Lucy, the Daughter of the Devil is an American computer-animated television series aired by the Adult Swim programming block of Cartoon Network. It was written and directed by Loren Bouchard, produced by Bouchard, Seth and Josh Piezas, and animated by Fluid Animation. It starred Melissa Bardin Galsky as Lucy, the daughter of the Devil, who is voiced by H. Jon Benjamin.
The pilot episode "He's Not the Messiah, He's a DJ" first aired on October 30, 2005. After nearly 2 years and a number of re-airings, the show was picked up for a full season, which premiered on September 9, 2007.
Some changes were made between the pilot and the full series. The voice of Lucy was changed from Jessi Klein to Melissa Bardin Galsky; the third Special Father character, a black man missing an eye, was discarded and replaced with the Special Sister; and the cover of "Maneater" used as opening music was replaced for rebroadcasts.
The show follows the titular 21-year-old Lucy, who lives in San Francisco and has been ordained by her father, the devil, to fulfill her destiny as the Antichrist, whether she likes it or not. Along the way she meets up with a DJ — Jesús — who turns out to be the second coming of the messiah and the two begin dating from the first episode after Lucy saves him from a fire created by her father to kill him.
"DOTD" may refer to:
In popular culture, "DOTD" may refer to:
"30 Minut (30 Minutes)"
Zarevet ubezhat
Ili dver na zamok
I molchat I lezhat
Izuchat potolok
I mechtat ne kad vse
Tselovat nebesa
Potolok karusel
Polchasa polchasa
Polchasa poezda pod otkos
Palchasa ne tvoya polosa
Palchasa, palchasa v ne vopros
Ne otvet polchasa, polchasa
Polchasa bez tebya, polchasa
Polchasa on I ya, polchasa
Kazhdyi sam, kazhdyi sam Polchasa
po svoim adresam Polchasa
Sorvalas I kak vse
Kak vo sne
Ya ni ya
Ne moya karusel
I mechta ne moya
Ili dym, ili grust
Ili dozhd, po glazam
Ya vernus, ya vernus
Polachasa, polchasa
Polchasa poezda pod otkos
Palchasa ne tvoya polosa
Palchasa, palchasa v ne vopros
Ne otvet polchasa, polchasa
Polchasa bez tebya, polchasa
Polchasa on I ya, polchasa
Kazhdyi sam, kazhdyi sam Polchasa
po svoim adresam
Lucy, the Daughter of the Devil is an American computer-animated television series aired by the Adult Swim programming block of Cartoon Network. It was written and directed by Loren Bouchard, produced by Bouchard, Seth and Josh Piezas, and animated by Fluid Animation. It starred Melissa Bardin Galsky as Lucy, the daughter of the Devil, who is voiced by H. Jon Benjamin.
The pilot episode "He's Not the Messiah, He's a DJ" first aired on October 30, 2005. After nearly 2 years and a number of re-airings, the show was picked up for a full season, which premiered on September 9, 2007.
Some changes were made between the pilot and the full series. The voice of Lucy was changed from Jessi Klein to Melissa Bardin Galsky; the third Special Father character, a black man missing an eye, was discarded and replaced with the Special Sister; and the cover of "Maneater" used as opening music was replaced for rebroadcasts.
The show follows the titular 21-year-old Lucy, who lives in San Francisco and has been ordained by her father, the devil, to fulfill her destiny as the Antichrist, whether she likes it or not. Along the way she meets up with a DJ — Jesús — who turns out to be the second coming of the messiah and the two begin dating from the first episode after Lucy saves him from a fire created by her father to kill him.
Yahoo Daily News | 18 Sep 2018 | 18 Sep 2018 | 19 Sep 2018 | 18 Sep 2018 | 19 Sep 2018
Independent online (SA) | 18 Sep 2018 | 18 Sep 2018
The Independent | 18 Sep 2018 | 19 Sep 2018 | 19 Sep 2018