Shaaban Shahin Najafi
Stop me on Shaaban's life; ...Don't let me speak for Quraan's sake
I'm tired of t...
published: 08 Dec 2013
Shaaban Shahin Najafi
Shaaban Shahin Najafi
Sha'aban Stop me on Shaaban's life; ...Don't let me speak for Quraan's sake I'm tired of this continuous war;..... Let me say "the hell with Iran" as well I'll get into cultural pose too .....With less risky and swingy poems Maybe we could gain bread and water from it ..... We could have fun with this horny folks I'll get tongue-tied from outcry ... Will get into iconic and symbolic work instead It's a bit thick but it's worth it... From rear the fight between me and 'Milad' tower You're a workman and your word is accepted ...Life is hard and a responsible man One would give in under the expenses weight .... I understand your reasonable grumbles I know your hands got calluses... Your wife's eyes are tired from sewing They also say your son has become a druggy.. Do you still pray to that minaret? Do you still go kissing 'Imam Reza's foot?... By the way, did your daughter Sorayya get healed? Are you still longing to go to Hajj?... God-willing he himself will help you Will your salary last until end of the month?.. Did you even get paid this month at all? What's up? You're not all right, you're pensive chief!... What's up? What happened? You're crying, why? Shaaban I'm ruined for the lump in your throat.. You're a mountain; pain is nothing in your face Smile, the situation will get better... This new president has given some promises I won't sing about Naqi and Mahdi anymore... Shaaban, you're the Imam for me, you're the Man Shaaban, you're above them all... You haven't gone anywhere, to need to get back You know no cover-ups or betrayals..... You don't know what Geneva is and don't know any haggling Atomic energy is not your absolute right.... Your right is to succumb to death here No money, wealth, will or legacy ..... No connection with notables or nobles No, you're no worthless blue-eyed artist.... To make money note for you out of manure You're neither a joyous entertaining musician..... Nor you're after Ershad's* approval *Ministry of Ershad (Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance) You're neither drowned in discos and cabarets...Nor you've given theses on TVs You just exist to suffer.... To be squashed in laboring hardship You exist for them to take your existence away ..... To become a poem, a slogan poem I'm backing you from behind my computer monitor.... I'll change my status* on Labor Day *(Facebook status) My friends from all around the world..... Will 'like' and will put comments under it- published: 08 Dec 2013
- views: 301
Bouthaina Shaaban: You Think the U.S. Is Any More Democratic Than Syria?
Geneva 2 | In the current international negotiations over the Syrian conflict, U.S. Secre...
published: 23 Jan 2014
Bouthaina Shaaban: You Think the U.S. Is Any More Democratic Than Syria?
Bouthaina Shaaban: You Think the U.S. Is Any More Democratic Than Syria?
Geneva 2 | In the current international negotiations over the Syrian conflict, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said that current Syrian President Bashar al-Assad will not have a role in any new transitional government. President Assad's media advisor Bouthaina Shaaban appeared on CNN and asked where John Kerry gets the right to tell the Syrian people who can and cannot be their leader. She suggested the shoe would never be on the other foot, called the U.S.' stance "colonial," and asked, "Do you think there's real democracy in the United States when they deal with countries like this?" Wolf Blitzer brought up some graphic pictures that appear to depict victims of the Syrain Government, pictures obtained by CNN's Christiane Amanpour. Shaaban fired back that "you really have to be in Syria to know who's doing what," not judging from a distance like, she said, Amanpour was doing. She called the accusations a huge lie meant to create conflict and undermine the Syrian government. Shaaban called out "one man in the United States who's misleading" about Syria, but when pressed by Blitzer, she said, "I'm not going to name him, everybody knows him." She encouraged the media to come to Syria so "you will find out for yourself who is the criminal; who is kidnapping people, who is raping people." She said that "most of what's circulated in the media has nothing to do with what's in Syria." Extracted from http://www.mediaite.com/tv/assad-advisor-goes-on-fiery-rant-you-think-the-u-s-is-any-more-democratic-than-syria/ ... Like us on Facebook | http://fb.com/handsoffsyria Follow us on Twitter | https://twitter.com/handsoffsyria- published: 23 Jan 2014
- views: 1788
Syria: Bouthaina Shaaban CNN January 22, 2014
Syria: Bouthaina Shaaban (CNN) - January 22, 2014
Becky Anderson speaks to Bouthaina Shaa...
published: 23 Jan 2014
Syria: Bouthaina Shaaban CNN January 22, 2014
Syria: Bouthaina Shaaban CNN January 22, 2014
Syria: Bouthaina Shaaban (CNN) - January 22, 2014 Becky Anderson speaks to Bouthaina Shaaban, Adviser to President al-Assad, about whether al-Assad can continue to rule. Source: CNN Original link: http://edition.cnn.com/video/data/2.0/video/world/2014/01/22/ctw-syria-al-assad-adviser-bouthaina-shaaban-intv.cnn.html -------------------------------------------------------------- published: 23 Jan 2014
- views: 248
Shahin Najafi - Shaaban [WwW.ParooS.Com]
شاهین نجفی - شعبان - Shahin Najafi - Shaaban
published: 08 Dec 2013
Shahin Najafi - Shaaban [WwW.ParooS.Com]
Shahin Najafi - Shaaban [WwW.ParooS.Com]
شاهین نجفی - شعبان - Shahin Najafi - Shaaban http://www.paroos.com/1392/09/17/17776/ آهنگ جدید و فوق العاده زیبا و شنیدنی شاهین نجفی به نام شعبان شعبان...تقدیم به رحیم خالقی Shaaban شعبان اشن چی گده؟! (گیلکی) شعبان اینا چی میگن؟! جلو منو بگیر تو رو جون شعبان نزار حرف بزنم تو رو به قرعان دیگه خستم از این جنگ مداوم بزار منم بگم گور پدر ایران منم می زنم تو تیریپ هنری با اشعار کم خطر و کمری شاید نون و آبی گیر بیاد حال کنیم با این جماعت حشری میشم زبون بسته از فریاد میزنم تو کار سمبل و نماد یه کم کلفته ولی می ارزه از پشت جنگ منو برج میلاد تو کارگری و حرفت قبول زندگی سخته و مرد مسئول آدم میزاد زیر بار مخارج می فهممت گله هات معقول می دونم دستات پینه بسته چش زنت از دوخت و دوز خسته پسرتم که میگن دوایی شده هنوز دعا می کنی به اون گلدسته؟ هنوزم می ری پابوس امام رضا؟ راستی شفا گرفت دخترت ثریا؟ هنوزم توی حسرت حج هستی؟ ایشالا کمک میکنه خود خدا! حقوقت میرسه تا آخر ماه؟ اصلا حقوق گرفتی تو این ماه؟ چته میزون نیستی پکری اوستا؟! چته چی شده گریه می کنی چرا؟! شعبان خراب بغضتم مرد تو کوهی کم میاره پیش تو درد بخند درست میشه وضع و اوضاع این رئیس جدید یه وعده هایی کرد! شعبان اشن چی گده؟! (گیلکی) شعبان اینا چی میگن؟! دیگه نمی خونم از نقی و مهدی شعبان تو واسم امامی مردی شعبان تو فرای همه اونایی تو جایی نرفتی که برگردی نه ماله کشی بلدی و زیرآب زنی نه ژنو می دونی چی و چونه زنی نه هسته ای حق مسلمته حق تو اینکه اینجا جون بکنی نه پول و پله و ارث و میراث نه رابطه با بزرگان و خواص نه آرتیست دوزاری چش آبی که از پهن واست بسازن اسکناس نه موزیسین خالطور شادی نه دنبال مجوز ارشادی نه تو دیسکوها غرقی و کاباره ها نه تو تلویزیونا تز دادی تو فقط هستی که رنج ببری که له شی توی جبر کارگری تو هستی که هستیتو بگیرن شعر بشی یک شعر شعاری من پشت کامپیتور هواتو دارم روز کارگر استاتوس میزارم رفقام هم از اقصی نقاط جهان لایک می کنن و پاش کامنت می زارن! شعبان اشن چی گده؟!(گیلکی) شعبان اینا چی میگن؟! دوباره آسمان دیل پوره بو/ سیه ابرانه جیر مهتاب کوره بو(گیلکی.به یاد معلمم فریدون پوررضا) دوباره دل آسمان پر شد/ مهتاب زیر ابرهای سیاه کور شد Sha'aban- published: 08 Dec 2013
- views: 591
(Bouthaina Shaaban) بثينة شعبان تدافع عن اجرام بشار الاسد-مترجم للعربية-
مترجم CC للعربية
Have A laugh at #Bouthaina #Shaaban, "a senior adviser to Assad"!!
published: 25 Jan 2014
(Bouthaina Shaaban) بثينة شعبان تدافع عن اجرام بشار الاسد-مترجم للعربية-
(Bouthaina Shaaban) بثينة شعبان تدافع عن اجرام بشار الاسد-مترجم للعربية-
مترجم CC للعربية Have A laugh at #Bouthaina #Shaaban, "a senior adviser to Assad"!! Assad Aide Defends Regime Violence Bouthaina Shaaban, a senior adviser to President Assad, defends the regime in a heated interview with Sky's Anna Botting. #AssadCrimes #AssadWarCrimes #Act2EndAssadsWar #Geneva #Geneva2- published: 25 Jan 2014
- views: 6520
Egyptian Salafi Cleric Mahmoud Shaaban Calls to Kill National Salvation Front Leaders
3732 - Egyptian Salafi Cleric Mahmoud Shaaban Calls to Kill Leaders of the National Salvat...
published: 08 Feb 2013
author: MEMRITVVideos
Egyptian Salafi Cleric Mahmoud Shaaban Calls to Kill National Salvation Front Leaders
Egyptian Salafi Cleric Mahmoud Shaaban Calls to Kill National Salvation Front Leaders
3732 - Egyptian Salafi Cleric Mahmoud Shaaban Calls to Kill Leaders of the National Salvation Front The Internet, Al-Hafez TV (Saudi Arabia/Egypt) - Februar...- published: 08 Feb 2013
- views: 12537
- author: MEMRITVVideos
Rami Shaaban - låten
Det här är min EM-låt.. och tyvärr också min egna sångröst. Men det gör inget. För det här...
published: 15 May 2008
author: pencingmaster
Rami Shaaban - låten
Rami Shaaban - låten
Det här är min EM-låt.. och tyvärr också min egna sångröst. Men det gör inget. För det här är en fotbollslåt och då får man, kan man, bör man vråla. Go Rami!...- published: 15 May 2008
- views: 167104
- author: pencingmaster
Kefaya - Shaaban Abdel Rehim - شعبان عبد الرحيم - كفاية شرب شيشة
Kefaya - Shaaban Abdel Rehim - شعبان عبد الرحيم - كفاية شرب شيشة....
published: 08 Jul 2013
author: themobilerevenger
Kefaya - Shaaban Abdel Rehim - شعبان عبد الرحيم - كفاية شرب شيشة
Kefaya - Shaaban Abdel Rehim - شعبان عبد الرحيم - كفاية شرب شيشة
Kefaya - Shaaban Abdel Rehim - شعبان عبد الرحيم - كفاية شرب شيشة.- published: 08 Jul 2013
- views: 30
- author: themobilerevenger
Zuhura Shaaban - Kizushi
Taarab sounds, "Kizushi" by Zuhura Shaaban....
published: 28 Dec 2012
author: LatifNois3
Zuhura Shaaban - Kizushi
Zuhura Shaaban - Kizushi
Taarab sounds, "Kizushi" by Zuhura Shaaban.- published: 28 Dec 2012
- views: 1699
- author: LatifNois3
Egyptian Cleric Mahmoud Shaaban: Everything Good in Europe Emerged from Islam
published: 02 Jun 2013
author: MEMRITVVideos
Egyptian Cleric Mahmoud Shaaban: Everything Good in Europe Emerged from Islam
Egyptian Cleric Mahmoud Shaaban: Everything Good in Europe Emerged from Islam
- published: 02 Jun 2013
- views: 9027
- author: MEMRITVVideos
Tamer Shaaban: Behind Egypt's viral video
Tamer Shaaban's video, a snapshot of the Egypt protests on Jan. 25, has accumulated over 2...
published: 03 Feb 2011
author: ScarceClips
Tamer Shaaban: Behind Egypt's viral video
Tamer Shaaban: Behind Egypt's viral video
Tamer Shaaban's video, a snapshot of the Egypt protests on Jan. 25, has accumulated over 2 million hits on YouTube.- published: 03 Feb 2011
- views: 7644
- author: ScarceClips
Sha'aban Yahya: Jig of Joy
Jig of Joy, from the album "Return to Jogja" by Sha'aban Yahya (1992)...
published: 27 May 2011
author: StavrosUbud
Sha'aban Yahya: Jig of Joy
Sha'aban Yahya: Jig of Joy
Jig of Joy, from the album "Return to Jogja" by Sha'aban Yahya (1992)- published: 27 May 2011
- views: 4640
- author: StavrosUbud
GOODBYE- FAREWELL SONG by Atif Salim Feat. Akil the brain (Shaaban Robert Secondary School)
This is a song dedicated to the whole SRSS (Shaaban robert secondary school) Family. It wa...
published: 26 Oct 2013
GOODBYE- FAREWELL SONG by Atif Salim Feat. Akil the brain (Shaaban Robert Secondary School)
GOODBYE- FAREWELL SONG by Atif Salim Feat. Akil the brain (Shaaban Robert Secondary School)
This is a song dedicated to the whole SRSS (Shaaban robert secondary school) Family. It was originally composed by my good friend Aniketh for my farewell in 2005 and then got lost in the wilderness. 8 years later I happened to look into my graduation video and that's the time I thought of revisiting the tune and taking it a step forward. The original lyrics had been lost due to the bad sound of the original video. Therefore I had to rewrite the whole song keeping the essence of the original alive. The lyrics now are new and is a mix of both English and Kiswahili while the original was all in English. My uncle, "AKIL DA BRAIN" helped me produce the song in his studio so a BIG THANKS TO HIM... Friends, I am not a lyricist, So what I have written is just a mere expression of love that I have for my school. My high school time was the best phase of my life and the one that i miss the most. This song is a tribute to all my friends and teachers who helped me be the person i am today. Deep down, I also do feel that whatever that i have expressed through my words in this song is a feeling all shaabanians will connect to. I hope to take you all down memory lane once again. A big Thank you to the SRSS Family on facebook for uploading their high school pics on various groups and pages.There were so many pics to choose from but i selected a few with which i somehow got connected. Hope you all like it..... :) ATIF- published: 26 Oct 2013
- views: 468
Shaaban Abdel Rahim شعبان عبد الرحيم مواطن و مخبر و حرامي
published: 07 Feb 2011
author: M.Tarek Nouh
Shaaban Abdel Rahim شعبان عبد الرحيم مواطن و مخبر و حرامي
Shaaban Abdel Rahim شعبان عبد الرحيم مواطن و مخبر و حرامي
- published: 07 Feb 2011
- views: 49675
- author: M.Tarek Nouh
Youtube results:
Shaaban Abdel Rahim Saddam Hussein
Shaaban Abdel Rahim Videoclip about Saddam Hussein....
published: 16 Feb 2007
author: appie13
Shaaban Abdel Rahim Saddam Hussein
Shaaban Abdel Rahim Saddam Hussein
Shaaban Abdel Rahim Videoclip about Saddam Hussein.- published: 16 Feb 2007
- views: 193170
- author: appie13
Rami Shaaban får nya skäggstilar av Big T
Se när Rami Shaaban testar olika skäggstilar och besöker Sveriges absolut skönast barberar...
published: 27 Sep 2012
author: Gillette Sverige
Rami Shaaban får nya skäggstilar av Big T
Rami Shaaban får nya skäggstilar av Big T
Se när Rami Shaaban testar olika skäggstilar och besöker Sveriges absolut skönast barberare Big T. Big T bjuder dessutom på några värdefulla skägg- och rakni...- published: 27 Sep 2012
- views: 1020
- author: Gillette Sverige
مقلب محمود شعبان هاتولى راجل _ Mold Mahmoud Shaaban came to me footmen
لا تنسو تعليقاتكم واعجبكم
ولا تنسو المشركة فى قناتى لمتابعة الافضل والمزيد
Do not forget ...
published: 13 Jul 2013
مقلب محمود شعبان هاتولى راجل _ Mold Mahmoud Shaaban came to me footmen
مقلب محمود شعبان هاتولى راجل _ Mold Mahmoud Shaaban came to me footmen
لا تنسو تعليقاتكم واعجبكم ولا تنسو المشركة فى قناتى لمتابعة الافضل والمزيد Do not forget your comments and you like Do not forget entangling in the fallopian to pursue better and more ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ 1_شاهد مقلب محمود شعبان هاتولى راجل Mold Mahmoud Shaaban came to me footmen http://adf.ly/S3Idv ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ 2_شاهد مقتل شاب على كوبري الجامعه من شباب المنيل Death of a young man http://adf.ly/S3Ily ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ 3_شاهد مجهولون يركبون دقون مزيفة في شوارع مصر Unidentified riding Dguen the fake on the streets of Egypt http://adf.ly/S3IsL ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ 4_What is PTSD http://adf.ly/S3IyB ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ 5_القبض على العاملين فى قناه مصر 25 The arrest of workers in Egypt channel 25 http://adf.ly/S3J4o ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ 6_فرحة متظاهري فى مصر The joy of demonstrators in Egypt http://adf.ly/S3J8h ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ 7_طيار مصري بيهزر مع المصيفين Egyptian pilot flirting with resort http://adf.ly/S3JBN ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ 8_حصريا لحظة القبض على محمد بديع مرشد Exclusively for the moment the arrest of Mohamed Badie http://adf.ly/S3JIX ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ 9_حصريا لحظة القبض على محمد مرسي Exclusively for the moment the arrest of Mohamed Morsi http://adf.ly/S3JLK ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ 10_حصري الفيديو الجيش المصري لاحداث الحرس الجمهوري Egyptian army and Republican Guard events http://adf.ly/S3JRS ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ 11_الجيش المصري يقتحم استديو الجزيرة مباشر مصر Egyptian army entered the studio Al Jazeera http://adf.ly/S3JXE ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ 12_مقدمة حترفية للفيديوهات Introduction Htervah for Videos http://adf.ly/S3JZp- published: 13 Jul 2013
- views: 67
Bouthaina Shaaban: "You Think the US is Any More Democratic Than Syria?"
Geneva 2 | In the current international negotiations over the Syrian conflict, U.S. Secret...
published: 23 Jan 2014
Bouthaina Shaaban: "You Think the US is Any More Democratic Than Syria?"
Bouthaina Shaaban: "You Think the US is Any More Democratic Than Syria?"
Geneva 2 | In the current international negotiations over the Syrian conflict, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said that current Syrian President Bashar al-Assad will not have a role in any new transitional government. President Assad's media advisor Bouthaina Shaaban appeared on CNN and asked where John Kerry gets the right to tell the Syrian people who can and cannot be their leader. She suggested the shoe would never be on the other foot, called the U.S.' stance "colonial," and asked, "Do you think there's real democracy in the United States when they deal with countries like this?" Wolf Blitzer brought up some graphic pictures that appear to depict victims of the Syrain Government, pictures obtained by CNN's Christiane Amanpour. Shaaban fired back that "you really have to be in Syria to know who's doing what," not judging from a distance like, she said, Amanpour was doing. She called the accusations a huge lie meant to create conflict and undermine the Syrian government. Shaaban called out "one man in the United States who's misleading" about Syria, but when pressed by Blitzer, she said, "I'm not going to name him, everybody knows him." She encouraged the media to come to Syria so "you will find out for yourself who is the criminal; who is kidnapping people, who is raping people." She said that "most of what's circulated in the media has nothing to do with what's in Syria." Source: CNN ►Twitter : https://twitter.com/MMenschenfreund ►Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/MMenschenfreund ►YouTube Channel #1 :https://www.youtube.com/user/ArmenianHolocaust2 War Crimes Documentation, Terrorism Watch ►LiveLeak channel : http://www.liveleak.com/c/MichaelMenschenfreund- published: 23 Jan 2014
- views: 186