
Female Genital Mutilation must end
published: 22 May 2013
author: Sofia Cardenas
Female Genital Mutilation must end

Female Vaginal Cosmetic Genital Surgery
Reconstructive Surgery vs. Cosmetic Surgery
In order to decide if you should consider vag...
published: 27 Dec 2013
Female Vaginal Cosmetic Genital Surgery
Female Vaginal Cosmetic Genital Surgery
Reconstructive Surgery vs. Cosmetic Surgery In order to decide if you should consider vaginoplasty or labiaplasty, it's important to understand the difference between reconstructive surgery and cosmetic surgery. Reconstructive surgery improves the function of a body part, while cosmetic surgery changes the aesthetics of essentially normal anatomy. You can think of it like a nose job: a surgeon can restructure the interior nasal cavities to help you breathe better or reshape the nose, just for the sake of appearances. It's a critical distinction, because the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists evaluates surgeries and outcomes to fix functional problems, such as urinary incontinence. But ACOG remains skeptical and cautious about vaginal surgery due to its risks and lack of scientific data on safety and effectiveness.- published: 27 Dec 2013
- views: 0

www.vaginoplastia-mexico.com . Procedimiento realizado por el Dr. Roberto Solis....
published: 13 Jun 2011
author: Roberto Solis
www.vaginoplastia-mexico.com . Procedimiento realizado por el Dr. Roberto Solis.- published: 13 Jun 2011
- views: 736611
- author: Roberto Solis

Female Genital Mutilation - UK
August 2010 The controversial tradition at the heart of African culture has now reached th...
published: 31 Aug 2010
author: Journeyman Pictures
Female Genital Mutilation - UK
Female Genital Mutilation - UK
August 2010 The controversial tradition at the heart of African culture has now reached the shores of Europe. Today, over 500 British girls are estimated to ...- published: 31 Aug 2010
- views: 2107954
- author: Journeyman Pictures

How is the process of female genital mutilation
About Circumcision
Boys are born with a hood of skin, called the foreskin, covering the h...
published: 09 Feb 2014
How is the process of female genital mutilation
How is the process of female genital mutilation
About Circumcision Boys are born with a hood of skin, called the foreskin, covering the head (also called the glans) of the penis. In circumcision, the foreskin is surgically removed, exposing the end of the penis.Approximately 55% to 65% of all newborn boys are circumcised in the United States each year, though this rate varies by region (western states have the lowest rates and the north central region has the highest). The procedure is much more widespread in the United States, Canada, and the Middle East than in Asia, South America, Central America, and most of Europe, where it's uncommon.- published: 09 Feb 2014
- views: 257

herpes genital femenino tratamiento efectivo
►►http://curarelherpes.fboks.com◄◄ Tratamiento Natural Para Curar El Herpes
herpes ge...
published: 07 Sep 2013
herpes genital femenino tratamiento efectivo
herpes genital femenino tratamiento efectivo
►►http://curarelherpes.fboks.com◄◄ Tratamiento Natural Para Curar El Herpes herpes genital femenino Herpes genitales femeninos pueden venir en una variedad de formas, ya menudo los síntomas se pueden confundir con otras condiciones. Es importante que usted comprobar por un médico si usted experimenta cualquiera de los síntomas de herpes, o si sospecha que podría haber contraído la enfermedad, incluso si se produce ningún síntoma en absoluto. Alrededor del 50 por ciento de las mujeres experimentan muy pocos o ningún síntoma, pero a pesar de la ausencia de signos de la enfermedad, que todavía puede ser transmitida a los socios durante el coito. herpes genital femenino Femenino síntomas de herpes genital son más comúnmente una erupción y la aparición de protuberancias, ampollas o llagas en y alrededor de la vagina, las nalgas, los muslos y el ano. Usted también puede experimentar el flujo vaginal, síntomas de gripe y la hinchazón de la ingle o la región genital. La erupción generalmente se acompaña de una sensación de picor u hormigueo, y puede variar desde ser un poco incómodo bastante doloroso. Este suele ser el primer signo de un brote de herpes genital femenino. Mutilación Genital herpes labial generalmente aparecen primero como pequeñas protuberancias y pueden ser muy pequeñas en tamaño y bastante grande, lesiones de tamaño de monedas. Estas protuberancias se convierten en llagas, que lloraréis y costra medida que avanza el brote. Ellos eventualmente costra y sanan sin dejar cicatriz.herpes genital femenino Este proceso puede tomar desde una semana a varias semanas. Estas llagas son generalmente muy incómodo, y pueden picar y ser muy doloroso. Usted también puede experimentar dolor al orinar. herpes genital femenino Los síntomas de la gripe incluyen dolor de cabeza, fiebre y dolor muscular o articular. También comúnmente experimentado es una sensación general de "abajo-ness 'o fatiga. En algunos casos, los brotes también se acompañan de náuseas o sofocos. Herpes genitales femeninos puede manifestarse como sólo uno o dos de los síntomas antes mencionados, o todos a la vez. Los brotes pueden variar en severidad, pero generalmente ser menos intenso a medida que el tiempo pasa. Brotes de herpes son generalmente provocados por una deficiencia en el sistema inmune, que es convertido en desencadenada por una variedad de factores incluyendo el estrés, falta de sueño, un período de mala salud o la enfermedad, los cambios bruscos de temperatura y el medio ambiente, la depresión y la mala alimentación herpes genital femenino. herpes genital femenino herpes genital femenino fotos herpes genital femenino sintomas herpes genital femenino tratamiento herpes genital femenino tratamiento natural herpes genital masculino herpes genital sintomas aciclovir enfermedades de transmision sexualidad http://youtu.be/CJQ3RAF19yM- published: 07 Sep 2013
- views: 265

Genital Warts Treatment
Genital Warts Treatment: http://www.solutionsofthemonth.com/genital-warts-treatments
If y...
published: 04 Nov 2013
Genital Warts Treatment
Genital Warts Treatment
Genital Warts Treatment: http://www.solutionsofthemonth.com/genital-warts-treatments If your warts aren't causing discomfort, you may not need treatment. But if your symptoms include itching, burning and pain or if visible warts are causing emotional distress, your doctor can help you clear an outbreak with medications or surgery. However, the lesions are likely to recur after treatment. genital warts treatment genital warts treatment cvs genital warts treatment cream genital warts treatment pictures genital warts treatment in men over the counter genital warts treatment walgreens genital warts treatment at home genital warts treatment cost genital warts treatment reviews genital warts treatment for men genital warts treatment for women genital warts treatment forum hpv genital warts treatment Medications Genital warts treatments that can be applied directly to your skin include: Imiquimod (Aldara, Zyclara). This cream appears to boost your immune system's ability to fight genital warts. Avoid sexual contact while the cream is on your skin. It may weaken condoms and diaphragms and may irritate your partner's skin. Podophyllin and podofilox (Condylox). Podophyllin is a plant-based resin that destroys genital wart tissue. Your doctor must apply this solution. Podofilox contains the same active compound, but can be safely applied by you at home. Your doctor may want to administer the first application of podofilox, and will recommend precautionary steps to prevent the medication from irritating surrounding skin. Never apply podofilox internally. Additionally, this medication isn't recommended for use during pregnancy. Trichloroacetic acid (TCA). This chemical treatment burns off genital warts. TCA must always be applied by a doctor. Don't try to treat genital warts with over-the-counter wart removers. These medications aren't intended for use in the moist tissues of the genital area. Using over-the-counter medications for this purpose can cause even more pain and irritation. Surgery You may need surgery to remove larger warts, warts that don't respond to medications, or — if you're pregnant — warts that your baby may be exposed to during delivery. Surgical options include: Freezing with liquid nitrogen (cryotherapy). Freezing works by causing a blister to form around your wart. As your skin heals, the lesions slough off, allowing new skin to appear. You may need repeated cryotherapy treatments. Electrocautery. This procedure uses an electrical current to burn off warts. urgical excision. Your doctor may use special tools to cut off warts. You'll need local anesthesia for this treatment. genital warts treatment warts treatment wart treatment hpv warts treatment plantar wart treatment plantar warts treatment hpv wart treatment venereal warts treatment facial warts treatment wart treatments planters warts treatment flat wart treatment best wart treatment gential warts treatment flat warts treatment gential wart treatment natural wart treatment over the counter wart treatment warts hpv treatment hpv warts Laser treatments. This approach, which uses an intense beam of light, can be expensive and is usually reserved for very extensive and tough-to-treat warts. Genital Warts Treatment - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8e89b8NKqvw- published: 04 Nov 2013
- views: 100

Natural herpes treatment 2014- herpes cure: herpes home remedies. Genital herpes|herpes of the mouth
Full Access: http://x.vu/sdlyX8
Herpes is a viral disease caused by both Herpes simplex v...
published: 08 Feb 2014
Natural herpes treatment 2014- herpes cure: herpes home remedies. Genital herpes|herpes of the mouth
Natural herpes treatment 2014- herpes cure: herpes home remedies. Genital herpes|herpes of the mouth
Full Access: http://x.vu/sdlyX8 Herpes is a viral disease caused by both Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and type 2 (HSV-2). Herpes Simplex Remedies - Get Fast Herpes Simplex Relief Cure For Genital Herpes | Herpes.Cure For Genital Herpes. Get your Answers on Herpes. HOW TO CURE HERPES - Herpes Cure / Treatments / Medication The latest approved herpes treatment and medication are available, as well as news on the latest search for the herpes cure . Learn which herpes treatments ...Herpes Medication - Natural and Topical Herpes Treatments - Herpes Outbreaks STD Herpes Cure possible? HSV, HPV ...Guaranteed Satisfaction. Natural products. Herpes Simplex Virus HSV, HPV warts, cervical dysplasia, depression, diabetes, Chlamydia, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Herpes Cure - Herpes Treatment - Cure For Herpes Herpes Cure - Herpes Treatment - Cure For Herpes cure your herpes now. Is Get a ... herpes cure herbs The top herbs for treating herpes are very powerful for stopping viral replication, reducing the duration of outbreaks ..One Minute Herpes Cure Review - Can it really treat The herpes virus is transmitted by human to human contact. An infected person will ...A REAL HERPES CURE DISCOVERY 2014!!!! youtube.com pureoxygencure Herpes Cure Coalition (Herpes Simplex Virus Cure. youtube.com. ARE YOU LIVING FREE? youtube.com oxygen2295 zosters" shingles "genital sores" "herpes rash" herpes "natural herpes cure" "genital herpes cure" "fever .Videos de "natural cure for herpes" - encontrado de "natural cure for herpes" herpes symptoms in men - herpes symptoms in women. Herpes Antidote - The Secret Formula to Cure Herpes Naturally - Herpes Antidote .Immunic Intervention Stopped Outbreaks Immediately stop herpes outbreaks on the very first day. home remedies for herpes - natural cures for herpes natural-herpes-cure - home remedies for herpes - natural cures for herpes - treatment for. Natural Herpes Cure Proof "Disease is anaerobic. It cannot exist in an elevated .how to treat herpes - male genital herpes - treatment. how to treat herpes - male genital herpes - treatment for herpes how to get rid of herpes, how to treat herpes, home remedies for herpes, herpes cure breakthrough chris brown herpes, cure for herpes, cure herpes, female symptoms herpes, genital herpes', genital herpes symptoms, gential herpes, herpes, herpes 1, herpes blood test, herpes cure, herpes genital, herpes medication, herpes outbreaks, herpes photos, herpes pics, herpes pictures, herpes simplex, herpes simplex 1, herpes simplex 2, herpes simplex virus, herpes symptoms, herpes test, herpes transmission, herpes treatment, herpes treatments, herpes type, herpes vaccine, herpes virus, herpes zoster, ocular herpes, oral herpes, pictures of herpes, signs of herpes, symptoms herpes, symptoms of herpes, treatment for herpes, vaginal herpes, how to treat herpes, treat herpes, is there a cure for herpes, http://youtu.be/G32XsDvaTVg Herpes cure / herpes treatment Video https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe5_oY0WadggSjBef9ejjnQ Web MD - Herpes cure / herpes treatment- published: 08 Feb 2014
- views: 33

http://curesuherpes.blog200.com - TRATAMIENTO HERPES GENITAL El herpes genital puede ser u...
published: 31 Aug 2012
author: AndreaRodriguez101
http://curesuherpes.blog200.com - TRATAMIENTO HERPES GENITAL El herpes genital puede ser una enfermedad muy opresiva. Es algo que te molesta con dolores físi...- published: 31 Aug 2012
- views: 159949
- author: AndreaRodriguez101

Genital Warts & Other Effects (HPV #2)
Genital warts and cervical cancer can be caused by HPV. For 18+ version, CLICK HERE: http:...
published: 28 May 2008
author: Healthguru
Genital Warts & Other Effects (HPV #2)
Genital Warts & Other Effects (HPV #2)
Genital warts and cervical cancer can be caused by HPV. For 18+ version, CLICK HERE: http://sex.healthguru.com/content/video/watch/100253/HPV_Genital_Warts_O...- published: 28 May 2008
- views: 9411158
- author: Healthguru
Youtube results:

Anatomy of female genital organs - plastic models
Check related videos:
1-Anatomy of female genital organs - dissection: http://www.youtube...
published: 01 May 2012
Anatomy of female genital organs - plastic models
Anatomy of female genital organs - plastic models
Check related videos: 1-Anatomy of female genital organs - dissection: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1ezGxWlcHU 2-Male pelvis and perineum - plastic model http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHubw4F1OTQ Objectives This educational video is intended to demonstrate and identify female genital organs in conventional plastic models that are frequently used for teaching medical students during anatomy practical sessions. It is not intended to provide a full description of the anatomy of female genital organs, but will only tackle the structures that are seen in the models. After completion of this video session it is expected that students will be able to demonstrate female internal and external genital organs: •Ovaries (position, attachments, ligament of the ovary, suspensory ligament, ovarian artery and vein) •Uterine tubes (position, parts: infundibulum, ampulla, isthmus, intramural part, fimbria, attachments) •Uterus (body, cervix, shape, peritoneal reflections, broad ligament, round ligament of the uterus) •Vagina (walls, fornices, vestibule, relations, peritoneal reflections) •Clinical significance of the recto-uterine pouch (of Douglas) •Central perineal tendon (perineal body): location, muscles attached to it, functional significance. •Formation of the urogenital diaphragm: Superficial and deep perineal pouches and their contents: ischiocavernosus, bulbosponsgiosus, superficial and deep transverse perineal muscles, sphincter urethrae, superior fascia of urogenital diaphragm, inferior fascia of urogenital diagphragm, crus, bulb of vestibule, corpus cavernosum. •Components of the female external genital organs: labium majus, labium minus, vestibule, clitoris, prepuce, external urethral orifice, fourchette. The following (12) short essay questions will appear during the video session timed according to their relation to the demonstrated structures: 1.List the boundaries of the superior pelvic aperture. 2.Enumerate the parts of levator ani muscle. 3.Describe the relation of the ureter to the uterine artery. 4.Define anteversion and anteflexion of the uterus. 5.Where does the ovarian vein drain into? 6.What is the clinical significance of the extent of the round ligament of the uterus in relation to lymphatic drainage? 7.Which fistulas in the anterior vaginal wall may result from obstetrical trauma during long and difficult labor? 8.What is the lining epithelium of the cervix at the internal and at the internal os? 9.Which nerve provides the motor innervation of the muscles attached to the perineal body? 10.What is the male homologue of the labium majus? 11.Enumerate the nerves that provide sensory innervation to the vulva. 12.What is the male homologue of the greater vestibular gland? Presented and edited by Dr.Akram Jaffar (PhD). Filmed by Ahmed Thaer Zahidi (Medical student). Filmed at College of Medicine/ University of Sharjah, 2012. This video and its channel are supported by "Human Anatomy Education" page on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/AnatomyEducation- published: 01 May 2012
- views: 182787

432Hz Genital Chakra vibrational Balancing + Binaural
http://www.facebook.com/soundworkers http://youtube.com/user/soulblueprint Genital Chakra ...
published: 27 Nov 2012
author: SoulBlueprint
432Hz Genital Chakra vibrational Balancing + Binaural
432Hz Genital Chakra vibrational Balancing + Binaural
http://www.facebook.com/soundworkers http://youtube.com/user/soulblueprint Genital Chakra (Sex Chakra) also known as Swadhisthana: The Sacral Chakra This is ...- published: 27 Nov 2012
- views: 24825
- author: SoulBlueprint

Norró, a story of female genital mutilation
Synopsis: "My name is Norró and I am a 12-year-old Dassanetch girl. Not long ago they circ...
published: 18 Nov 2011
author: Pere Herms
Norró, a story of female genital mutilation
Norró, a story of female genital mutilation
Synopsis: "My name is Norró and I am a 12-year-old Dassanetch girl. Not long ago they circumcised me and also my sister Nohode. It is a very ancient custom i...- published: 18 Nov 2011
- views: 108592
- author: Pere Herms

Genital Herpes In Men Natural Treatment | How To Treat Genital Herpes At Home
VISIT: ▻▻ http://herpestreatment.natural55.com ◅◅ Genital Herpes In Men Natural Treatment ...
published: 08 Feb 2013
author: GenitalHerpesRemedy
Genital Herpes In Men Natural Treatment | How To Treat Genital Herpes At Home
Genital Herpes In Men Natural Treatment | How To Treat Genital Herpes At Home
VISIT: ▻▻ http://herpestreatment.natural55.com ◅◅ Genital Herpes In Men Natural Treatment | How To Treat Genital Herpes At Home Symptoms of a Genital Herpes ...- published: 08 Feb 2013
- views: 34680
- author: GenitalHerpesRemedy