Latest News for: othmar spann


New Book: Julius Evola in the Third Reich, by Alexander Jacob

The Unz Review 22 Nov 2023
... racial idea (Othmar Spann) Othmar Spann (1878-1950) was an Austrian philosopher who developed an idealistic doctrine of ‘universalism’ to counter the individualism of liberal sociology and economics.

Why some people think fascism is the greatest expression of democracy ever invented

Auburnpub dot com 12 Nov 2023
For example, Othmar Spann, whose thought was highly influential during the rise of fascism in Austria in the 1920s and 1930s, argued that society is not “the summation of independent individuals,” for ...

Why some people think fascism is the greatest expression of democracy ever invented: political philosopher

Alternet 07 Nov 2022
For example, Othmar Spann, whose thought was highly influential during the rise of fascism in Austria in the 1920s and 1930s, argued that society is not “the summation of independent individuals,” for ...
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