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Viewer's Choice 175 Rounds on 1 Gas Charge? Tokyo Marui MK23 GNBB - RedWolf Airsoft RWTV
Flight 175 (rare video)
Chris Gayle  175 in IPL vs PWI Uploaded by CM
Chris Gayle 175* Fastest Century!! - Gayle Storm Unleashed
Social 175 - Programa 35 - SEO com Fabio Ricotta e Frank Marcel (Agência Mestre)
Rebelde Way II - Episode 175
Chris Gayle Fastest Century!! - Ball by Ball
Jodha Akbar - Episode 175  - February 17, 2014 - Preview
Dakar rally 2013 Mongolia D.Boldbaatar #175
Jodha Akbar - Episode 175  - February 17, 2014 - Episode Recap
Social 175 - Programa 24 - Tema: Monitoramento em Mídias Sociais - Convidado: Diego Monteiro (Scup)


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Viewer's Choice 175 Rounds on 1 Gas Charge? Tokyo Marui MK23 GNBB - RedWolf Airsoft RWTV
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:41
  • Updated: 20 Feb 2014

Viewer's Choice 175 Rounds on 1 Gas Charge? Tokyo Marui MK23 GNBB - RedWolf Airsoft RWTV

Tim couldn't believe that the Tokyo Marui MK23 was never reviewed by RedWolf and so he was glad the the viewers wanted it reviewed! Tokyo Marui's MK23 Gas Non Blow Back Pistol has been around for the longest time and was Tim's first ever Gas pistol. It was popular back then and it still in demand now. Sure, it's a non blow back so the trigger pull is rather heavy but it is one of the quietest pistols you'll ever fire. A perfect side arm to a sniper or a scout. If there is anything you'd like reviewed, contact Tim on his Facebook page at Redwolf Tim or write it in the comments section below and who knows, your idea may be chosen for the next episode! Product Link:
  • published: 20 Feb 2014
  • views: 9339's Choice 175 Rounds on 1 Gas Charge? Tokyo Marui MK23 GNBB - RedWolf Airsoft RWTV
Flight 175 (rare video)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:19
  • Updated: 11 Sep 2013

Flight 175 (rare video) This video demonstrates how the news media faked the 9/11 terror plot...
  • published: 11 Sep 2013
  • views: 114806 175 (rare video)
Chris Gayle  175 in IPL vs PWI Uploaded by CM
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:17
  • Updated: 20 Aug 2013

Chris Gayle 175 in IPL vs PWI Uploaded by CM

Chris Gayle 175* Fastest Century!! - Gayle Storm Unleashed
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:05
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013

Chris Gayle 175* Fastest Century!! - Gayle Storm Unleashed

Chris Gayle set a new record for the fastest century in the history of professional cricket with an demolishing ton off just 30 balls for the Royal Challenge...
  • published: 23 Apr 2013
  • views: 677090
  • author: indiatimes Gayle 175* Fastest Century!! - Gayle Storm Unleashed
Social 175 - Programa 35 - SEO com Fabio Ricotta e Frank Marcel (Agência Mestre)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:18:31
  • Updated: 14 Feb 2014

Social 175 - Programa 35 - SEO com Fabio Ricotta e Frank Marcel (Agência Mestre)

PROGRAMA 35 Data: 13/02/2014 Tema: SEO Convidados: Fábio Ricotta e Frank Marcel (Agência Mestre) Apresentadores: Denis Zanini ( e Sandru Luís ( O Social 175 é um programa semanal de entrevistas com os maiores experts de marketing digital do Brasil. Em pauta, mídias sociais, SEO, monitoramento, links patrocinados, ebranding, netnografia, ecommerce, planejamento, design thinking, mobile marketing, big data, e muito mais. O programa é transmitido ao vivo, às quintas-feiras, às 21h, pelo Google Plus e pelo Youtube.
  • published: 14 Feb 2014
  • views: 0 175 - Programa 35 - SEO com Fabio Ricotta e Frank Marcel (Agência Mestre)
Rebelde Way II - Episode 175
  • Order:
  • Duration: 47:19
  • Updated: 16 Jun 2013

Rebelde Way II - Episode 175

Los verdaderos lazos y sentimientos que nos unen a los demás siempre prevalecen. Este es al caso de Lujan que regresa para estar con Marizza que pasa por un ...
  • published: 05 Aug 2012
  • views: 44560
  • author: rebelde Way II - Episode 175
Chris Gayle Fastest Century!! - Ball by Ball
  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:56
  • Updated: 20 Aug 2013

Chris Gayle Fastest Century!! - Ball by Ball

There are raging Twenty20 innings and there are ones like Chris Gayle played when he scored the fastest century ever in Cricket. Pune Warriors captain Aaron ...
  • published: 23 Apr 2013
  • views: 2055560
  • author: indiatimes Gayle Fastest Century!! - Ball by Ball
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:58:19
  • Updated: 07 Aug 2013


Featuring Mangel Rogel, Elvisa Yomastercard, Didi SraRockandroll, Sr. Cheeto, MaximusBlog, Rush Smith y Toni Emcee.É 175 DE 365: CONSULTORIO #NOCHEOBSCURA
Jodha Akbar - Episode 175  - February 17, 2014 - Preview
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:18
  • Updated: 14 Feb 2014

Jodha Akbar - Episode 175 - February 17, 2014 - Preview

Jodha Akbar is a sixteenth century love story about a political marriage of convenience saga between a Mughal emperor, Akbar, and a Rajput princess, Jodhaa. But much more then that it's the marriage of contrasts. Subscribe to the channel by clicking To watch more episodes from this show go to
  • published: 14 Feb 2014
  • views: 29765 Akbar - Episode 175 - February 17, 2014 - Preview
Dakar rally 2013 Mongolia D.Boldbaatar #175
  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:06
  • Updated: 10 Aug 2013

Dakar rally 2013 Mongolia D.Boldbaatar #175

Mongolia Dakar rally 2013 D.Boldbaatar #175 rally 2013 Mongolia D.Boldbaatar #175
Jodha Akbar - Episode 175  - February 17, 2014 - Episode Recap
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:52
  • Updated: 17 Feb 2014

Jodha Akbar - Episode 175 - February 17, 2014 - Episode Recap

Jodha Akbar is a sixteenth century love story about a political marriage of convenience saga between a Mughal emperor, Akbar, and a Rajput princess, Jodhaa. But much more then that it's the marriage of contrasts. Subscribe to the channel by clicking To watch more episodes from this show go to
  • published: 17 Feb 2014
  • views: 9867 Akbar - Episode 175 - February 17, 2014 - Episode Recap
Social 175 - Programa 24 - Tema: Monitoramento em Mídias Sociais - Convidado: Diego Monteiro (Scup)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:51:10
  • Updated: 09 Jul 2013

Social 175 - Programa 24 - Tema: Monitoramento em Mídias Sociais - Convidado: Diego Monteiro (Scup)

PROGRAMA 24 Data: 26/06/2013 Tema: Monitoramento em Mídias Sociais Convidado: Diego Monteiro Apresentadores: Denis Zanini (http://ynusitadomarketingdigital.c... 175 - Programa 24 - Tema: Monitoramento em Mídias Sociais - Convidado: Diego Monteiro (Scup)
Jodha Akbar Episode 178 - February 20, 2014
  • Order:
  • Duration: 13:42
  • Updated: 20 Jan 2014

Jodha Akbar Episode 178 - February 20, 2014

Jodha Akbar is a sixteenth century love story about a political marriage of convenience saga between a Mughal emperor, Akbar, ...
  • published: 20 Jan 2014
  • views: 588 Akbar Episode 178 - February 20, 2014
RCB vs PWI Pepsi IPL 2013 Full Match Replay
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:50:19
  • Updated: 08 Aug 2013

RCB vs PWI Pepsi IPL 2013 Full Match Replay

Live Video Streaming of Indian Premier League 2013: 31st Match - Royal Challengers Bangalore vs Pune Warriors India at M Chinnaswamy Stadium, Bangalore on Ap...
  • published: 23 Apr 2013
  • views: 352903
  • author: indiatimes vs PWI Pepsi IPL 2013 Full Match Replay
  • Viewer's Choice 175 Rounds on 1 Gas Charge? Tokyo Marui MK23 GNBB - RedWolf Airsoft RWTV
    Viewer's Choice 175 Rounds on 1 Gas Charge? Tokyo Marui MK23 GNBB - RedWolf Airsoft RWTV
  • Flight 175 (rare video)
    Flight 175 (rare video)
  • Chris Gayle  175 in IPL vs PWI Uploaded by CM
    Chris Gayle 175 in IPL vs PWI Uploaded by CM
  • Chris Gayle 175* Fastest Century!! - Gayle Storm Unleashed
    Chris Gayle 175* Fastest Century!! - Gayle Storm Unleashed
  • Social 175 - Programa 35 - SEO com Fabio Ricotta e Frank Marcel (Agência Mestre)
    Social 175 - Programa 35 - SEO com Fabio Ricotta e Frank Marcel (Agência Mestre)
  • Rebelde Way II - Episode 175
    Rebelde Way II - Episode 175
  • Chris Gayle Fastest Century!! - Ball by Ball
    Chris Gayle Fastest Century!! - Ball by Ball
  • Jodha Akbar - Episode 175  - February 17, 2014 - Preview
    Jodha Akbar - Episode 175 - February 17, 2014 - Preview
  • Dakar rally 2013 Mongolia D.Boldbaatar #175
    Dakar rally 2013 Mongolia D.Boldbaatar #175
  • Jodha Akbar - Episode 175  - February 17, 2014 - Episode Recap
    Jodha Akbar - Episode 175 - February 17, 2014 - Episode Recap
  • Social 175 - Programa 24 - Tema: Monitoramento em Mídias Sociais - Convidado: Diego Monteiro (Scup)
    Social 175 - Programa 24 - Tema: Monitoramento em Mídias Sociais - Convidado: Diego Monteiro (Scup)
  • Jodha Akbar Episode 178 - February 20, 2014
    Jodha Akbar Episode 178 - February 20, 2014
  • RCB vs PWI Pepsi IPL 2013 Full Match Replay
    RCB vs PWI Pepsi IPL 2013 Full Match Replay

Viewer's Choice 175 Rounds on 1 Gas Charge? Tokyo Marui MK23 GNBB - RedWolf Airsoft RWTV

Tim couldn't believe that the Tokyo Marui MK23 was never reviewed by RedWolf and so he was glad the the viewers wanted it reviewed! Tokyo Marui's MK23 Gas Non Blow Back Pistol has been around for the longest time and was Tim's first ever Gas pistol. It was popular back then and it still in demand now. Sure, it's a non blow back so the trigger pull is rather heavy but it is one of the quietest pistols you'll ever fire. A perfect side arm to a sniper or a scout. If there is anything you'd like reviewed, contact Tim on his Facebook page at Redwolf Tim or write it in the comments section below and who knows, your idea may be chosen for the next episode! Product Link:
  • published: 20 Feb 2014
  • views: 9339

View­er's Choice 175 Rounds on 1 Gas Charge? Tokyo Marui MK23 GNBB - Red­Wolf Air­soft RWTV
Tim couldn't be­lieve that the Tokyo Marui MK23 was never re­viewed by Red­Wolf and so he was...
pub­lished: 20 Feb 2014
Flight 175 (rare video)
http://​www.​truthin7minutes.​com/​alert?​PC=YT-description-flight-175 This video demon­strates ...
pub­lished: 11 Sep 2013
Chris Gayle 175 in IPL vs PWI Up­load­ed by CM
pub­lished: 23 Apr 2013
Chris Gayle 175* Fastest Cen­tu­ry!! - Gayle Storm Un­leashed
Chris Gayle set a new record for the fastest cen­tu­ry in the his­to­ry of pro­fes­sion­al cricke...
pub­lished: 23 Apr 2013
So­cial 175 - Pro­gra­ma 35 - SEO com Fabio Ri­cot­ta e Frank Mar­cel (Agência Mestre)
PRO­GRA­MA 35 Data: 13/02/2014 Tema: SEO Con­vi­da­dos: Fábio Ri­cot­ta e Frank Mar­cel (Agência ...
pub­lished: 14 Feb 2014
Re­belde Way II - Episode 175
Los ver­daderos lazos y sen­timien­tos que nos unen a los demás siem­pre prevale­cen. Este es a...
pub­lished: 05 Aug 2012
au­thor: re­belde
Chris Gayle Fastest Cen­tu­ry!! - Ball by Ball
There are rag­ing Twen­ty20 in­nings and there are ones like Chris Gayle played when he score...
pub­lished: 23 Apr 2013
Fea­tur­ing Man­gel Rogel, Elvisa Yomas­ter­card, Didi SraRockan­droll, Sr. Chee­to, Max­imus­Blog,...
pub­lished: 15 Mar 2013
au­thor: Cafe­Con­Lou
Jodha Akbar - Episode 175 - Febru­ary 17, 2014 - Pre­view
Jodha Akbar is a six­teenth cen­tu­ry love story about a po­lit­i­cal mar­riage of con­ve­nience sa...
pub­lished: 14 Feb 2014
Dakar rally 2013 Mon­go­lia D.​Boldbaatar #175
Mon­go­lia Dakar rally 2013 D.​Boldbaatar #175 www.​Zigzag.​mn www.​kingmotors.​mn....
pub­lished: 26 Apr 2013
Jodha Akbar - Episode 175 - Febru­ary 17, 2014 - Episode Recap
Jodha Akbar is a six­teenth cen­tu­ry love story about a po­lit­i­cal mar­riage of con­ve­nience sa...
pub­lished: 17 Feb 2014
So­cial 175 - Pro­gra­ma 24 - Tema: Mon­i­tora­men­to em Mídias So­ci­ais - Con­vi­da­do: Diego Mon­teiro (Scup)
PRO­GRA­MA 24 Data: 26/06/2013 Tema: Mon­i­tora­men­to em Mídias So­ci­ais Con­vi­da­do: Diego Mon­tei...
pub­lished: 27 Jun 2013
Jodha Akbar Episode 178 - Febru­ary 20, 2014
Jodha Akbar is a six­teenth cen­tu­ry love story about a po­lit­i­cal mar­riage of con­ve­nience sa...
pub­lished: 20 Jan 2014
RCB vs PWI Pepsi IPL 2013 Full Match Re­play
Live Video Stream­ing of In­di­an Pre­mier League 2013: 31st Match - Royal Chal­lengers Ban­ga­lo...
pub­lished: 23 Apr 2013
Vimeo results:
Sav­ing Amer­i­ca's Mus­tangs
pub­lished: 11 Jul 2011
Nuke Break­down - AGL 175yrs Mak­ing Of
I did VFX su­per­vi­sion and Nuke comp­ing for this, the break­down I did in FCP. Our 3D team m...
pub­lished: 17 Jul 2012
Tiny Cin­e­mas­copE (GH2 + small Berthiot anamor­phic 1.75X)
I've found on Ebay for 41€ a Berthiot anamor­phic 1.75X lens. I'm very happy be­cause it is ...
pub­lished: 01 Oct 2011
au­thor: Seb Farges
Voigt­lander Nok­ton 17.5mm f/0.95 First Hands On
I've just re­ceived today from TCP Voigt­lander's dis­trib­u­tor the Nok­ton 17.5mm f/0.95. I ha...
pub­lished: 06 Jun 2012
au­thor: Seb Farges

Youtube results:
NipTech 175
pub­lished: 19 Mar 2013
au­thor: NoWatchTVfr
Plough­ing the Head­lands - New Hol­land TM 175
This is Danyrhe­ol con­trac­tors - Helen with her TM 175 and Five-fur­row Kver­neland I dis­cove...
pub­lished: 17 Feb 2014
So­cial 175 - Pro­gra­ma 11 - Tema: Mon­i­tora­men­to em Mídias So­ci­ais - Con­vi­da­do: Paulo Mil­reu
PRO­GRA­MA 11 Data: 20/02/2013 Tema: Mon­i­tora­men­to em Mídias So­ci­ais Con­vi­da­do: Paulo Mil­reu...
pub­lished: 21 Feb 2013
So­cial 175 - Pro­gra­ma 14 - Tema: Mídias So­ci­ais e a Im­pren­sa - Con­vi­da­da: Ana Bram­bil­la
PRO­GRA­MA 14 Data: 20/03/2013 Tema: Mídias So­ci­ais e a Im­pren­sa Con­vi­da­da: Ana Bram­bil­la, E...
pub­lished: 21 Mar 2013
photo: AP / SANA
EDS NOTE: GRAPHIC CONTENT - In this photo released by the Syrian official news agency SANA, Syrian government forces stand next to the bodies of rebels south of Damascus, Syria, Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2014.
Edit Al Jazeera
27 Feb 2014
Syrian army troops have killed 175 opposition fighters, many of them linked to al-Qaeda-linked groups, in an ambush described as one of the deadliest attacks by government forces near Damascus, according to state media ... The report claimed several of those killed were foreign fighters who came to Syria from Saudi Arabia, Chechnya and Qatar ... From a distance, people could be seen running in different directions following the blasts ... ....(size: 5.2Kb)
photo: US Army / Sgt. Charles Crail
File- Staff Sgt. James Allen conducts a dismounted patrol of the Sharana District Center bazaar with his platoon’s Afghan Uniformed Police partners, Paktika Province, Afghanistan, 6 August, 2011.
Edit The Times of India
26 Feb 2014
WASHINGTON. US President Barack Obama told Hamid Karzai on Tuesday that he is now planning for a full US troop withdrawal because of the Afghan leader's repeated refusal to sign a security pact. But in a rare telephone call with Afghan President Karzai, Obama also held out the possibility of agreeing to a post-2014 training and anti-terror mission with the next government in Kabul ... 'Zero option' ... 'Friendly' conversation ... ....(size: 4.8Kb)
photo: AP / Marko Drobnjakovic
Anti-Yanukovych protesters march in Kiev's Independence Square, the epicenter of the country's current unrest, Ukraine, Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2014.
25 Feb 2014
Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling. "Just like reformers before me, I thought that we had a system that could be improved. Instead, I learned that we had a system that needed to be replaced." -Mikhail Gorbachev. Ukrainian ballots have blood on them. Three months of deadly protests and pitched battles have wounded and killed hundreds of citizens. Meanwhile, Ukraine's parliament voted to remove President Viktor Yanukovich ... 394....(size: 4.9Kb)
photo: AP / Photo
This Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2014, photo, shows the remains of the burned out Federal Government College in Buni Yadi, Nigeria.
Edit Voa News
26 Feb 2014
Suspected Islamic extremists killed more than 30 students Tuesday in northern Nigeria in an attack the president calls "heinous, brutal and mindless." ... The witnesses say when the students tried to escape, the attackers forced them back inside the burning buildings ... ....(size: 1.4Kb)
photo: AP / PhotoAndrew Lubimov
Crimean Tatars clash with a police officer , left, in front of a local government building in Simferopol, Crimea, Ukraine, Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2014.
Edit Khaleej Times
27 Feb 2014
In Kiev, leaders of the popular protests that toppled Yanukovich named former economy minister Arseny Yatseniuk as their choice to head a new interim government. Ukrainian  protest leaders on Wednesday named ministers they want to form a new government following the overthrow of President Viktor Yanukovich, as Russia put troops on high alert in a show of strength ... Unpopular decisions ... Russian concern ... War games ... Currency dive ... ....(size: 7.9Kb)

Edit The Guardian
28 Feb 2014
Arrival of Viktor Leonov SSV-175 warship follows announcement by Russia that it plans to increase military presence worldwide. The Russian spy ship Viktor Leonov SSV-175 docked at a Havana port in Cuba ... The Viktor Leonov SSV-175, part of the Vishnya class of intelligence ships, quietly entered Cuban waters earlier this week and docked at a cruise ......(size: 2.8Kb)
Edit Newstrack India
28 Feb 2014
Damascus, Feb 28 (IANS) Syrian troops Friday killed 20 armed rebels in a new ambush in the eastern countryside of the capital Damascus, just a couple of days after eliminating more than 175 others in the same area, media reported ... On Wednesday, the Syrian troops killed more than 175 rebels in al-Ataibeh suburb in Ghouta, the ......(size: 1.8Kb)
Edit Buffalo News
28 Feb 2014
By Andrew Z. Galarneau ... Shatzel said he is turning the restaurant, at 175 Allen St., into a place with “wild burgers and a world-class beer list.” He aims to open by June 1. Quaker Bonnet isn’t going out of business, Kolken said ... Kolken is selling five buildings. 173 Allen St., a former Quaker meeting house; 175 Allen St., the Eatery building; 181 Allen, the wooden house next to it; a carriage house in the back, and a storage garage....(size: 2.1Kb)
Edit Buffalo News
28 Feb 2014
Shatzel said he is turning the restaurant, at 175 Allen St., into a place with “wild burgers and a world-class beer list.” He aims to open by June 1. Quaker Bonnet isn’t going out of business, Kolken said ... Kolken is selling five buildings. 173 Allen St., a former Quaker meeting house; 175 Allen St., the Eatery building; 181 Allen, the wooden house next to it; a carriage house in the back and a storage garage ... email....(size: 2.2Kb)
Edit Business Wire
28 Feb 2014
Fourth Quarter 2013 Highlights Revenue increased 17% to US$1.3 billion EBITDA decreased 4% to US$175 million ... (Majority stockholders) -12 8 N/A 86 278 -69% EBITDA 175 182 -4% 891 962 -7% Gross Generation after Capex 284 263 8% 389 325 19% Dividends -99 -16 512% -159 -57 179% Free Cash Flow 185 247 -25% 230 269 -14% Business Wire article page....(size: 15.3Kb)
Edit Detroit Free Press
28 Feb 2014
The Viktor Leonov CCB-175, an armed intelligence-gathering vessel built for the Soviet navy in the late 1980s, quietly arrived Wednesday, according to news reports ... He described the visit as "friendly." ... ....(size: 1.2Kb)
Edit The Examiner
28 Feb 2014
Fandom Fest will have her signing all three days. The cost for autographs will be set at a later date by the actress but the tickets to get in will cost between $30 and $175.00 ... ....(size: 1.1Kb)
Edit Xinhua
28 Feb 2014
BEIJING, Feb ... The April contract gained 1.27 percent to end at 2,175 points ... The index futures was launched at the China Financial Futures Exchange (CFFEX) and started trading from April 16, 2010 ... ....(size: 0.9Kb)
Edit Newstrack India
28 Feb 2014
Tweet. null ... Satpathi, director of state health services, told IANS ... So far, 175 ward level meetings and nine awareness sessions have been organised on topics ranging from female infanticide, dowry, laws for domestic violence and social security ... ) .. ). ... . . . . . .. . . .. ....(size: 1.4Kb)
Edit Business Wire
28 Feb 2014
LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Funds Date TIDM ISIN Code Shares in Issue Currency Net Asset Value NAV/per Share First Trust Defined US Large Cap Core AlphaDEX ETF 27.02.2014 FEX IE00B8X9NW27 200,002.00 USD 6,175,488.58 30.877 Business Wire ......(size: 3.4Kb)
Edit Austin American Statesman
28 Feb 2014
The European Union's statistics agency said Friday that some 19.175 million were without a job across the eurozone, or 17,000 more than in December ... ....(size: 0.8Kb)
Edit Seattle Post
28 Feb 2014
The European Union's statistics agency said Friday that some 19.175 million were without a job across the eurozone, or 17,000 more than in December ... ....(size: 0.8Kb)
Edit Canberra Times
28 Feb 2014
A Qantas A380 taxis along the runway at Sydney Airport. Photo. Dallas Kilponen ... The incident is understood to have occurred at about 4.30pm (AEST time) on Friday afternoon ... No passengers were on board ... In August, a Virgin Australia plane carrying 175 passengers to Maroochydore collided with an empty Jetstar plane at Melbourne Airport ... ....(size: 1.6Kb)

Year 175 (CLXXV) was a common year starting on Saturday (link will display the full calendar) of the Julian calendar. At the time, it was known as the Year of the Consulship of Piso and Iulianus (or, less frequently, year 928 Ab urbe condita). The denomination 175 for this year has been used since the early medieval period, when the Anno Domini calendar era became the prevalent method in Europe for naming years.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Christopher Henry "Chris" Gayle (born 21 September 1979) is a Jamaican cricketer who plays international cricket for the West Indies."Chris Gayle".  He captained the West Indies' Test side from 2007 to 2010. He plays domestic cricket for Jamaica, and has also represented Worcestershire, the Western Warriors and the Kolkata Knight Riders. He is currently signed with Royal Challenger Bangalore in the Indian Premier League. Gayle represents the Sydney Thunder in the Big Bash League and the Barisal Burners in the Bangladesh Premier League. He is one of only four players who have scored two triple centuries at Test level: 317 against South Africa in 2005, and 333 against Sri Lanka in 2010.

Chris Gayle played for the West Indies at youth international level prior to making his first-class debut aged 19 for Jamaica. He played his first One Day International 11 months later, and his first Test match 6 months after that. Gayle, who normally opens the innings when he plays for the West Indies, is a destructive batsman who is most effective playing square of the wicket. In July 2001, Gayle (175), together with Daren Ganga (89) established the record for opening partnerships at Queens Sports Club, Bulawayo when they put on 214 together against Zimbabwe.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Matt Dillahunty is the president of the Atheist Community of Austin, the host of the live internet radio show "Non-Prophets Radio" and of the Austin Public-access television cable TV show The Atheist Experience. He is also the founder and contributor of the counter-apologetics encyclopedia Iron Chariots and its subsidiary sites.

Matt was raised as a Baptist Christian and sought to become a Baptist minister. His religious studies, instead of bolstering his faith as he intended, led to a rejection of Christianity and, eventually, all religions.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.
