Yanukovych supporters in Ukraine rally in Kiew to oppose amnesty
Supporters of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych camping outside parliament say they ar...
published: 29 Jan 2014
Yanukovych supporters in Ukraine rally in Kiew to oppose amnesty
Yanukovych supporters in Ukraine rally in Kiew to oppose amnesty
Supporters of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych camping outside parliament say they are opposed to an amnesty for pro-European protesters. Duration: 01:12- published: 29 Jan 2014
- views: 30
Как говорит Янукович / Yanukovych says
published: 09 Jun 2011
author: Андрей Самусев
Как говорит Янукович / Yanukovych says
Янукович повторяет трюк Жан-Клода Ван Дамма. Yanukovych repeats the trick Jean-Claude Van Damme.
Viktor Yanukovych repeated heavy trick Jean-Claude Van Damme, which he took to advertise t...
published: 24 Nov 2013
Янукович повторяет трюк Жан-Клода Ван Дамма. Yanukovych repeats the trick Jean-Claude Van Damme.
Янукович повторяет трюк Жан-Клода Ван Дамма. Yanukovych repeats the trick Jean-Claude Van Damme.
Viktor Yanukovych repeated heavy trick Jean-Claude Van Damme, which he took to advertise trucks "Volvo". In this video Yanukovych makes a choice between Russia and the Customs Union and the European Union. Виктор Федоровчи Янукович повторил тяжелый трюк Жан-Клода Ван Дамма, который он снял для рекламы грузовиков "Вольво". В данном видео Янукович делает выбор между Россией и Таможенным союзом и Европейский Союзом.- published: 24 Nov 2013
- views: 10504
Интервью. Виктор Янукович \ Interview. Viktor Yanukovych
Интервью с Виктором Викторовичем Януковичем президентом Автомобильной Федерации Украины, с...
published: 23 Mar 2013
author: Xline ATV
Интервью. Виктор Янукович \ Interview. Viktor Yanukovych
Интервью. Виктор Янукович \ Interview. Viktor Yanukovych
Интервью с Виктором Викторовичем Януковичем президентом Автомобильной Федерации Украины, со второго этапа соревнований по кросс-кантри в классах UTV и ATV. I...- published: 23 Mar 2013
- views: 4330
- author: Xline ATV
Фуражка бежит от Януковича / Forage cap flees from Yanukovych
Фуражка бежит от Януковича / Forage cap flees from Yanukovych
В молодости Янкукович в родн...
published: 18 Nov 2013
Фуражка бежит от Януковича / Forage cap flees from Yanukovych
Фуражка бежит от Януковича / Forage cap flees from Yanukovych
Фуражка бежит от Януковича / Forage cap flees from Yanukovych В молодости Янкукович в родном Енакиево в 1967 г. отбирал пыжиковые шапки у местных жителей-шахтеров In his youth Yankukovich in his native Yenakievo (Donetsk) in 1967 by violence took away fur hats from local residents, coal miners- published: 18 Nov 2013
- views: 712
Yanukovych meets opposition ahead of crunch talks to end political crisis
Embattled Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych has met with opposition leaders ahead of T...
published: 28 Jan 2014
Yanukovych meets opposition ahead of crunch talks to end political crisis
Yanukovych meets opposition ahead of crunch talks to end political crisis
Embattled Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych has met with opposition leaders ahead of Tuesday's emergency parliament session in attempt to end the mass unrest across the country. The opposition leaders including former boxer Vitaly Klitschko are demanding concessions including a repeal of draconian anti-protest laws, the dismissal of the government and amnesty for all detained protesters.- published: 28 Jan 2014
- views: 13
Balitaan: Ukraine Pres. Yanukovych, inaprubahan na ang pagbitiw sa puwesto ni PM Azarov
Balitaan: Ukraine Pres. Yanukovych, inaprubahan na ang pagbitiw sa puwesto ni PM Azarov (U...
published: 28 Jan 2014
Balitaan: Ukraine Pres. Yanukovych, inaprubahan na ang pagbitiw sa puwesto ni PM Azarov
Balitaan: Ukraine Pres. Yanukovych, inaprubahan na ang pagbitiw sa puwesto ni PM Azarov
Balitaan: Ukraine Pres. Yanukovych, inaprubahan na ang pagbitiw sa puwesto ni PM Azarov (Ulat ni Vivienne Gulla) [January 29, 2014] For more news, visit: ►http://www.ptvnews.ph Download our mobile App. in your Android phones to read daily news updates ►https://www.dropbox.com/s/qz9q1b2xu8pomoo/PTV_News_Android_03-20-2013.apk Subscribe to our youtube account: ►http://www.youtube.com/ptvphilippines Like our facebook page: ►PTV: http://facebook.com/PTVph ►NEWS@1: http://facebook.com/PTVnewsat1 ►NEWS@6: http://facebook.com/PTVnewsat6 ►NEWSLIFE: http://facebook.com/PTVnewslife ►PTV SPORTS: http://facebook.com/PTV4SPORTS Follow us at Twitter: ►http://twitter.com/PTVph Follow our livestream at ►http://ptvnews.ph/index.php/livestreammenu Ustream: ►http://www.ustream.tv/channel/ptv-livestream Watch us, every Monday to Friday Balitaan - 5:30 am - 7:00 am Good Morning Boss - 7:00 am - 9:00 am News@1 - 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm PTV Sports - 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm News@6 - 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm NewsLife - 9:15 pm - 10:30 pm Saturday: News@1 The Week That Was - 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm PTV Weekend News - 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm Sunday: News@1 Junior Edition - 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm PTV Weekend News - 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm- published: 28 Jan 2014
- views: 21
Kiev Crisis: Ukrainian opposition leaders give President Yanukovych 24 hours to meet their demands
Violent protests continue into the night in the Ukraine capital Kyiv following the introdu...
published: 22 Jan 2014
Kiev Crisis: Ukrainian opposition leaders give President Yanukovych 24 hours to meet their demands
Kiev Crisis: Ukrainian opposition leaders give President Yanukovych 24 hours to meet their demands
Violent protests continue into the night in the Ukraine capital Kyiv following the introduction of anti-protest laws controversially passed by the government. Ukrainian opposition leaders told crowds of supporters that they gave President Viktor Yanukovych 24 hours to solve the country's crisis and stop the bloodshed.- published: 22 Jan 2014
- views: 1660
Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych Sings
Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych Sings....
published: 29 Jan 2013
author: Keith Perron
Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych Sings
Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych Sings
Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych Sings.- published: 29 Jan 2013
- views: 694
- author: Keith Perron
Tymoshenko: Yanukovych still in control
Eugenia Tymoshenko says that the Ukrainian Prime Minister and cabinet stepping down won't ...
published: 28 Jan 2014
Tymoshenko: Yanukovych still in control
Tymoshenko: Yanukovych still in control
Eugenia Tymoshenko says that the Ukrainian Prime Minister and cabinet stepping down won't bring meaningful change.- published: 28 Jan 2014
- views: 82
Ukrainian opposition leaders demand President Yanukovych's resignation
Anti-government riots continue to spread across Ukraine after the nation's president refus...
published: 25 Jan 2014
Ukrainian opposition leaders demand President Yanukovych's resignation
Ukrainian opposition leaders demand President Yanukovych's resignation
Anti-government riots continue to spread across Ukraine after the nation's president refused to step down. President Yanukovych's pledge to reshuffle the government has fallen on deaf ears as opposition leader say they'll only accept his resignation. Anthony Mason reports.- published: 25 Jan 2014
- views: 1
Вервольф Бункер Януковича Werewolf bunker Yanukovych
(нім. Werwolf — вовкулака) Історичне минуле місцевості під назвою Межигір'я що на Київщині...
published: 28 Jan 2014
Вервольф Бункер Януковича Werewolf bunker Yanukovych
Вервольф Бункер Януковича Werewolf bunker Yanukovych
(нім. Werwolf — вовкулака) Історичне минуле місцевості під назвою Межигір'я що на Київщині Тепер на місці християнської святині на території резиденції "Межигір'я", де мешкає президент Віктор Янукович, є величезний басейн, два озера з рибою (глава держави любить порибалити), оранжерея, парники, зоопарк та майданчик для посадки вертольотів, ". "Межигір'я" знаходиться приблизно в 15-20 км від Києва, на березі Київського водосховища, поряд з селом Нові Петрівці. Там була держдача Петра Шелеста і Володимира Щербицького.А ще у Януковича я бачив невеликий зоопарк: павичі, страуси, дикобрази, кажуть, навіть кенгуру, хоча я їх не бачив", -- розповів місцевий мешканець. Будинок, де живе Янукович, -- триповерховий з мідним дахом. Є ще два підземні поверхи. "На території є величезний басейн, два озера з рибою (за словами будівельників, президент любить порибалити), оранжерея, парники, дитячий майданчик, великий вольєр і стійло для поні.Вертоліт, яким Президент України Віктор Янукович добиратиметься з Межігорья до Києва, люблять агенти ЦРУ і ФБР, повідомив Газета по-киевськи. За інформацією видання, коштує цей вертоліт дорожче, ніж вертольоти, якими користуються Барак Обама, Володимир Путін і Ангела Меркель.У цьому справді є щось траурне. Старі мешканці села якось розповідали мені, що цей шлях вимощено уламками храмів, стін і келій зруйнованого монастиря. Там, під асфальтом, лежать розторощені фрески з ликами святих. Набожні старики тут завжди хрестяться.Колись давно старенька мешканка села бабуся Олена розповідала мені, як малою дівчинкою стояла серед людей на тій горі й дивилася, як висаджують у повітря межигірські церкви. -- Перший вибух вони витримали, тільки куполи позлітали в небо, — ледь чутно шепотіла вона. — Люди молилися й плакали. Тоді солдати заклали ще більше вибухівки... Білий Спас піднявся над землею і розсипався в порох. Намагаюсь уявити обриси дзвіниці й брами, що їх побудували запорозькі гетьмани, мерехтіння золотих куполів храму, зведеного київськими князями. Десь там Тарас Шевченко полюбляв малювати й мріяти, сидячи під віковими дубами. Кобзар згадує Межигір'я й у своєму «Щоденнику»Патріарх Московський і всієї Русі Кирило вручив президентові Віктору Януковичу орден Російської православної церкви Святого рівноапостольного Князя Володимира I ступеня. Нагороду Янукович отримав "за увагу до праць по зміцненню православ'я в Україні з 60-річчям дня його народження Нагадаємо, що Віктора Януковича нещодавно нагороджено вищою нагородою Української Православної Церкви Московського патріархату -- відзнакою Предстоятеля УПЦ під номером 001.От так на уламках християнських святинь над тілами монахів побудовані маєтки басейни корти та зоопарки,сумно братове Дякую користувачу Tjomuch Tjomuch за відео- published: 28 Jan 2014
- views: 389
PM Netanyahu Meets Ukraine President Viktor Yanukovych
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with Ukraine President Viktor Yanukovych. The two le...
published: 01 Dec 2011
author: IsraeliPM
PM Netanyahu Meets Ukraine President Viktor Yanukovych
PM Netanyahu Meets Ukraine President Viktor Yanukovych
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with Ukraine President Viktor Yanukovych. The two leaders discussed expanding bilateral cooperation in various areas.- published: 01 Dec 2011
- views: 5248
- author: IsraeliPM
Ukraine Protest Video | Hundreds of Thousands Protest Yanukovych in Kiev
Hundreds of thousands of protesters marched in the streets of Kiev, calling for the ouster...
published: 02 Dec 2013
Ukraine Protest Video | Hundreds of Thousands Protest Yanukovych in Kiev
Ukraine Protest Video | Hundreds of Thousands Protest Yanukovych in Kiev
Hundreds of thousands of protesters marched in the streets of Kiev, calling for the ouster of President Viktor Yanukovych. Photo: AP Click here to subscribe to our channel: http://bit.ly/14Q81Xy Visit us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/wsjlive Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/WSJLive Visit the Wall Street Journal: www.wsj.com- published: 02 Dec 2013
- views: 14731
Vimeo results:
Residence of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych in Mezhyhirya village near of Kiev, Ukraine, 22 February 2014
Protesters took full control of the Yanukovych residence and provided free access of the p...
published: 23 Feb 2014
author: alexey solodunov
Residence of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych in Mezhyhirya village near of Kiev, Ukraine, 22 February 2014
Protesters took full control of the Yanukovych residence and provided free access of the premises for Ukrainian and the media. Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and security forces deserted the capital Kiev as protesters on 22 February moved to secure state institutions and parliament took steps towards forming a transitional government. The Ukrainian parliament voted to oust President Viktor Yanukovych and called elections for 25 May.
© oleksandr techynskyi, aleksey solodunov
Inside Yanukovych's Mansion
published: 23 Feb 2014
author: GlobalPost
Inside Yanukovych's Mansion
Occupy Mezhyhirya
The first day of free access to Mezhyhirya - luxury residence of deposed Ukrainian preside...
published: 23 Feb 2014
author: 16on9 Studio
Occupy Mezhyhirya
The first day of free access to Mezhyhirya - luxury residence of deposed Ukrainian president Yanukovych
#euromajdan revolution
Art documentary music reel
#євромайдан #евромайдан #Євромайдан! #Відео #Українець
#Київ! #...
published: 06 Dec 2013
author: GeoTuscan
#euromajdan revolution
Art documentary music reel
#євромайдан #евромайдан #Євромайдан! #Відео #Українець
#Київ! #Єврореволюція
#Євромайдан #Евромайдан #Euromaidan #Україна #Украина #Київ #Киев #Євромайдан #Євромайдан #Евромайдан
Youtube results:
Yanukovych in Washington
New President of Ukraine meets with 'the public' near the Shevchenko Monument in Washingto...
published: 13 Apr 2010
author: kinopetr0s
Yanukovych in Washington
Yanukovych in Washington
New President of Ukraine meets with 'the public' near the Shevchenko Monument in Washington D.C. -- where Viktor Yushchenko did this five years earlier.- published: 13 Apr 2010
- views: 10392
- author: kinopetr0s
Ukrainian Corruption OR Viktor Yanukovych
Most corrupt man in Ukraine is President Viktor Yanukovych. Political corruption in parlia...
published: 28 Jun 2012
author: TheCossackmate
Ukrainian Corruption OR Viktor Yanukovych
Ukrainian Corruption OR Viktor Yanukovych
Most corrupt man in Ukraine is President Viktor Yanukovych. Political corruption in parliament and the judiciary is growing at an alarming rate and has deep ...- published: 28 Jun 2012
- views: 2067
- author: TheCossackmate
Ukraine: Opposition says "24 hours to stop a massacre" after talks with Yanukovych fail
Crisis talks between Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and opposition leaders failed t...
published: 23 Jan 2014
Ukraine: Opposition says "24 hours to stop a massacre" after talks with Yanukovych fail
Ukraine: Opposition says "24 hours to stop a massacre" after talks with Yanukovych fail
Crisis talks between Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and opposition leaders failed to produce... euronews, the most watched news channel in Europe Subscribe for your daily dose of international news, curated and explained:http://eurone.ws/10ZCK4a Euronews is available in 13 other languages: http://eurone.ws/17moBCU http://www.euronews.com/2014/01/23/ukraine-opposition-says-24-hours-to-stop-a-massacre-after-talks-with-yanukovych Crisis talks between Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and opposition leaders failed to produce a result late on Wednesday. The three-hour-long meeting which was the first significant move towards negotiating an end to the unrest, ended with the opposition vowing to brave police bullets with more protests. Afterwards they told protesters gathered in Independence Square that the president had not given any concrete answers to their demands. "I know that you, Mr. President, have the authority to solve this problem," said opposition leader Vitaly Klischko in front of the crowds. "Snap elections will change the situation without bloodshed. And we will do everything to achieve that. Listen to the people, do not ignore them." Former economy minister Arseniy Yatseniuk was resolute in keeping up the fight: "We still have an option of 24 hours to stop the massacre. If not I was very clear saying that I am to lead and I am to go with the people to fight for freedoms and liberties." Find us on: Youtube http://bit.ly/zr3upY Facebook http://www.facebook.com/euronews.fans Twitter http://twitter.com/euronews- published: 23 Jan 2014
- views: 671