The Wayback Machine -
Make Double Sided Rings out of Coins - Secrets and Tips
Make Rings out of Coins
Cache of coins found while metal detecting- LIVE!
Coin Value Song- Pennies, Nickels, Dimes, Quarters!
Ebay Stops Selling Fake & Copy Coins!!  Tips To Spot Fakes & Counterfeits.
Junk Silver Investing - Choosing the Coins that Sell at a Higher Profit
How To Photograph Coins
How are Silver Coins Minted?
Wax and EOM:
Roman coins (English version) (35mn)
Metal Detecting: Finding A Huge Cache of Old Silver Coins
Colorful Coins - Sick Science! #193


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Make Double Sided Rings out of Coins - Secrets and Tips
  • Order:
  • Duration: 13:18
  • Updated: 05 Jan 2014

Make Double Sided Rings out of Coins - Secrets and Tips;=1 Jewelers Mandrel Die and Punch Set How to polish silver rings The Easiest Coin Ring to Make Half Dollar Coin Ring.. The U.S. Department of the Treasury own website Home » Resource Center » FAQs » Coins » Portraits & Designs.. bottom of the page. "Is it illegal to damage or deface coins?-This statute means that you may be violating the law if you change the appearance of the coin and fraudulently represent it to be other than the altered coin that it is. As a matter of policy, the U.S. Mint does not promote coloring, plating or altering U.S. coinage: however, there are no sanctions against such activity absent fraudulent intent." Here's the Link
  • published: 05 Jan 2014
  • views: 2393 Double Sided Rings out of Coins - Secrets and Tips
Make Rings out of Coins
  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:36
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013

Make Rings out of Coins

A detailed walk through video on how I make a Liberty Ring out of a silver quarter. Make sure your quarter is 1964 or earlier. You can easily find em on ebay...
  • published: 09 Oct 2012
  • views: 239345
  • author: fencekid Rings out of Coins
Cache of coins found while metal detecting- LIVE!
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:28
  • Updated: 17 Aug 2013

Cache of coins found while metal detecting- LIVE!

Added: We do acknowlege that the use of a knife was a very bad idea. Mike thought it was some sort of plate and called me once he brushed away the dirt to fi... of coins found while metal detecting- LIVE!
Coin Value Song- Pennies, Nickels, Dimes, Quarters!
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:15
  • Updated: 14 Aug 2013

Coin Value Song- Pennies, Nickels, Dimes, Quarters!

A sing-along song to teach the coin values- pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters! See the 2 dimes and a nickel song here: See th... Value Song- Pennies, Nickels, Dimes, Quarters!
Ebay Stops Selling Fake & Copy Coins!!  Tips To Spot Fakes & Counterfeits.
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:13
  • Updated: 16 Aug 2013

Ebay Stops Selling Fake & Copy Coins!! Tips To Spot Fakes & Counterfeits.

Starting Feb. 20, our favorite auction site will prevent sellers from selling copy or fake coins and currency. Additionally, here's a list of some of the mos... Stops Selling Fake & Copy Coins!! Tips To Spot Fakes & Counterfeits.
Junk Silver Investing - Choosing the Coins that Sell at a Higher Profit
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:12
  • Updated: 17 Aug 2013

Junk Silver Investing - Choosing the Coins that Sell at a Higher Profit

Let's take a look at the various scrap silver choices in U.S. coins. I talk about the least expensive pieces to get and how it will better compliment your ot... Silver Investing - Choosing the Coins that Sell at a Higher Profit
How To Photograph Coins
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:47
  • Updated: 22 Aug 2013

How To Photograph Coins

In this video I share my method of photographing coins. Photographing coins is a great way to show off a coin collection. I cover how to take a photograph of a coin as well as how to edit an image and properly isolate it against a white background. I also include a short slideshow where I show off a few coins I photographed using this method. A couple of items I use to take a good photograph is an SLR, a long zoom lens, a ring light, and some macro lens tubes.
  • published: 22 Aug 2013
  • views: 20 To Photograph Coins
How are Silver Coins Minted?
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:16
  • Updated: 17 Aug 2013

How are Silver Coins Minted?

A behind the scenes look at how silver coins are struck. This special tour follows the process of minting a silver coin from raw silver to final strike. Film...
  • published: 08 Sep 2011
  • views: 56982
  • author: edrsilver are Silver Coins Minted?
Wax and EOM:
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:14
  • Updated: 18 Aug 2013

Wax and EOM: "Coins"

I hope you all are having a wonderful day! Wax's twitter EOM's twitter Check out EOM at http://soundcloud.c... and EOM: "Coins"
Roman coins (English version) (35mn)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 34:23
  • Updated: 10 Aug 2013

Roman coins (English version) (35mn)

History of the Roman coinage. coins (English version) (35mn)
Metal Detecting: Finding A Huge Cache of Old Silver Coins
  • Order:
  • Duration: 14:03
  • Updated: 17 Aug 2013

Metal Detecting: Finding A Huge Cache of Old Silver Coins

Here is a video of me digging a coin spill from the river with my Garrett AT Pro. In all, I have recovered 178 silver coins dating from 1837 and before from ... Detecting: Finding A Huge Cache of Old Silver Coins
Colorful Coins - Sick Science! #193
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:23
  • Updated: 03 Jun 2014

Colorful Coins - Sick Science! #193

Find out what is happening here: If you've ever needed to clean a coin like a nickel or a dime, you might have used vinegar. That's a perfect combination, unless you forget to dry the vinegar off of the coin! With the Colorful Coins activity, you'll see how there is more to a shiny nickel or dime that initially meets the eyes. Want more experiments like this? Check out Sick Science™ is a trademark of Steve Spangler, inc. © 2014 Steve Spangler Science all rights reserved
  • published: 03 Jun 2014
  • views: 4331 Coins - Sick Science! #193
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:46
  • Updated: 25 Jul 2013


Interviewer: David Lisot Once again that intrepid coin adventurer David Lisot, host of COINWeek, takes viewers on a journey to find the coolest coin at the C...
  • published: 25 Apr 2012
  • views: 4863
  • author: coinweek COINS! at CSNS 2012
Minting Coins at the Philadelphia Mint:
  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:36
  • Updated: 15 Aug 2013

Minting Coins at the Philadelphia Mint: "How They Make Money" circa 1940 10min

more at Excellent account of the minting of US coins at Philadelphia. Truncated, but the coining process is intact. 'U.S. Mint s... Coins at the Philadelphia Mint: "How They Make Money" circa 1940 10min
  • Make Double Sided Rings out of Coins - Secrets and Tips
    Make Double Sided Rings out of Coins - Secrets and Tips
  • Make Rings out of Coins
    Make Rings out of Coins
  • Cache of coins found while metal detecting- LIVE!
    Cache of coins found while metal detecting- LIVE!
  • Coin Value Song- Pennies, Nickels, Dimes, Quarters!
    Coin Value Song- Pennies, Nickels, Dimes, Quarters!
  • Ebay Stops Selling Fake & Copy Coins!!  Tips To Spot Fakes & Counterfeits.
    Ebay Stops Selling Fake & Copy Coins!! Tips To Spot Fakes & Counterfeits.
  • Junk Silver Investing - Choosing the Coins that Sell at a Higher Profit
    Junk Silver Investing - Choosing the Coins that Sell at a Higher Profit
  • How To Photograph Coins
    How To Photograph Coins
  • How are Silver Coins Minted?
    How are Silver Coins Minted?
  • Wax and EOM:
    Wax and EOM: "Coins"
  • Roman coins (English version) (35mn)
    Roman coins (English version) (35mn)
  • Metal Detecting: Finding A Huge Cache of Old Silver Coins
    Metal Detecting: Finding A Huge Cache of Old Silver Coins
  • Colorful Coins - Sick Science! #193
    Colorful Coins - Sick Science! #193
  • COOL COINS! at CSNS 2012
    COOL COINS! at CSNS 2012
  • Minting Coins at the Philadelphia Mint:
    Minting Coins at the Philadelphia Mint: "How They Make Money" circa 1940 10min

Make Double Sided Rings out of Coins - Secrets and Tips;=1 Jewelers Mandrel Die and Punch Set How to polish silver rings The Easiest Coin Ring to Make Half Dollar Coin Ring.. The U.S. Department of the Treasury own website Home » Resource Center » FAQs » Coins » Portraits & Designs.. bottom of the page. "Is it illegal to damage or deface coins?-This statute means that you may be violating the law if you change the appearance of the coin and fraudulently represent it to be other than the altered coin that it is. As a matter of policy, the U.S. Mint does not promote coloring, plating or altering U.S. coinage: however, there are no sanctions against such activity absent fraudulent intent." Here's the Link
  • published: 05 Jan 2014
  • views: 2393

Make Dou­ble Sided Rings out of Coins - Se­crets and Tips
http://​www.​amazon.​com/​gp/​product/​B000RB1SBC/​ref=oh_​details_​o07_​s00_​i00?​ie=UTF8&​psc;=1 Jewe...
pub­lished: 05 Jan 2014
Make Rings out of Coins
A de­tailed walk through video on how I make a Lib­er­ty Ring out of a sil­ver quar­ter. Make s...
pub­lished: 09 Oct 2012
au­thor: fencekid
Cache of coins found while metal de­tect­ing- LIVE!
Added: We do ac­knowl­ege that the use of a knife was a very bad idea. Mike thought it was s...
pub­lished: 22 Jan 2010
Coin Value Song- Pen­nies, Nick­els, Dimes, Quar­ters!
A sing-along song to teach the coin val­ues- pen­nies, nick­els, dimes, and quar­ters! See the...
pub­lished: 30 Aug 2012
Ebay Stops Sell­ing Fake & Copy Coins!! Tips To Spot Fakes & Coun­ter­feits.
Start­ing Feb. 20, our fa­vorite auc­tion site will pre­vent sell­ers from sell­ing copy or fake...
pub­lished: 08 Feb 2012
Junk Sil­ver In­vest­ing - Choos­ing the Coins that Sell at a High­er Prof­it
Let's take a look at the var­i­ous scrap sil­ver choic­es in U.S. coins. I talk about the leas...
pub­lished: 09 May 2013
How To Pho­to­graph Coins
In this video I share my method of pho­tograph­ing coins. Pho­tograph­ing coins is a great way...
pub­lished: 22 Aug 2013
How are Sil­ver Coins Mint­ed?
A be­hind the scenes look at how sil­ver coins are struck. This spe­cial tour fol­lows the pro...
pub­lished: 08 Sep 2011
au­thor: edr­sil­ver
Wax and EOM: "Coins"
I hope you all are hav­ing a won­der­ful day! Wax's twit­ter http://​twitter.​com/​bigwax EOM's t...
pub­lished: 21 Jul 2011
au­thor: waxand­herbalt
Roman coins (En­glish ver­sion) (35mn)
His­to­ry of the Roman coinage....
pub­lished: 21 Apr 2013
Metal De­tect­ing: Find­ing A Huge Cache of Old Sil­ver Coins
Here is a video of me dig­ging a coin spill from the river with my Gar­rett AT Pro. In all, ...
pub­lished: 12 Oct 2011
au­thor: Beau Ouimette
Col­or­ful Coins - Sick Sci­ence! #193
Find out what is hap­pen­ing here: http://​www.​stevespanglerscience.​com/​lab/​experiments/​color...​
pub­lished: 03 Jun 2014
In­ter­view­er: David Lisot Once again that in­trepid coin ad­ven­tur­er David Lisot, host of COI...
pub­lished: 25 Apr 2012
au­thor: coin­week
Mint­ing Coins at the Philadel­phia Mint: "How They Make Money" circa 1940 10min
more at http://​money.​quickfound.​net/​ Ex­cel­lent ac­count of the mint­ing of US coins at Phila...
pub­lished: 13 Jul 2012
au­thor: Jeff Quit­ney
Youtube results:
READ DE­SCRIP­TION* THE CON­TAIN­ER IS A 1930s PIGGY BANK Back­ground Story: So heres the story...
pub­lished: 25 Dec 2012
Pay­ing a park­ing fine in coins
Thank you in­ter­net for mak­ing the video viral!...
pub­lished: 14 Sep 2013
How its made coins
How it's made, How It's made, how it is made episodes, how it's made episodes, how it's ma...
pub­lished: 13 Feb 2014
Mario Kart 8: 3 Rea­sons You Should Col­lect Coins
For more un­lock­ables, se­crets and short­cuts, check out the Mario Kart 8 Wiki: http://www.i...
pub­lished: 29 May 2014
photo: AP / Sunday Alamba
In this Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2011 photo, police officers armed with AK-47 rifles stand guard at sandbagged bunkers along a major road in Maiduguri, Nigeria. The radical sect Boko Haram, which in August 2011 bombed the United Nations headquarters in Nigeria, is the gravest security threat to Africa's most populous nation and is gaining prominence
Edit Al Jazeera
10 Jun 2014
Suspected Boko Haram gunmen have reportedly kidnapped 20 women from a nomadic settlement in northeast Nigeria near the town of Chibok, where the rebel group abducted more than 200 schoolgirls in April ... Tar said they drove away to an unknown location in the remote stretch of Borno state. He said the group also took three young men who tried to stop the kidnapping ... 296 Source.. AP. ....(size: 2.0Kb)
photo: AP / Karim Kadim
An Iraqi federal policeman searches a man at a checkpoint in Baghdad, Iraq, Wednesday, June. 11, 2014. The Iraqi government has tightened its security measures after a stunning assault that exposed Iraq's eroding central authority, al-Qaida-inspired militants overran much of Mosul on Tuesday.
Edit Huffington Post
11 Jun 2014
They have live-tweeted amputations, carried out public crucifixions and have been disavowed as too extreme by al-Qaeda. Now they have taken over Mosul, Iraq's second biggest city. They are the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or ISIS, a group of extremist Sunni Islamist militants, and they are rapidly becoming one of the deadliest and most prolific insurgent groups in the Middle East ... Iraqi uniforms strewn on the road in Mosul ... ....(size: 5.0Kb)
photo: AP / Shakil Adil
Pakistani troops arrive at Jinnah International Airport following an attack by unknown gunmen disguised as police guards who stormed a terminal used for VIPs and cargo, Sunday night, June 8, 2014, in Karachi, Pakistan. The airport attack still was ongoing early Monday in Karachi, a sprawling port city on the southern coast of Pakistan, although officials said all the passengers had been evacuated.
Edit Voa News
09 Jun 2014
VOA News. Heavily-armed militants stormed the main airport in Karachi, Pakistan Sunday, leading to a five-hour gun battle with police and soldiers that left 23 people dead.  . Officials say all 10 gunmen were either shot by police or blew themselves up with suicide vests.   ...   ...   ...   ...   ... ....(size: 1.7Kb)
photo: AP / John Locher
A Las Vegas police officer walks away from the scene of a shooting near a Wal-Mart, Sunday, June 8, 2014, in Las Vegas.
Edit South China Morning Post
09 Jun 2014
An armed man and woman shouting about a “revolution” opened fire and killed two Las Vegas policemen who were eating lunch in a pizza parlour on Sunday, then fatally shot a civilian in a nearby Wal-Mart store before killing themselves, police said ... Moments later, the female suspect shot her accomplice to death, then took her own life, Gillespie told reporters at a late-afternoon news conference ... He added ... ....(size: 2.6Kb)
photo: AP
Refugees fleeing from Mosul head to the self-ruled northern Kurdish region in Irbil, Iraq, 350 kilometers (217 miles) north of Baghdad, Tuesday, June 10, 2014.
Edit The Times of India
11 Jun 2014
MOSUL. An al-Qaida splinter group seized control of the Iraqi city of Mosul on Tuesday, putting security forces to flight in a spectacular show of strength against the Shia-led Baghdad government ... READ ALSO. Militants overrun parts of key Iraqi city of Mosul. But the battle, for the time being, seemed to be over ... Burning vehicles belonging to Iraqi security forces are seen during clashes (Reuters photo) ... "We can't beat them ... (AP photo)....(size: 8.6Kb)

Edit The Washington Times
12 Jun 2014
The House Subcommittee on Monetary Policy and Trade discussed the future of the penny and the rest of the American coin purse in a hearing Wednesday ... Mint is that a penny actually costs 1.8 cents to produce, but there remains a strong popular constituency for the coin ... Mint testing new metals to make coins cheaper ... “There will still be a portion of society that will always use coins,” Lorelei St....(size: 2.9Kb)
Edit WorldNetDaily
12 Jun 2014
*****. From Bloomberg News.. Ecuador sends gold reserves to Goldman Sachs. Ecuador agreed to transfer more than half its gold reserves to Goldman Sachs Group Inc ... *****. From Coin Update.. U.S. Mint stops rationing silver eagle coins ... silver eagle coins next week, for the first time in 16 months, Mike Zielinski reports at Coin Update ... Zielinski’s report is headlined “Silver Eagle Bullion Coins No Longer on Allocation.” ... Note....(size: 8.3Kb)
Edit Scoop
12 Jun 2014
Thursday, 12 June 2014, 11.55 am. Press Release.. 12 June 2014 ... Design lecturer Jeongbin Ok has hit upon a solution to minimise the damage of swallowing coin-sized, button cell lithium batteries, commonly found in electronic devices such as toys and remote controls, which can result in serious harm or death if not treated within two hours ... The food colouring is activated by saliva ... • When X-rayed, the battery can be mistaken for a coin ... ....(size: 3.1Kb)
Edit Sydney Morning Herald
12 Jun 2014
He will also plead not guilty to stealing a few coins and a mobile phone on the night of the murder. Advertisement ....(size: 0.7Kb)
Edit Scoop
12 Jun 2014
Thursday, 12 June 2014, 5.36 pm. Press Release.. Media Release. 12 June 2014. Matariki at MTG Hawke‘s Bay. Saturday 28 June 2014 10am-6pm ... Entry will only be a gold coin so everybody can join in the celebration. Matariki Story Time ... Todd Dixon ... ....(size: 1.4Kb)
Edit San Francisco Chronicle
12 Jun 2014
Passenger, "Whispers" (Black Crow/Nettwerk) ... Rosenberg, the British singer-songwriter who performs under the moniker Passenger, has a wonderfully natural voice and his touching guitar approach remains adorable ... "Coins in a Fountain" challenges the senses right off the bat, opting for an odd blend of world-beat styled percussion and rhythm ... ___....(size: 1.5Kb)
Edit The Examiner
12 Jun 2014
Ford Motor and Heinz have announced a new partnership to see if tomato byproducts could be used to make car parts. Ford is a leader in sustainability research ... In a joint news release, the companies say they started work on this project two years ago ... At first, the new bio-plastic will more than likely be used to make wiring brackets for vehicles or the material could be used for the storage bin to hold coins or other small items ... ....(size: 2.2Kb)
Edit noodls
12 Jun 2014
(Source. Victoria University of Wellington) ... Design lecturer Jeongbin Ok has hit upon a solution to minimise the damage of swallowing coin-sized, button cell lithium batteries, commonly found in electronic devices such as toys and remote controls, which can result in serious harm or death if not treated within two hours ... The food colouring is activated by saliva ... Mass production is expected to begin early next year ... distributed by ... (noodl....(size: 2.4Kb)
Edit South China Morning Post
12 Jun 2014
The month-long 2014 World Cup football tournament will be a tale of two very different Brazils. The first one is the star-studded and immensely talented Brazilian football team and its jogo bonito, or “beautiful game”, a term coined by Pele, the country’s veteran footballer ... Yet economists are much less confident about the second Brazil ... Growth has shrivelled from 6 per cent to 2.2 per cent last year....(size: 2.4Kb)
Edit Deccan Chronicle
12 Jun 2014
Chennai. The popular Chennai-based community page on Facebook, ‘I Am Madras’, recently posted the hash tag, #ChennaiNeedsContraceptives. It encouraged the city’s twitterati to hold open discussions about the apparent unavailability of female emergency contraceptive pills at drug stores in Chennai ... After discovering that this was a long-standing point of debate, Raunak coined the hash tag. “The result was mixed ... Narayana Reddy ...   ....(size: 3.0Kb)
Edit Seattle Post
12 Jun 2014
Paper ties back to AAAAI’s Choosing Wisely list. Milwaukee, WI (PRWEB) June 11, 2014 ... JAMA’s column shares the story of a mother who believes there is a relationship between her son’s ADHD and allergies—and one easy blood test could determine the best elimination diet to treat him ... “This case illustrates what has been coined the treatment trap, inappropriate testing that spirals into inappropriate management,” said co-author David P....(size: 3.3Kb)
Edit The Wrap
12 Jun 2014
Well, that was close. NBC Sports narrowly avoided its worst-case scenario this June. a four-game sweep in the Stanley Cup Finals. Game 4 was about as close as it gets, a 2-1 New York Rangers victory that included a late 3rd period puck just hanging out on the goal line behind Henrik Lundqvist, which would have tied the contest for the L.A. Kings, if not for a thinly built-up wall of ice preventing a cheap score ...Flip a Coin’....(size: 3.7Kb)
Edit noodls
12 Jun 2014
(Source. USAV - USA Volleyball). June 11, 2014, 4.44 p.m. (ET). COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo ... Thanks to a fateful delay from a Nigerian team stuck at customs, Larsen (Jamul, Calif.) and Metter (Phoenix, Ariz.) entered Wednesday's main draw with seconds to spare. "We did not know what was happening until the coin toss, if we were playing or not," Larsen said in an interview with FIVB. "But we came ready to play no matter what happened ... (noodl....(size: 3.6Kb)

A coin is a piece of hard material that is standardized in weight, is produced in large quantities in order to facilitate trade, and primarily can be used as a legal tender.

Coins are usually metal or a metallic material and sometimes made of synthetic materials, usually in the shape of a disc, and most often issued by a government. Coins are used as a form of money in transactions of various kinds, from the everyday circulation coins to the storage of large numbers of bullion coins. In the present day, coins and banknotes make up currency, the cash forms of all modern money systems. Coins made for paying bills and general monetized use are usually used for lower-valued units, and banknotes for the higher values; also, in many money systems, the highest value coin made for circulation is worth less than the lowest-value note. In the last hundred years, the face value of circulation coins has usually been higher than the gross value of the metal used in making them; exceptions occurring when inflation causes the metal value to surpass the face value, causing the minting authority to change the composition and the old coins to begin to disappear from circulation (see Gresham's Law.) However, this has generally not been the case throughout the rest of history for circulation coins made of precious metals.

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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

[method man]
Uh, and it goes like this
Uh uh uh uh, it goes like that
Now let me tell you who I am
Up early in the morning, dressed in black
Who dat? *echoes*
Yo yo
Marvel this theatrical, drama on stage
Broadway classical, led men to rage
Like currents, the beat change and now a flow is strange
You in the arctic wit wolves that viciously main
Thugs that roam clubs, in the dark wit fireworks that spark
Saltwater vibrations comin from sharks
Blood-thirsty kids bite just as well as I write
You're like secretaries who can't type, you're no use
Broke down vessels who want a boost, there's no jokes
Quick fast you, get stumped 'cause you played, your organ pump
Kool-aid, from indiana wit the jones of a lost crusade
Hip-hop done hit the church, choir girls rockin mini skirts
The b-side kept plenty hurt
Push like the shovels in snow storms
And stack piles of foul, the shit you must grow on! *echoes*
Chorus [method man] 4x
Uh and it goes like this
Uh uh uh uh, it goes like that
[method man]
Pay no attention to the evil they speak
You caught the beef wit the equal eye, poisonous beats from underneath
Crack the concrete wit two left feet
Head on my meat
Ain't no games here we playin for keeps (we play for keeps!)
Introducing, the crowd seducing man on the street
Penitentiaries is either half-dead or too sweet
Back to basic, condition-al god, plus I can take it
Wagin war within the matrix, it's hard to see
Touch, hear, smell or even taste it, take your places
We runnin in these human races, bucking naked
Back-slappin kid yappin, actin villian catchin feelin like we cap peelin
As if we killin every brick in every project building
From cabrini green to tildens, sincerely yours
Mista meth and maximilion (da millions, da millions)
(ka ka ka ka ka ka ka kaaa!) (da millions ha!)
Chorus 5x
[method man]
Uh uh uh uh
Uh uh uh uh
Wu-tang killa bees on the swarm (we play for keeps!)
(we play for keeps!)
Wu-tang killa bees on the swarm

[Verse 1: Madd Maxx]
Now who's next for platinum spotlight?
You know who it is
Maxx and Gonz takin over the mic
flippin the script
reversin Town styles of my life
live in the ghetto
but still livin the life that is trife
so fuck a knife
I'm using the gat on Mobb imposters
layin 'em down wit choppers
they never could stop us
breakin 'em off they drop us
for tryin to knock us
hustlin ass backwards
dishin out my products
under the Oakland initiation
the death penalty is what you facin
life sentance, incarceration
for fuckin wit Mobb affiliation
nigga the Paraphanil
contraband infiltration
anatomy of my alliance
you won't defiy it
so watch you get broke down when niggas cause riots
hold them hostage make the snitch keep quiet
talkin bout, you don't know shit
I don't buy it
you fuckin wit real niggas that's all about the cheddar
carry Barrettas
under my sweater
I'm tryin to make a mill ticket to make my life better
and if I gotta go down like Scarface, then whatever.
[Chorus: Mr. X x2]
You'll never get next to me
so you can't see what I see
I can't trust nobody, while I'm out here on these streets.
[Verse 2: Gonzoe]
Why I'm like this?
Look at the world in the face and spit
What the fuck provoked me to write this?
Lookin at my gun thinkin "this it"
cuz this bitch done took my son, thinkin he an object
she trip
because I'm lonely
wit a new fifth
mad at everybody drunk
tryin to stack a grip
Fuck y'all!
Sayin y'all friends
deniyin my collect-calls
when a nigga behind in walls
that's why I'm like this
see I was raised wit a twist
my mama sold dope and my daddy was a pimp
that's my script
sold my first brick in 10th wit Chris
juss tryin to get some paper off the strip
that enabled my hustle
everyday on mind
lost in life wit big shit define
I don't give a fuck
niggas flaggin me down
I never don't stop
all they want is questions and ask stupid stuff.
[Chorus: x4]
[Verse 3: Gonzoe]
Here's to the lasting song
wit death the day after
when I'm drunk
it helps makes the time fly faster
the world passin me by
fuck it, I'm high
say "I won" for the hell of it
watchin the other side
Why should I?
Think like the others
I'm like murder
only say I'm trippin hella pistols hella come out
never got caught
but statistically
you 'posed to knock on wood
cuz eventually it's tough
tuckin the sheets in my bunk
gettin ready for lock up
caged up
niggas givin a fuck
this for the total mayne
niggas rollin the Daytona's way
I got "Thug Serenade"
for niggs to prominate
an get paid
I'm watchin ya'll, change your ways
cuz you on some other shit
takin shit these days.

[Gonzoe: talking]
hahahahaha... (ooohhh) you fuckin bitch
Yes, come on bounce to this (You talk too mother fuckin' much bitch, we don't like...)
Yeah yeah yeah
Salute to the 88 spokes on the Coupe
Wide open, axle broken
Fly down to the spot
Cause my shit too hot
Like what, why not have kass
Live life to the fullest
Escape Bullets, nigga
It's still rubble
How things look like kings
Just cause I love it
I can't give it up
The ass is on the sluts
It's enormous (come on)
I pass on nothin (what)
Smash on niggaz for nothin
It's ritzy
Smoke one blaze down to fifty
Every bomb cock wanna get with me
And ya nigga can't stand me
Cause a nigga all up in your pretty panties

[Gonzoe: talking]
Uh-oh, (uh-oh) here it go again (here it go)
Oh fuck! (oh shit) shit, shake that shit bitch
Huh, (yeah) yeah, it's me, Gonzoe
Came to rock you mother fuckers right quick
You know what I'm sayin? Kick that thesoline
Know what I'm sayin
[Verse 1: Gonzoe]
Nigga, I'm tryin to have it made
Fuckin with mink and suede
Hoppin out of jags on niggaz
When me shit parfait
Like Livarache
Hoe, smell the heats of meakee
I'm too cocky
My life's too rocky
So fuck y'all
Nigga pissy off with me
You separate all
It means nothin
I talk your bitch out the drawls
For the fuck of it
And turp off bumpin
It's in the shed
Bounce to this
Cause you feelin it
Respect me killin it nigga
I'mma be that rich cat
Tell them niggaz where I hold my chips and whips at
I'm a young nigga never found guilty
Clean as fuck but still filthy
Workers on the corners tryin to milk me
For knowledge
Like 'Damn! you smashin in college?'
Big ass glots and keepin dollars
Don't bother choppin work no more
I hit the liquor store
Relax with a glass of conyac and smoke
[Chorus: Gonzoe]
I got it made! (got it made)
Fuckin with mink and suede (mink and suede)
All my pieces par made
Bitch, I'm doin this shit my way (my way)
Bitch, all us niggaz we got it made
I'm paid, fuckin with mink and suede
Hoppin out of jags on niggaz (us)
When me shit bumpay
Like liverache
Hoe, smell the heats of meakee (hoe)
I'm too cocky
My ice too rocky
So fuck y'all
[Verse 2: Gonzoe]
Uh, it's too much money to me
Y'all niggaz is actin fake
Playa-hatin, talkin up on my shit like Ricki Lake
Comin chili's for hoes
Why you lyin bout who you know?
Stay broke, never got no ervails on the smoke, lock the timmy
Foo, you killin me, actin phony
Sittin on your cake with a round of homies, you're pretty tony
Gettin worked, cochberts, Versace, Domeinberg
What you bought is what she wear when she go do dirt
The truth hurt
All the same
With no backs to claim
But you slept because it was all part of the game
[Verse 3: Gonzoe]
Yeah, y'all niggaz can't touch me
I'm spotless, you dusty
My pistol crusty
All the niggaz I wet
They all trust me
Till the federals bust me
Out for the dusty
Gangsta like Bugsy
Livin lavish up in luxury
The Bombay, Mr.Icicle
Come swallow the pickle
Us dons all stressed and rippled
It ain't a thing
Tryin to find this game man
Stack up for the drought
Cause one day it's gonna rain
In big drops
Cop, blind side of my Cyclops
As it bubble, I watch the pattern transform
To rocks nigga, going to glocks, money in stacks

[Gonzoe] (talkin)
Hit em! hahahahaha (smoke being blown)
Ughhh! Razing sick Ughhh! Bitch!
Hit em, we're watching you (hit em), hit em,
(we're watching you nigga) hit em, hit em
Savage, aaahhhhh!
[Verse 1 - Gonzoe]
Mass control, I pass your soul
We all worth some doe
Sippin' on gold
Spend a little get more (ahh)
Forever happy, what have we
Maxed with cavy
Risky Ritzy forever she burns
House keys care-free (ahh)
Nobody scares me
Where the players be?
Gettin money like me rarely
I did it cause you dared me
Now speak on it (what?)
You ain't no match for me nigga, so teach on it
And make em listen (ahh)
Full blown warfare headin' in your direction
All that was not to do was taught by you (ugh)
So I just threw my crew, ya brand new (ugh)
Hit em where it hurts and bump em with their crew
Every game got rules
Expect em, choose
My next move
Stand strong, get leverage, and press them fools
And that's that (what)
Pick it up put it down
Never look back
My insides comin out because of this rap (my name...)
[Chorus - Prince Ital Joe]
Some of them are busta
Some of them are fraud
That's why I'mma hit em hard
Enough of them are busta
Some of them are fraud
Might as well hit em hard (hit em)
Hit em hard, hit em hard cause the plot, hit em hard
Them are fraud, hit em hard (hit em)
Hit em hard cause the plot, hit em hard (hit em) good lord (hit em)
[Verse 2 - Gonzoe]
Everything slow-motion but it's moving so fast
Right here by the ocean and the palm trees
These L.A. streets, concrete philosophy (what)
Raised me and rottened me
For every tear and broken bone I suffer
Bro's another road for me to walk on, it made me tougher
Now I keep breathing, holdin' guns for years nigga, till we even
Plus, I shoot up the cop car (ugh) before ya hit the precinct (ugh)
Razing; bow down, kiss my ring
Blazing; because real niggaz do real things
And live dangerous, bang them bricks, keep secrets
If they crop and question us, who the thief is
I'll find you and put the rumor where ya teeth is (don't ask don't know)
Bust yo brain so I can see what ya thinkin'
Nigga, it's young ritz-ell
And I could distinguish the bomb from the fake by the smell
[Milford McDonald]
When we be buckin'
Hittin niggaz up when we comin
No lovin, got y'all duckin and we ain't said nothin
Fuck y'all niggaz who be always feelin' our songs
Nigga, get your thug on
[Verse 3 - Gonzoe]
Who broke, now you're bullshit
I make hits, and sail the blue seas with yacht full of rits
And if there was a fifth nigga, we'd all be drunk
Peacin' up on a bunk when one glock to get it clunk
For the nigga that act obsessed
And a scream with pash
So fuck clad, bettin on the six sec
Ready to mash
Down hold a nine
I'm still in here tryin not to get caught
Flippin' every narcotic that I'm on
And P, all ya soldiers on your feet
On the brink with these crazy thugs we're not think
Well fuck that, instincts survive
Six seven, sixteen lives
Bitch shut up and drive
This is...
[Verse 4 - Prince Ital Joe]
Little ax court
Big tree (uh-huh)
If you don't believe me just come and see (uh-huh)
Little Gonzoe D O double G (yes)
He might have donned the top celebrity (we hit em)
We bite em off, invade ya privacy
Run the country and roll the territory
Lose your girlfriend Gonzoe, I'll see
In out the hotel she's coming like L
Your heart is broken you lose great shell
Ding dong, no more wedding bell
[Gonzoe] (talking)
Niggaz strapped
And I'm known for that
I hit em! nigga
Yo, we like... G money
Y'all niggaz is fuckin invisible cause ya dropped

[Gonzoe: talking]
[alarms and helicopter sounds]
Fuck, no, not going back!
Ahhh, ahh (coughing) ehh
[Verse 1: Gonzoe]
Good, the world got me runnin from the posse
Description on a walky-talky
Do you copy?
Brazilian boozin lightly
We chasin this day
Smoke and broccoli
Off this shit, probably, we smelt the smoke
Tried to stop me, but we took off
Fuck the law!
I got a warrant for some shit that went down and got found and tossed
Not movin no post
They found my fabrics
A nigga tried to play me too close, I had to blast him
Come on keep it movin
Nigga, what you provin?
It's me and you and we both got guns, I ain't losin
They traced it
Remember that night, high and wasted
Breakin niggaz with naturals comin out the briefcase and shit
And then it happened
Somebody started cappin
And it's me blackin out, I plugged up three
Hit the beach
When he gave us communion to the peace
Immediately, get on some new ID
Cause they'll kill me
[Police Sirens]
[Cops talking on police radio]
Do you copy?
Some of them from the correctional facility
License plate 1MA-80G
Looks like he's gonna exit Bundy
Copy... (copy let's go)
[Verse 2: Gonzoe]
No matter what I'm not givin up
Fuck handcuffs!
They can chase me all day or we can straight bust
In the streets that's up in these corners
Complete with the gangsta tactics to get away from me
Police, fuck em nigga
Got a glock, better tuck it
And I'm stretchin on the one ten
And all in the bucket
Gang bet em, send me to Y-A all day
I'mma slang it till I run out of gas and get paid (get paid!)
[Guy talking about the chase]
[helicopter sounds]
Nah... in the hoods
Looks like LAPD's in one of their wild chases again
This is takin place in the freeway
Looks like uh, What is that? a umm.. blue Oldsmobile... going west
He's actually flickin off, look at him, he's flickin off the chopper
[Verse 3: Gonzoe]
Hit every back street
But still can't shake the police
50 squad cars deep
Now or more DV
Do or die, O.J. on the old 4-O-5
Gettin high in my shit bumpin "When Thugs Cry"
Gonna be through with money
Look back wondering why they want me
See the sirens
And now my life flash before me
And I'm sick y'all
Cause this it it y'all
A young nigga
Who fumbled and took a pit fall
Shit y'all
[Cops at end of chase]
Get out of the car
(Get out of the car with you hands on your head)
Keep your hands up (keep your hands where we can see them)
Keep still, keep still (don't make any sudden moves)
Put your hands where I can see them
You're movin too much! (stay on the ground)
You're movin too much! Don't move!
Don't move!! Don't make any...

[Poppa LQ & Gonzoe: talking]
Yo (huh?) It's me again (ahaaaha)
Gonzoe (yeah) I wanna live a little bit (just a little bit)
Just one time (How many?) One time
Just one time (How many?) One time
Just one time (How many?) One time
Just one time, One time
[Verse 1: Gonzoe]
Me and my bitch was the closest
My bitch used to help me stack my dope up
My bitch too, Look at the game and funk this and smoke with me
When there's no weed lightin roaches
The same bitch when I'm doin the most and the brokest
She right there
Awaken me out my nightmares
And tell my enemies to fuck off
And never ever scared
Givin me head anywhere
See my bitch never cares about affairs
Deceit along with the brain
The versace spread laid across the bed
Makin love
Til the x is gone, bend over the tear
Cause I love her
Seventeen, came with me and left her mother
She's a hustles bitch that's on the under
Nigga, in the daytime
I look in her eyes and see her lifetime
And only on the block, a love like this you'll find
One time (How many?)
One time (How many?)
One time (How many?) ha
[Chorus: Poppa LQ x2]
I know you like to ball
Shop and spend cheddar baby (one time)
It's automatic and it's all for the better baby (one time)
Ain't nothin bringin if you fuckin with me
We go L-I-V-E with T-I-E-E (one time)
[Verse 2: Poppa LQ]
Now this is what you better do
Get your paper collect your revenue
Don't let nobody else count your money but you
Hope you wanna ball too?
Oh what you willin to do?
Put your freedom on the line for this criminal crime?
Cause the bars and the walls with the peasant design
Five hoes on your line shakin' they nasty behinds
Droppin with style, forty reptiles
Crystal by the gallons
Hollin at the stylins
Dealin with the violins
Trips to the eye lens
California wildin to the fullest
What you thought?
So what you savin' for bro? Your hoe can be bought
It's all for sales
She want the curls
Fresh out of the shells
High maintenance
Hair done, toe-nails
Rockin Shanells
Shoppin at Blooming dells
Flossin on the bill
Uppin and jumpin scrubs
At hells and bells
Split your male when you went to jail
Heaven or hell
[Chorus x2]
[Verse 3: Gonzoe]
I got a gangsta bitch
That's why I love her
Cover-up my wrong-doings
Never lie to me
Bring some pies to me
Cross country
Cause we was hungry
She told me don't let it run me
Baby let's make it run from you
For the love of money
And pimpin's smoke on me
Shit my bitch was down
She want one roll
It was lovely and lavish
Just like me she had to have it
A savage, fuck, was smokin' like a palace
She roll with me
Nigga, she pimped hoes with me
My bitch fucked around
Went and bought her own Bentley
Then let me drive
Blowin me on the 105
Knowin I ain't got no license
And this freeway is high
But she thugged out
Lovin her man's life, runnin the drug house
My cartel car rifle, time to bring the guns out nigga
I live to see the eyes of our kids
And my son, a splittin image, of how shit is
One time

Uh, who is it?
It's Gonzoe!!
[Verse 1: Gonzoe]
We in this for the cash right here
feel this here
this my year
year of years
khakis to Cordiers
they hittin me up nigga
now I juss stare
ice up
smash out
hittin no fear
on the same spot I cracked up
my first 5 dollars
same steez-aline, now wit out the poppin collars
everything bubbled out
dash board, pull it out
girls in the backseat runnin they mouth
switch up, shut up
kiss my boo before she nut up
spittin it all juss tryin to get some cut up
somebody rollin a blunt
somebody chokin
somebody pass the blunt
constantly smokin
the life, of a young tycoon
roll up green
pop X and lace 'em
an this life I lead I ain't set
if I ain't got a whip wit a grip or the woman I slip.
Come on.
[Chorus: Val Young & Gonzoe]
(Come on, come on)
Money, Money, Money!
(Westside! Eastside!)
Don't you know that we.... need the paper?
(get it, get it, come on)
Money, Money, Money!
(uh, uh)
(Ritzy, Yukmeez)
[Verse 2: Yukmouth]
I rock
I rock a
afros, corn rows
mouth full of golds
young hustla hoppin outta Range Rove's
fully equipped wit TV's and videos
playin Jet Motto
sip X-O
a ghetto superstara
livin life like there's no tomorrow
hit the spot in Godfather convertable ???
smokin gonja
from January 1st to Kwanza
up in the Bahammas
racin jet skis screamin "Cowabunga!"
top of the world
yup me and my potnas
Smoke-A-Lot, Regime
20 a casa
skiddin through the islands
be the first to bust
grab on my nuts
scream in cuts
then I smoke the famous weed wit Dutch
wit no crutch
my Lex got stick shift wit no clutch
push a button on the back of the steerin wheel and skee-skirt like Starsky
and Hutch
Young Ritzy and Yuk
quickly bust they enemies
get cheese like Vito Genevies
nigga please
the new era Regime
make 'em bow down kiss they ring
do they thing
from here to Beijing
stop hatin
the shot calla
that pop collars
before I get yo ass wit the Rotwilers.
Yeah we in it
hit the spot
how much money you got?
Show an tell nigga
doin all the big figgas yeah!
An get... money, money, money!
Westside! Eastside!
(Don't you know that we.... need the paper?)
Get it, got to have it baby, come on
(Money, Money, Money!)
it belongs to me
(From the hood, to the corner, and the playa)
Come on.
(Money, Money, Money!)
Westside, Eastside!
(To the playas on the streets, got to get them g's)
Regime, come on.
[Verse 3: Gonzoe]
Nigga we on some gangsta shit
Young Ritz, throw yo drank up
fire that dank up
tell them girls any lie you can think of
we finna get fucked
we pervin
off nade
and the Alazae workin
who searchin for a stiff who wanna follow
and I voulen-teer
wrap yo lips around my stuff like a bottle
I shake it, and take it
and take it
you suckas can't make it
cover it wit hatred
capitol punishment
make you taste it
break down the mind of a Manson
cuz they basic, no care
to my right hand
swear to bear arms
bust fo my loved ones
an trust none
got money an funds
I call upon an worship
more evil than good, I fully work it
shots in ???
the world go perfect wit dolla bills
my wounds can't heal fool
my world too real fo dolla bills.
Money, Money, Money!
(Westside! Eastside!)
Don't you know that we.... need the paper?
(Gotta get it an spend it!)
Money, Money, Money!
(Come on, come on, come on!)
For the hood
the corner
and the playa
(Yeah tell 'em Val!)
Money, Money, Money!
(Get money, come on!)
Playas on the streets, gotta get them G's.
(Come on!)
(Shake it!)
Come on! [x7]
Ha!! Haaahaaa!

Yeah, Ritzy, world
Sing with me
Bounce with me
Rock with me
Come on (Come on)
Come on (Come on)
One time, Uh
For ya mind
[Verse 1:]
Hot Hennesy
Out of plastic cups
I be vint to fuck up
Since they call my first nut
Never drivin' up
Stand up the world with two curl grim codiacs
Platinum raised hell till we fall the saint
For my soldiers
We outnumbers and get closer
Stay Numb, Yuk
For path of world, full close-up
Outlaw I smart the enemy and never choke up
Listen to them old Niggas shut the fuck up
And soaked up
Break down the gang who fucked us
No trust, keep 'em raildust, you ain't got nuts
I livin' this, playin' emotionless
Skinny kiss
If you crossed me
Motherfucker please remember to
[Chorus: x2]
Serenade my life
Come on world, sing with me
My life ain't what it seems to be
Dreams went up smoke and Hennesy
Seems to stuck
The world just ain't feelin' me
[Verse 2:]
He was a
Lost Soul, huh
Lost and not knowin'
Young Nigga born to be a king
The wouldn't know it
Golden child
Born wild as a chubby
Can't work
The public lose
It's time for a brooze
He never knew no better
Attended to motivate 'em
His mom couldn't take 'em
Allah couldn't break 'em
Shakin', hell nah
he sayin' fuck y'all fools
Drinkin' deuce-deuce, sittin' flame with .22
Slippin' you lose
He moved the crips on the fools
About the bubble
Nah, he ain't nothing but trouble
Struggle, to the early years
So you know we shared plenty tears
Got a heart out of fear
And now he out of there
His bigger clubber was big time
Did time
In bout fact, major and now they both got paper
Outlawz, souls, cold dusted killers
Real Niggas on a mission for years
Picture (yeah)
Would it fly there's a gang of (?)
It's the dealer
Real Niggas come up and die quicker
Just to much for the world
Step to the riches stay true
You left to early, all so I serenade you
[Chorus x2]
[Verse 3:]
[Young Noble]
We goin' noise and a nominee
And holla and robberies
In alley's of Cali,
till the projects in New Jersey
In a cent, urban to all
All my Niggas in Jersey servin' perfect
Gonna let y'all miss own this circus
I know it's worth it
And I'ma like to be on the Outlaw combat
Go got guns it's more Mohammed
See, hear me all
I be the Nigga that doin' starkest
Black out like Holly park
But will the body count stop
Can't talk to the cops
Cause I'm starin' at his glock
Pistol patience
Told me if my brain it'll lace me
Grandma told me
If I claim, they will chase me
I'm gettin older, gotta be smarter than that
Sharper with the gat, hold off
They wanna hear fuller than strap
Pullin' 'em back
In my coma
My man lost his brother
Had a dream seen of bustin' out the roof
For the stolen Land Rover
Them Niggas wanna die like a soldier (soldier)
Watch your step (Nigga)
[Verse 4:]
Nigga, it's Young Ritzy
Word, fuck y'all Nigga
Crazy, Outlaw, Sinice
Nobody else
I wish I never knew you
I see right through you
My cash is right
I might lose you
Dub tape
Causin boo-boo
Not trippin' to the fact
No love
Just regarded the blueprints
And went back, fuck a contract
You scared of combat
Ritzy Outlaw tips
With that fuck shit
Would you clutch this
We Outlaw clips
Mo' Niggas got banged
Let that brain thank
And my rap feel like the dopegame
Sinice society, pick up chains
I never go back, to nothing
With a matter round the table
Clean triple of the moneymachine
Go click back
10 stash of gangstas
20 sacks of thugs
That's quickly from the Crips and Bloods
Yeah that's my fantasy
God queer me
Pac brievin' on
Come here, you hear me
Uh, homeboy with the big toys
Who could pull a strang
Fuck shit and make a lil' noise
Yeah you focus on something
Fuck y'all
This's for the world

[Verse 1: Gonzoe]
Collar poppin at hoes like that
Look, I graduated from shin and shoes to gators
Cause this year, we got a hell of a start like the Lakers
Got real plugs, I'm a criminal, turned rapper
Happy to sell drugs
I'm happy we got above
Cause others, there's places they can hurt theyselve
And I'm stressin we took a loss from twelve
What the hell
That's the trouble to come along with it
Better just forget it
Comin new and mail the bitch out before she start slitchin
In the night and broad daylight
With the headlights
Do it right, fiendin for summer chrome pipes
T.V.'s, stutterin hoes
Terrible weed, smoke on the O.T.
With a workin mack and a keys, it's me
Ritz baby, the nigga who named
Comin up with your lady
Drivin California crazy
fuckin with my homie
All y'all can die slow
And that's the same homie I'd kill all you for
Thats my testimony
I'mma die with silk on me
Amongst the criminals
Get my money after the funeral
Put me away for better days
Keep hustlin
Get that money
Think about yesterday
It's on
[Gonzoe & King Lou]
That's how we drivin in the car with us
We dirty and grindin in the car with us
This here, how we survivin in the car with us
I ain't lyin when you rollin in the car with us, nigga
That's how we drivin in the car with us
We dirty and grindin in the car with us
This here, how we survivin in the car with us
I ain't lyin when you rollin in the car with us, yeah
[Verse 2: King Lou]
Keepin it low hater
Chillin, tease the tailors
Livin major
For who wanna know, I can't save ya
I bring it down with no fatal or fake nature
They try to play us
Mad players, jealous cause they pay us
Hater they always want to criticize
Cause I'm only servin sacks in the mornin
Keepin my money flowin
Throwin product at the back door
That's a fact though
Get caught with crack though
Do more than two to four
What's the reason for the season
Servin niggaz with heatin
Mother fuckers is cheatin
In this game we competin
I'm in the lex though
Sippin ruby with the blue beanie
Gettin blowed by a hoe I don't know
To smoke beedies
Get money cause I'm greedy
Playa alert, I front work to the needy
Niggaz stay cheesy
Gotta get my green
And the car that I drive on the scene
You rollin with us? C'est la vie
[Verse 3: Gonzoe]
I hit the world first
Prayin to God 'unlift the curse'
What's worse, move the turf
Pay your homage on the first
Of course
While I sort my thoughts with Newport's
And do pour, you short hit from dick
Came for ya, you can't stick it
Stretch half a chick and what's next
Crack her down, get in position
Let the things do they glistenin
Keep flippin
Couldn't beat it outta me
Do away with me
I'll go to my grave
With the anthology
You made me (you made me)
To appreciate this liquor nigga and get crazy! (crazy)
I'm livin my last days
You went out
Blaze with the rest
You eatin with the enemy
Aim for the head they got vests
Livin my last days of death
There's nothing left
Until they lay me down
I won't rest, I won't rest
I'm a fuckin soldier

Can't escape my love
Here's how it goes
You and me
Up and down but maybe this time
We'll get it right
Worth the fight
'Cause love is something you can't shake
When it breaks
All it takes is some trying
If you feel like leaving
IM not gonna beg you to stay
Soon you'll be finding
You can run you can hide but you can't escape my love.
So if you go
You should know
It's hard to just forget the past
So fast
It was good
It was bad but it was real and that's
All you have
In the end our love mattered
If you feel like leaving
IM not gonna beg you to stay
Soon you'll be finding
You can run you can hide but you can't escape my love.
Here's how it goes
All it takes is some trying
Chorus repeated

[Gonzoe] (talking)
Yeah, Blackout (get out)
Outlawz, ride ride ride
Children of the Makaveli
Sing with me
Come on, Come on, Come on
(how... gonzoe... kastro)
I won't stop till I drop, why
[Verse 1 - Gonzoe]
When the lightning strikes
Ignite the name paper
I'm a made nigga
Clich?For the paper and all
Stand right here and ball
I bust or fall off
I'mma hustle till it's gone
It's on if I'm crossed up in this
Spendin well for my business
Live to tell my children about how they got it dearest
And how they fear us
Cause the sinners ain't givin a fuck
Tryin' to press my luck
And turn ones to two bucks
Like Magic (Poof!)
Blow in on my habit
I drink like a souljah, smoke nay, gotta have it
I drink like a souljah, smoke nay, gotta have it
[Verse 2 - Kastro]
Hennessey and ridin on enemies
Better mention me
Mo and Napolean
And any day
Apply the pressure
Outlaw till I die rock blessers
Tell Gap we got more spots and still rock our vests
Lifespan when do I quicksand
To see me, (ahhhhhh) twist me, then mix me
Down to one ten, money and murder
Rum and big guns, that's all I heard
There's no woman swervin
Niggaz one time better hurt em
Flowin your wack
Watch my back
Time-storm it's on
Page G, then page me
Miss worried about one
Cross state lines
Late time it's day time
I take mine and break it
Tell the world, thuggin ain't dead it's sacred
We livin simple like shit from a pigeon
Break out of this prison
World we livin
Our mission
As we Ice Pick Bubble and Grind for the cash
Ice Pick Bubble and Murder for the cash
Ice Pick Bubble and Grind for the cash
We (yeah) Ice Pick Bubble and Murder for the cash
[Verse 3 - Gonzoe]
(Gonzoe...ahhh...pissin on niggaz)
Yeah, nigga it's Gonzoe
Feel the heat nigga
Face the truth
Children of the Makaveli
Y'all niggaz ain't crazy
Give it up frequents
And mate ya momma's rats is too shady
I was clackin in the 80's
I'm about taken my money in every state
While you ain't about nothin
Havin no hustle, watchin moves I make
If you ain't got it you hate it
Let's straighten the facts in ya
Remember, I fuck you up by your bartender
No nigga hend as this
Tried to sell fingerless
Fuckin with Ritzy
Miss me
Your whole hood history (Boom!..hahahah)
Now clean this mother fucker up!
(Outlaw!!! what what)
[Verse 4 - Gonzoe]
Yeah, who you fuckin with?
The blunt gets split
It's over with
The more enemies I see
The more niggaz get hit
Cause I'm an Outlaw
We all roll for the love of Makaveli
Four soldiers to kill niggaz
Ain't nothing you can tell me
[Gonzoe (talking)]
Yeah, Julio G, speak on it
Fuzzy, speak on it (Ras Kass)
Big Boy, speak on it (hahahah)
Theo, speak on it (what they gonna do to us now)
Baka Boys, speak on it my nigga
Sway and Tech, speak on it (These niggaz got loaded guns... loaded guns)
Say down south, mean green, speak on it
Boom daddy, chris lova lova, speak on it
Yeah Yeah Yeah (and we... outlaw.. outlaw)
Greg Street, speak on it
DJ Nad, speak on it (Napolean)
Jerious Smokin B, speak on it (fuck everybody else)
Shieet (outlaw)
Outlawz, speak on it
World, speak on it
All my niggaz, speak on it my nigga

[Gonzoe: talking]
Uh Uh, Dirty Dancing
Shake that shit, shake that shit
Uh, what what huh huh
Shake that shit, shake that shit
[Verse 1: Gonzoe]
That's why you love me
I talk so freaky
And spit it good
I'm doin the best hoes from Harlem to Inglewood
Bounce it dirty dancin' understand fact
I want your fingers in your pussy with an arch in your back
Lay the own, right now it's on
Got my fingers in your stuff, yo we workin, it's on
We all stoned
Gettin fucked what's up
The fuck you got in your cup
Tell that bitch to bend over and throw you mother fuckin' hands up
What! I see you titty shakin
Ass movin left to right (shake the shit)
Hoes dirty dancin, give me some pussy tonight (shake the shit)
All night, break mines off (shake the shit)
Shake it till they come off
Dirty dancin, baby got booty interference (shake the shit)
I see you titty shakin
Ass movin left to right (shake the shit)
Hoes dirty dancin, give me some pussy tonight (shake the shit)
All night, break mines off (shake the shit)
Shake it till they come off
Dirty dancin, baby got booty interference (shake the shit) so what?
[Verse 2: Gonzoe]
When you see some smoke in the air, club jumpin
The rest of these hoes to get undressed so I can rub somethin
Baby the man at your house he mean nothin
Truly cuttin all of a sudden
We roll, let's go
Bitch don't slam my car door
To a caught the movie on and gave em twice the roll
It's like want somethin
Hit the liquor store
Cause I'm a playa
Girls stray from you and fuck nigga
Kill enough nigga
The bitch got stuffed nigga
I hit it and hit it
Till she says 'that's enough nigga'
Why? cause I'm a sly nigga
And my dick get bigger and bigger...
Shake that shit [x8]
[Verse 3: Gonzoe]
How many of y'all wanna love me?
Rub me
Bump uglies
Get Gonzoe tatted up on your tummy
Your luscious lips
Juicy, fit perfect around my dick
Conflict movie till I'm mows your lips
Watch y'all eat clits
Relax roll the rest of my sacks
Ease rooms, get back in the mix
Menasha, Dominique, Eshantay
I'm fuckin em both
Have a total party

Que sera, sera! (haha!)
C'est La Vie!
Have a toast on me.
Yeah! State to state, we do it like this.
Live like us. Feel like us.
That's life baby.
(Where ever you are, where ever you at!)
[Verse 1: Gonzoe]
Here I go again, drinkin' an drivin
in the latest model car riskin it wit no license
goin fast, late night
finna crash, hella cash
thinkin bout, nothin but the past an I know that's it
but fuck it
I'm finna love it, tryin to feed my stomach
finna have somethin, til my fuckin casket covered
live for the minute
lovin that ya'll know that we winnin
me an Phats nigga
nobody move til we finished
here's the plataue
Regime Family I'm the copo
in a Vet we race down Florence non-stop though
the world movin in slow motion
held by the ocean
X pills keep my fantsay open
an I'm lovin it
nuttin above
but a pussy when you rub it nigga it's all covered
cuz yours got caught
and mine doubled
niggas juss drink wit me
have a toast on me
nigga C'est La Vie!
Do what you want to.
[Chorus: x1]
Have heart, have money. (yeah!)
Don't live the moment.
Have a toast on me, if you're smart
This is for my homies. (yeahah!)
Do what you want to can I be free?
Everybody have a toast on me, please drink wit me
Do what you want to can I be free?
Have a toast on me
world C'est La Vie!
(nigga what?!)
[Verse 2: Phats Bossalini]
I got it planned out
day by day clutchin my fifth
realizin I've sinned
that's why I'm bent
cash spent
I make a mill I know that it's meant
a bubble Benz and the saga begins
cuz it was evident
that I was made for this
stay awake at night crave
now I'm paid for this
still we ain't shit
a hundred thousand ain't rich
I take a chip
flip a grip and multiply it by six
it's fabulous
to all the thugs that smashed for us
live it up
and have a blast for us
losin focus
back to the dream to face the soldiers
cuz they know what nobody knows, I got composure
but I'm still drunk
beggin for funk
I know the Town will bust
live it up, keepin my trust
juss check the scriptures
it's me and Ritzy
live, direct on your T.V.
smoke wit me
nigga C'est La Vie.
[Chorus x1]
[Verse 3: Gonzoe]
I'm still glocked up
in a under bucket wit my seat belt on
9 zones locked up
Take the rap money, buy the soft turn the heart home
first they little niggas
now they servin out the front yard
wit the look out
like we roamin
cuz they enemy got took out
told the accountant to bring the book out
gun man rockin the roof, wit the gages
I still got cases
Ritzy goin out blazin
spit it
my nigga did it, still got acquited cuz we willin
drunk as fuck, tryin to pivot
I got the anthology, I never ever give it
if a liquor store opens
y'all niggas done did it
cuz I stay drunk
grabbin my nuts
like what
first nigga jump
first mutha fuckin gettin touched
by us
Los Angeles
hoods us
we skanless
imposters to exit us
all I got is tattoos and guts
Big nuts mutha fucka, so what?
So what?
So what?
Nigga C'est La Vie
Come fuck wit me!
[Chorus: til end]
Have heart, have money. (please be smart!)
Don't live the moment.
Have a toast on me, if you're smart.

[Gonzoe] (talking)
Uh-oh, (uh-oh) here it go again (here it go)
Oh fuck! (oh shit) shit, shake that shit bitch
Huh, (yeah) yeah, it's me, Gonzoe
Came to rock you mother fuckers right quick
You know what I'm sayin? Kick that thesoline
Know what I'm sayin
[Verse 1 - Gonzoe]
Nigga, I'm tryin to have it made
Fuckin with mink and suede
Hoppin out of jags on niggaz
When me shit parfait
Like Livarache
Hoe, smell the heats of meakee
I'm too cocky
My life's too rocky
So fuck y'all
Nigga pissy off with me
You separate all
It means nothin
I talk your bitch out the drawls
For the fuck of it
And turp off bumpin
It's in the shed
Bounce to this
Cause you feelin it
Respect me killin it nigga
I'mma be that rich cat
Tell them niggaz where I hold my chips and whips at
I'm a young nigga never found guilty
Clean as fuck but still filthy
Workers on the corners tryin to milk me
For knowledge
Like 'Damn! you smashin in college?'
Big ass glots and keepin dollars
Don't bother choppin work no more
I hit the liquor store
Relax with a glass of conyac and smoke
[Chorus - Gonzoe]
I got it made! (got it made)
Fuckin with mink and suede (mink and suede)
All my pieces par made
Bitch, I'm doin this shit my way (my way)
Bitch, all us niggaz we got it made
I'm paid, fuckin with mink and suede
Hoppin out of jags on niggaz (us)
When me shit bumpay
Like liverache
Hoe, smell the heats of meakee (hoe)
I'm too cocky
My ice too rocky
So fuck y'all
[Verse 2 - Gonzoe]
Uh, it's too much money to me
Y'all niggaz is actin fake
Playa-hatin, talkin up on my shit like Ricki Lake
Comin chili's for hoes
Why you lyin bout who you know?
Stay broke, never got no ervails on the smoke, lock the timmy
Foo, you killin me, actin phony
Sittin on your cake with a round of homies, you're pretty tony
Gettin worked, cochberts, Versace, Domeinberg
What you bought is what she wear when she go do dirt
The truth hurt
All the same
With no backs to claim
But you slept because it was all part of the game
[Verse 3 - Gonzoe]
Yeah, y'all niggaz can't touch me
I'm spotless, you dusty
My pistol crusty
All the niggaz I wet
They all trust me
Till the federals bust me
Out for the dusty
Gangsta like Bugsy
Livin lavish up in luxury
The Bombay, Mr.Icicle
Come swallow the pickle
Us dons all stressed and rippled
It ain't a thing
Tryin to find this game man
Stack up for the drought
Cause one day it's gonna rain
In big drops
Cop, blind side of my Cyclops
As it bubble, I watch the pattern transform
To rocks nigga, going to glocks, money in stacks
Cause he got this, and I got that (what)

Verse 1 *(Madd Maxx)*
Now who's next for platinum spotlight?
You know who it is
Maxx and Gonz takin over the mic
flippin the script
reversin Town styles of my life
live in the ghetto
but still livin the life that is trife
so fuck a knife
I'm using the gat on Mobb imposters
layin 'em down wit choppers
they never could stop us
breakin 'em off they drop us
for tryin to knock us
hustlin ass backwards
dishin out my products
under the Oakland initiation
the death penalty is what you facin
life sentance, incarceration
for fuckin wit Mobb affiliation
nigga the Paraphanil
contraband infiltration
anatomy of my alliance
you won't defiy it
so watch you get broke down when niggas cause riots
hold them hostage make the snitch keep quiet
talkin bout, you don't know shit
I don't buy it
you fuckin wit real niggas that's all about the cheddar
carry Barrettas
under my sweater
I'm tryin to make a mill ticket to make my life better
and if I gotta go down like Scarface, then whatever.
Chorus *(Mr. X)* 2x
You'll never get next to me
so you can't see what I see
I can't trust nobody, while I'm out here on these streets.
Verse 2 *(Gonzoe)*
Why I'm like this?
Look at the world in the face and spit
What the fuck provoked me to write this?
Lookin at my gun thinkin ";this it";
cuz this bitch done took my son, thinkin he an object
she trip
because I'm lonely
wit a new fifth
mad at everybody drunk
tryin to stack a grip
Fuck y'all!
Sayin y'all friends
deniyin my collect-calls
when a nigga behind in walls
that's why I'm like this
see I was raised wit a twist
my mama sold dope and my daddy was a pimp
that's my script
sold my first brick in 10th wit Chris
juss tryin to get some paper off the strip
that enabled my hustle
everyday on mind
lost in life wit big shit define
I don't give a fuck
niggas flaggin me down
I never don't stop
all they want is questions and ask stupid stuff.
*(Chorus)* x4
Verse 3 *(Gonzoe)*
Here's to the lasting song
wit death the day after
when I'm drunk
it helps makes the time fly faster
the world passin me by
fuck it, I'm high
say ";I won"; for the hell of it
watchin the other side
Why should I?
Think like the others
I'm like murder
only say I'm trippin hella pistols hella come out
never got caught
but statistically
you 'posed to knock on wood
cuz eventually it's tough
tuckin the sheets in my bunk
gettin ready for lock up
caged up
niggas givin a fuck
this for the total mayne
niggas rollin the Daytona's way
I got ";Thug Serenade";
for niggs to prominate
an get paid
I'm watchin ya'll, change your ways
cuz you on some other shit
takin shit these days.

Bloodstains on the floor
Distant screams across the hall
Behind every door waits death and sorrow
In this evil nest
Life is put up to a test
That we must take or there is no tomorrow
Signs, written on the sky
Telling all but lies
For me it's do or die...die
Signs, in the dead of night
Turning darkness to light
Making wrong seem right
Creatures of the night
Waiting for the unborn child
To arrive and lead them through the darkness
Rivers turning red
Feeding powers to the dead
Immortality, their final cares
Signs, written on the sky
Telling all but lies
For me it's do or die...die
Signs, in the dead of night
Turning darkness to light
Making wrong seem right
Standing on my own
Waiting for the newborn day
My eyes are open wide
I'm resurrected
Signs, written on the sky
Telling all but lies
For me it's do or die...die
Signs, in the dead of night
Turning darkness to light

When shadows fall in the twilight zone
The spirits will arise
The lord of darkness descends my soul
With slander, tainted lies
Walking on water, visions fading to black
As the flames start to clobber my back
In this fiery blaze I am feeling no pain
I will arise and walk the earth again
Running through the red light
Running for your life
Alone in the dark night
Running through the red light
Running for your life
The lion roar in the darkest hour
Redeem his tortured soul
You had your eyes on eternity
Now death will take it's toll
You dangle in agony, you fight for your breath
As the spectre is wrenching your neck
When the whole world awakens from it's sombre sleep
You will be gone and your soul's mine to keep
Running through the red light
Running for your life
Alone in the dark night
Running through the red light
Running for your life
Through the red light
Running through the red light
Running for your life
Alone in the dark night
Running through the red light
Running for your life

Descend from heaven
An angel in black
The outcast of evil
Sent to reign, enslave the human race
His will is done, they stole the sun
Left us to die
How could it be we couldn't see?
The warning signs
No time lose, we have to choose
To live or to die
A total eclipse of our minds
The end is near, we must be going
Time will tell, descending down to Hell
In the garden of evil the sun will arise
When the last one survivor has killed the unborn child
In the garden of evil the innocent dies
Let us summon the spirits, the call of the wild
They came out of nowhere
In darkness and pain
They came with a reason
To kill the light and seize the soothing rain
Behold the light, behold the skies
It fades away
How can it be, when we are free
We cannot stay
Don't turn around, don't make a sound
The time has come
The rivers turning red, pray for the sun
The end is near, we must be going
Time will tell, descending down to Hell
In the garden of evil the sun will arise
When the last one survivor has killed the unborn child
In the garden of evil the innocent dies

I see you comin', lookin' shiny and new
Just like a bullet in a brand new gun
You are the pony on a merry-go-round
All painted up and you're so ready to run
I feel the lightning hanging over the hill
And then I watch you on your rainbow ride
I hear you comin' from the top of the world
And you are beggin' me to be by your side again
No, not me this time I'm gonna be strong
No, not we this time you're all on your own
It's a leap of faith that I just can't make
Something' that I won't believe in again
And it's killin' me but it's got to be
This is where our forever ends
You say forever like you know what it is
And then you show me that you don't have a clue
There's still some love in me that let's me forgive
But I will guarantee that I am so over you, you know
No, not me this time I'm gonna be strong
No, not we this time you're all on your own
It's a leap of faith that I just can't make
Something' that I won't believe in again
And it's killin' me but it's got to be
This is where our forever ends
Watching as dreams turn into smoke
In your hands they slip away
Beating that love just like a drum
You are the child with all the games you play
No, not me this time I'm gonna be strong
No, not we this time you're all on your own
It's a leap of faith that I just can't make
Something' that I won't believe in again
And it's killin' me but it's got to be

The passage is open, they've unlocked the cage
The circle is broken, beware
Along came the thunder, the wind and the rage
A vortex of pleasure and pain
The spectre within us is trying to come across (pray, pray!)
A passage door, wide open, so step inside, don't be afraid!
Voices calling, we are falling throught time and space
See what you want to see, be free
Never fear, the end is near
When your eyes are shut you'll see
The fields of yesterday
Inside the circle, something's not right
Dead silence is filling the air
Shivering, shaking, hands holding tight
I think it's the end of the line
The spectre within us our contact link across (stay, stay!)
So why won't you speak to us now, why are you here, tell us why!
Shadows falling, we are trapped in the circle of lies
See what you want to see, be free
Never fear, the end is near
When your eyes are shut you'll see
The fields of yesterday
Now the circle must be closed
Leave me here, leave me alone!
See what you want to see, be free
Never fear, the end is near
When your eyes are shut you'll see
The fields of yesterday
See what you want to see, be free
Never fear, the end is near
When your eyes are shut you'll see
The fields of yesterday
See what you want to see, be free
Never fear, the end is near
When your eyes are shut you'll see

When the night comes down
And I'm feeling cold
Shadows are moving around
I've been here before
Where the roads lead to nowhere
Please don't make a sound
Up from the gutter they will rise
With fiery eyes
And when the dungeon's calling
You'll hear my silent cries
They've been chasing my dreams
Running down the boulevard
I never thought I'd see the day
When the night is coming down I pray
I am lost in a maze
Of stolen dreams
Losing track of the time
Nothing here but screams
And the walls coming closer
Crawling down my spine
Temptations lead me far beyond
The other side
I fear the end is coming
There's no place to hide
They've been chasing my dreams
Running down the boulevard
I never thought I'd see the day
What is left of my dreams
In this dusk embracing scene?
I never thought I'd live to see
When the night is coming down I pray
They've been chasing my dreams
Running down the boulevard
I never thought I'd see the day
What is left of my dreams
In this dusk embracing scene?
I never thought I'd live to see

She told me to wait
Now I'm alone outside the gate
My eyes are bleeding visions fade away
The sun came to late
Time is here to seal my fate
In pain inside the purgatory flames
Now open gate let me in, let me stay
I'm turning away from the light of the day
I'll never go back, no I never will return
The flames are burning still inside my soul
Inside my soul
In a time were I was young, at a place of innocence
She stood there all alone, a devil in disguise
Inside a raging storm, my mind was set at ease
She said I was the one, all she said was simple lies
Behind these walls, nothing will remain
Madness and rage, oh I'm turning insane?
Beyond the gates
Beyond the gates of Hell
Tormented by her eyes, my life was in her hands
Just a puppet on a string, read to give in
I believe that after life, my spirit will live on
In a world, for me unknow, in a world still free from sin
Somewhere beyond the flames are burning still
Between death and life, it is a destiny's will
Beyond the gates
Beyond the gates of Hell
Heaven or Hell, there's a thin line between
Inside this inferno, where no one can win
Beyond the gates

Rising from the ashes, stroming through the gates
The riders of the apocalypse fate
Sounding like the thunder at the speed of light
The troops of the danmed will arise
So they're coming from above, descending down below
In shackles the dreams keep haunting
But don't you turn away, from the light of day
Then everything fades to black
Go back to Hell!
Go back to Hell!
The dawning of a new world, eternal life in pain
Ashes to ashes, regain
Shadows coming closer, you begin to scream
Sound asleep, controlling your dreams
We had to watch them die, nothing we could do
Our hands were in chains, we're bleeding
Now open up your eyes, before they say goodbye
And everything fades to black
Go back to Hell!
Go back to Hell!
Go back to Hell!
Go back to Hell!
Go back to Hell!
Go back to Hell!
Go back to Hell!
Go back to Hell!

I haven't felt this way for anyone
Not the way I fell tonight
You have caught me in this moment
Like being swept in an ocean tide
Cause the love you give
Is what's keeping me
You breathe in me
Your life is feeding me
Your light shines on me
Your love is keeping me
In your eyes I found a secret
And in your smile an open door
Your heart led me down a pathway
To place I'd never been before
Cause the love you give
Is what's keeping me
You breathe in me
Your life is feeding me
Your light shines on me
Your love is keeping me
I know you're gonna love me
And never let me go
Until all time is spent
Cause the love you give
Is what's keeping me
You breathe in me
Your life is feeding me
Your light shines on me
Your love is keeping me

It's safe to come out of hiding
Now that the heat is gone
But where, where do I have to go
Do you know
At one time I was flying
I wonder what went wrong
Cause I've fallen so low
Do you know
Can you hear me now
That I'm on the ground
Will you reach down
Through the angry clouds
Will you save me
Will you save me
Why do I resort to anger
Why do I hang on to what's holding me down
Do you know
Can you hear me now
That I'm on the ground
Will you reach down
Through the angry clouds
Will you save me
Will you save me
Now I had searched high and low
On the mountains and valleys below
And when I had given up
And when my eyes were almost shut
That's when I saw you reach down
Through the angry clouds
Lifted me off the ground
And you saved me
And you saved me
And you saved me

I watched your shadow move down the street
You fade into the night
Was it wrong for letting you leave
But would holding you back be right
Is this what you wanted (Is this what you wanted)
Is this what you need (You need) Yeah
I'll be here when you come back down
I'll catch you before you hit the ground
And when your world stops spinning round
I'll be here
When you come back down
When you're on the rebound
You're not lost but not found
When you cry out in vain
I will hold you through the pain
It's not what you wanted (It's not what you wanted)
But it's what you need (You need) Yeah
I'll be here when you come back down
I'll catch you before you hit the ground
And when your world stops spinning round
I'll be here when you come back down
I'll be here when you come

Pointing fingers
People screaming
Talking behind my back
Twisting rumors
Silent stares
It's not fair
For trapping me where I'm at
Keeping me from my dreams
And walking on me like that
Selfish me
For wanting more for myself
Selfish me
Putting my life on a shelf
Selfish me
I'm asking you for your help
My guilt lingers
My ears ringing
But still I hold my tongue
Crying rivers
Silent stares
It's not fair
For trapping me where I'm at
Keeping me from my dreams
And walking on me like that
Selfish me
For wanting more for myself
Selfish me
Putting my life on a shelf
Selfish me
I'm asking you for your help
Forgive me, I only think of myself
Set me free, send this pride back down
Selfish me
For wanting more for myself
Selfish me
Putting my life on a shelf
Selfish me
I'm asking you for your help
Selfish me
For wanting more for myself
Selfish me
Putting my life on a shelf
Selfish me
I'm asking you for your help
Help, help, help, help
Pointing fingers
People screaming

As I drive through this wasteland
I think of the mess in my life
All the broken promises
Like miles they pass by
Between Tucson and Phoenix
While stars filled an empty sky
I decided to forget myself
And not even try
Sweet surrender
That's what I'm longing for
Sweet surrender
To make up the distance between us
When we're miles apart
How I have missed your whispers
Your heavenly lullabies
The further away I drift from you
Another part of me dies
Oh to be that close to you
To feel you breathe to hear you speak
Your words shake inside of me
And I don't know what I would do
If you were to ever leave
Where would I be
Where would I be
Sweet surrender
That's what I'm longing for
Sweet surrender
That's what I'm longing for
Sweet surrender
That's what I'm longing for
Sweet surrender
To make up the distance between us

In this life, you got so many options
Possibilities endless and the world wait
To suck you in
But you've changed, found another direction
Will you stand fast now that you've stopped
Chasing after the wind
In a world of complications
Tell me how can you be yourself
As log as you're living in the truth it's alright to rebel
But don't just say it make it loud
On the wall hangs the glass
As you gaze in it, it seems there's someone else
You look closer, deep in the eyes
Finally through the tears you take off your disguise
In a world of complications
How can you be yourself
As log as you're living in the truth it's alright to rebel
But don't just say it make it loud
Leave all your false convictions
And despite all your imperfections
Turn your back on man made traditions
Live what you believe
As log as you're living in the truth it's alright to rebel
But don't just say it yeah
As log as you're living in the truth it's alright to rebel

Tell me where is this God
Tell me why does He hide
Cause it's hard to believe
In something I can't see
I wish I could make it easier
But you can only change if you want
Seek and you will find
That He is always there
When you feel down
And he knows the numbers of hairs on your head
Like grains of sand on the ground
And He is always there
Like gravity He is there
Yeah I need more than just words
More than a story rehearsed
I've heard all this before
Now there's gotta be something more
I wish I could make it easier
But you can only change if you want
(But what do I have to do?)
So seek and you will find
That He is always there
When you feel down
And he knows the numbers of hairs on your head
Like grains of sand on the ground
And He is always there
Like gravity He is there
Do you know God
Then how come I don't feel it
Do you know God
You know I want to see it
Do you know God
I know I really need it
Do you know God
He is always there
When you feel down
And he knows the numbers of hairs on your head
Like grains of sand on the ground
And He is always there
Like gravity He is there
He is there

You are the talk of the town
You get around now
You're victim of your own complexity
Spinning around and around in your empty circles
It's really such a senseless tragedy
Simplicity – what's it gonna take for you
To finally be free yeah
It's plain to see
That you would rather
Bang your head against the wall
Instead of just layin' it down
So what gives
Cause I can't shake this feeling
Continually you give the third degree
I know your pain, we're the same
And my heart's been broken
I will give you what's been given unto me
Simplicity – what's it gonna take for you
To finally be free yeah
It's plain to see
That you would rather
Bang your head against the wall
Instead of just layin' it down
It's never easy (on the narrow road)
But you have to let go
Simplicity (simplicity)
Now you're swimming in the truth and you are free indeed yeah
It's plain to see (it's plain to see)
That everything is looking up all from
Just layin' it
Simplicity (simplicity)
Now you're swimming in the truth and you are free indeed yeah
It's plain to see (it's plain to see)
That everything is looking up all from
Just layin' it down

I want to be with You
No matter what we go through
For you are who I am
Though the walls they are so high
Together we will climb
For you are who I am
You cherished me
You molded me
To be who I am
And as I stand
You are who I am
If, if there must be pain
I know it's for your gain
For You are who I am
Your promises never change
And You're my everything
Yes You are who I am
You cherished me
You molded me
To be who I am
As I breathe I ask you tonight
Take my hand and take my life
No matter what time many bring
You and I we become me
And as I breathe I ask you tonight
Take my hand and take my life
No matter what time may bring
You and I become me
You cherished me
You molded me
To be who I am
And as I stand

Sing to me a love song
That I may known you're near
Let me hear your sweet voice
Ringing in my ear
Love me and hold me forever
And rain down grace and mercy
And let me praise your name
Lead me to your river
The one that flows eternally
Kiss me with your whisper
As you breathe new life into me
Love me and hold me forever
And rain down grace and mercy
And let me praise your name
I lift my hands to you
And I know that you feel me
In presence I stand alone
But I know that you're here with me
I give my heart my soul my life to you
I give myself surrender all, all to you
Love me and hold me forever
And rain down grace and mercy
And let me praise Your name

Another day, I rise
I rise again
Captured by the mystery of the wind
I cannot see it
But I feel it through my hair
Funny how I'm moved
Bu what seems to not be here
And so I fight
For what I believe
And so I shout
I have seen the unseen
And it amazes me
To picture eternity
Thoughts of you consume and sweep me away
Revealing the freedom that will not
Fade, fade, fade
Soldiers are falling
They're falling to my right
But I run, I run anyway
A thousand thoughts, they enter into my brain
But only one, yeah only one remains
And so I fight
For what I believe
And so I shout
I have seen the unseen
And it amazes me
To picture eternity
Thoughts of you consume and sweep me away
Revealing the freedom that will not
Fade, fade, fade
And it amazes me
To picture eternity
Thoughts of you consume and sweep me away
Revealing the freedom that will not
Fade, fade, fade

I like the way you make me feel
How your sunset paints the field
The warmth it brings to me
That's how I know you're near
Your love is like the summer rain
Your shadow overrides the pain
When I need you most
You're here in every way
You're all that I need
You're all that I lack
You make forever easy to see
From the air that I breathe to the one I give back
You are the center of my everything
You are the constant in my life surrounding me
You are the light that shines when I am
Lost at sea
And when I'm feeling weak you are my strength
You're all that I need
You're all that I lack
You make forever easy to see
From the air that I breathe to the one I give back
You are the center of my everything
You're all that I need
You're all that I lack
You make forever easy to see
From the air that I breathe to the one I give back
You are the center of my everything
Yes You are the center of my everything

The night is calling, vicious creatures all around
Moonlight shadows moving fast, beware don't make a sound
I am falling, into a void and I don't know
What awaits me beyond the point where no one dares to go
What do I see when I gaze into the fire
This burning pain, please make it go away
Do you hear me
In my dreams I am possessed
Can you tell me
If God is merciless?
Hear the thunder, burn like fire in the rain
The witching hour, calling me screaming out my name
Nothing to lose, I am drowning in the river
All my fears are staring back at me
Do you hear me
In my dreams I am possessed
Can you tell me
If God is merciless?
Do you hear me
In my dreams I am possessed
Can you tell me

I move across the earth
Dark shadows call my name
I am the chosen one, I am insane
I am your darkest fear
Your sinner and your saint
Through all eternity I set my sail
You cannot sleep at night
Still haunted, feel the fright
Your final revelation
Cold sweat, burning fear
You know the end is near
The ruler of the wastelands
Wielding the axe
Behold the bloodstains on the floor
Wielding the axe
I am the soul collector
Inside a raging storm
My spirit was reborn
Thy sins, the spark to feed my flames
You feel the cold winds blow
I'm breathing down your neck
Countdown, I'm ready to attack
Reflections from the blade
Your screams begin to fade
I will bring you salvation
Red hot, burning steel
The powers that I feel
The cure for my damnation
Wielding the axe
Behold the bloodstains on the floor
Wielding the axe

In a world of eternal darkness
At a place of long lost innocence
They obey someone else's master
They're just puppets on a broken string
In a time of undying fury
This creation is bound to fail
Down in hell, there's no gold, no glory
Hear the children as they start to pray
And hear the voices of anger
Screaming - Please unlock these chains!
We beg you, have mercy
We will cede you - The key to the undying world
Sombre days, yet a cryptic kingdom
Nothing lives, nothing breathes no more
All their lives they have reached for heaven
In silent prayers, they have lost their fear
They will arise from severe oppression
Out of the ashes they will rise once more
And then the light will prevail the darkness
Raise the flag and let us close this door!
Here the voices of anger screaming
Please unlock these chains
We beg you, have mercy
We will cede you
The key to the undying world
And hear the voices of anger
Screaming - Please unlock these chains!
We beg you, have mercy
We will cede you - The key to the undying world
And hear the voices of anger
Screaming - Please unlock these chains!
We beg you, have mercy
We will cede you - The key to the undying world
Voices of anger
Screaming - Please unlock these chains!
We beg you, have mercy

How can I take on this mission?
That I've been told to do
My hands are tied, I am crucified
I'm a stranger in a strange land
So now I'm feeling the pressure
It's boiling up inside
Where hatred only grows stronger
Comes a man, a beast, a killing machine
And visions that are haunting me
Through my blind eyes I still can see
The mission has to be done
Silent cries, the spirit dies
By the hands of the innocent
Before blue skies will fade to black
On a darkened horizon
The clouds are closing in
When skies are fading to black again
Hold your breath, I'm ready to attack
So now I'm caught in the action
There's nothing left to do
I fear the end coming nearer
Pull the trigger, now the curtain's closed
And all is coming back to me
Through open eyes I cannot see
The mission had to be done
Silent cries, the spirit dies
By the hands of the innocent
Before blue skies will fade to black
Silent cries, the spirit dies
Wash my hands of the innocent

Aha Yeah
Hey Baby, komm steig in meinen Wagen und ich zeige dir, wie schön die Welt sein kann mit nur mir als dein Mann, ich will mit dir explodieren.
Hey Baby, komm steig in meinen Wagen und ich zeige dir, wie schön die Welt sein kann mit nur mir als dein Mann, ich will mit dir explodieren.
Wie oft stand ich vor deiner Tür, hab geklingelt, gewartet doch nichts passiert. Wie oft haben wir telefoniert, uns gestritten und am Ende uns doch geliebt, he? Nun bin ich ein bisschen verwirrt, wenn du sagst es ist aus, meinst du dann mit mir. Mit mir. Denn was hat dich fast 20 Jahre lang, als du in meinen Armen lagst, an mir fasziniert, he? Es reicht wenn du mit mir fährst, ein süßes Lächeln in meiner Brille reflekierst, wie geht es dir? Es bleibt nur eine Frage, die ich dich hiermit frage, warum willst du mit mir explodieren?
Hey Baby, komm steig in meinen Wagen und ich zeige dir, wie schön die Welt sein kann mit nur mir als dein Mann, ich will mit dir explodieren.
Hey Baby, komm steig in meinen Wagen und ich zeige dir, wie schön die Welt sein kann mit nur mir als dein Mann, ich will mit dir explodieren.
Denn da steht nur zwei, unsre Liebe. Unersetzlich. Reich mir deine Hand, das hier ist unzerbrechlich, doch ich lasse nicht zu, das es zu Ende geht. Denk noch einmal nach, wir finden einen anderen Weg. Ich hab's noch nie erlebt, doch wenn du sie findest, dann weißt du's. Wenn du wahre Liebe gefunden hast, dann weißt du's. Um zu sagen wie sehr mir das alles Leid tut, bräucht ich eine zweite Lebenszeit, um zu begreifen. Und jetzt sieh mich an, ohne dich, aufgeschmissen. Mein Herz liegt blank, ich will an dich glauben müssen. ich will deine Tränen, von deinen Wangen küssen, ich schieb den Sitz zurück...
Hey Baby, komm steig in meinen Wagen und ich zeige dir, wie schön die Welt sein kann mit nur mir als dein Mann, ich will mit dir explodieren.

You, you said there is no sun today
You, you said there is no rain as well
You, you said that I keep dancing around old memories
And you, you said I am living in a dream
All I need is a solution
What I want is Revolution
All I need is a solution
What I want is Revolution
All I need is a solution
What I want is Revolution
All I need is a solution
What I want is Revolution
You, you said why sing another love song
You, you said music is dead
You, you said you know you can't deny it
But you, you know the resolution is close by
All I need is a solution
What I want is Revolution
All I need is a solution
What I want is Revolution
All I need is a solution
What I want is Revolution
All I need is a solution
What I want is Revolution
Ba daba bada bab ba ba
Ba daba bada ba ba
Ba daba bada bab ba ba
Ba daba bada ba ba ba (4x)
I am living in a dream
All I need is a solution
What I want is Revolution
All I need is a solution
What I want is Revolution
All I need is a solution
What I want is Revolution
All I need is a solution
What I want is Revolution (2x)
Ba daba bada bab ba ba
Ba daba bada ba ba (I am living in a dream)
Ba daba bada bab ba ba

Had to ask if she was from around here
Answered no said I'm a mysterious traveller
From the Jet set I asked, no but international
Long distance sleep walker, casual small talker
Final destination? Well I'm not quite sure
Not yet past my prime and you still look so pure
Want to be here and everywhere tell me
Where will I be when I'm there?
Na nana na na nana
She's a Mecho Maniac, puppet on a superstring
Na nana na na nana
Dancing venus fly trap, love stealing queen machine
Na nana na na nana
She's a Mecho Maniac, puppet on a superstring
Na nana na na nana
Dancing venus fly trap, love stealing queen machine
Two days pass she's nowhere to be found
Young kid rider now you've hit the ground
Comes into my mind that I was left behind by a
Well travelled time tourist, equinox fashionist
Will we meet again cause more than's met the eye has
Slipped right out my door but there must be some more
Want to be here and everywhere tell me
Where will I be when I'm there?
Na nana na na nana
She's a Mecho Maniac, puppet on a superstring
Na nana na na nana
Dancing venus fly trap, love stealing queen machine
Na nana na na nana
She's a Mecho Maniac, puppet on a superstring
Na nana na na nana
Dancing venus fly trap, love stealing queen machine
Type her name in are you feeling lucky now
Type her name in are you feeling lucky now
Type her name in are you feeling lucky now
Na nana na na nana
She's a Mecho Maniac, puppet on a superstring
Na nana na na nana
Dancing venus fly trap, love stealing queen machine
Na nana na na nana
She's a Mecho Maniac, puppet on a superstring
Na nana na na nana

From System Sunlinxx missed my flight, stuck in time,
no liberty
The terminal looks like a row of wired skin, dead
But no need to stay and hide, much better it would be
to see
Cubic patterns, dancing squares, rolling hills and
solar flares
No escape, all isotrope when wind waves hit the maze
Think of deepfreeze only option, come alive in better
Catch a capsule up a level, sleep better close to the
This is when the colors hit me
RGB say it out loud
Civic Transit
Civic Transit
Watch us walk high in the air, back to the place we
came from
No exit doors to tilt, we take down the horizon
Tangled in with lights passed due, we travel along a
new plane
Passing actions at a distance, jaunting through we fold
the earth
All direction are the same, this visit's much too fast
Every angle into one, some secrets have an aftertaste
Civic Transit on my screen, a passenger void of control
This is when the colors hit me
RGB say it out loud
Civic Transit
Civic Transit
Civic Transit
Civic Transit
Da da da dah da da
da dah da da
Da da da dah da da
da dah da da da dah
Da da da dah da da
da dah da da
Da da da dah da da
da dah da da da
Civic Transit
Civic Transit
Civic Transit
Civic Transit
Civic Transit
Civic Transit
Civic Transit
Da da da dah da da
da dah da da
Da da da dah da da
da dah da da da dah
Da da da dah da da
da dah da da
Da da da dah da da

You must feel the drive
You must feel the drive
You must feel the drive
You must feel the drive
Get into the stride
You must feel the drive
Make your rhythm, step aside
You must feel the drive
Get your body into the stride
You must feel the drive
Make your rhythm, step aside
You must feel the drive
Get into the stride
It'll hit the party motion
(It's the music you've been waiting)
It'll start the conversation
(Hand your arms and make some tie, yeah)
Can't you feel this common stride?
You waited for it all about
Make you wave, don't step aside
You must feel the drive
You must feel the drive
Make your rhythm, step aside
You must feel the drive
Get your body into the stride
You must feel the drive
Make your rhythm, step aside
You must feel the drive
Get into the stride
It'll hit the party motion
(It's the music you've been waiting)
And it'll start the conversation
(Hand your arms and legs up flying)
Can't you feel this common stride?
You waited for it all about
Make you wave, don't step aside
You must feel the drive
You must feel the drive (the drive...)
You must feel the drive (the drive...)
You must feel the drive (the drive...)
You must feel the drive

After midnight we begin
and count the numbers on the clock
Find the lights that form the arc
It always starts right where it stops
After midnight we begin
and count the numbers on the clock
Find the lights that form the arc
It always starts right where it stops
Setting out hear echoes talk
Seed a picture in the the dark
Line the night up with the sun
Everything is back in one
Fly and fall get up and crawl
To get a view of all that counts
Waiting still to step in motion
Clues align to ease the doubts
Setting out hear echoes talk
Seed a picture in the the dark
Line the night up with the sun
Everything is back in one
You Will Never Be A Stranger
You Will Never Be A Stranger
You Will Never Be A Stranger
You Will Never Be A Stranger
You Will Never Be A Stranger
You Will Never Be A Stranger
You Will Never Be A Stranger

This is where we play
Forest, forest
This is where we play
Forest, forest
Between the plants I have a little shelter
This is where I play, just left of what you see
Behind my house there is a great wall
Thoughts of freedom piled up
When I look behind all ground will disappear
endlessly lost where light turns off its glow
Left is high, what's right will be low
Still I want to see how we've met at all
Paint it black and white, write a poem on the stone
To brake it all down before you come around
Power to the soul and no one'll ever know
Where we hide at night
When I look behind all ground will disappear
endlessly lost where light turns off its glow
Left is high, what's right will be low
Still I want to see how we've met at all
Deep in the forest
This is where we play
Deep in the forest
Forest, forest
Deep in the forest
This is where we play
Deep in the forest
Forest, forest
Deep in the forest
This is where we play
Deep in the forest
Forest, forest
Deep in the forest
This is where we play
Deep in the forest

Let me praise with million roses
God's messenger, who composes words
That you speak
Let me worship every flower
of your garden, let desire burn us
In the heat
In your sad, sad eyes
I will hide the time
In your sad, sad eyes
I'll be waiting
(Ref x2)
Sun's ashamed, you're shining brighter
Let me be the softest carpet for...
..For your feet
We have signed so much in silence
In our whispering alliance, let me
Let me speak
In your sad, sad, sad eyes
I will hide the time
In your sad, sad eyes
I'll be waiting
(sax, guitar solo)
In your sad, sad, sad eyes
I will hide the time
In your sad, sad eyes
I'll be waiting, waiting
In your sad, sad, sad eyes
I will hide the time
In your sad, sad eyes

Let's go! Gonna do it like this, gonna' do it like this.
Now I don't know, but I've been told, that this party is gettin' cold, that's
why I got a new dance just for you. It's called The Hop, so what you gonna
do? Just jump up and down till you hit the ceiling, do that dance, don't
fight the feelin'. Lemme' form a line and let me get behind that big fat girl
with the big behind and hop like a bunny rabbit, lemme get it girl, 'cause I
gots ta' have it. Party people come an' hop along, so go ahead girl, let's
sing your song.
That's the way we do that booty hop, now we got the party, hoppy won't you
come and hop along.
Do, Do, Do, Do, Do, Do. Do, Do, Do, Do, Do Do, Do Do. 4 times
Hop along like Cassidy, everybody always askin' me, "What's with the Hop and
how you do it?" All you gotta' do is get your hips into it. Jump around
till' you get excited. That's the way, uh huh, I like it. Everybody come on
and sing along, just go ahead girl let's sing that song!
Break it on down!
Everybody do da' booty hop, jump up and down and don't stop, do that booty hop
until you drop. Here we go....
Here we go wit a little sumpin' sumpin', that got he party people jumpin'
jumpin'. It's not the Dip or the Macerena, it's called the Hop and it's just
for winners. So let's begin, just move your body, do dat' hop and let's start
the party. So everybody, once the game is on, go ahead girl, let's sing your
Everybody do da' booty hop, jump up and down and don't stop, do that booty hop
until you drop. Here we go....
Just breathe! Bye, Bye choo-choo train, hey yo' girl what's up with that
That's the way we do that booty hop! (Miami!)
That's the way we do that booty hop! (Atlanta!)
That's the way we do that booty hop! (California!)
That's the way we do that booty hop! (New York City!)
That's the way we do that booty hop! (South Carolina!)
That's the way we do that booty hop! (North Carolina!)
That's the way we do that booty hop! (Alabama!)
That's the way we do that booty hop! (All the black girls!)
That's the way we do that booty... (All the white girls!)

Are you drag? what you doing? like you never do something real
For your crack, for your wack, what your doing all the time
Your a big fat mother fucker, and always gonna add to nothing
Maybe you should gather up, then you wont feel this way
Nothing else matters (what you say now)
Nothing else matters (go away now)
Nothing else matters (what you say now)
You gotta fight for your right
Take a good look at what you believe in
I know it aint easy but sometimes you gotta fight for your.
Fight for your right
Take a good look at what you believe in
I know it aint easy.
So you fight
One more time
I dont think so
I might as well let you hurt me so
Unless you
Deny me
I might find a piece of you inside me
Nothing else matters (what you say now)
Nothing else matters (go away now)
Nothing else matters (what you say now)
You gotta fight for your right
Take a good look at what you believe in
I know it aint easy but sometimes you gotta fight for your.
Fight for your right
Take a good look at what you believe in
I know it aint easy.
But you fight
Are you drag? what you doing? like you never do something real
For your crack, for your wack, what your doing all the time
Your a big fat mother fucker, and always gonna add to nothing
Maybe you should gather up, then you wont feel this way
Nothing else matters (what you say now)
Nothing else matters (go away now)
