TV's Frank, played by Frank Conniff, is a fictional character, mad scientist Dr. Clayton Forrester's lab assistant in the television comedy series Mystery Science Theater 3000. He appears at the beginning of Season 2, with the departure of Forrester's earlier co-scientist Dr. Laurence Erhardt, and continues through Season 6. According to The Mystery Science Theater 3000 Amazing Colossal Episode Guide, Dr. Forrester discovered Frank working at a nearby Arby's. Early on he was simply called Frank; later he acquired the more ostentatious name which is a reference to how a TV personality would sometimes be introduced as "TV's so-and-so" on talk shows and other programming. Frank wears a black chauffeur's uniform and his hairstyle includes a spit-curl (resulting in a resemblance to that of Marlon Brando's Jor-El role in the 1978 Superman film). He has an unusual habit of calling Dr. Forrester "Steve". He is listed in Deep 13's employee records as "Frank, TV's," indicating that "Frank" is actually his surname and "TV's" is his given name.