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Thankyou for applying for membership to A Gender Agenda.
We do request that you provide us with accurate information here, as we need it for our records. The information you provide here is considered private and confidential, and will only be visible to you, and our administrators.

If you are applying for an organisational membership, please put down the first and last name of the primary contact at your organisation.
* This Field is required This Field IS NOT visible on profile Information for: First Name : Please enter your real first name.
* This Field is required This Field IS NOT visible on profile Information for: Last Name : Please enter your real last name.
* This Field is required This Field IS visible on profile Information for: Email : Please enter a valid e-mail address. A confirmation email will be sent to this address upon registration.
* This Field is required This Field IS visible on profile Information for: Username : Please enter a valid username.  No spaces, at least 3 characters and contain 0-9,a-z,A-Z
* This Field is required This Field IS NOT visible on profile Information for: Password : Please enter a valid password.  No spaces, at least 6 characters and contain lower and upper-case letters, numbers and special signs
* This Field is required This Field IS NOT visible on profile Information for: Verify Password : Please enter a valid password.  No spaces, at least 6 characters and contain lower and upper-case letters, numbers and special signs
This Field IS visible on profile Information for: Company : <p>This feild is mandatory for organisational memberships.</p>
* This Field is required This Field IS visible on profile
* This Field is required This Field IS visible on profile
* This Field is required This Field IS visible on profile
* This Field is required This Field IS visible on profile Information for: Zip Code : <p>"Postcode" here in oz. Silly American software!</p>
* This Field is required This Field IS visible on profile Information for: Country : <p>This website is for Australian users.</p>
This Field IS visible on profile
This Field IS visible on profile
This Field IS visible on profile Information for: Email Lists : <p>Which A Gender Agenda Email Lists would you like to join?</p>
This Field IS NOT visible on profile Information for: Additional Information or Requests? : <p>Comments, information, requests. Anything at all you feel we need to know. :)</p>

Thankyou! As soon as we have received payment, and you have confirmed your email address, we will approve your membership.
* This Field is required Required field | This Field IS visible on profile Field visible on your profile | This Field IS NOT visible on profile Field not visible on profile | Information for: ? : Field description: Move mouse over icon Information: Point mouse to icon
Community Space
We are currently trying to raise enough money to pay for a years rent on a space for our meetings, workshops and library. Even the smallest donations add up. Please help us!
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donation thermometer
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