Dani ubijanja - Prijedor - Al Jazeera Balkans
U dokumentarnom filmu Al Jazeere Balkans "Dani ubijanja - Prijedor" gledaoci imaju priliku...
published: 31 May 2013
author: AJBalkans
Dani ubijanja - Prijedor - Al Jazeera Balkans
Dani ubijanja - Prijedor - Al Jazeera Balkans
U dokumentarnom filmu Al Jazeere Balkans "Dani ubijanja - Prijedor" gledaoci imaju priliku prvi put vidjeti televizijske snimke Službe javne bezbjednosti Pri...- published: 31 May 2013
- views: 35150
- author: AJBalkans
Prijedor 1992 Početak rata
STRICTLY UNPOLITICAL VIDEO.please DO NOT post any abusive / insulting , ultra nationalisti...
published: 30 Apr 2013
author: 90sWarVideos
Prijedor 1992 Početak rata
Prijedor 1992 Početak rata
STRICTLY UNPOLITICAL VIDEO.please DO NOT post any abusive / insulting , ultra nationalistic or neo nazi comments. NEPOLITIČKI VIDEO. Molim vas NE POSTAVLJAJT...- published: 30 Apr 2013
- views: 684
- author: 90sWarVideos
Prijedor nakon rata
BIRN BiH i OUTREACH ured ICTY predstavlja dokumentarni program o životu u Prijedoru danas ...
published: 17 Dec 2013
Prijedor nakon rata
Prijedor nakon rata
BIRN BiH i OUTREACH ured ICTY predstavlja dokumentarni program o životu u Prijedoru danas i zločinima počinjenim na području ove opštine 1992. -- 1995. godine.- published: 17 Dec 2013
- views: 44
Prijedor 1992 - Naoružavanje
STRICTLY UNPOLITICAL VIDEO.please DO NOT post any abusive / insulting , ultra nationalisti...
published: 30 Apr 2013
author: 90sWarVideos
Prijedor 1992 - Naoružavanje
Prijedor 1992 - Naoružavanje
STRICTLY UNPOLITICAL VIDEO.please DO NOT post any abusive / insulting , ultra nationalistic or neo nazi comments. NEPOLITIČKI VIDEO. Molim vas NE POSTAVLJAJT...- published: 30 Apr 2013
- views: 309
- author: 90sWarVideos
Crimes before the ICTY: Prijedor
On 6th of August 1992, British journalists from ITN and Guardian unveiled to the world the...
published: 04 Jul 2013
author: ICTYtv
Crimes before the ICTY: Prijedor
Crimes before the ICTY: Prijedor
On 6th of August 1992, British journalists from ITN and Guardian unveiled to the world the existence of camps for non-Serb civilians in the area of Prijedor ...- published: 04 Jul 2013
- views: 1266
- author: ICTYtv
Sanski Most - Prijedor 2012
Driving from Sanski Most to Prijedor in summer 2012. Recorded with GoPro HD Hero 2....
published: 29 Jul 2012
author: Herbie1337
Sanski Most - Prijedor 2012
Sanski Most - Prijedor 2012
Driving from Sanski Most to Prijedor in summer 2012. Recorded with GoPro HD Hero 2.- published: 29 Jul 2012
- views: 4927
- author: Herbie1337
Prijedorski zlatni djecaci (Prijedor 70s)
Prijedor 70-tih......
published: 21 Apr 2012
author: Samir67pd .
Prijedorski zlatni djecaci (Prijedor 70s)
Prijedorski zlatni djecaci (Prijedor 70s)
Prijedor 70-tih...- published: 21 Apr 2012
- views: 1422
- author: Samir67pd .
Policijska brutalnost, upad u stan bez sudskog naloga, nezakonito lišavanje slobode, Prijedor, Bosna
KOMPLETNO: https://plus.google.com/b/100531004835897593564/100531004835897593564
1. 9:40 ...
published: 29 Oct 2013
Policijska brutalnost, upad u stan bez sudskog naloga, nezakonito lišavanje slobode, Prijedor, Bosna
Policijska brutalnost, upad u stan bez sudskog naloga, nezakonito lišavanje slobode, Prijedor, Bosna
KOMPLETNO: https://plus.google.com/b/100531004835897593564/100531004835897593564 1. 9:40 AM, three policeman in Prijedor, Bosnia, enter the apartment without warrant. Mr. Egić Igor, Mr. Mačković Dalibor and unknown apprentice of police station Prijedor, Bosnia and Herzegovina. 29th October 2013. 1. 9:40 AM, tri policajca ulaze u stan u Prijedoru, bez sudskog naloga, gosp. Egić Igor, Mačković Dalibor i nepoznati pomoćnik kao treća osoba, iz policijske stanice Prijedor, Bosna i Hercegovina. 29. oktobar 2013. 2. They are politely directed to go outside of the apartment. 2. Ljubazno su obaviješteni da izađu iz stana. 3. I am going to pick my ID and going out, closing the door behind me. 3. Uzimam ličnu kartu, izlazim ispred stana, zatvaram vrata iza sebe. 4. According to the law on police, arbitrary identification of persons is forbidden, without just cause. 4. Po zakonu o policiji, nasumično legitimisanje je zabranjeno, bez opravdanja po zakonu. 5. According the the law, policeman has duty to identify himself with the police ID prior to commencing an action (unless violence is in question). 5. Po zakonu o policiji, policajac ima obavezu da se legitimiše prije neke akcije ili sile koju obavlja nad građanima. 6. I have given my ID, and I am asking policemen, what was the reason of that identification? They are silent and not giving any answer. I am asking to know their names and to identify themselves, they refuse to identify themselves and refuse to tell me their names. 6. Dao sam im ličnu kartu, pa pitam policajce šta je razlog legitimisanja, odbijaju da mi kažu, kad ih pitam da se legitimišu, odbijaju da se legitimišu. 7. I am going back to the apartment and taking my phone, opening up a camera and trying to make again same questions: what is the reason for identification and about their identification. 7. Ulazim u stan, uzimam telefon i pokrećem kameru, snimam sa kućnog praga i postavljam im pitanje da mi kažu šta je razlog za legitimisanje i da se predstave po zakonu. 8. An unknown policeman is telling me that the reason for this unlawful identification is that I am to them suspicious and unknown. He refuses to tell me why would I be suspicious. 8. Policajac mi govori da je razlog za legitimisanje što sam im sumnjiv i nepoznat. Odbija da mi kaže zašto bih bio sumnjiv. 9. I have left my camera and phone back home, and I am going to meeting, locking my door, and going to the meeting I had with the notary. 9. Ostavljam kameru i telefon u kući, zaključavam vrata i izlazim napolje. 10. Policemen is asking me how to go to the first floor and I am directing them to the stairs on another side of the house. 10. Policija me pita kako da idu na prvi sprat, pokazujem im gdje se nalaze stepenice na drugom kraju kuće. 11. Another policeman having uniform, is asking me to stop. I stopped. I asked him "Am I arrested?" He said "NO". I have said, then leave me to go. He said, no you cannot go. I have asked him again "Am I arrested?" He said "NO". But I am ordering you to stop going. I have not moved from my place during the conversation. 11. Drugi policajac u uniformi, traži od mene da stanem, ja stajem. Pitam ga "Jesam li uhapšen?", kaže "Nisi". Rekao sam da me pusti ako nisam uhapšten. Rekao je da ne mogu da idem. Ja ga pitam opet "Jesam li uhapšen", kaže "Nisi". Ali, on mi daje naredbu da stanem. Ja se ionako nisam pomjerio sa mjesta tokom konverzacije. 12. Policeman is asking me where is my phone and camera, I said, the phone is inside of the house. They said, I am now allowed to film them, and in general they asked for the phone. 12. Policija me pita gdje mi je telefon sa kamerom, rekao sam da je u kući. Rekli su da nemam prava da ih snimam i tražili su telefon. 13. After they concluded they don't have access to the phone, the uniformed policeman Mr. Mačković Dalibor, police station, Prijedor, Bosnia, is grabbing me with force for the hand, and is arresting me. I am asking him what is the reason of arrest, he refuses to answer me. They put handcuffs on me. I am not giving any force nor refusing to be arrested. At 9:55 AM. 13. Nakon što su utvrdili da nemaju pristupa mom telefonu, uniformisani policajac me hvata grubo za ruku, pa me hapsi. Pitam ga šta je razlog tom hapšenju, on odbija da mi kaže. Stavljaju mi i pritežu mi lisice. Ne opirem se hapšenju. To je u 9:55 ujutro. CONTINUE READING: https://plus.google.com/b/100531004835897593564/100531004835897593564- published: 29 Oct 2013
- views: 49
Youtube results:
Parkour Prijedor
Showreel parkour tima iz pd Free Skill Videos Kamera i montaza: Boris Predic....
published: 07 Nov 2012
author: nerosine9
Parkour Prijedor
Parkour Prijedor
Showreel parkour tima iz pd Free Skill Videos Kamera i montaza: Boris Predic.- published: 07 Nov 2012
- views: 2909
- author: nerosine9
Prijedor - Kozarac (Serb held concentration camps 1992)
As non-Serbs were attacked in the villages and Prijedor town, hundreds, possibly thousands...
published: 02 Oct 2011
author: BosniaFacts
Prijedor - Kozarac (Serb held concentration camps 1992)
Prijedor - Kozarac (Serb held concentration camps 1992)
As non-Serbs were attacked in the villages and Prijedor town, hundreds, possibly thousands, were killed in their home areas, frequently after maltreatment. T...- published: 02 Oct 2011
- views: 6052
- author: BosniaFacts