James Chance is ready to take a punt on his first Australian tour

Edit Sydney Morning Herald 29 Dec 2015
When he arrived in New York City in 1975, James Chance found a sharp divide between the city's jazz and punk scenes. "There was a huge hostility between the musicians – for jazz musicians, punk rock was beneath contempt," Chance says ... Advertisement ... Encouraged by his charismatic manager and girlfriend, the late Anya Phillips, Chance began to embrace the funk and soul aesthetic of New York's disco scene ... ....

This iconic nightclub is selling Sting’s t-shirts

Edit New York Post 16 Nov 2015
A sign posted outside the old site of the Mudd Club.Photo. Tamara Beckwith. In the late ’70s, “New York was dangerous, dead and dirty,” recalls Fred Schneider, frontman of new-wave band the B-52’s. But places like the Mudd Club, where Schneider was a regular, made it so much fun ... Another co-founder was Anya Phillips, who designed the pink dress Deborah Harry wears on the cover of Blondie’s 1979 album “Parallel Lines.” ... Handout ... ....

Doo Dah Parade

Edit The Columbus Dispatch 05 Jul 2015
Parade uses satire, comedy to celebrate Fourth of July. More Slideshows Brooke LaValley . The Columbus Dispatch An Open Heart Creatures walking puppet of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is "disrobed" while the group prepares for the start of the Columbus Doo Dah Parade in Columbus ... The Columbus Dispatch W.C ... The Columbus Dispatch Anya Phillips, L, and Marie Dunlea leap while walking with the Dance Walk Columbus group ... First up ... ....