- published: 19 Jun 2024
- views: 590
Ljig (Serbian Cyrillic: Љиг) is a town of 3,219 inhabitants in central Serbia. It is surrounded by a municipality of the same name, which has a total of 12,730 inhabitants.
Ljig is an underdeveloped region of Serbia, surrounded by Mount Rajac and Mount Rudnik. It was struck by an earthquake in 2003 and a drought in 2004.
The town of Ljig is the economic and cultural center of the municipality with a primary school founded in 1907, a high school, a public library with a cinema, a health center and a post office.
The other settlements of Ljig municipality are Ivanovci, Kozelj, Lalinci, Veliševac, Babajić, Ba, Kadina Luka, Kalanjevci, Jajčić, Liplje, Moravci, Stavica, Gukoš, Milavac, Brančić, Poljanice, Latković, Slavkovica, Paležnica, Belanovica, Bošnjanović, Donji Banjani, Dići, Cvetanovac, Živkovci and Šutci.
The recorded history of the Ljig settlement begins in 1911, when a railroad was built between Lajkovac and Gornji Milanovac. The ruins of the Vavedenje monastery, however, include impressive sarcophagi dating from the 15th century, believed to belong to the Serbian despots Stefan Branković and Đurađ Branković. According to legend, Djuradj's wife, Jerina, was buried there as well.
Posetite naš novi kanal Balkan na Dlanu ➡️ https://bit.ly/BalkanNaDlanu ⬅️ gde možete naći zanimljive klipove iz naših emisija. 🌎 Balkan Trip predstavlja potpuno nov osvrt na sve što bi moglo da interesuje jednog turistu u potrazi za idealnim mestom za odmor ili avanturu u regionu. Balkan Trip je najveći izvor informacija iz sveta regionalnog turizma Balkana, pokrivajući vesti i objave od tek otkrivenih etno odmarališta i porodičnih domaćinstava, pa do luksuznih spa centara i elitnih hotela sa renomeom. Ovo je kanal namenjem svetskim putnicima, planinarima, avanturistima, gurmanima i svim ljubiteljima prirode i ugostiteljstva. Ovo je prvi pravi turistički kanal zbog koga ćete zavoleti vazduh, ljude i prizore Balkana i poželeti da spakujete kofere za putovanje! #BalkanTrip ❣ Naše emi...
Program naše televizije možete pratiti na poziciji 126 u okviru Osnovnog paketa mts TV! "AgroTV" - jedini televizijski kanal u Srbiji posvećen poljoprivredi 365 dana u godini. agrotv.net
Program naše televizije možete pratiti na poziciji 126 u okviru Osnovnog paketa mts TV! "AgroTV" - jedini televizijski kanal u Srbiji posvećen poljoprivredi 365 dana u godini. agrotv.net
Emisija „Moja lepa Srbija“ emituje se već 9 godina na RTS-u. Emisija je aktuelno dokumentarnog tipa i bavi se predstavljanjem opština i gradova širom Srbije.
Kako je gazdinstvo porodice Sredojević iz okoline Ljiga postalo turistički biser tog dela naše zemlje? Sagovornici: Vukosav Sredojević – Ljig Dušanka Sredojević - Ljig * Produkcijska kuća "Atlas media group" je osnovana 1999. godine u Beogradu i okupila je grupu iskusnih televizijskih stvaralaca. Specijalizovani smo za proizvodnju informativnih TV programa makroekonomske sadržine. Atlas media group poseduje studijsku i terensku opremu najnovije tehnološke generacije koja omogućava potpuno autonomnu produkciju TV sadržaja. http://www.emisijafarma.rs/ Instagram: made.in.srbija Facebook: Farma emisija o poljoprivredi * Zabranjeno je kopiranje video snimaka i postavljanje na druge kanale. *
Snimci naravno nisu autentični od pre 100 godina, ali pošto se u Ljigu ništa ne menja, moguće je da će za 100 godina Ljig izgledati isto ovako. Autor: Aleksandar Đukić Sajt kanala: https://limuntus.com/ Umetnička Republika Limuntus/Уметничка Република Лимунтус
Novinar : Ljupka Vujičić Snimatelj i Montažer : Ivan Ćertić Produkcijska kuca : KISS FM Media
Program naše televizije možete pratiti na poziciji 126 u okviru Osnovnog paketa mts TV! "AgroTV" - jedini televizijski kanal u Srbiji posvećen poljoprivredi 365 dana u godini. agrotv.net
Ljig (Serbian Cyrillic: Љиг) is a town of 3,219 inhabitants in central Serbia. It is surrounded by a municipality of the same name, which has a total of 12,730 inhabitants.
Ljig is an underdeveloped region of Serbia, surrounded by Mount Rajac and Mount Rudnik. It was struck by an earthquake in 2003 and a drought in 2004.
The town of Ljig is the economic and cultural center of the municipality with a primary school founded in 1907, a high school, a public library with a cinema, a health center and a post office.
The other settlements of Ljig municipality are Ivanovci, Kozelj, Lalinci, Veliševac, Babajić, Ba, Kadina Luka, Kalanjevci, Jajčić, Liplje, Moravci, Stavica, Gukoš, Milavac, Brančić, Poljanice, Latković, Slavkovica, Paležnica, Belanovica, Bošnjanović, Donji Banjani, Dići, Cvetanovac, Živkovci and Šutci.
The recorded history of the Ljig settlement begins in 1911, when a railroad was built between Lajkovac and Gornji Milanovac. The ruins of the Vavedenje monastery, however, include impressive sarcophagi dating from the 15th century, believed to belong to the Serbian despots Stefan Branković and Đurađ Branković. According to legend, Djuradj's wife, Jerina, was buried there as well.
Must have been the devil who changed my mind
Must have been the wind blowing not me crying
Half the joy of icaving was the space I left behind
Now I'm back, angelheaded holloweyed
Placed myself at the eye of the storm
Just didn't see the signpost to scorn
The blue sky wrinkled through my tears
Them darkness grounded all my fears
I gave him my sugar; he switched it for salt
Should have seem him coming that's always my fault
Rocks for my pillow and sand for my bed
For better or worse I left him for dead
But two rivers to each other run
Words that shook me like the kick of a gun
Had something in my heart ain't got no name
Turned out he left the same
Ain't it lonesome, ain't it sad
I was the only happiness he ever had
By indian river the vows were said
In a red devil's dress I was wed
Cat cat bone, cat cat cat bone x8
Bitch baby round lady
Came to me in a dream
Them lightning struck and thunder roared
And nothing was as it seemed
A two-headed doctor walked on the water
And buried a lemon outside my door
He turned and laughed, threw up his hands
When I asked him what it was for
He sang 'ships in the ocean rocks in the sea
Blond-headed woman made a fool outta me'
Them everything went crazy
My shoes filled with blood
The water rose the wind did howl
The river looked ready to flood
I left my man asleep to drown
And ran without looking back around
Ring the bells of mercy
Send the sinnerman home
The keys to the kingdom are lost and gone
And I'm left to die alone
All these irls grown old now
All that long hair in the grave
Realize what's done is done
It's far too late to be saved
Yeah cat cat cat x3