- published: 01 Jan 2017
- views: 5
Bolek (died 1819), also spelled as Boleck or Bolechs, and known as Bowlegs by European Americans, was a Seminole principal chief, of the Alachua chiefly line. He was the younger brother of King Payne, who succeeded their father Cowkeeper (known to the Seminole as Ahaya) as leading or principal chief in Florida. Bolek succeeded King Payne in 1812 when he was killed.
Bolek was one of several children born to Ahaya (Cowkeeper) and his wife. He and his older brother King Payne were groomed by their mother's brother (in the matrilineal kinship system) to become chiefs and take leading roles among the Seminole. They inherited that role through their mother's people, who were descended from the Alachua chiefly line.
Bolek was designated as a village or itwála chief while a young man; he was based near the Suwanee River of western Florida. He began to oppose United States influence in Spanish Florida during the early 19th century. He prevented Georgian slaveholders from entering Seminole territory to pursue escaped slaves from the Low Country. Some of the fugitives married into the Seminole people; most created independent communities nearby as allies and were known as Black Seminoles. They kept much of their Gullah culture and developed the Afro-Seminole Creole language in Florida, which they used through the 19th century.
Credits:Text from Wikipedia,video auto-generated by ai.pictures.
Propuštěný, Případ s dítětem, Balada o Juraji Čupovi, Ukradený spis a Poslední soud. V roce 1947 sáhli filmaři poprvé po Čapkových Povídkách z jedné a druhé kapsy. Režisér Martin Frič si ve spolupráci se scenáristy Františkem Vlčkem a Jaroslavem Žákem vybrali pět povídek: Propuštěný, Případ s dítětem, Balada o Juraji Čupovi, Ukradený spis a Poslední soud. První je o podmínečně propuštěném trestanci, ve druhé policejní komisař hledá pachatele uneseného dítěte a poznává, jak těžké je mezi navlas si podobnými nemluvňaty najít to pravé. Třetí je sugestivním vyprávěním o náboženském fanatikovi, který z božího příkazu zabil a jde se ve sněhové vánici udat na četnickou stanici. Ve čtvrté pátrá inspektor Pištora po bytovém zloději, který omylem ukradl tajné spisy generálního štábu, a v poslední p...
Der zehnjährige Katzer Bolek sucht eine neues Zuhause. Kleines Handycap, er braucht täglich Lebertropfen und eignet sich deshalb nur als reine Wohnungskatze. Kontakt: tierschutzligadorf.de
Filmowanie Konrad Krawczyk tel. 606 416 038
Hosté: herec, bavič a moderátor Bolek Polívka, české beachvolejbalové olympioničky Kristýna Kolocová, Markéta Sluková a nejmladší český fotograf Kryštof Vaněk.
Bolek (died 1819), also spelled as Boleck or Bolechs, and known as Bowlegs by European Americans, was a Seminole principal chief, of the Alachua chiefly line. He was the younger brother of King Payne, who succeeded their father Cowkeeper (known to the Seminole as Ahaya) as leading or principal chief in Florida. Bolek succeeded King Payne in 1812 when he was killed.
Bolek was one of several children born to Ahaya (Cowkeeper) and his wife. He and his older brother King Payne were groomed by their mother's brother (in the matrilineal kinship system) to become chiefs and take leading roles among the Seminole. They inherited that role through their mother's people, who were descended from the Alachua chiefly line.
Bolek was designated as a village or itwála chief while a young man; he was based near the Suwanee River of western Florida. He began to oppose United States influence in Spanish Florida during the early 19th century. He prevented Georgian slaveholders from entering Seminole territory to pursue escaped slaves from the Low Country. Some of the fugitives married into the Seminole people; most created independent communities nearby as allies and were known as Black Seminoles. They kept much of their Gullah culture and developed the Afro-Seminole Creole language in Florida, which they used through the 19th century.