- published: 18 Apr 2015
- views: 2425
Njarðvík is a town in southwestern Iceland, on the peninsula of Reykjanes. As of 2009, its population was 4,400.
In 1995 it merged with the town of Keflavík and the village of Hafnir to form the new municipality of Reykjanesbær.
Njarðvík is located in the Reykjanes region of Reykjavík, adjacent to Keflavík. It consists of two parts: Innri Njarðvík and Ytri Njarðvík (inner and outer Njarðvík). In the old town is the Njarðvíkurkirkja Innri, a stone church built in 1886.
Media related to Njarðvík at Wikimedia Commons
Troðsla Stefan Bonneau : KR - Njarðvík
Ástþór Óðinn - Njarðvík
Njarðvík Valur 1981 82 (Danny Shouse)
KR - Njarðvík
Njarðvík og Fram 1982 Brot
Orkumótið vestmannaeyjum Njarðvík hópur 1 dagur 1
Njarðvík - Grindavík
Njarðvík - KR
Fjölnir - Njarðvík
Njarðvík KR
Leikur 5 úr einvígi KR og Njarðvíkur sem sýndur var á Stöð 2 Sport 17. apríl 2015. Stefan Bonneau hefur heillað marga með frammistöðu sinni með liði Njarðvíkur í vetur en hann kórónóaði stórkostlegt tímabil með því að skora 52 stig í tapleiknum gegn KR í kvöld. Bonneau er ekki hár í loftinu miðað við marga körfuboltamenn en getur troðið með tilþrifum eins og hann sýndi í öðrum leikhluta oddaleiksins í DHL-höllinni í kvöld. Stoðsendinguna átti Logi Gunnarsson. „Þetta snýst bara um augnsamband. Við Logi þekkjumst orðið svo vel,“ sagði Bonneau í viðtali við Svala Björgvinsson á Stöð 2 Sport eftir leikinn í kvöld. Þrátt fyrir stigin 52 frá Bonneau dugði það ekki til í leiknum í kvöld. KR vann eftir tvöfalda framlengingu og mætir Tindastóli í lokaúrslitunum. Fyrsti leikurinn er á mánudagskvöld...
Jöfnunarkarfa í 4. leik Njarðvíkur og KR sem að koastaði framlengingu sem að KR vann síðan. The basket that tied the game between KR and Njarðvík game in the Iceland Express league and forced overtime which KR won.
Orkumótið vestmannaeyjum Njarðvík hópur 1 dagur 1
Njarðvík 1 - 4 Grindavík Æfingaleikur 24. nóvember 2016 Arnar Helgi Magnússon skoraði mark Njarðvíkur.
DashCam video of Njardvik. This provides you with the ability to virtually drive in Iceland. This video takes you on a 5km drive from around Njardvik and to the Viking World Museum located there. Interesting Sections: - Commentary on Video 00:05 - Turn Off to Njardvik off Reykjanesbraut 00:46 - Commentary on a Lookout of interest 01:20 - Turning right towards Lookout 1:45 - Back on track from Lookout 02:51 - Commentary on the public school 03:15 - Free ranging kids at play!! 04:27 - Commentary on Church with Photos 05:45 - Viking Sword Round About! Yes it's made of stone. 11:10 - Commentary on Viking World Museum and arrival 11:47 - Arrival and photos 12:51
http://hotelzbox.com/18114907 Best Prices Guesthouse Borg-Njardvik Set on a sheep farm, this northern Borgarfjördur Eystri Fjord property is peacefully situated 6 km from the coastal town of Bakkagerdi. It offers free Wi-Fi, a communal kitchen and TV lounge. Latitude 65.5752146356685, Longitude -13.8945078849792, zip 720, County Iceland, City Bakkagerdi, Address Borg Njardvík
Map of Iceland - Iceland Trip (HD), Iceland Tours https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vRUNWjbxt0 Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube List of cities and towns in Iceland This is a list of cities and towns in Iceland. Some of Iceland’s larger cities and towns are also self-contained municipalities whose geography and populations are therefore equal. However, most of Iceland’s municipalities, which are semi-autonomous administrative zones, contain several disparate towns or cities, each of whose population contributes to that of its respective municipality. In addition to Iceland's many independent towns, this article includes cities and towns whose municipalities consist of one, self-contained city of the same name, such as Haf...
Reykjanesbær is a municipality on the Southern Peninsula in Iceland. It is made up of the towns Keflavík, Njarðvík, the village of Hafnir and, since 2006, Ásbrú. The municipality was created in 1994 when the inhabitants of the three towns voted to merge them into one. Reykjanesbær is the fifth largest municipality in Iceland, with 15,379 citizens. Of the three towns which make up the municipality, Keflavík is the largest, while Hafnir is the smallest and some 10 kilometers distant. Keflavík and Njarðvík were originally distinct towns but gradually grew together over the course of the latter half of the 20th century, until the only thing separating them was a single street. The northern side of the street belonged to Keflavík and the southern side to Njarðvík. Since May 2009 the township of...
HOMEPAGE: http://www.mpiphoto.dk/ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/madspeteriversen_photography/ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/FotografMadsPeterIversen/ 500PX: https://500px.com/madspeteriversen Dyrholaey is a promontory or small peninsula located 19km from Vik in southern Iceland. Just follow the ring road towards Reykjavik for 12,5km. Make a turn into the road 218, where there’s also a sign pointing towards Dyrholaey. Just follow that road until you’re on top of Dyrholaey. If you come from Reykjavik road 218 is located 21km from Skogafoss. On road 218 you’ll pass an area with low water, where there’s good opportunities for reflectionshots. From April to september you can also experience the iconic bird of Iceland, the Atlantic puffin in this location. Dyrholaey contains of tw...
Keflavik is a very important center of fishing, industrial and service. It is inhabited by about 10,000 people. In 1996 the city was connected with the towns Njarðvík and hafnir and former US base Asbru in agglomerations Reykjanesbaer (over 14 thousand people). In the past, Keflavik served as commercial. Even in the sixteenth century, there was no shortage here of the English and German merchants, but after the introduction of the Danish monopoly in the seventeenth century, the city began to decline. After World War II the US military stationed here in the framework of NATO. After years of protests by the local population, the base was finally abolished September 30, 2006. On this day there was a solemn ceremony of exchange of flags on the mast of the US to Icelandic. The buildings of the...
Zwei kleine Wanderungen in der Umgebung von Bakkagerði (Island): - Durch farbenfrohe Hügel von Bakkagerði nach Brúnavik - In alpiner Kulisse zu den Felsen von Stóurð Und zu guter Letzt, zeigt der Abspann noch die Papageientaucher am Vogelfelsen Lundaskoðun (in der Bucht von Bakkagerði). Herzlichen Dank an Zero-Project.gr für die geniale Musik!