LTE and the Evolution to LTE-Advanced Fundamentals - Part One
This webcast will provide the basics of LTE technology. We will cover requirements, key sp...
published: 17 Apr 2013
author: AgilentTMWebcasts
LTE and the Evolution to LTE-Advanced Fundamentals - Part One
LTE and the Evolution to LTE-Advanced Fundamentals - Part One
This webcast will provide the basics of LTE technology. We will cover requirements, key specifications, and the latest deployment information. We will discus...- published: 17 Apr 2013
- views: 3508
- author: AgilentTMWebcasts
What is LTE, this Tutorial Explains LTE
Tutorial on LTE, what it is and how it will change the communications industry world....
published: 15 Sep 2011
author: VoIPtutorial
What is LTE, this Tutorial Explains LTE
What is LTE, this Tutorial Explains LTE
Tutorial on LTE, what it is and how it will change the communications industry world.- published: 15 Sep 2011
- views: 53362
- author: VoIPtutorial
4G and LTE: Explained!
What is 4G, exactly? LTE? HSPA+? This is 4G, Explained! Thumbs up! ~ http://twitter.com/MK...
published: 04 Jun 2012
author: Marques Brownlee
4G and LTE: Explained!
4G and LTE: Explained!
What is 4G, exactly? LTE? HSPA+? This is 4G, Explained! Thumbs up! ~ http://twitter.com/MKBHD http://gplus.to/MKBHD http://facebook.com/MarquesBrownlee http:...- published: 04 Jun 2012
- views: 119704
- author: Marques Brownlee
iPad Air + 4G/LTE в России = любовь!
iPad Air первое устройство от Apple, работающее в сетях 4G/LTE российских операторов.
published: 06 Nov 2013
iPad Air + 4G/LTE в России = любовь!
iPad Air + 4G/LTE в России = любовь!
iPad Air первое устройство от Apple, работающее в сетях 4G/LTE российских операторов. Настоящие, вкусные, сочные яблоки вы можете найти у AppleJesus, очевидно же. :) http://applejesus.ru и http://twitter.com/applejesus Информационный партнер выпуска - http://iGuides.ru iPad Air + Cellular продается в одной модификации - A1475. Покупать можно из любой страны, работать в России - будет! Что нужно, чтоб заработал 4G/LTE на iPad Air? 1. Nano USIM-карточка. 2. Тариф от оператора с поддержкой 4G. 3. Активация 4G со стороны оператора. Второй канал об играх: http://youtube.com/wylsagames Майки: http://wylsacom.printdirect.ru/ Сайт: http://wylsa.com Twitter: http://twitter.com/wylsacom Группа вконтакте: http://vk.com/wylsa Еженедельный подкаст в iTunes: http://goo.gl/71c3u - самый популярный в iTunes в своей категории.- published: 06 Nov 2013
- views: 57811
LTE Network Architecture Webinar - AIRCOM International
The first of a series of LTE webinars hosted by AIRCOM. This first presentation explores t...
published: 24 Sep 2013
LTE Network Architecture Webinar - AIRCOM International
LTE Network Architecture Webinar - AIRCOM International
The first of a series of LTE webinars hosted by AIRCOM. This first presentation explores the nodes that make up an LTE network and the functions of each.- published: 24 Sep 2013
- views: 201
LTE-A PHY Layer Overview & Femto Design Challenges
Abstract: In this talk we first provide a detailed tutorial overview of the PHY layer proc...
published: 16 Mar 2012
author: Mischa Dohler
LTE-A PHY Layer Overview & Femto Design Challenges
LTE-A PHY Layer Overview & Femto Design Challenges
Abstract: In this talk we first provide a detailed tutorial overview of the PHY layer procedures, techniques and features in LTE and their evolution towards ...- published: 16 Mar 2012
- views: 16248
- author: Mischa Dohler
Webinar: Voice over LTE - approaches, implementation, and test solutions
The packet-switched architecture of LTE does not support circuit-switched voice calls as u...
published: 12 Jul 2012
author: RohdeundSchwarz
Webinar: Voice over LTE - approaches, implementation, and test solutions
Webinar: Voice over LTE - approaches, implementation, and test solutions
The packet-switched architecture of LTE does not support circuit-switched voice calls as used in 2G/3G networks. Rollout of commercial LTE networks has been ...- published: 12 Jul 2012
- views: 7775
- author: RohdeundSchwarz
LTE「想いをつなぐ」篇 90秒
≪「想いをつなぐ」篇 90秒を公開しました≫
published: 06 Dec 2013
LTE「想いをつなぐ」篇 90秒
LTE「想いをつなぐ」篇 90秒
≪「想いをつなぐ」篇 90秒を公開しました≫ 冬の夜、イルミネーションを眺める人々で賑わう広場。 女の子が彼と待ち合わせをしているが、彼はなかなか現れない・・・ どんな時でも、どんな想いも。 ふたりの想いに負けない"強いネットワーク"を目指して。 【出演者】 黒島結菜・葉山奨之 【音楽】 ずっと feat.HAN-KUN & TEE / スパイシーチョコレート ★CM使用楽曲をdミュージックで配信中!(ドコモのスマートフォンからアクセス!) http://rd.music.docomomarket.ne.jp/spicychocolate/ ★出演者がつけているイヤリングをd fashionで販売中!!(ドコモのスマートフォンからアクセス!) http://fashion.dmkt-sp.jp/?affiliate=163&utm;_medium=ext&utm;_source=youtube&utm;_campaign=youtube_tvcm ★回想シーンで観ている映画(ラブ・アクチュアリー)をdビデオで配信中!(PC、ドコモのスマートフォンからアクセス!) http://pc.video.dmkt-sp.jp/ 「想いをつなぐ」篇 60秒はコチラ→http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCflkW3M5RA CMメイキングはコチラ→http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cAWYcdo_wO0 【スタッフ】 ECD/PL/CW 西橋佐知子 CD/AD/PL/CW 植村倫明 PL/CW 川名宏昌・青野隆仁- published: 06 Dec 2013
- views: 7257
980円でLTE! OCNモバイルエントリー d LTE 980を買ってみた!
今回は、月980円で30MB/日使用できるOCNのLTEプランに加入してみました。今回は、パッケージ開封と、設定を行いました。次回、回線速度を計測してみたいと思います。 【製品情報...
published: 10 May 2013
author: rakuexpress7777
980円でLTE! OCNモバイルエントリー d LTE 980を買ってみた!
980円でLTE! OCNモバイルエントリー d LTE 980を買ってみた!
今回は、月980円で30MB/日使用できるOCNのLTEプランに加入してみました。今回は、パッケージ開封と、設定を行いました。次回、回線速度を計測してみたいと思います。 【製品情報ページ】 http://www.ocn.ne.jp/mobile/entry-d-lte980/ 【ブログ】 http://seric...- published: 10 May 2013
- views: 7905
- author: rakuexpress7777
Los Angeles 4G LTE Speed Test!
Here's a quick 4G LTE speed test on Hollywood Blvd. in Los Angeles, California for all U.S...
published: 16 Aug 2013
Los Angeles 4G LTE Speed Test!
Los Angeles 4G LTE Speed Test!
Here's a quick 4G LTE speed test on Hollywood Blvd. in Los Angeles, California for all U.S. major networks including AT&T;, T-Mobile, Verizon, and Sprint. Overall, all 4 networks get pretty good coverage all over Los Angeles area in my tests so far. See my full thoughts here: http://highonandroid.com/network-tests/los-angeles-4g-lte-speed-test-attt-mobilesprintverizon/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My GooglePlus: http://plus.google.com/105122758270056069711/posts My Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/howtoblog My Twitter: http://twitter.com/zedomax- published: 16 Aug 2013
- views: 3661
Qué es LTE (4G)
Qué es la tecnología LTE (4G)...
published: 04 Jun 2012
author: Apple Maniacos
Qué es LTE (4G)
Qué es LTE (4G)
Qué es la tecnología LTE (4G)- published: 04 Jun 2012
- views: 7355
- author: Apple Maniacos
#CESlive: LTE Wireless Cars from GM
GM announced that select cars would be available with 4G LTE wireless. The LTE will power ...
published: 07 Jan 2014
#CESlive: LTE Wireless Cars from GM
#CESlive: LTE Wireless Cars from GM
GM announced that select cars would be available with 4G LTE wireless. The LTE will power GM's app shop to personalize the experience for the customer and the app shop will be open to developers. The built in Wifi hotspot can be used with up to 7 devices in car.- published: 07 Jan 2014
- views: 489
Rohde & Schwarz Webinar: Carrier Aggregation - (One) Key Enabler for LTE-Advanced
This webinar from November 2012 focuses on carrier aggregation, the feature that is most i...
published: 16 Jul 2013
author: RohdeundSchwarz
Rohde & Schwarz Webinar: Carrier Aggregation - (One) Key Enabler for LTE-Advanced
Rohde & Schwarz Webinar: Carrier Aggregation - (One) Key Enabler for LTE-Advanced
This webinar from November 2012 focuses on carrier aggregation, the feature that is most in demand within the LTE-Advanced feature set. It also outlines how ...- published: 16 Jul 2013
- views: 217
- author: RohdeundSchwarz
Vimeo results:
Movistar 4G LTE
Client: Movistar, Production Company: Believe, Design & Animation: Believe...
published: 21 Nov 2013
author: Believe
Movistar 4G LTE
Client: Movistar, Production Company: Believe, Design & Animation: Believe
Youtube results:
8x8 MIMO (LTE Advanced) Achieves up to 1 gigabit per second data
http://bit.ly/onV10T Watch as Dr Ian Wong and Yong Rao talk about the future of wireless d...
published: 02 Aug 2011
author: niglobal
8x8 MIMO (LTE Advanced) Achieves up to 1 gigabit per second data
8x8 MIMO (LTE Advanced) Achieves up to 1 gigabit per second data
http://bit.ly/onV10T Watch as Dr Ian Wong and Yong Rao talk about the future of wireless data rates including LTE Advanced which supplies up to 1 gigabit per...- published: 02 Aug 2011
- views: 9521
- author: niglobal
Test von Vodafone LTE - Praxistest / Testbericht von Installation bis Nutzung
Diesen Film als Video-DVD per Post (kostenlos): http://www.vodafone-lte.de/testbericht/lte...
published: 24 Apr 2011
author: vodafonelte
Test von Vodafone LTE - Praxistest / Testbericht von Installation bis Nutzung
Test von Vodafone LTE - Praxistest / Testbericht von Installation bis Nutzung
Diesen Film als Video-DVD per Post (kostenlos): http://www.vodafone-lte.de/testbericht/lte-video-als-dvd-per-post-erhalten Vodafone LTE ( http://www.vodafone...- published: 24 Apr 2011
- views: 55288
- author: vodafonelte
LTE (4G). В поисках мобильного счастья.
Mi тестирует мобильный интернет 4-го поколения и делится опытом его добывания в "реальных"...
published: 20 Dec 2013
LTE (4G). В поисках мобильного счастья.
LTE (4G). В поисках мобильного счастья.
Mi тестирует мобильный интернет 4-го поколения и делится опытом его добывания в "реальных" условиях. Текстовая версия и обсуждение на http://mobileimho.ru/technology/2013/12/20/4g-lte-v-poiskah-mobilnogo-schastya.html- published: 20 Dec 2013
- views: 34855
Was ist LTE? | Deeplink | ARD Ratgeber Internet | Das Erste
Der neue Mobilfunkstandard LTE steht für „Long Term Evolution". Das Datentempo ist enorm: ...
published: 20 Oct 2012
author: ARD
Was ist LTE? | Deeplink | ARD Ratgeber Internet | Das Erste
Was ist LTE? | Deeplink | ARD Ratgeber Internet | Das Erste
Der neue Mobilfunkstandard LTE steht für „Long Term Evolution". Das Datentempo ist enorm: LTE ist 18-mal schneller als ein normaler DSL-Anschluss zu Hause un...- published: 20 Oct 2012
- views: 3274
- author: ARD