-lead CU, which might reduce Moscow’s pressure on Kiev.

    Ukraine matters, to Ukraine.  It also matters to Russia.  But less to Europe and much less to the U.S.  If Kiev wants to look east, so be it.  The West is most likely to win influence if it makes itself more attractive, not if it treats the issue like a new Cold War.  Despite Russia’s money Yanukovich’s reelection prospects are weak and Ukraine is likely to eventually join the West.  If not, however, so be it.  The country never was the EU’s or Washington’s to lose.”

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  • Funniest Line on Gore Vidal

    January 24, 2014 // 0 Comments

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    Posted in: Art and Ideas, Humor, Ideology

    “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.”

    Daniel Flynn at Front Page Mag

    (Note: I absolutely do NOT subscribe to Front Page Mag’s views on US foreign policy).

    And here is a glimpse of the great writer’s great art.

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  • Cowboy Bharara Targets Yet Another Uppity Injun

    January 24, 2014 // 0 Comments

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    Posted in: Police State, Pols and Pundits, War On India, new world order

    Daily Caller on the malign trinity of Obama, Holder and Bharara, who have thoroughly politicized their offices to a degree that makes even the Bush administration seem like constitutionalists:

    “Molen, a co-producer of Steven Spielberg’s “Schindler’s List,” added that D’Souza has been targeted for “an alleged minor violation.” He compared the indictment to the Internal Revenue Service’s harassment and targeting of conservative tea party groups.

    “In light of the recent events and the way the IRS has been used to stifle dissent, this arrest should send shivers down the spines of all freedom-loving Americans,” he said.

    “2016: Obama’s America” was a surprise box-office smash, raking in $33 million in revenue.

    The documentary is currently the second-most-popular political documentary in American history behind “Farenheit  9/11,” a 2004 movie by leftist documentarian Michael Moore which thrashes the foreign policy of Obama’s predecessor, George W. Bush.

    Bush administration officials never indicted Moore.”

    In response to Bharara’s claim that his office simply has “zero tolerance” for attempts to corrupt the electoral process, here is what Pamela Geller says (Geller might be a neo-con, but she is right here):

    “Really? I broke numerous stories and documented millions in illegal campaign contributions to the Obama campaign, but nothing was ever done.

    This is so frightening. America, put down the newly legalized weed that Obama is touting and join us in the fight for freedom.”

    “Read more: http://pamelageller.com/2014/01/persecution-obamas-political-adversaries-destroying-dinesh-dsouza.html/#ixzz2rKpheUDp

    Follow us: @Atlasshrugs on Twitter | pamelageller on Facebook

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  • Bharara’s Israeli-Pak wife & the”Cali”stani Terrorist Caucus

    January 23, 2014 // 0 Comments

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    Posted in: Pols and Pundits, War On India

    On April 23, 2013 Time’s 100 Most Influential People in the World listed Preet S. Bharara and his wife, Dalya Bharara.

    Dalya Sarai Bharara, nee Khan, is also an attorney, having graduated from Harvard (AB) and Columbia (JD).

    She’s worked for Robinson, Silverman Pierce, Aronsohn & Berman, a New York firm. One of its partners, Ed Koch, went on to become New York mayor.

    So it’s a politically well-connected firm.

    Remember, husband Preet was long-time chief advisor to Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer.

    That’s how he got the plum position of NY Attorney for the Eastern District of New York (which deals with Wall Street).

    That’s the stepping-stone to a big political career in the mold of Rudy Guiliani, who rose from the Eastern District to twice become Mayor of New York.

    Bharara’s whole agenda as the NY District Attorney has been to divert attention from the real culprits behind the collapse of the market in 2008, which would be the senior managers of the big banks, government officials, the press, and a group of financiers deeply connected to the cartel banks that own the Federal Reserve.

    Even by the criteria of propaganda-sheets like Time, Bharara has missed completely.

    He did this by going after relatively petty offenders, mostly drawn from the ranks of Asian finance, specifically Indian.

    And by ignoring the big offenders.

    Bharara has also avoided the real source of the corruption in New York…….which is high up, in the corruption of the judiciary itself.

    These “errors and omissions” have been a great political move for a politically-savvy lawyer, especially in a time of out-sourcing and job-loss to Asia.

    New York’s largely Jewish financiers and their sycophantic press have been only too glad to assist in Bharara’s  show-trials.

    The result of Bharara’s prosecutions has been to eliminate, via the legal system, the political and economic competition posed by Asian financiers.

    Bharara has reinforced the strangle-hold of the Anglo-Jewish financiers/bankers on the global economy.

    That, predictably, hasn’t gone down well among astute Indian observers.

    But back to Preet’s wife Dalya.

    Dalya Bharara practiced law in DC (Bethesda) 2004-2008, as well as in Scarsdale, New York, and owns property with Preet Bharara in Westchester, NY, where they currently live with their three children.

    Dalya’s father is a Pakistani doctor from Chicago, Bashir P. Khan, and she also seems to be related to a Rena K. Leinberger,  an artist who is apparently the wife of a Wilmette/Chicago attorney Karl G Leinberger.

    [Dalya Khan, a Chicago attorney, is listed as a talented young pianist. Same person or not?]

    A Mohammed Khan, also known as Bilal Khan, is listed as a relative of Dalya Khan.

    He is listed as having lived in several places in California - Santa Ana, Tustin, Mission Viejo, Laguna Beach and many others.

    California is known to be one of several areas in the US where resurgent Khalistani separatist activity has taken place.


    “Some of the farmers, who had migrated to the US, did extremely well in citrus farming in California. The Yuba City in California had a prosperous community of Sikh farmers.”

    ANALYSIS: “Khalistani Terrorism,” B. Raman, Indian Defense Review, January 16, 2014

    The analysis supports the Executive Intelligence Review piece on the Mossad’s active role in creating Sikh terrorism. It argues that the Sikhs took Israeli activism as a model of how to pursue their own national claims.

    ANALYSIS: “Mossad/ADL Created  Sikh Terrorism” Joseph Brewda, EIR, Sept 27, 1985

    [EIR is a LaRouche publication and might be suspect in some eyes, but EIR has a history of being quite accurate and prescient in its research. In any case, it's worth further exploration..]


    “The affected Sikhs compared what they thought was the indifferent attitude of the Government of India with the helpful  and interventionist role played by the Government of Israel in responding to the religious sensitivities of the Jewish people, wherever they might be living  and whatever might be their nationality. The Israeli Government, according to the aggrieved Sikhs, always assumed a moral responsibility for protecting the religious interests of the Jewish people. Moreover, Israeli citizenship laws permitted dual nationality, whereas the Sikh migrants, who acquired a foreign nationality, had to renounce their Indian citizenship.”

    See also America or Khalistan?at pluralism.org:


    “At the gurdwara in Fairfax, Virginia, there is a plaque outside the sanctuary bearing the inscription, “Dedicated in memory of the martyrs who died in the siege of the Golden Temple, Amritsar.

    In Fremont, California one wall of the large langar hall is set with photographs of the martyrs of the conflict in Amritsar. Among them is Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale, a radical leader who led a campaign for greater autonomy of Sikhs in India as articulated in the Anandpur Sahib Resolution.”

    The new Sikh caucus in the US Congress, created in April 2013, over the heads of non-Khalistani, pro-Indian Sikhs, was headed by Californian representatives Judy Chu (Democrat) and  David Valadao (Republican).

    NEWS REPORT: “Khalistani links cloud new Sikh-US Congressional Caucus,” Rediff, April 25, 2013:

    “Spearheading the launch of the Caucus was Harpreet Singh Sandhu, a California-based political activist who has been a grass-roots activist in the Democratic Party. He was a delegate to last year’s Democratic National Convention in North Carolina and is also close to all of the US lawmakers representing California.

    Also, helping Sandhu in pushing for the formation of the Caucus was Dr Pritpal Singh, of the American Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee Coordinator and these protagonists were backed by United Sikhs — one of several Sikh American advocacy organisations in the United States.”



    “None of these leaders who spoke to rediff.com wanted to be identified, saying they feared these pro-Khalistani elements, but expressed surprised that none of the 26 lawmakers who had signed on as members of the Caucus seemed to have done their homework in terms of the organisations and individuals who had promoted and urged them to convene this Caucus.

    A prominent Sikh American leader and activist in the Washington, DC area said, “What is surprising that people who stood next to Chu and others at the press conference have close relationships or they themselves are the strong advocates of Khalistan.”

    This particular leader said, “Among the people who were there were Yadvinder Singh, formerly president of AGPC and also former president of Sikh Youth of America” and alleged, “They vocally support the Khalistan movement. This group has been defeated in all New Jersey and New York gurdwaras because of their support for Khalistan.”

    Other individuals who had had pushed for the Caucus included “Avtar Singh Pannu, an activist of Sikhs for Justice, who along with Gurpatwant Singh Pannu, had filed cases against (Congress leaders) Kamal Nath, Sonia Gandhi and (Punjab chief minister) Parkash Singh Badal for human rights violations,” this leader said.

    Preet Bharara himself is extremely embedded in the New Jersey- New York Democrat political machinery.  So one doesn’t need to look for pro-Sikh relatives necessarily, when the Democrat political establishment itself is under the strong influence of  Californian (and other) separatist Sikh groups. In this regard, witness the leadership of the Sikh caucus - it’s headed by Democratic and Republican lawmakers from California.

    But some questions are in order:

    1. What are  Dalya Khan’s past and present positions related to government work/activism/ political lobbying and do they have any connection to the minimum wage/modern slavery/trafficking campaign?

    2. What if any connections exist between the Khans (father, mother, and daughters, in-laws) and Sikh separatism, Israeli intelligence, Pakistani intelligence etc. etc.

    3. What Sikh groups were behind the formation of the caucus?

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  • Ambani, Manmohan: CIA Spying On India Helps Poor

    January 22, 2014 // 0 Comments

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    Posted in: Globalization, Intelligence Operations, Kleptocracy, Police State, Technology, War On India, new world order, privacy

    Aadhar (biometric ID) will help the Indian poor, say Nandan Nilekani (CEO of Infosys), Eric Schmidt (CEO of Google), Mukesh Ambani (CEO of Reliance), Manmohan Singh (PM of India); and George Tenet (CIA spymaster), although social science research and the experience of the US and UK with national identification schemes has overall been negative.

    Ambani and Co. all support the introduction of the ID via a company called MongoDB which is connected to the CIA-related firm, In-Q-Tel (the CIA’s venture capital arm):

    From MoneyLife.in (March 12, 2013)

    “Meanwhile, according to a report from Economic Times and Navbharat Times, Max Schireson, CEO of MongoDB (formerly called 10gen), a technology company from US which is co-funded by Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), was in New Delhi two weeks back to enter into a contract with UIDAI.

    This company is a Palo Alto and Manhattan-based database software provider in the $30 billion relational database market. Relational databases commenced in the 1970s when computers were moving away from punch cards (that facilitated holocaust in Germany using census data) to terminals. It is taking away customers from Oracle and IBM. This contract has not been disclosed so far. MongoDB will take data from UIDAI to undertake its analysis. UIDAI is tight-lipped about CIA’s role in it.”

    10gen is the company behind MongoDB, a popular open-source, document-oriented database. It forms a part of a new generation of NoSQL — Not Only SQL — database products developed as an alternative to conventional relational databases from Oracle, IBM and Microsoft……

    According to the report, one of the investors of MongoDB is In-Q-Tel (IQT), a not-for-profit organisation based in Virginia, USA created to bridge the gap between the technology needs of the US Intelligence Community and emerging commercial innovation. It identifies and invests in venture-backed startups developing technologies that provide “ready-soon innovation” (within 36 months) which is vital for the mission of the intelligence community. IQT was launched in 1999. Its core purpose is to keep CIA and other intelligence agencies equipped with the latest in information technology to support intelligence capability. Edward Snowden had revealed that US intelligence agencies are targeting communications in Asian countries. It was founded by Norman Ralph Augustine.

    In his book ‘At The Center Of The Storm: My Years at the CIA”, former CIA director George Tenet says, “We (the CIA) decided to use our limited dollars to leverage technology developed elsewhere. In 1999 we chartered … In-Q-Tel. … While we pay the bills, In-Q-Tel is independent of CIA. CIA identifies pressing problems, and In-Q-Tel provides the technology to address them. The In-Q-Tel alliance has put the Agency back at the leading edge of technology … This … collaboration … enabled CIA to take advantage of the technology that Las Vegas uses to identify corrupt card players and apply it to link analysis for terrorists [cf. the parallel data-mining effort by the SOCOM-DIA operation Able Danger], and to adapt the technology that online booksellers use and convert it to scour millions of pages of documents looking for unexpected results.”

    In-Q-Tel sold 5,636 shares of Google, worth over $2.2 million, on 15 November 2005. The stocks were a result of Google’s acquisition of Keyhole, the CIA funded satellite mapping software now known as Google Earth. On 15 August 2005, Washington Post reported that In-Q-Tel was funded with about $37 million a year from the CIA. “In my view the organisation has been far more successful than I dreamed it would be,” said Norman R Augustine, who was recruited in 1998 by Krongard and George J Tenet, who then was director of central intelligence (DCI) to CIA, to help set up In-Q-Tel. Augustine, former chief executive of defense giant Lockheed Martin, is an In-Q-Tel trustee.

    Notably, former CIA chief, Tenet, was on the board of L-1 Identity Solutions, a major supplier of biometric identification software, which was a US company when UIDAI signed a contract agreement with it. A truncated copy of the contract agreement accessed through RTI is available with the author. This company has now been bought over by Safran group, a French defence company. The subsidiary of this French company in which French government has 30.5% shares, Sagem Morpho has also signed a contract agreement with UIDAI. In August 2011, Safran acquired L-1 Identity Solutions.

    In the backdrop of these disclosures, how credible are the poor-centric claims of Mukesh Ambani, Nilekeni and Eric Schmidt who are taking Indian legislators, officials, citizens and the Indian intelligence community for a royal ride. Clearly, aadhaar creates a platform for social control and surveillance technologies to have a field day and undermines nations’ sovereignty, security and citizens’ democratic rights. Nilekeni wrote ‘Imagining India’, McKinsey & Company edited ‘Reimagining India,’ it is evident that their idea of India is contrary to idea of India that emerged from the freedom struggle since 1857 and the constitution of India.”

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  • Ali Baba In Mumbai

    January 21, 2014 // 0 Comments

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    Posted in: Empire, Globalization, War On India, new world order

    Zahir Ebrahim analyzes the role of China and India in the overall strategy being pursued by the Rothschild cartel, at his excellent ProjectHumanBeingsFirst Blog:

    “….here are references to two articles I had written at the time when the Mumbai terror event was being blamed upon various actors, primarily Islamofascism, militant Islam, even “Muslim Revolution”.

    Your summation article and your quoted statement above, both underscore the truth of the observations made in December 2008:

    “Just to add some additional thoughts to your summation (in green font), the agenda upon India is no less nefarious, and pernicious, than upon Pakistan. This agenda has to be understood forensically and it cannot necessarily be discovered by examining the effects, the puppet shows, and the images on the screen in Plato’s allegory of the cave.
    First, both India and China were economically built up by off-shoring American manufacture and industry in order to weaken the industrial base of the United States, and to destabilize the domestic base of the sole superpower nation-state by making it interdependent upon other nations for domestic sectors in which it was previously both entirely self-sufficient and mostly an exporter.
    Second, those nations used for this purpose, primarily as catalyst, are also to be destabilized lest they raise themselves beyond control due to this gratuitous gift, more like a Trojan Horse than a gift.”
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  • Bharara’s Israeli & Pakistani In-Laws (Update 1/23/14)

    January 21, 2014 // 0 Comments

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    Posted in: Empire, Intelligence Operations, Propaganda, War On India

    UPDATE (1/23/14)

    According to this site, Bharara’s net worth is approximately $1 million and his annual salary is approximately $200,000? No references or explanations about where they got those figures.

    Not sure…

    UPDATE (1/23/14):

    Bharara was naturalized in 1980, along with his parents.

    (He would have been 12 at the time. He emigrated from India to the US in 1970, when he was 2).

    (The full list of Gupta/India posts is too long to be inserted here, so please search for “Rajat Gupta” or “Bharara” or “War on India” on my blog, to get the rest. The Gupta posts cannot be searched for on Google. They don’t show up.)


    The surprises never end:

    Preet Bharara is not only half-Sikh, he is married to a woman whose father  is Pakistani and whose mother is Israeli.

    That makes Bharara’s three children Jewish (Jewish ethnic descent is through the mother’s line).

    Q: Does Bharara’s wife have/retain Israeli citizenship?

    Why is this line of reasoning important?

    Because Sikh militants have had close ties with Pakistan’s intelligence, ISI.

    And, the ISI is reportedly trying to revive Sikh militancy within India, where it has subsided, even while it has grown outside India, because of funding by third-parties.


    “The minister [R.P.N. Sing] said the National Investigation Agency has been investigating into the funding of the banned Babbar Khalsa International (BKI).

    Singh said the NIA has registered a case against Punjab-based operatives of BKI based on the allegation that they are receiving funds from UK-based BKI operatives to commit terrorist acts in India with active material and logistic support from Pakistan-based BKI leaders.” (Times of India, August 13, 2013)

    Furthermore, Mossad reportedly helped create the Sikh militant movement directing it through an old-boy network of Sikhs in the Indian army.

    Here are more details:

    New York Times, Aug 9, 2009:

    “His [Bharara] father, a Sikh, and his mother, who was Hindu, were born in what is now Pakistan, before India and Pakistan were separate countries.

    In the violent migration that occurred after the 1947 partition, his father and mother both moved to the Indian side, with their families losing property and most of their possessions, Mr. Bharara has said.

    His wife’s father, a Muslim, also moved, from the Indian side into Pakistan, also losing his home “and much, much more,” as Mr. Bharara put it. And his wife’s mother was born in Palestine, after her father, who was Jewish, escaped with his family from Nazi Germany.”

    Bharara, the son of a Sikh doctor from Amritsar, which was the site of the Golden Temple massacre, is married into a Pakistani-Israeli/Ashkenazi family.

    That alone should set off alarm bells.

    But, in addition, the whole Devyani Khobragade incident seems to have had the support of a radical Sikh campaign against Indian sovereignty.

    Indian intelligence has unearthed Mossad/Israeli agents have been making contacts with radical Islamic groups, as well as with the radical left, in Kochi, in Kerala state (from where the diplomat’s maid is alleged to have come).

    Perhaps action, not just alarm, is warranted.

    Preet Bharara should be removed from office and investigated for ties to the Khalistani movement.

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  • “Ex-Pentagon” Analyst Made “Devyani Durga” Video

    January 21, 2014 // 0 Comments

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    Posted in: Intelligence Operations, Propaganda, Psyops, War On India, mind-control, new world order


    SHOCKER: Ex-Pentagon analyst behind a urination-and-rape video of Bin Laden, as well as the “Durga” video of Khobragade’s arrest.

    “Early on in the Khobragade story, a video representation of the arrest of Devyani Khobragade appeared on the net. It was later removed.

    The video was an animation of the arrest, in which, as in pictures in later news reports, Khobragade kept turning into a multi-armed figure reminiscent of the Goddess Durga/Kali:

    “The one-and-a-half-minute spoof has been posted by a group called “Next Media Animation TV. And though not everyone will be amused by the fact that the sari-clad Khobragade keeps turning into a Goddess Kali-like entity, the idea seems essentially to tell the basic story of the row wittily. Subtitles include one that goes “US not sari”.

    Next Media Animation is an animation company in Taiwan. It is run by a former Pentagon analyst, Mark Simon from Virginia, which is the headquarters of  the US intelligence community and of the government-subsidized electronic snooping industry. [See below.]

    Next Media Animation is a subsidiary of Next Media, a Hong Kong-based media conglomerate that creates humorous animations of news events.

    Next Media  is the creation of serial entrepreneur and devout  Catholic Jimmy Lai and it’s the largest media group in Hong Kong.

    While Lai might be Catholic, one cannot assume Mark Simon - who runs Next Animation - is.

    So, the “Durga” video need not be read as a display of personal religious animosity toward a “pagan, polytheistic” religion.

    The video might just have been a clumsy attempt to use religious symbolism for political purposes.

    Jimmy Lai is known as the “Rupert Murdoch of Asia” and is responsible for bringing in a flashy, tabloid-style of media into Asia. (Added: Jan 20, 2014)

    Lai owns the biggest media operation in Hong-Kong.

    Lai is highly critical of the Chinese government for its human-rights violations and lack of democracy, which has got wide coverage in Western mainstream outlets, like the BBC.

    Also see this flattering Asia Week report of Lai, the maverick, republished at CNN.

    (Added: Jan 21, 2014)

    Lai has been targeted, reportedly, because of his political outspokenness.

    Lai’s position on China seems close to the position of the US State Dept.

    The Catholic Lai  has worked with Cardinal Joseph Zen in a campaign against the Beijing government’s attempt to replace Hong-Kong’s free educational system with organizing committees in each school.

    The new government committees will replace the educational institutions (including the Catholic church) that now run the schools.

    In China, there is a “legal” Catholic church that toes the official Marxist line on abortion, among other things, and there is also an “illegal” church that doesn’t and therefore suffers persecution and suppression.

    Jimmy Lai seems to be an outlet for CIA disinformation and psyops.

    NEWS REPORT: A Pentagon defense analyst runs Lai’s pro-democracy efforts


    “Lai had made donations of nearly $8 million over five years to pro-democracy groups and individuals — and that [Mark] Simon, as head of his private office, handled the payments.”


    “Simon, who spends most of his time in Taiwan, where he runs Next Media’s animation unit, dismissed the whole affair as a “sloppy farce.”

    NEWS REPORT: A New York Times interview with Lai mentions a video made by Next Media Animation that showed Osama Bin Laden being urinated on and raped in hell.  Lai says the video was an “accident” by young employees

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    January 19, 2014 // 4 Comments

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    Posted in: Empire, Gender, Intelligence Operations, Propaganda, Psyops, Torture, War On India, Wikileaks, mind-control, new world order

    New Links Added Will Be Dated In Red On The Side When Needed

    I have corrected whatever was blocking comments  (I think)

    Image from Wikipedia of Goddess Durga.



    What was the significance of several news reports on the Khobragade story showing an Indian woman with multiple arms on the posters of domestic workers protesting the treatment of Khobragade’ maid?

    The female icon with multiple arms in Hinduism is the goddess Durga, who represents the Divine Female (feminine energy) or Shakti.

    [This the Hindu equivalent of Shekhinah in Judaism.]

    Shakti is the consort of Shiva, the third person of the Divine Trinity in the Hindu pantheon.

    Durga is the motherly form of the Divine Feminine, while the fierce form of the Divine Feminine is Kali.

    Early on in the Khobragade story, a video representation of the arrest appeared on the net. It was later removed.

    The video was an animation of the arrest, in which, as in the news reports, Khobragade kept turning into a multi-armed figure reminiscent of the Goddess Kali:

    “The one-and-a-half-minute spoof has been posted by a group called “Next Media Animation TV. And though not everyone will be amused by the fact that the sari-clad Khobragade keeps turning into a Goddess Kali-like entity, the idea seems essentially to tell the basic story of the row wittily. Subtitles include one that goes “US not sari”.

    Next Media Animation is an animation company in Taiwan.

    It is run by a former Pentagon analyst, Mark Simon, from Virginia, headquarters of US intelligence and of the government-subsidized electronic snooping industry. [See below.]

    It is a subsidiary of Next Media, a Hong Kong- based media conglomerate that creates humorous animations of news events.

    Next media is the creation of serial entrepreneur Jimmy Lai and it is the largest media group in Hong Kong.

    Jimmy Lai is known as the “Rupert Murdoch of Asia” for bringing in a flashy, tabloid-style of media into Asia. (Added: Jan 20, 2014)

    Lai owns the biggest media operation in Hong-Kong.

    Lai is highly critical of the Chinese government for its human-rights violations and lack of democracy, which has got wide coverage in propaganda outlets, like the BBC. (Added: Jan 21, 2014)

    He has been targeted because of this, it is reported.

    Lai’s position on China seems close to the position of the US State Dept. A further nexus between Lai and the West is the Catholic church. Lai is said to be a devout Catholic.

    Durga is not only a significant icon in the Hindu pantheon, she has also been used to represent the nation of India, more specifically,  PM Indira Gandhi, who was famously painted as Durga in a portrait by a Muslim artist.

    Indira Gandhi was in charge of Operation Blue-Star, to put down Sikh militancy in 1984. She was later assassinated by one of her own guards, a Sikh, in retaliation for Blue-Star.

    The quadruple significance of Durga (as representing feminine energy, Hinduism as such, the Indian nation, and Mrs Gandhi) suggests the Devyani episode was a carefully planned operation, not a random event.  It also suggests the political motivations at work.


    Jimmy Lai seems to be an outlet for CIA disinformation and psyops.

    NEWS REPORT: A Pentagon defense analyst headed Lai’s pro-democracy activism


    “Lai had made donations of nearly $8 million over five years to pro-democracy groups and individuals — and that [Mark] Simon, as head of his private office, handled the payments.”


    “Simon, who spends most of his time in Taiwan, where he runs Next Media’s animation unit, dismissed the whole affair as a “sloppy farce.”

    NEWS REPORT: This interview with Lai in the New York Times mentions a video made by Next Media that showed Osama Bin Laden being urinated on and raped in hell.  Lai says the video was an “accident” by young employees.


    1. The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Eight Families, Global Research, June 1, 2011

    2. The Invisible House of Rothschild

    Assistant Secretary of State, Uzra Zey, who seems to be the chief architect of Nanny-Gate, has been very critical of Chinese human rights. (Added: Jan 20, 2014)

    Imagery reminiscent of Kali/Durga also shows up in photographs of domestic workers groups protesting the treatment of the diplomat’s maid in New York City. The photos were repeatedly run in news reports.

    The news photos of the groups showed them carrying pictures of a woman with multiple arms:

    #StandwithSangeeta Rally for justice for Domestic Workers

    Stand With Sangeeta Rally For Justice For Domestic Workers

    (Added: Jan 20, 2014)

    The superimposition of images of Kali/Durga on the  story of a “slave-nanny” suggests a demonstration along the lines of the “Pussy Riot” demonstrations in Russia, which have been  reported to be a CIA operation. (Added: Jan 21, 2014)

    Conspiracy by the US State Department, NGOs, and US Embassy in India

    (Durga Riot and Sikh Spring for India?)

    The Indian nanny-gate conspiracy is the latest episode in the US State Department’s  machinations in India.

    Those machinations are apparently entailed by the Asian Pivot strategy enunciated by US President Barack Obama in 2011, to use the Indian sub-continent to contain China and project US power in Asia.

    As part of this strategy, senior members of the US State Dept are reported to have orchestrated a case against a senior Indian diplomat to high-light the US-UN Anti-Trafficking agenda.

    This was done over several months in 2013, in co-ordination with the highly publicized global Modern Slavery campaign promoted by the Corporate/CIA/NGO  establishment, along with labor unions (AFL-CIO) and philanthropic foundations, like Walk Free, the creation of an Australian billionaire.

    Anti-trafficking and modern slavery are intended to provide the “humanitarian” case for UN intervention into a country.

    For that reason, it’s important to remember who represents the US in the UN.

    The US Ambassador to the UN is Samantha Power, a noted proponent of humanitarian intervention who is married to Cass Sunstein, Obama’s information czar.

    Sunstein is infamous for advocating “cognitive infiltration” into dissident groups.

    Samantha Power was directly lobbied by Freedom Network (anti-trafficking NGO) to support the anti-trafficking agenda early on in the Khobragade story (see below).

    All this is obvious.

    What is less obvious is that Nanny-gate seems to have been orchestrated in coordination with (or in connivance with) a radical Sikh separatist (Khalistani) group that has been pushing Sikh-genocide claims against the Indian government in the US, UK, and Canada.

    These genocide claims have been pushed most strongly by the group, Sikhs For Justice, based in New York.

    In Nanny-gate, an analysis of the time-line of events (see below) suggests that Sikhs For Justice was acting in concert with the US court system in New York and with the NGO behind the nanny, Safe-Horizon, also based in New York.

    The time-line buttresses the argument that the Devyani Khobragade strip-search was a planned event in the unfolding drama of a Color Revolution in India.

    Color Revolutions use propaganda, covert (black) operations, espionage, provocations, and human-rights claims to destabilize and undermine/destroy national sovereignty to precipitate the balkanization of a region.

    Examples of assault on Indian sovereignty:

    Item: The custodial rape on in December, 2013, of a senior Indian diplomat, formerly consul to Pakistan, is in gross breach of the Vienna Convention.

    Item: The T3 trafficking visa granted to Sangeeta Richard and her family, circumvented the Indian judiciary, which had a non-bailable warrant out for her arrest for extortion and theft. The exfiltration of Philip Richard and their two children from India was also illegal under international and Indian law. Both actions also violated US law.

    Item: The recent case (January 2014) of alleged rape, in which the Danish victim is planning to use a Danish medical examination, even though Delhi police have found no evidence of rape.

    This seems to be part of an ongoing UN-sponsored “Rape Crisis” hysteria in Delhi.


    Events are being orchestrated to build a public case of India as a “failed state” lacking sovereignty, de facto and thus de jure.


    Close association of Bharara, maid’s law-firm, trade unions, human rights NGOs,  and Khalistani Sikh separatists


    Dana Sussman, the lawyer for the maid, works for Kane Kessler, a New York corporate law firm.

    Kane Kessler has represented the NY State Division of Human Rights in US Federal Court in the Southern District of New York.

    Preetinder Singh (”Preet”) Bharara is the US Attorney for the Southern District of NY.

    He is the son Dr. Jagdish S. Bharara, a Khatri (upper-caste Hindu of Kshatriya class) Sikh pediatrician in Asbury Park, New Jersey, and his Hindu wife, Desh.

    Bharara’s wife is half-Jewish and half-Muslim. She is the daughter of a Pakistani doctor father and an Israeli mother, (Added: January 21, 2014).


    “An intimate recalls that he was married not once but four times: first a Hindu ceremony, then a Sikh ceremony, then a Muslim ceremony, culminating in “the main event”—a Jewish ceremony.”

    Preet Bharara’s brother Vineet (”Vinnie”) is also an attorney.

    Vineet Bharara is Deputy Mayor at New York City Authority.

    He owned Diapers.com, which he sold to Amazon for $540 million.

    NEWS REPORT: Sikhs for Justice files suit against Congress over the killing of Sikhs in 1984 on May 30, 2011, in the Southern Dt of NY, where Bharara is the US attorney.


    Dana Sussman/Kane Kessler teams up with Preet Bharara and with AFL-CIO in a case in November  2013

    This is one more piece of evidence for the close affiliation of Bharara, the unions (AFL-CIO), and Human Rights NGOs

    There are many other pieces.


    Dana Sussman is affiliated with Safe-Horizon (the largest victims services group in the world) and Freedom Network, the national coalition of anti-trafficking NGOs in the US,

    Leadership of both outfits is comprised of high-profile activists at the UN level and leading Rothschild-cartel banks and corporate heads

    (See: Safe Horizon Board of Directors and Freedom Network Board Leadership Team)


    The Sikh separatist (Khalistani) group, Sikhs For Justice, has aligned itself vehemently with the maid.

    Sikhs For Justice is located in Ocean Town, New Jersey, part of greater Metropolitan New York.

    350 5th Avenue North NY 10118                       Tel: 212-601-2707

    It lists its activities as counseling and psychologists, not mentioning its radical, separatist agenda.

    MARCH 2013

    Sangeeta Richard tells Khobragade she wants to work outside the household in New York at a second job. As she is on an official passport which prevents her from working outside her present job, Khobragade denies the claim.

    APRIL 2013

    NEWS REPORT: “Pro-Khalistan Group’s Proximity to US Lawmakers Raises Concerns,” April 29,2013

    A Khalistani (Sikh separatist) group black-listed by India has a secret meeting with US Congressmen, while shutting out pro-India Sikh groups.

    MAY 2013

    JUNE 2013

    Sangeeta Richard leaves without notification sometime between June 21and 23 2013.  The Indian government revokes her passport with effect from June 22. K informs the Office of Foreign Missions (June 24) who tells her to file a report with the NYPD, which initially refuses, but on written request files a report on June 25 and then closes it, stating that Sangeeta was missing.

    Sangeeta reportedly lives with strangers and a Sikh temple in New York. She later arrives at Safe Horizon, which puts her in touch with the State Dept.

    JULY 2013

    On July 1 Khobragade receives a threatening call from an anonymous female attorney asking for a change in visa status enabling Sangeeta to work outside the Indian mission and for compensation for 19 hours a week of work.Khobragade refuses to negotiate and asks for the person’s identity, which is refused.

    The call is reported to the NY Police Dpt and the Office of Foreign Missions a request is made to trace the call on July 2. On July 5, a complaint is made to the NYPD of aggravated harassment, involving extortion and blackmail.

    Indian officials inform the US Embassy in India and the State Dept in DC.

    On July 8,  Khobragade and several consular officials meet Sangeeta at the offices of Access Immigration, where Sangeeta asks for $10,0000, for her official passport to be changed to a personal one, and for a change in visa status allowing her to work in the market.  Indian officials tell her compensation will be payed before she leaves, but she has to return to India since her passport has been canceled.

    There is an altercation and Access calls the police, which escorts Sangeeta away.

    On Jul 19, Sangeeta’s husband Richard, a driver in the Mozambique embassy, files a petition in Delhi court alleging that the Indian govt has held his wife in police custody and that she has been enslaved in New York. He claims that Uttam Khobragade has threatened him with dire consequences should complain.

    The petition is withdrawn 4 days later.

    AUGUST 2013

    SEPTEMBER 2013

    The US State Department writes to the Indian Ambassador to investigate the Richard case; asks for proof of minimum wages paid. Sept 4, 2013.

    NEWS REPORT: SIKHS FOR JUSTICE files a class-action suit in NY Federal Court against the Congress and Akali Dal, Sept 5, 2013 .

    SFJ accuses Congress of protecting those guilty of extra-judicial killings in 1984. A summons is issued to Sonia Gandhi when she lands in NY for medical treatment.

    On Sept 10, the Indian Ministry of External Affairs lodges a strong protest at the tone of the US letter.

    Khobragade files for anticipatory anti-suit injunction in Delhi HC on Sept 20, 2013

    On Sept 21, the Indian Embassy explains to the State Dept that Sangeeta is trying to subvert laws in both countries.

    OCTOBER 2O13

    NOVEMBER 2013

    On November 19, 2013, a non-bailable warrant for the arrest of Sangeeta Richard is issued by the Indian High Court in Delhi and notice of the warrant is sent to the US Embassy and to the US State Dept with a request for her arrest.

    NEWS REPORT: SIKHS FOR JUSTICE files “Sikh Genocide 1984″ with UN Human Rights Commission, Nov 19, 2013

    DECEMBER 2013

    Warrant forwarded to US Embassy in Delhi, December 6, 2013

    NEWS REPORT: SIKHS FOR JUSTICE attends “Genocide and Sovereignty” Conference in Canada and determine to pursue genocide motion before Canada in 2014, Dec 7, 2013

    Sangeeta and Philip Richard scheduled to appear in Indian Court on Dec 9, 2013

    Philip Richard and his two children are “evacuated” from India to US on December 10, 2013

    NEWS REPORT: The Indian Supreme Court reinstates a colonial-era ban that criminalizes homosexuality, although no one has ever been prosecuted under it.

    Several members of the US embassy in India have homo-sexual partners.

    Under USC Title 28, Sec. 1746, criminal charges of visa fraud (maximum of 10 years in jail) and perjury (maximum of 5 years) are filed against Khobragade by the US State Dept Bureau of Diplomatic Security on Dec 11, 2013 and a US Magistrate judge issues an arrest warrant.

    Officers of the Diplomatic Security Services arrest Khobragade on criminal charges on Dec. 12, 2013 at 9.30 AM  after she drops of her children at school in Manhattan. She is taken to the courthouse at noon.

    Female agents of the US Marshals conduct a strip-search in private (including cavity inspection but not probe) that is recorded on camera for security.

    She was repeatedly DNA swabbed and “held with prostitutes and drug-addicts” according to her account.

    She was produced hand-cuffed before a magistrate at 4 PM and released on a $250,000 recognizance bail on the same day, Dec. 12.

    On December 20, a number of rights groups protested against the alleged treatment of Sangeeta Richard in front of the Indian Embassy in New York.

    The protesters included Safe-Horizon (whose attorney Dana Sussman was representing Richard), the National Domestic Worker’s Alliance, Damayan Migrant Workers Association, the National Guestworker Alliance, and the National Domestic Workers’Alliance. Also present was the Break the Chain campaign.

    The Democratic Youth Federation of India, a left-wing group, protested Khobragade’s arrest in Chennai, outside the US consulate on Dec 20.

    Communist Party of India members scuffled with police in New Delhi in protest near the American center on the same day.

    Earlier in the week Congress party members protested as well.

    NOTE: All the protests were by left-wing or communist groups, both in India and in the US, for or against Khobragade.

    US-based Sikh rights group to hold Justice Rally supporting Sangeeta Richard,  Dec 29, 2013

    Pro-Khalistani group Sikhs For Justice publicly stand with Sangeeta Richard, after DK’s arrest.

    US says visa fraud charges against Khobragade will not be dropped. Dec. 30, 2013

    JANUARY 2014

    On January 8, Khobragade is granted a G1 visa giving her full diplomatic immunity.

    On January 9,  a US grand jury indicted her on two counts of visa fraud and perjury. India was requested, and refused, to waive immunity and she left the country.

    On Jan. 10, Indian expels Wayne May, the chief of the Bureau of Diplomatic Security (in charge of 424 security officers, marines, police officers, and agents, including CIA) in New Delhi, for conniving in the flight of Philip Richard and his two children from India on a T-3 trafficking visa, in violation of the Indian high court order, and in violation of Indian tax laws. May’s wife, a community officer, has posted racially charged and offensive remarks about India on Facebook.

    Sikhs for Justice urges Kerry to suspend India from the domestic visa program, Jan 10, 2014

    Sikhs For Justice, a pro-Khalistani group based in NY, wants Indian govt condemned for acting against national sovereignty, January 15, 2014

    In response to recent reports about British MI6 and SAS assistance in the Indian raid on the Golden Temple in 1984, Sikhs For Justice wants a public condemnation of the Indian government for its violation of the nation’s sovereignty.

    (Lila: You can see where this is going).

    NOTE Sangeeta Richard was looked after by a Sikh temple in New York

    Quote: “From that moment on, Sangeeta Richard relied on the kindness of strangers within the Indian community in New York City, and even was looked after at one point by a Sikh temple.”

    Here is a list of Gurudwaras - Sikh temples - in New York.

    Background Information linking Mossad/CIA/ ISI to Sikh terrorism

    1.Revived Khalistani movement (behind assassination attempt on General Brar) is strong and well-funded in Anglophone countries

    2. Revived Khalistani movement is supported by ISI in Pakistan

    3. Mossad/ADL Created Sikh Terrorism

    Note:- Mossad also created LTTE and abetted Afro-Dalit movement.

    Planned divide-and-conquer strategy?

    North and South India  incited to fight in a nuclear war to the advantage of other actors?

    There are reports of the creation of a second Israeli state in the areas bordering Myanmar (former Burma) - Mizoram, Manipur, and Nagaland.(Added: Jan. 20, 2014)


    “Many people suspect a complicit understanding between Christian missionaries (majority of them are from the US, and most of them are not innocent propagators of Christianity but linked to the worldview of Bush as shown by Vijay Prasad (”Eastward, evangelical soldiers!” Frontline, 12-25 February 2005) and the on-going drive to identify many tribes in Mizoram and Manipur as “Jews” (which has been earlier reported in the Mili Gazette”

    The Indian-Jewish community (like Beni Israel) and Mossad act with Parsis, Sikh separatists, Tamil militants, and other disaffected groups.

    Added: Jan. 20, 2014 Hillary Clinton has been discussing foreign policy with Chief Minister Jayalalitha of the South Indian state, Tamil Nadu, as though it were a national government.

    The Rothschild cartel is using the Tamil Eelam issue to create a foot-hold in Sri Lanka, while demonizing Lankans as genociders of Tamils.

    The Tamil Nadu chief minister Jayalalitha is bending over backwards for the Vatican and Mossad/Israel.


    1. The illegality of the grant of the T-3 Visa to Sangeeta Richard

    A T-3 visa is only granted for trafficking crimes, not for labor exploitation. There were never any trafficking charges brought against Khobragade, despite the media’s hype and propaganda.

    2. The evacuation of the Richard family comprised multiple violations and frauds committed on the Indian legal system, US law, and international law.

    The “evacuation” of  Sangeeta’s husband, Philip Richard, and their two children from India while there was an outstanding non-bailable warrant for the arrest on extortion and theft charges of both Sangeeta and Philip, was a direct obstruction of justice and in contempt of the Indian court that issued the warrant.

    The flight also constituted an act of trafficking under international and US law and an act of visa fraud under US law.  The tickets for the Richard family were purchased fraudulently, under Indian tax law.

    3. Under Section 3, Article 41 of the Vienna Convention 1963, the US arrest and strip-search was illegal

    “If criminal proceedings are instituted against a consular officer, he must appear before the competent authorities. Nevertheless, the proceedings shall be conducted with the respect due to him by reason of his official position and, except in the case specified in paragraph 1 of this Article, in a manner which will hamper the exercise of consular functions as little as possible.”

    4. The strip-search was also in violation of the US Marshals standards for the treatment of foreign diplomats:

    IT IS IMPORTANT THAT LAW ENFORCEMENT and judicial authorities of the United States always treat foreign diplomatic and consular personnel with respect and with due regard for the privileges and immunities to which they are entitled under international law. Any failure to do so has the potential of casting doubt on the commitment of the United States to carry out its international obligations or of negatively influencing larger foreign policy interests. As stated above, however, appropriate caution should not become a total “hands off ’ attitude in connection with criminal law enforcement actions involving diplomats (p.16).

    5. Under the Vienna Convention the US has no jurisdiction over Khobragade’s labor contract with another Indian citizen in her household on an India government passport:

    “Consular officers and consular employees and members of their families forming part of their households shall be exempt from all obligations under the laws and regulations of the receiving State in regard to the registration of aliens and residence permits.”

    6. US Bureau of Diplomatic Security agent Mark J. Smith misread the visa application form that is alleged to be fraudulent.

    The sum $4500 was not the maid’s intended/required salary, as the major media repeatedly stated. It approximates the diplomat’s salary but is in excess of her official salary.

    (Added: Jan 23, 2014)

    7. Sangeeta Richard, not Khobragade, filled out and signed the visa application and was party to both written contracts as well as to the oral contract.  She was educated, literate, and had multiple close family ties with the very agent in charge of anti-trafficking (the Bureau of Diplomatic Security Chief Wayne May, who employed her in-laws), so she cannot plead ignorance or coercion.

    8. ISAACBROCK SOCIETY: Khobragade Guilty Only of “Form Crime” created by sociopathic bureaucrats (Added: Jan 20, 2014)


    1. The US has claimed diplomatic immunity for acts of murder and maiming, with no compensation to the victim

    2. The US claimed immunity for sexual abuse, solicitation of a minor, sex tapes, forced abortions, rape, slavery, murder,

    3. The US claims international law rules when its diplomats are at fault under local laws.

    AN INDIANS VIEW-POINT: Letter to an Indian Nanny in New York from the Do-Gooders Foundation in New York City (Added on 1/20/14)


    1. John Kerry admitted to agreeing to the arrest of Khobragade, Dept of State Briefing, Dec. 18, 2013

    2. Senior officials kept in loop, January 19, 2014

    Reports show that all senior US embassy officials in Delhi were secretly involved in the illegal “evacuation” of Sangeeta Richard and her family.

    The purchase of tickets was made by Mrs. May to avoid public perception of direct embassy involvement in the operation.

    3.  Richard family flight drawn up by nexus of  US diplomats

    Indian intelligence (Intelligence Bureau) has unearthed a huge ring of  US diplomats misusing diplomatic privilege to conspire together and to interfere in the internal matters of the Indian state, a violation of the Vienna Convention, 1963.

    Richard was a government employee, like Khobragade, on a government passport.  She was subject to a non-bailable warrant issued by an Indian court for extortion and theft.

    Her exfiltration amounted to subversion of the Indian judiciary by the US Embassy.

    That would violate both Indian law and the Vienna Convention governing diplomatic relations, 1963.

    The conspiracy to spirit out Richard included the following senior US embassy officials who all employed Richard’s immediate family (mother-in-law and father-in-law) over a period of at least 10 years:

    1. Timothy Haley (Counsellor,  Regional Security Office) and his wife Joyce Haley (Consular Section) worked in Delhi from 2011 onward

    2. Current Assistant Secretary for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, Uzra Zeya in Washington (former deputy ex secy to former Secy of States Condie Rice and Hillary Clinton, Counselor in Delhi from 2009-11

    3. Wayne  May (Chief of Diplomatic Bureau of Security) and Alicia May (community liaison) in Delhi. Wayne May has publicly stated his belief in an over-arching global terror threat called Al Qaeda and on the need for a pro-active response to it. (Added: Jan 21, 2014)

    READ wife Alicia May’s anti-Indian/Hindu remarks on Facebook: “Vegetarians are rapists.”

    IB (Intelligence Bureau) also found that Richard’s in-laws had worked ten years ago for the following diplomat:

    4. Geoffrey R. Pyatt, US Ambassador to Ukraine, when he was posted in Delhi from 2002-2007 as  Minister Counselor.


    “According to officials, after her (Lila: Urza Zeya’s) deputation to the US embassy in Delhi, Zeya served as Chief of Staff to Deputy Secretary William Burns. She also worked as Executive Secretary, US State Department’s Accountability Review Board probing the September 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi.

    However, a US committee on foreign affairs in a meeting in May 2013 had raised suspicion over Zeya’s role in the Benghazi probe after she allegedly shielded Burns and Hillary Clinton from being summoned by the ARB for questioning about the attack. But, the incident is said to have given her career a major boost and she was appointed acting Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor on March 2013.

    “Zeya allegedly played a major role in converting the entire low wages controversy into a human trafficking issue”


    Pyatt advised K.V. Rajan (member of PM Manmohan Singh’s National Security Advisory Board to feed anti-Iran views into Indian Government

    When WikiLeaks published State Department cables, Pyatt became embroiled in controversy because of a May 4, 2007, cable he sent recommending that K.V. Rajan, a secretary in the Ministry of External Affairs and a member of the Prime Minister’s National Security Advisory Board (NSAB) visit Washington DC in order to help “feed” U.S. government views on Iran into the Indian system.”



    Uzra Zeya’s Bihari roots (Uzra Zeya is a Muslim of Pakistani origin)


    Uzra Zeya advised by India’s Consul in Afghanistan:- India’s strategic interest in Afghanistan clash with Pakistan’s interests. (Wikileaks Cable)

    Pakistan wants no Indian role in Afghanistan. Zeya apparently supports Pakistan’s position.


    India’s Consul in Pakistan was Devyani Khobragade from 2007-2010.


    “She didn’t have a problem in Islamabad where you would expect to face challenges. This (the row) happened in a country supposed to be a strategic partner,” the official said.


    1. Zeya’s cover-up for Hillary Clinton on the Benghazi Accountability Review Board

    2. Benghazi: Background on Hillary Clinton’s Handpicked Accountability Review Board: Unanswered Questions


    “Former CIA Officer Clare Lopez has characterized US Activities in Benghazi as “gun running”…

    Background: “America’s Great Game: The CIA;’s Secret Arabists and the Shaping of the Modern Middle East,” Hugh Wilford, Basic Books, Dec 3, 2013




    2. Billionaire NGO Invests In Human Misery


    A political commentator Carry Roberts who exposed several frauds masterminded by US NGOs wrote in ‘Renewamerica’ that “victims of battering are in short supply these days. So when no victim is known to exist, the solution is obvious: fabricate one.”

    “Like other abuse shelters, Safe Horizon makes a grand show of being perpetually hard-up for cash…..But how many would-be donors know Safe Horizon resembles Citicorp or Bank of America, far more than a grass-roots organisation dedicated to providing succour to persons down on their luck?” Roberts wrote, adding that Safe Horizon rakes in nearly $56 million every year and pays skyscraper salaries that would put many bail-out bank executives to shame.

    NOTE: Anti-trafficking NGO Freedom Network Chief was liaising with media in Assam, Andhra, Bengal and urging purchase of anti-trafficking software to be shared with US intelligence

    LETTER: Freedom Network Applauds Arrest of Diplomat To UN Ambassador Samantha Power, Dec. 17, 2013


    1. Richard claimed she was underpaid and over-worked and that she worked for less than $1 an hour.

    But boarding, travel, food, utilities, electronics, and beauty-parlor bills paid by the Indian diplomat added up to over $2000/mth.

    2.  Richard claimed she was forcibly prevented from traveling.

    Richard claimed that she asked to go back to India and was denied.


    “When I decided to come to the United States, my hope was to work for a few years to support my family and then return to India.

    [Lila: The claim is contradicted by her own mother-in-law, as well as by her own extortionist demands made on the premises of the firm, Access International, in the presence of several witnesses.

    Richard demanded to have her passport and visa changed so she could stay on and work in the US]

    (Added: Jan 23, 2014)

    Richard also claimed that she had no time to sleep or eat or relax.

    “I never thought that things would get so bad here, that I would work so much that I did not have time to sleep or eat or have time to myself.”

    [Lila: This claim is contradicted by her request in March-April to work outside the house-hold of Khobragade to make money. That request is also corroborated by Richard's later request for a visa/passport change and her subsequent refusal to return to India. The passport/visa change and refusal to return are confirmed by witnesses at Access International.]


    “Because of this treatment, I requested that I return to India but that request was denied,” Richard said in a short, cryptic statement that largely served to glorify Safe Horizon’s role in the episode than throw any great light on her differences with the diplomat and how it widened.

    [Lila: The govt. of India canceled Richard's official passport when she absconded from the Khobragade household, so her" request to return" is a bogus claim. Richard was obliged to return. It was because she didn't want to return to India that she trumped up a trafficking case against her employer. At least, that is how the evidence looks to me.]

    From Sangeeta’s own diary:

    “The whole family is very nice. I don’t feel that I am their domestic help. The children call me ‘tai’ (aunt). Madam is also quite nice and keeps smiling all the time. Sir is quite sensible. He takes care of things so it gives me a lot of free time.”



    Bharara’s bogus charge against Khobragade that she confiscated the maid’s passport

    Sangeeta Richard’s BLUE (personal) Indian passport became invalid once she had traded it in for her WHITE (official) passport.

    The WHITE (official) passport was revoked by the Indian Government as soon as Sangeeta stopped working for Khobragade.

    That was a Government of India action. It was not an action taken by Khobragade.

    Meanwhile, Preet Bharara charged 49 Russian diplomats with Medicaid fraud and yet let them go, claiming they had diplomatic immunity. Actually,  some of them only had consular immunity, like Khobragade, and, furthermore, were junior to her.

    Still further, Russian President Vladimir Putin banned Bharara from entering Russia for “biased and politically motivated” prosecution of its citizens.

    Compare that to the tame response of the Indian government, a response that was nonetheless excoriated and ridiculed in the Indian press.

    (Added: Jan 20, 2014)



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  • Sunanda Pushkar’s Dubai Espionage Links

    January 18, 2014 // 0 Comments

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    Posted in: Intelligence Operations, Kleptocracy, Pols and Pundits, Psyops, War On India, new world order

    UPDATE: I changed the title of this post from “Sunanda Pushkar Was the Spy, Not Mehr?” to Pushkar’s Dubai Espionage Links, as I’ve been coming across things.  Although I think it’s still a very plausible theory, there still aren’t enough facts to suggest it’s more plausible than any other.

    UPDATE: An unidentified man visited Sunanda Pushkar before her death and was captured by CCTV.

    UPDATE: Shelley Kasli at GreatGameIndia has more details about Pushkar’s connection to Sunil Varkey, a front for Dawood Ibrahim and the Rothschilds (via his GEMS Educational foundation and its affiliated Clinton Global Initiative ).

    I also noticed the Varkey connection (see below, in my original post).

    Kasli writes:

    “Established by President Bill Clinton in 2005, the initiative’s aim is to create and implement innovative solutions to some of the world’s most pressing issues. Among CGI’s diverse membership are heads of state, leading CEOs, Nobel Prize laureates and heads of NGOs”

    GEMS also supports a variety of partners, including Amnesty International, UNESCO, the Tony Blair Faith Foundation and other NGOs.

    Sunil Varkey is connected to the Indian diamond business and its merchant princes in Europe.

    The IPL (Indian Premier League cricket franchise) is awash from money-laundering of the profits from these and related businesses.

    Sunanda Pushkar had been given a stake in the IPL, specifically, the Kochi (Kerala) team. She later renounced it when it led to charges of corruption against her recently married husband Shashi Tharoor.

    Kasli writes:

    “The most important aspect of Team Kochi is that almost its entire $333 million has come from Gujarati investors based in Dubai and Mumbai.Two prominent investors in the team are Atul Shah of Anchor Earth, makers of Anchor Switches, and diamond merchant Harshad Mehta, whose family is the largest exporter of diamonds in India and who holds a personal stake in Team Kochi through Film Wave, owned by Rosy Blue. Both families enjoy a celebrity status in the Gujarati community.”

    Lila: More here about Harshad Mehta, the diamond merchant:

    “Some 300 Indian families mainly hailing from the state of Gujarat live in the port city of Antwerp, the world’s rough diamond trading capital. Today, Indians control 60% of Antwerp’s rough and polished diamond trade that recorded a turnover of $36bn and contributes 8% of Belgian’s exports.”

    The Kochi IPL owners also figure on a list of Indian black-money in Germany that the Indian tax authorites and the Reserve Bank of India have confirmed.

    Some of the black money  appears to have been generated by sophisticated price rigging schemes involving the resale of diamonds, which has deprived the Zimbabwe treasury of money.

    However, the largest investors in the Zimbabwe diamond mine at Marange are not the Indians, but the Chinese:

    “Chinese nationals and state-owned companies are the largest investors in Marange. Many work in partnership with Zimbabwean military chiefs, who have seats on the boards of diamond mining firms.”

    Shelly Kasli:

    “Bringing Narendra Modi in the line of fire, Kochi franchise spokesman Satyajit Gaikwad said everyone knew about his “nexus” with Lalit Modi and the concerted effort by them to deprive Kochi of IPL team and get a slot for Gujarat.”

    Lila: Lalit Modi is the corrupt chief of the IPL, which has been scandal-ridden since day one and last year was reeling with scam after scam.

    When the Pushkar investment was outed, Tharoor was forced to resign his then position. The idea was that the Kochi IPL would head to Gujarat and be under Modi.

    Narendra Modi was behind the pressure from Lalit Modi to move the Kochi IPL north.

    Narendra Modi is supportive/protective of the diamond industry (centered in India in Mumbai and Surat) and also supportive of the global diamond industry, affiliated with Zionists.

    Modi’s PR agency is APCO International, affiliated with Kissinger Associates. It is a strong proponent of the war on terror and its positions are supported by a wide-variety of right-wing think-tanks, like the Heritage Foundation, which are linked to CIA/Mossad directly.

    It now makes sense to me why Subramanian Swamy - whom many people regard as a Mossad stooge -tweeted out that  Mehr Tarar was ISI.

    It might have been a distraction from the real story behind Pushkar’s death.

    It also explains why the major media (BBC, Guardian and so on) are treating the whole story as suicide.  Varkey’s GEMS foundation is behind a network of schools closely tied to multiple churches in the UK.

    It’s also possible that this something more complicated, perhaps a playing out of spy and counter-spy.

    As I said, Subramanian Swamy, who put out the viral tweet that Pushkar was eliminated by ISI, has himself been fingered by many people are a Rothschild/Mossad stooge.

    The Rothschild cartel finances the right-wing, but through George Soros and affiliated Foundations that front for the CIA, it also finances the anti-Zionist/anti-establishment opposition.

    UPDATE: Sumana Pushkar was introduced to Shashi Tharoor in 2010. That was when what I call the War on India (partly described in Breaking India)  that is orchestrated by the Rothschild banking cartel  and its propaganda machine first began to become obvious to the public.

    She was introduced to Tharoor via Sunny Varkey, a Kerala businessman based in Dubai who is linked to Dawood Ibrahim, as a front man.

    Ibrahim (D Company, as he’s referred to in media) is widely regarded as a CIA/Rothschild front.

    She was volatile and got into confrontations with strangers.


    Yet another bizarre story in the unfolding drama called “Break Up Of India” reported by The Financial Express.com:

    “Call has been made for Union Minister of State for HRD Shashi Tharoor to be removed from the Cabinet till the probe into his wife Sunanda Pushkar’s suspicious death gets over.

    Sunanda Pushkar died on Friday after a row erupted over ‘affair’ between her husband Shashi Tharoor and Pakistani journalist Mehr Tarar.

    The first reports of the demand emanate from TDP president N Chandrababu Naidu.

    In a statement issued here today, Chandrababu wanted the police to book a case against Shashi Tharoor under the Domestic Violence (Prevention) Act alleging the latter was responsible for Sunanda’s death.

    “An impartial probe should be conducted into her death without scope for any political interference,” the former Chief Minister added.

    Chandrababu condoled Sunanda Pushkar’s death.”

    My Comment:

    Shashi Tharoor, former UN Under-Secretary General, current Indian minister, also a fine writer and author, was alleged to be on the verge of breaking up with his wife in a bizarre tweeting episode, in which his volatile wife apparently used his twitter account to tell millions of followers that he was having an affair with a Pakistani journalist, Mehr Tarar, whom she termed an ISI spy. Tharoor and Tarar denied the allegations.

    A private email between the two that has gone public seems to indicate a friendship misunderstood by Sunanda.

    Tharoor is alleged to have been involved in corrupt dealings,

    Sunanda, his dead wife, was a Dubai entrepreneur. Tharoor is alleged to have once rescued her son from the custody of the UAE police over drug possession charges, using his influence as an Indian Minister. He and his late wife denied the charges.

    So we have a Kerala minister (Tharoor is from Kerala and Kerala is a conduit for drug money-laundering not only through land purchases, but through the Indian Premier League - a lucrative, entertainment-cricket industry - in which Tharoor’s wife Sunanda held shares, corruptly, it is alleged); we have a Dubai business woman (Dubai is a center of money-laundering into India and terrorist-financing); we have a Pakistani journalist alleged to be an ISI spy, an allegation made over Twitter, whose India chief is a Kashmiri separatist; and to complicate things Sunanda herself is a Kashmiri Pandit.

    She is closely tied, it is reported, to a real estate firm owned by the Sheikh of Dubai, who just happens to be closely allied to the US.

    The twitter announcement via hacking of an alleged affair smacks of a psyop.

    The rebroadcasting on Western media by the communist  NY Times author Suketu Mehta that “Sunanda was killed by Twitter” seems to confirm that this is a psyop intended to tarnish and topple Tharoor, who has been admitted to hospital with a heart condition.

    Another tweet that linked ISI to Sunanda’s death is going viral. That itself suggests that Sunanda’s death is not linked to ISI but to CIA/Mossad and Dubai - that is, to the Rothschild cartel. The use of Twitter in all this is very interesting.

    I believe attempts might be made to frame Tharoor in some way? Or?

    There are also chances are the dead woman herself might have been an operative, who ensnared Tharoor and has now been disposed of by her paymaster.

    Autopsy has revealed that she died of an overdose of prescription drugs, including sedatives. She is said to have suffered from lupus and tuberculosis. There are conflicting reports of how serious those conditions were.

    My first thought was that this might be a set-up, with the phony ISI accusation working as a red herring to distract from the real spy-nexus, in Dubai.

    Perhaps Pushkar was eliminated and then given a few hits to the body, to make allegations of domestic violence or even murder plausible.

    Even if those allegations can’t be proved in court (and hey, Indian courts cannot be trusted, right?) they are enough, via Twitter/social media recycling, to end Tharoor’s career.

    Twitter-social media is controlled by the NGO-Ford Foundation-CIA, which funds people like Arwind Kejriwal, Medha Patkar, Amartya Sen, and many other willing and unwilling accomplices in the establishment of the Rothschild-run global dispensation.

    Which could be the point, if the intention is to topple the government….or to help this lot?

    Why? For this reason...maybe? Not sure…

    Those are speculations, but reasonable ones, at this point.

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  • India And The War On Terra (Mater)

    January 18, 2014 // 0 Comments

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    Posted in: Crowds, Globalization, Pols and Pundits, War On India, new world order

    An excerpt from a Counterpunch piece I wrote in 2006, warning about the effects of Manmohan Singh signing India up for the US-led global  War On Terror, which actually fronts for the Rothschild “War On Terra”.

    “In India, thousands if not millions of lives will likely be affected and India’s self-sufficiency in food destroyed, all for a few more H1B visas and some outsourcing businesses. And the sordid distinction of entry into the Big Boys Club of the WTO mafia.

    Strike Two: Tariffs on industry were reduced and the coveted services sector was opened up like a brothel in Kanthipura. Public health, education, telecom, banks, water, all pimped by the state. And by failing to bring up TRIPS (The Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights) for review and amendment, India – junior Big Boy – ensured that prices of patented drugs will continue to soar, affecting the common people in poor countries. The length of patents, the patenting of life forms, health and food security – all this might have been reviewed with ease. Not one was.

    Strike Three: On the other side, the senior Big Boys got away with unctuous promises to ease out export subsidies by 2013 knowing full well that export subsidies are only a drop (2%) in the total subsidies to agriculture. Even the vaunted “Aid for Trade” is smothered in conditional loans contingent on further breaking open the markets of poorer countries. And what gains were made in market access in the developed world went largely to agri-exporters like Argentina and Brazil, not to poor countries.

    And not to the lost leader of the third world.

    None of this need have been. India might have stood with the Caribbean, South American, and African countries and galvanized the G 110. Cuba and Venezuela clearly drew the line on service liberalization and India might have joined them. But the current Congress administration, which took the place of the BJP with a mandate to resolve India’s growing agrarian crisis, has proved itself if anything less concerned with the country’s welfare. One could well ask if a nationalist BJP government would have had the ideological stomach to betray the heartland of India.

    The Indian government’s cowardice at Hong Kong matches it’s cowardice over the Iraq war, which it could have opposed more vocally, and the vote against Iran, which it need not have joined. But the Cambridge-educated economist Manmohan Singh seems to have decided to put opportunism before principle. For our elites, perhaps it’ OK just so long long as it’s Cambridge-bred, not Varanasi-bred. (4)

    The betrayal of Hong Kong is the background against which events in Bangalore must be viewed. Having reneged on its public duties, the government of India is bound to release a flood of propaganda intended as a smoke-screen and a distraction from its own craven performance.

    It’s also likely to tighten its grip in the face of mass protests or resistance as the implications of Hong Kong become more and more widely known.

    At Hong Kong itself, union leaders, farmers, and workers protesting peacefully were attacked with water-cannons, pepper-spray, and tear-gas. 900 were arrested and 70 were hospitalized.(5)

    Want to know what to expect in the coming year? Here’s the graffiti already on the wall in Indonesia, which currently occupies the presidency of the Human Rights Commission (though it has yet to ratify key international human rights treaties) and in November, 2005 became a full-fledged compadre of the US in the War on Terra.

    On September 18, 2005, in Tanah Awuk village in central Lombok, around a thousand peasants gathered peacefully to protest development policies denying local people the ability to feed themselves, on which they blamed a severe problem of child malnutrition. Indonesia has abundant fertile land and all available land is cultivated for agriculture. The real problem is that policies favor elite profits over the hunger of peasants.

    At about 9 in the morning, Indonesian police forces attacked the crowd with plastic and rubber (as well as some metal) bullets, tear gas, and truncheons. 33 were injured, 27 from gunshots, and the rest from assault. At least one child and two women were shot.
    National TV footage showed unarmed women being dragged violently across rough terrain and police roughing up a man bleeding copiously from the head.(5)

    That’s how you play the game when you join the US Terror team. Salaam, Bangalore.”

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  • US And Its Keystone Kops Gestapo?

    January 18, 2014 // 0 Comments

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    Posted in: Intelligence Operations, Police State, Propaganda, new world order, privacy

    Ilana Mercer at BarelyaBlog.com

    “Note that TOP SECRET is defined as information which could cause “exceptionally grave damage” to America. Stolen and released here were 3 million documents. HOW SPECIFICALLY did America suffer from this “exceptionally grave damage”??? Did Godzilla stomp over Maine? Was Iowa sucked up by a sinkhole? Did bubonic plague kill everyone in California? Was Duck Dynasty cancelled? Did employment in the US drop from 65% of adults to 58% ? – (yes – but this was related more to wasting trillions on idiotic wars than Snowden’s leaks)?

    According to the news, the Pentagon has come out with an assessment of the 3 million “beyond exceptionally grave damage” incidents that have ruined life in America. Of course, it turns out that the “beyond exceptionally grave damage” is also TOP SECRET – yes, America has been destroyed but don’t tell a soul.

    Or is the real scandal that trillions of $$$$ have been spent generating classified documents that are mostly worthless toilet paper, while this country remains utterly ignorant of anything that occurs overseas?

    [Lila: Slight correction. The "country remains utterly ignorant" is the POINT of the whole thing. That's not "inept." That's super-efficient.]

    That’s the way the whole system is supposed to operate, with complete “freedom of expression” guaranteed to produce cacophony, over which no one can distinguish true from false without considerable effort and time that most people cannot afford to expend.

    “Trillions are “wasted” only if you care about the serfs who are generating the trillions of real “wealth,” which include people here and all over the world.

    By the miracle of unlimited carpet-bombing-sustained-dollar-generation, global casino capitalism, rigged market indices, rigged media, and rigged language  (”free trade,” “human rights” and “democracy”), the cartel which runs the system manages to paper over what is actually a brutal global plantation of managed trade, liberventionism, and fascism, run through a malign network of spy/surveillance mechanisms, proxy wars, police-actions, NGO campaigns, and propaganda, operating globally, but headquartered in Israel, the US, and the UK, with satrapies all over.

    “That the US winds up funding and building up both sides in wars and pseudo-wars in third-world countries by people who generally hate our guts?

    Lila: They generally “hate our guts” because of things done by the US Govt, which are concealed or distorted by its propaganda arm - academia, think-tanks, and the media (left and right, print, online, major, and alternative, including conspiracy sites). All are infiltrated, controlled, and distorted, not only by propaganda but also by commercial imperatives.

    That we have politicians who cannot find Niger on a map bloviating about the “evil of Snowden”? That the archived trillion-trillion bytes of searchable database on Americans is far more likely to be abused by paranoid politicians like Nixon, Clinton, Obama, and Christie against domestic political opponents than to sort out minutia between illiterate Taliban goat-herders in Afghanistan?

    At best, after Abdul blows up his backpack, we may find that he had earlier been “talking Jihad” with Ishmael and we subsequently kill Ishmael and 50 others at a wedding party proudly announcing that we have killed “Ishmael the potential terrorist,” while forgetting the relatives of the other 50 who are new terrorist recruits.

    What America has made is an NSA “Keystone-Kops-Gestapo” that is as inept as it is insidious – sucking up a whirlwind of mostly useless data and the 4th Amendment in the process. While the NSA archives our tweeting and our twerking, let us not forget Benjamin Franklin’s advice: “those who would sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither”. The “exceptionally grave damage” is to our freedoms!

    For syndication rights to http://BarelyABlog.com or http://IlanaMercer.com, contact ilana@ilanamercer.com. Read more @ http://barelyablog.com/#ixzz2qlmEsmhg
    I am in general agreement with this, except for the reference to Keystone Kops.
    The Keystone Kops routine is only at the level of what the politicians and public figures do.

    Behind the scenes, the spy agencies, the puppet-masters behind them (not always in control but certainly in charge) pursue, quite ruthlessly and well, an agenda whose visible outlines are by now apparent even to ordinary people.
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  • Sikh Separatists Organize Against Indian Constitution

    January 18, 2014 // 0 Comments

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    Posted in: Empire, Intelligence Operations, Uncategorized, War On India, new world order


    For more details on the Kerala Christian (Syrian Christian) mafia and its relationship with the Israeli/Jewish mafia, which works between Kerala (from where the diplomat’s maid came) and Dubai, read  “Sunny with chance of terrorism” which describes the Syrian Christian angle to the Sunanda Pushkar murder which will now be used by the communist media (in the US and in India).

    The propaganda will be led by TwitterIndia, headed by a Kashmiri separatist.


    Republic Day, January 26, is honored as the day the Indian Constitution came into effect, on January 26, 1950, replacing the Government of India Act, 1935.

    Perhaps timed with that, the Sikh separatist group Dal Khalsa has written to David Cameron about new evidence alleging that Margaret Thatcher might have assisted Indira Gandhi’s Blue Star Operation against the Sikhs.

    The man who led Blue Star, Lt-Gen Brar, himself a Sikh, was knifed in London last year by Sikh separatists based in the UK.

    Sikh separatists have argued that such killings are not murder by acts of justice carried out outside the Indian judiciary, which can never give justice to Sikhs. One such activist even mentions Draupadi Vastraharan (the disrobing of Draupadi in the Hindu religious epic, The Mahabharatha as symbolic of the humiliation of India).

    With Preet Bharara being a Khatri (high-caste) Sikh married into the Jewish ruling class of the US, acting under the direction of Barack Obama (half black and credibly alleged to be half Jewish) and John Kerry (half Jewish), the official disrobing of Devyani (her name signifies Goddess) is at one level the revenge of the (male) Sikh separatists on the female (Mother) India, as well as on the Dalit (lower caste or untouchable) woman who now represents Mother India.

    For public perception, the US media then revises these dynamics into a narrative about “casteism” still practiced in India and a Hindu enslavement of a Christian maid.

    Actually, the maid is Syrian Christian and from Kerala, a state with a strong church and communist party, both often working together. Communism and the Catholic and Syrian Church in India have often been allied with Western elite (Rothschild) goals.

    Sikh separatists are also organizing against Republic Day, the day celebrating the Constitution of India.


    “On the eve of India’s Republic day, the Dal Khalsa in association with SAD (Panch Pardani) will hold a peaceful sit-in at Amritsar on 24 January to protest against Constitutional discriminations and injustices.

    Alleging that the Indian Constitution has failed the Sikh people, the Dal Khalsa has decided to observe India’s 65th Republic day as betrayal day.

    The activists of Sikh bodies will protest at the busiest Bhandari bridge for 3 hours holding flag blacks and placards to convey their message.

    Addressing the select media at his residence after presiding the party workers meet, party head H S Dhami and spokesperson Kanwar Pal Singh said Sikhs have a distinct and separate identity; however, it is ironic that the Constitution is ambiguous about it.

    Since the past 65 years of Indian republic, the Sikhs have strived to find an independent and dignified place in the Indian Constitution so as to uphold their unique and distinct identity but to no avail. “Although the Sikhs on their own have managed to climb on to the highest Constitutional and executive posts, yet they have bitterly failed to correct the Constitutional wrongs”.

    [Lila: Manmohan Singh, a Sikh, is India’s Prime Minister and, some say, has bent over backwards for the US.  Canada, the US, UK, and other Anglo-phone countries have been the sites from which Sikh revolutionary movements have been launched. I blogged about Singh and the larger globalist agenda here.

    The Dal Khalsa, the original separatist party, was behind violent actions - including riots, hijackings, murders, and the assassination of Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi - that eventually led to the banning of Sikh separatist/terrorist groups. However, in the last 15 years, separatism has revived, albeit using peaceful methods to pursue its aims. Some argue that Preet Bharara, born in the Punjab to Hindu and Sikh parents, has ties to Dal Khalsa and his success in prosecuting some criminal actions on Wall Street is a front for the State Dept to use him to pursue political ends (break-up of India) that are part of long-term US foreign policy in which Pakistan and its ISI continues to be the US’s chief ally, behind the false narrative of an Indo-US alliance, proposed in official statements by politicians in the media.


    “Dhami listed the four point agenda for the protest that includes dubbing Sikhs as Hindus as per the Article 25 (b) (2), denial of right to self determination and separate Sikh Personal Law and continued loot of Punjab’s river waters. “All these 4 matters directly relate to the Constitution”, said he.”

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  • Draupadi Disrobed: India Strip-Searched By US…..

    January 18, 2014 // 0 Comments

    Posted in: Uncategorized

    (Links to be added to this post later)

    “When the US tows away a Russian diplomat’ car in Washington for a parking violation, six US diplomatic cars disappear in Moscow. The Russian car then magically appears with apology.

    That is the type of diplomacy we need.”

    This was a comment I saw posted at the Indian news site, Firstpost.com, on the unequal “relationship” between the US and  India, as evidenced in the Devyani Khobragade case.

    India is claiming “victory” …….even though a senior female diplomat still faces indictment and a possible 10 year sentence and was strip-searched and cavity-inspected, for an allegation over what amounts to a routine visa issue.

    Meanwhile, not even a criminal case was registered against Wayne May (the State Dept Security chief in New Delhi who is behind the whole affair.

    May was guilty of subversion of the Indian judiciary, actual trafficking, and tax and visa fraud.

    Further clarification of  a canard being circulated that Khobragade was lying.

    Devyani Khobragade says she was strip-searched, DNA swabbed, and cavity-searched, multiple times.

    The US Marshals deny that she was cavity-searched but admit she underwent a standard procedure stip-search.

    So who is telling the truth? Devyani or the Marshals?

    BOTH. There is just a confusion of terms.

    Under US law today (ratified by Supreme Court in a 2012 case), arrests are accompanied by strip-searches.

    1 The standard procedure of a strip-search

    This is what the US Marshals admitted happened.

    It involves the removal of all clothes and examination of all bodily cavities, including mouth, nose, ears, eyes, genitals and rectum.

    It involves “baring of the labia.” That can be done multiple times.

    It includes DNA swabbing and recording (for security purposes).

    As we now know, the US has a vast espionage and surveillance network and nearly all sensitive nodes of telecom and electronic communication are monitored centrally.


    These images can then be transferred to private corporations, working with the United States Government (and Israel.

    Israel has complete access via backdoors in the electronic equipment as well as more directly).

    Corporation working with the spy agencies and with the USG include Facebook, Microsoft,  Google, Digg, Verizon, Brighthouse and many many more.

    There is immense  potential here for black-mail against a political figure like Khobragade, from a political family tied to the Dalit vote-bank (voting power of the lower caste/untouchable community).

    Indeed, we don’t know that black-mail has not ALREADY occurred behind closed doors.

    Extortion of the Khobragade family would mean extortion of the Ministry of External Affairs (foreign office of New Delhi), in which Uttam Khobragade, Devyani’s father, has power.

    The MEA and the US Embassy in New Delhi were at logger-heads for some time before this episode.

    B. The procedure called a “cavity search”

    Devyani mistakenly used this term, when she should have used the term “cavity inspection.”

    That is understandable since in India, BOTH procedures would be considered custodial rape.

    Cavity inspection involves digital probing of the cavities (insertion of fingers or fists into rectums or vaginas).

    This is literally sodomizing of an innocent person, on mere charges or suspicion.

    “Probing” did not happen, which is why the US Marshals are denying the story.

    Devyani has used the wrong term, but she is not lying, just using the wrong terminology.

    The standard inspection of the cavities would in fact be brutal and demeaning enough on its own.

    The US apparently misjudged how people would react and then tried to muddy the affair by flooding the media with allegations and statements from the US prosecutor and the alleged victim.

    In effect, this is a way to try the case in the media and cover up their own outrageous position.

    The hoax video that was released on the net, showing the gang-rape of  Devyani, was intended to muddy the story and make it appear that the reaction was a misplaced reaction to exaggerated reports.

    My first book Language of Empire deals with such “hoaxes” and the problems they create.

    Notice, as well, that almost immediately after the Facebook statements of the May surfaced, how another “gang-rape” allegation has surfaced from Delhi, this time by a Danish woman.

    Yet, the police could find not evidence that the woman had been physically assaulted and she is using medical evidence from Denmark to press her case.

    This is an extraordinary case from the point of view of setting precedents, because it means that the Delhi police might from now on be sued based on evidence cooked up abroad and concocted for political purposes.

    Now, we see the political motivation behind the drum-beat about a “rape crisis” in Delhi.

    Read about the 25 signs of the Nazification of the US police-state.

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  • War On India: India’s Response Was Milquetoast

    January 17, 2014 // 0 Comments

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    Brahma Chellaney in India Today, via Bharatkalyan

    U.S’s “problem” with India extends well beyond this episode. For example, almost one-third of all T visas it has issued worldwide to victims of extremely grave sex or labour trafficking have been to Indians, thus mocking the most-populous democracy’s judicial system.

    The manner in which it spirited out of India the family of Khobragade’s maid on T visas and with tax-exempt tickets improperly procured by its embassy, paradoxically, was tantamount to an act of state-sponsored trafficking. The action had an openly conspiratorial ring to it: No sooner had the U.S., playing global cop, “evacuated” the maid’s family from its home country than it arrested Khobragade.
    Make no mistake: America would not have dared to arrest and strip search a Chinese or Russian diplomat for allegedly underpaying a maid because that would have invited swift and disproportionate retaliation. In fact, just one week before Khobragade’s arrest, Preetinder Singh Bharara—the rogue prosecutor in New York who likes to be addressed as “Preet” or “Pete” when in reality he is Mr. Pretender—charged a number of Russian diplomats and consular officials for defrauding Medicaid of $1.5 million. But before unveiling the charges, the defendants were allowed to leave the US.
    What has been India’s response to the insults heaped on it, or what the incredible Manmohan Singh called “some hiccups”? Don’t let all the sound and fury spook you: India’s only response thus far has been to start withdrawing non-reciprocal privileges to US diplomatic and consular staff and their families.

    In a classic case of impotent fury, India made no effort to try to penalize the U.S. Indeed, India did the exact opposite by rewarding America with a new mega-contract—a $1.01-billion deal for additional C-130J military aircraft. Its demand for a formal apology has dissipated. It did not even hold back its new ambassador from taking charge in Washington until the U.S. made some amends. Why blame the U.S. for taking liberties when India’s toadying foreign minister has hailed NSA’s notorious global surveillance as “only a computer study” and “not snooping”?


    Of course, I would be wary of accepting anything said by Snowden about the NSA’s capacities. Given what we know about Greenwald, Poitras, Assange, Applebaum,  the anti-IP circle and the rest, what Snowden reveals might be what certain interested parties want revealed. And just as with the “End the Fed” campaign, which misdirects the eye from the center of action at the BIS, the anti-NSA campaign might be misdirecting the eye from all the private contractor/firms/outsourced companies/Israeli spy agencies dispersed all over the world that might also have privileged links to the NSA. At least with the NSA, you’d know whom to sue…

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  • US Embassy Employees In Norway In Tax Fraud

    January 17, 2014 // 0 Comments

    Posted in: Uncategorized

    US embassy officials committing tax-fraud in Norway. Perhaps the NGO’s and the UN could start taking a look there:

    “Authorities in Norway accused more than 50 Norwegian citizens working for the U.S. Embassy over the past several years of tax evasion, claiming that staff members had failed to report their full income.

    The nation’s tax administration said Wednesday that employees at the U.S. Embassy in Oslo avoided paying full taxes on annual salaries of between 100,000 Norwegian kroner ($16,400) and 600,000 kroner. Some of the evasion took place over several years on sums totaling up to two million kroner, the administration said.

    “The Norwegian Tax Administration takes seriously cases where tax payers consciously avoid disclosing their taxable income,” Tax Director Hans Christian Holte said. Those that are convicted will have to pay back taxes and face fines that equal between 45% and 60% of the gross salary earned during the period in question.

    In some cases, the total fee could be as high as 90%. The maximum prison sentence for tax evasion in Norway is six years, and jail terms are assigned to serious offenders.

    In Norway, all employers must reported salaries to the government. Embassy payrolls aren’t legally exempt from this rule, but several embassies in Oslo, including the U.S. Embassy, don’t report salaries to the Norwegian government.

    Foreign diplomats pay taxes to their home countries and don’t have to report their salaries to Norwegian authorities, but Norwegian staff at foreign embassies are required to pay taxes to Norway. “It’s the tax payer’s duty to disclose the correct information in tax returns,” Mr. Holte said.”

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  • War On India: Rape…and Rumors Of Rape

    January 16, 2014 // 0 Comments

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    More evidence of “staging” and manipulation in the accounts of rape in Delhi, the most recent one being this alleged gang rape of a Danish woman:

    Before she left, she refused to undergo a medical checkup required to confirm sexual assault, said Alok Kumar, deputy commissioner of New Delhi police.

    “She didn’t have injuries that required medical attention,” he said, declining to provide further details on the woman’s complaint.

    Kumar said they arrested two homeless men, ages 22 and 25, Police recovered an iPod and a phone cable that belonged to the woman. Police also expect a medical report from Danish authorities that will be used as evidence.”

    Can we please find out more about these women? How do we know they are not operatives? I find it strange that such sensational events happen just after the US lost face over the Khobragade story. I believe this one at least to be staged.  The police found no evidence of rape and she returned to Denmark to be tested. This is bogus. I believe there is a concerted effort to stage these sorts of things to counter the claim for tax violations at the American embassy.

    So now we have the UN pronouncing on rape in Delhi.

    We have a senior Indian diplomat subjected to custodial rape in the US, after she filed a case of extortion in New Delhi (her maid was an Indian citizen, had an Indian passport and was covered for health, travel and lodging from India), because the US Dept of State Bureau of Diplomatic Security chief in New Delhi allegedly intervened with the Delhi police (under the national government) and then obstructed the judiciary by “evacuating” the maid to US and changing the case from “absconding, extorting maid” to “slaver diplomat.”

    We have a foreign-funded party heading Delhi with a Magasaysay Award winner at the head, hiring private female commandos under the authority of the party ruling Delhi (the Aam Aadmi Party) and its leader, Arvind Kejriwal, who are funded by the Ford Foundation, which is an arm of the US government and its CIA/Soros backers:

    “The new voluntary unit is the brainchild of 26-year-old Rakhi Birla, Delhi’s new Women and Child Welfare Minister and the youngest member of the state’s government.” (Delhi Trains Female Unit To Combat Rape)”

    Kejriwal, a Julian Assange-type, asset of the intelligence services, fraudulently usurped the popularity of the original anti-corruption movement of Baba Ramdev, which itself was hijacked by Anna Hazare. In turn, Hazare was abandoned and the Trojan Horse Kejriwal took over.

    Kejriwal claims he wants to “fix” the Delhi police.

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  • Arab Spring in India: Kashmiri Separatist Heads Twitter

    January 16, 2014 // 0 Comments

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    The Color Revolution in India is unfolding stage by stage as we speak. Frankly, I could use help on this blog to pick up on the number of things unfolding simultaneously.

    The new chief of Twitter, which was used so extensively in the Arab Spring at Tahrir Square is one Raheel Khurshid, a Kashmiri journalist and separatist trained in the US. Khurshid was the force behind the drummed-up Delhi rape crisis, so, as I blogged long before I knew this. This is ARAB SPRING, INDIAN EDITION:

    “Raheel Khursheed, 30, a local journalist-cum-online activist has taken over as chief of Twitter India, following his appointment earlier this month as head of the news, politics and government division at the popular microblogging site.

    Twitter, which along with Facebook is one of the two top social websites, had created the post specifically for a few emerging countries, including India.”

    His biography reads exactly like what you’d expect for someone groomed by the Rothschild elites to head one of their innumerable astro-turf popular movements, popularly known as color revolutions.

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  • Devyani Custodial Rape OK’d By John Kerry

    January 16, 2014 // 0 Comments

    Posted in: Empire, Gender, Intelligence Operations, Pols and Pundits, Torture, War On India, new world order

    Here’s the proof that, as I’ve said, this arrest and “standard procedure” strip-search was approved at the highest level, by Secretary of State, John Kerry.

    Dept. of State, Daily Press Briefings, December 18, 2013

    (Khobragade was arrested on Dec 12)
    QUESTION: Did Secretary Kerry personally sign off on the arrest?

    MS. HARF: I don’t think that’s how it works. I’m happy to check. Sign off officially or – I don’t even – I mean, in any way –

    QUESTION: Was he aware that the arrest was going to take place?

    MS. HARF: He was certainly aware, yes, absolutely. He’s been kept up to speed on this case. I can double-check on exactly how it works.
    QUESTION: The last one –

    MS. HARF: How the process works, I just don’t know.

    QUESTION: So he approved the arrest?

    MS. HARF: I can double-check on how it works, because I don’t know he has official approving authority.

    Yes, wait, and then I’ll come up to –

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  • Sangeeta’s Mom-In-Law: Maid Was Avaricious

    January 16, 2014 // 0 Comments

    Posted in: Media, Pols and Pundits, Propaganda, Psyops

    Vatsala Shrangi in The Sunday Guardian:

    “However, in a 19 December interview with another English newspaper, Agnes had said, “Sangeeta, 42, who hails from Kerala, married Philip 20 years ago after three years of courtship, then apparently left his house three days later because he was not earning enough. I had reservations about the marriage but my son was in a hurry. She was staying in Ghaziabad with her father and had no job then.”

    The report also has Agnes saying “Sangeeta always wanted to work abroad. She knew I was working at a diplomat’s house and wanted me to look for a similar job for her.”

    When Devyani’s father Uttam Khobragade was contacted on the matter, he said, “Even we did not know that Sangeeta’s father-in-law is employed with the US embassy. It was only this week that we found out from another source that he works as a driver with them.

    The US embassy should have ideally informed us about this.”

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  • Why Do US Diplomats Need Personal Paramilitary?

    January 16, 2014 // 0 Comments

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    David Lindorff at Counterpunch writes:

    “What’s the deal with these “State Department Agents” who investigated the Indian Deputy Consul General’s visa application and her housekeeper’s pay arrangements, initially in India, and who then made the arrest at her home in New York? ……..

    Doesn’t the US government have enough “law enforcement” and “defense” organizations already, without giving the State Department its own armed paramilitary operation? Embassies and Consulates already have Marine guards, already have CIA agents working undercover as “diplomats,” and have access to the FBI, the DEA, the ATF, the DOD, the Secret Service and who knows what other three-lettered organizations with armed personnel to investigate law-breaking and to defend diplomats. Why do they need this one too, particularly if all it can do is piss off the people of another country through gratuitously abusive treatment?”"

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  • India No More Ready To Placate USG At Cost To Self

    January 16, 2014 // 0 Comments

    Posted in: War On India


    “What does this all mean? It seems that India is sending ample signals and is slowly shifting away from its earlier “Please-Uncle-Sam” posture. India is also trying to convey home the message that it has to be treated at an equal footing if the bilateral relations between the two nations have to survive in the future.

    The relations between the two nations if we see the records of the past two decades have been skewed with the US always playing the role of a handler while always pleasing American corporate and strategic interests in the name of neutralizing terror in the South Asian region. The Indian prime minister and his cabinet colleagues took pains to meet even junior US politicians but vice versa would be unthinkable.

    Well, in realpolitik, obviously the more powerful entity gets to call the shots.  Which is why there is no such thing as an equal relationship between the globe’s only superpower which has its own problems of over-reach and a regional power, with difficult social issues.

    There is no improvement to be had in such a relationship. There can only be strengthening of India’s own position, which is best done by seeking genuinely bilateral, reciprocal relations with other regional powers and smaller powers and preserving its security through internal political and economic strength.

    Without that stout stick, tough talk might come at an unacceptable price….but one hopes for the best.

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  • Daily Kos Runs Wrong & Inflammatory Headline

    January 16, 2014 // 0 Comments

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    Here’s the headline on a Daily Kos post about the American school’s tax violations:

    India to strip search teachers at American Embassy School (or not)


    Here’s how it looks on Google search:

    1. Daily Kos: India to strip search teachers at American Embassy


      14 hours ago - New York Times is now reporting a significant visafraud‘ by American citizens who are teachers in the American Embassy School run in New 

    You can’t see the part that denies the headline in the search result until you click on it. Cute, eh?

    Now India has done no such thing nor has it threatened to do such a thing, because it would be custodial RAPE in India.

    But why let that spoil a header which will show up in Google searches and Twitter reposts  WITHOUT the exculpatory phrase ” (or not)” visible and without the disclaimer in the body?

    Remember, this is in a good alternative left blog, which is quite sophisticated in its understanding of politics and the shadow government.

    Meanwhile, in the commentary on that post, someone also mischaracterized what happened to Khobragade as an aberration of US law and lamented the lack of sympathy among Indians for Sangeeta, the maid.

    Don’t they get the point yet?

    The outrage is over the fact that it is OFFICIAL POLICY of the United States, since 2012, sanctified by the  Supreme Court, to conduct strip-searches with cavity inspection, upon any arrest, for whatsoever reason.

    Custodial rapes might happen in India, but they’re not the policy.  They’re crimes.

    Big, big, big, difference.

    And the US government custodially raped the senior female diplomat of a friendly nation over a visa practice that had been accepted for years and a contracts that haven’t been proven to be in violation of law yet; and they did that even though the US position itself involves a violation of the Vienna Convention, which is the International Law governing diplomacy: the US A3 visa violates international law.

    The arrest and search was done, moreover, in total breach of diplomatic protocol, while the state department officials actually enabled obstruction of the judiciary in India and  violation of local tax laws.

    Final point. The comments on the post suggest that Khobragade saw her children as American and were trying to return, come what may. This suggestion has shown up repeatedly in comments on the story online.

    But it has no basis in fact that I can find.

    Instead, this is what is being reported about her plans, in India:

    “Asked about her daughter Devyani’s priority to bring back her two children to India, he said that they will be back next month.

    We will have to get their admissions done in a Delhi school to continue their education,” said Khobragade, who had served as general manager with BEST.”

    Note: Daily Kos is the site started by Markos Moulitsas, who is alleged to have CIA-connections.

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  • US School In India With US Prices Pays No Indian Tax

    January 16, 2014 // 0 Comments

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    Indian government sources told this writer thus: “Tax evasion from a school (read AES) which is charging so much from the students is a willful deceit of Indian laws.”

    The American Embassy School must be among the most expensive schools in the country where lots of rich Indians send their wards to in the hope of securing a better future for them in the US years later. See the AES fee structure. A pre-Kindergarten child is charged $10,310 annually in tuition fee, a Grade 6-8 student is charged $21,690 annually and a grade 11-12 student is charged $22,390. This is only tuition fees. There are other fees like the application fee of $300 (which is non-refundable), a registration fee (KG-Grade 12) of $11,110, registration fee (pre-K) of $ 5,110 and English as an additional language (EAL) support fee of $ 2500. Then there is a lunch fee of $550. Over and above all this, there is a bus fee too which ranges from $1,170 to 1,800, depending on the distance.

    Sources have told this writer that what has stumped the Americans is that many of their diplomats have their spouses working in the American School or elsewhere but they have not been putting these incomes on record. Moreover, when the AES started, the Indian government had given certain leverages and concessions to the Americans, including exempting the school and a particular number of its faculty members from income tax. The problem is that the Americans have unilaterally elongated the tax-exemption list sizably. There are many staffers in the US embassy in New Delhi, mostly Americans, who have been evading taxes as per Indian laws for years for the simple reason that Indian government has been turning a blind eye to this malpractice. However, the Devyani episode has forced India to call the Americans’ bluff.

    The Americans were at the wrong end of the stick several years ago when the American School in Mumbai was found to be indulging in the same malpractices and as a result of the intervention of the Bombay High Court the Americans were made to shell out huge money (with arrears) to India. The current scenario looks the same.

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  • Little Sisters Forced To Pay For Obamacare

    January 16, 2014 // 0 Comments

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    Obama versus the Little Sisters of the Poor:

    “The Little Sisters of the Poor are an order of Roman Catholic nuns who have taken vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. They operate nursing homes for those who cannot afford them and employ more than 50 persons. The sisters have objected to the requirement that they must pay for health insurance coverage that provides for birth control, as those payments directly violate Catholic teachings and beliefs.

    In a pluralistic society, one would expect that the government would accommodate the sisters. In a free society in which everyone who works for the government takes an oath to uphold the Constitution, the feds have a legal obligation to accommodate them. In a political society in which many Catholics are Democrats who elected the Congress that gave us Obamacare, one would expect an accommodation. But we expect in vain, as the federal government has resisted the sisters mightily and asked the courts to turn down their pleas.”

    The only point is this is true for everyone.

    All those of us who oppose aggressive wars are forced to pay taxes to support the killing of strangers we have nothing against. Or we’re forced to support so-called NGO’s working hand in hand with an army of spies to destabilize and defraud the countries from which some of us emigrated.

    Maybe the Little Sisters should take up some foreign policy activism, while some foreign diplomats can stand up for the Little Sisters.

    Then we might really get some where….

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  • USG Circulars Advise Fraud In Schools In India

    January 16, 2014 // 0 Comments

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    DNA India.com describes the extent of institutionalized fraud in American Schools in India (i.e. tax fraud on India by US citizens OFFICIALLY ENCOURAGED)

    “The sprawling school, located next to the US Embassy on American government-owned land, has about 1500 students on its rolls, nearly 500 of whom are from the US. The remaining students are from several other countries, including some locals.

    Government sources said that they have information that several teachers of the school are working “illegally”, in violation of visas granted to them. Moreover, it is in violation of tax laws.

    Government views these violations seriously and is likely to initiate action in this regard, the sources said.

    India, in 1973, had granted to 16 teachers of the school the “tax exempted status”. However, as per information available with government, there were many more teachers who were working but not shown as such.

    Meanwhile, a report in New York Times says that a handout for new teachers at the school has offered “some unusual guidance” to female teachers whose husbands will also be teaching at the school.

    Instructing female spouses to list their occupation on visa applications as “housewife”, the handouts state that they should not mention that they would be working.

    Indian officials regard this advice as illegal.

    As per the news report, the handout notes that India has placed restrictions on the number of tax-free visas available to school employees. “So, if you are a teaching couple,” the handout says, “we usually have the male spouse apply for the ‘employment’ visa and the female spouse be noted as ‘housewife’ on the visa application.”

    The report said that Paul Chmelik , the school’s administrator had refused to comment on the visa issue.

    The issues pertaining to the school are among those raised by the Ministry of External Affairs with the US government through a diplomatic note and figured in the discussions between US Deputy Secretary of State William J Burns and new Indian Ambassador to the US S Jaishankar in Washington two days ago.

    “Deputy Secretary Burns conveyed that we take their concerns very seriously and will continue to address them via appropriate diplomatic channels,” the US State Department said in a statement later.

    India initiated a slew of initiatives in retaliation to the arrest and strip-search of its senior diplomat Devyani Khobragade, a 39-year-old 1999-batch IFS officer, on December 12 in New York on charges of visa fraud.

    When contacted, the Spokesperson in MEA said, “we are aware of these reports (handouts). These are very serious issues and we will very carefully examine them.” India has been demanding withdrawal of charges against Khobragade, who was indicted by a jury in New York hours before she left that country after getting full diplomatic immunity.

    Apart from downgrading the privileges enjoyed by the US diplomats and their families, India also sought details about staff in American schools in the country for possible tax violations. It has also asked the Embassy to “discontinue” commercial activities undertaken by the American Community Support Association (ACSA) from its premises from today.

    With India deciding to enforce strict reciprocity about the privileges enjoyed by American diplomats posted in the country, the government has already withdrawn extra privileges enjoyed by them such as airport passes which gave them special access at Indian airports.”

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  • Police States: US Vs. Korea

    January 16, 2014 // 0 Comments

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    Will Grigg, writing about the police killing of an unarmed homeless man with mental problems says North Korean police are better:

    “Two days ago, a jury in Orange County, acquitted the two police officers who led the fatal gang-beating of Thomas, an unarmed, mentally troubled homeless man. The jurors acted on the assumption that the lethal violence was justified because the victim tried to defend himself after the police began their assault.

    “American police taught to treat any act of non-compliance as “resisting arrest,” a supposed offense that justifies the use of pain compliance and – in cases like that of Kelly Thomas – lethal force, if it is necessary to subdue the victim. In fact, most police who go “hands-on” with a victim will pre-emptively shout “Stop resisting!” even when no resistance is offered. Any incidental contact with the sanctified person of a police officer is treated as criminal battery or even aggravated assault.”


    “Often now when North Koreans are challenged for infringing a certain law, as long as the offense is not political, they won’t hesitate to protest if they believe the law to be irrational,” explains Jiro Isimaru, the Japanese journalist who organized the underground videographer network. This is in stark contrast with the common perception that North Koreans have been “brainwashed” into docile conformity and reflexive submission.

    That isn’t true, apparently, of a growing segment of the population suffering under Communist rule in North Korea. It is emphatically true, tragically, of too many citizens of the purported Land of the Free.”

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  • World Diplomats See US As Bully

    January 15, 2014 // 0 Comments

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    As I’ve felt for a while, no “activists” or “whistle-blowers” here are going to change anything.

    There are only two things that will stop the increasing recklessness of US policy, whether in its quantitative easing policies or in its imperial overreach.

    The first is economic reality.….which  can be postponed only so far.
    The other is the Rest Of the World…..if it can get off its knees.

    The Telegraph, Calcutta, reports:

    “The vicarious pleasure that the foreign diplomatic community living in the United States of America has drawn from Washington being outwitted by a Third World country on its own terrain is a startling indication of how deeply foreign governments — even some close allies of the United States of America — resent American bullying. But very often they are helpless and unable to do anything about it. That India stood up to Uncle Sam is something many of these diplomats would like to emulate. Unfortunately, even as they daily face from the American bureaucracy the kind of treatment that the Indian deputy consul-general in New York faced — albeit in lesser and varying degrees — they are made to suffer in silence more by their own political bosses back at headquarters, who like to be more American than the Americans themselves.

    Manmohan Singh is not the only head of a foreign government to have claimed in public, in the White House Oval Office, and to the eternal discomfiture of his aides (to which I was witness), that the people of India love George W. Bush. I was once at a Central European embassy in Washington, whose diplomats were being treated like dirt in that city even as the Americans were demanding and getting whatever they wanted from that country in return. That country’s prime minister was visiting the US and the occasion was its ambassador’s reception for him.”

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  • NSA Monitors Computers Not Connected To Net

    January 15, 2014 // 0 Comments

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    UPDATE: So when the maid “Sangeeta Richard” was gifted an I-Phone by Dr. Devyani and got to use her computer, all she needed to do was to use the software to emit radio-waves that could sus out computers not even connected to the net. Her connection to Wayne May suggest where she could have acquired the software and suggest also why he was so hasty in spiriting her out of the country.


    The National Security Agency has implanted software in nearly 100,000 computers around the world - but not in the United States - that allows the U.S. to conduct surveillance on those machines, The New York Times reported Tuesday.

    The Times cited NSA documents, computer experts and U.S. officials in its report about the use of secret technology using radio waves to gain access to computers that other countries have tried to protect from spying or cyberattacks.

    The agency has planted most of the software through getting access to computer networks, but has also used a secret technology that allows it entry even to computers not connected to the Internet, the Times said, citing U.S. officials, computer experts and documents leaked by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden.

    The software network could also create a digital highway for launching cyberattacks.

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